This giveaway is now closed. Congrats to Roxann!
I don’t look at cancer the same way anymore. Up until recently, I had never personally had experience with the disease that causes physical pain and emotional turmoil. Today, I’m a different person…different than even 2 months ago. When I hear the word cancer these days, I know the pain, suffering, and uncertainty they and their loved ones are enduring and my heart aches. I’ve walked in their shoes and I know the battle they’re up against. And I want so badly for someone to find a cure…for all of it.
October is breast cancer awareness month. A disease primarily of women, it does not discriminate against age, race, or socioeconomic status. It doesn’t consider the fact that this woman is a mother, a daughter, a wife, a grandmother, a friend. Many organizations will be going pink for the cure and I wholeheartedly support their efforts and resources.
If you’ve been to your local Sam’s Club in the past week or 2, you may have spotted some items with pink packaging. General Mills has partnered with Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation for the past 5 years to bring breast cancer support to local communities. This year, they will make their annual donation of $2 million to advance research and support education and community outreach projects.
Through April 12th, 2012, you can visit to vote on how half of General Mills’ donations will be divided between the Treatment and Assistance Program and Prevention Research. Both are equally and vitally important, but my vote this year was for Prevention Research because I think it would be amazing if someone could find a way to prevent breast cancer (or any cancer for that matter).
Win It! I have a $25 Sam’s Club gift card to give away to one reader to purchase some of the products that feature pink packaging in support of breast cancer awareness. Simply leave me a comment with one way you’re giving back to help fight breast cancer. Comments will close on October 14th at 11:59 PM PST.
US Residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
Want an extra entry? Do any or all of the following and receive an extra entry for each one. Be sure to leave me a separate comment for each additional entry.
Follow me on Twitter and tweet the following (or something like it) “ I just entered a #giveaway to win a @samsclub gift card @rockinmama ”
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Click on one of the very cute buttons below and digg, stumble, fav, etc. Just let me know what you did in the comments!
No compensation was received for this post. Gift card for review and giveaway item supplied by General Mills & Sam’s Club via MyBlogSpark.
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We try to give back by donating to our local cancer society.
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I purchase pink ribbon products to support breast cancer research.
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I have a pink ribbon pin
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twitter follower, jfwmass
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I always choose the products to buy that have the pink ribbon
like you on FB Jennifer Bee
I have two friends who are fighting breast cancer and I try to be there for whatever they may need.
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I donate every year remembering my Aunt Lorraine and as well as,change jars at my local stores.
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we always buy the pink products
tcogbill at live dot com
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I give back by hounding my friends into going for their mammograms,so far Ive had 2 good friends Ive made go that had breast cancer,so yes im still nagging friends to go
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I donate for breast cancer awareness walks, activities and buy pink ribbon products
I follow you on twitter @disneyfan40 and tweeted!/disneyfan40/status/119918304528834561
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My children and I will walk in the walk for a cure and I do alot of fundraisers to suppport the cure of breast cancer.
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(Tamara Bennington)
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i purchase quite a few “pink ribbon” products!/cneiding/status/119951155458617345 tweet
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I have purchased pink products in the past and give to several cancer charities, but mostly I give to hospice, because they gave my Grandma so much comfort when breast cancer took her life.
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participate in the relay for life fundraiser
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
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I purchase pink ribbon products and
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I purchase any “pink” items to help the cause
FB fan of RM – Becky L.M.
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I participate in our annual Race for the Cure. Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
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I buy products that give proceeds to fund breast cancer research.
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We support the cause through Kate’s Kids 4 the Cure –
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i am saving yoplait pink lids
nannypanpan at
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I purchase pink ribbons and pins.
We participate in walks to help raise money for research.
Thanks so much.
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I did the walk last year
Our school is selling bracelets to support a teacher that is battling.
I am buying the pink products to support.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I am purchasing pink label products during the promotion.
I donate every year to Komen for the Cure and I always try to buy “pink” products.
I like you on Facebook: Michelle H.
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I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted:!/auntiethesis/status/121495547487076352
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I will look for the pink ribbon products to purchase
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donate $– buy the “pink” products
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clicked the like the post button
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
I remind all of my friends to get their annual mammograms.
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giving back to help fight breast cancer by donating and providing support
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We purchase products that support breast cancer research
I make local donations to give back to breast cancer.
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I try to buy participating pink products and I donate.
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I am buying pink and wearing the ribbon in support of my Mom who is fighting this right now
follow on twitter @kdkdkd and tweeted!/kdkdkd/status/121714715352236032
I walk in the komen race every year
Blogtacular contest! Thanks so much! Janna Johnson [email protected]
Janna@feedyourpig on GFC
We donate whenever something local is going on and we like to attend family events that they have going on. Thank you!
I’m an email subscriber!
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We’re having a community walk for fighting breast cancer & I will be participating in it.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter @JalapenoMama and I tweeted.!/JalapenoMama/status/122140700660875264
Like you on Facebook – Barbara Montag
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I purchase products that support breast cancer awareness and research.
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Twitter follower and tweeted.!/jen_r_horn/status/122278667211644928
We give to breast cancer charities.
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I buy pink ribbon products that give to research.
I like you on Facebook as Nancy H.
I give back in the fight against breast cancer by supporting pink ribbon fundraisers and buying ‘pink’ products
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Shared this giveaway on FB!/kellywcu/posts/279432892081100
I’m participating in a race for the cure.
To support the cause, I buy the specially marked “Pink” products.
I have been buying pink ribbon products
Just did a local race this weekend and give money at the local Safeway store! Thanks for the chance.
I subscribe 🙂
i always make sure to buy products with the breast cancer logo when I see them so money gets donated. every little bit counts right?
email sub ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com
fb fan xferriza2 danielle b
I try to give back by buying pink products and sponsoring friends and families in the annual Race for the Cure in my city. Thanks!
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I buy products that are pink.. that give a portion of proceeds
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I like you on fb.. becca Peters
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I buy pink products
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How I am helping to fight cancer is that I purchase pink ribbons and pink ribbon products whenever possible! [email protected]
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Clicked on the Like button under the post! I was # 18 [email protected]
I do many charity walks to raise money for breast cancer awareness
rockin mama fb fan brittney house
I purchase pink ribbon products.
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I buy Yoplait yogurts
I try to buy ‘pink’ whenever I can! And I wear ‘pink’ products to help spread the word!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
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coriwestphal at msn dot com
I’m dong the Breast Cancer Awareness walk on Saturday.
I follow on twitter and tweeted!/ErrandMom/status/124581302325358594
I am a walker. I do the breast cancer walks in my town and have done them for the last 7 years. I walk to promote awareness and a sense of community.
Twitter follower
I donate to several causes throughout the year to help raise funds for breast cancer.
I donate Annually to several Breast Cancer fund raisers, I purchase products that will donate part of their sales to breast cancer research.
I make sure my wife has regular exams.
buying pink
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We buy products that support the cause.
FB Sherry Conrad
I donate to fund drives and donate yogurt foil tops.
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By attending a local event that lasts two days and we walk to raise money for breast cancer research:)
bcfd88 at aol dot com
I sponsor a participant in the walk-a-thon.
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We donate to breast cancer charities.
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I give back by educating my patients on breast cancer
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I have participated in the walks for breast cancer!/susan1215/status/124907574599499777
Like you on FB Susan Smith
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I purchase PINK products when I can.
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I participate in 5k runs and races for the cure!
Simply leave me a comment with one way you’re giving back to help fight breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Walk
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I dontate to the cancer society when I can.
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My husband and I recently participated in a benefit for breast cancer, and we donate annually.
Twitter follow/Tweet:!/mail4rosey/status/125047371448066048
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I donated to my schools fundraisers for Breast Cancer this past week! Thanks!
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I’ve participated in walks for the cure.
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I like you on fb (Mari Doug)
I give back by buying pink ribbon products when I can.
Google reader subscriber.
Thanks for the giveaway…we participated in the Phoenix Race For The Cure a few weekends ago !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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GFC Follower: Brian E.