Although traditional, flowers are still a popular and romantic gift for Valentine’s Day. I love the mood they evoke…the way they brighten a room…the smell of freshness and life. Whether you’re shopping for your mother, sister, daughter, or friend, Teleflora offers a diverse assortment of gorgeous bouquets. Their flower arrangements are hand-arranged and hand-delivered by local florists.

Valentine’s Day Bouquets
The gifting of flowers for Valentine’s Day dates back to the 17th century when King Charles II discovered the language of flowers. Thus began the symbolism associated with flowers, with red indicating deep love. In honor of the day, Teleflora launched 4 new bouquets, perfect for your Valentine, your BFF, or your family member.

Radiantly Rouge Bouquet: This bouquet features lush red roses, white Asiatic lilies, red carnation sand green accents and is arranged in a bright red mirrored ceramic vase.

Pretty in Quartz Bouquet: This bouquet includes red roses, pink Asiatic lilies, red carnations, pink Limonium and green accents and was inspired by the rose quartz gemstone that symbolizes love. The arrangement is set in a hand-blown art glass vase with soft pink gradient tones.

Playfully Pink Bouquet: This bouquet features pink roses, red alstroemeria, pink carnations, and soft greens accent and is perfect for your BFF! The bouquet is arranged in an artisanal ceramic pink vase decorated with a “loved” heart ornament.

Ooh La Ombre Bouquet: This bouquet features red roses, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations and green accents set in a hand-blown glass cube with a metallic red ombre finish.
As I mentioned, Teleflora bouquets are hand-arranged and hand-delivered by local florists. Teleflora has a network of over 10,000 member florists across the country which offer the personal touch, artistry, and expertise you would expect from your neighborhood florist. You will never receive prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep. Each arrangement is artistically arranged and delivered in a gorgeous vase (which you can use year-round).

Same Day Flower Delivery
Running out of time this Valentine’s Day? Order your floral arrangements online from your desktop, tablet, or phone. Teleflora offers same-day flower delivery available on most flower arrangements. Be sure to place your order before 3:00 PM, Monday – Friday, or by 12:00 PM on Saturday or Sunday (in your recipient’s time zone) and a local florist will deliver the flowers the same day.

Order Flowers Online
Online shopping has made it convenient to buy everything from groceries to evening dresses. Shop for flowers online by type including roses, carnations, daisies, tulips, lilies, and more. You can also shop by occasion, or go deeper and visit the site’s meaning of flowers glossary to say the right thing with your floral arrangement. To complete your arrangement, Teleflora offers assistance writing messages to accompany your arrangement.

Love Out Loud
Teleflora wants to help you make your friends and loved ones feel special with a Valentine’s Day bouquet. Visit to order your arrangement.
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