This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by. The winners are Rob, Lauralee H., Heather, Jessie C., and Carol G. Congrats!
No sooner did the school year start and both of my children have been sick! It’s cold and flu season and I am anxious to receive my free flu vaccine at the hospital where I work. According to the CDC, 5% to 20% of U.S. residents get the flu, and more than 200,000 people are hospitalized for flu-related complications each year. Those at risk include children, pregnant women and the elderly. As a nurse, I’ve received a flu vaccine every year, including last year when I was pregnant with my daughter.
While it may seem early to get your flu shot, it’s actually the perfect time, as it will protect you through the season. And this year, you’ll only need one vaccine which will protect you from both seasonal influenza and the H1N1 virus. The CDC recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months of age receive a flu vaccine.
I’m excited to share with you a new project I’m working on with The Motherhood. I am going to be gifting 5 families in my community with gift cards to receive flu vaccines. We live in a community filled with families and children and I’d love to surprise them with the gift of health this year. So, over the weekend, I’ll be knocking on their doors, spreading the gift of wellness. You may remember I participated in a random acts of kindness project earlier this summer with The Motherhood and it felt incredible to see children light up with joy at receiving unexpected cards and small gifts. Stay tuned later this week when I share with you how my wellness mission unfolded.
Apart from getting vaccinated, there are several things we do as a family to stay well during this season.
Scrub a Dub Dub: I become militant about handwashing and antibacterial hand gels during this time of year
Get a Boost: Despite the fact that I’m a nurse, I typically opt for natural, herbal, and alternative medicine. As soon as the sniffles and sneezes emerge, I pull out the Sinupret (my son and I both take it). We’ve also started giving our son Dr Sears’ Immune Fruit Chews and GoodBelly Kids Probiotic Drinks
Stress Less: You’ve probably heard that stress can suppress your immune system. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, yoga, or deep breathing, find a way to decompress.
Get Your Beauty Sleep: Consistent, sufficient sleep is vital to a properly functioning immune system. So, how much sleep do you really need? WebMD suggests 7-8 hours.
Get a Breath of Fresh Air: It’s not a coincidence that cold and flu season hits in the fall and winter. The changing of the seasons means that we all spend more time indoors where germs congregate. Try to get outside this season if the weather cooperates.
Get in Shape: According to WebMD, aerobic exercise helps to increase the body’s natural virus-killing cells.
How do you stay well during cold and flu season? Be sure to visit your local Walgreens to get your flu shot this year!
Win It! Five of you will win a Walgreens gift card to get a flu vaccine. Simply leave me a comment with your best tip for staying well this season. Comments will close on October 11, 2010 at 11:59 PM PST. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.Want an extra entry? Do any or all of the following and receive an extra entry for each one.Be sure to leave me a separate comment for each additional entry.
Post your tip to the Walgreens Facebook Page
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Blog about this giveaway. It doesn’t have to be a separate post. Just include a blurb about it when you blog about other giveaways.
Click on one of the very cute buttons below and digg, stumble, fav, etc. Just let me know what you did in the comments!
This is part of a compensated campaign with Walgreens and The Motherhood. Gift cards for giveaway were supplied by Walgreens.
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staying well is hard but cough into elbow/arm
You need to wash your hands frequenly to drown the germs.
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Get plenty of rest and eat healthy.
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My tip is to still get plenty of fresh air even though it’s cold out.
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avoid touching your face with your hands
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I feel that good handwashing is atleast 75% of staying healthier and not spreading germs during the flu season, and covering your face when you cough,sneeze is so important. Plus I keep lysol wipes everywhere & use them alot to wipe down as I go to keep germs lessoned, and as silly as it may look it does not hurt to wear a mouth and nose mask when your sick and still have to go out and about to keep your germs your own from others, thanks
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
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sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
Well, my best tip for staying well is deligiently washing door handles/knobs, toliet handles and sink handles. Yet, this year in an August Woman’s Day magazine I read that a few drops of Eucalyptus oil (hope I spelled that right) put in boiling water until it steams is good too. You inhale this steam for about five minutes a few times a day for a few days if you’re sick with anything upper respiratory in nature. Eucalyptus oil is suppose to be a natural antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal. It is suppose to be really great for people with chronic sinusitis and in 95% of cases I think is suppose to cure the condition if you use the treatments daily for a week or two. Isn’t that how long most people end up being put on antibiotics anyways for sinusitis? Think so.
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
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lfhpueblo at msn dot com
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lfhpueblo at msn dot com
Try to keep away from sick people.
Stay away from the crowd if at all possible; wash hands frequently and drink enough water.
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getting a flu shot and frequent hand washing are the best tips for the season!
Something that has really helped me stay well the last two years, is taking L-Lysine daily. I started out giving this to my daughters because they suffer with cold sores and if they take this daily it helps keep them from getting cold sores. I came across some other information that L-Lysine helps your immune system, so I started taking it morning and night and since I started two years ago, I have not been sick once. I get it at WalMart and it’s only like $2.99 a bottle. Very cheap way to stay well.
Thank you for the giveaway.
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This might be excessive, but when my daughter gets home from preschool, she gets her bath and I change her clothes. This was recommended by her doctor and for the most part, we have been pretty lucky with not bringing home the flu. (although, I hope this does not jinx me!)
gigglesandlollipops at gmail dot com
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My best tip is to wash your hands often and wipe down that shopping cart before you or your kids touch it!
laprochaine at gmail dot com
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My best tip for staying well is to make sure and take C everyday! I use one supplement that mixes in water. Very effective. Thanks!
romapup at gmail dot com
We wash our hands all the time. One interesting note, because people washed their hands so much last year, gastro illnesses took a sharp drop in being reported. Unfortunately, they are on the rise again, because people aren’t washing their hands as much.
We also take extra Vitamin D, it has been proven to help fight the flu.
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I think my best tip would be to get that flu shot! I’m going to try to win it first, but if I don’t, I’ll go to Walgreen’s and buy one.
i would like to see this one [email protected]
Wash your hands!
I always have the wet one wipes to use if we are out and can’t wash our hands! Thanks for the chance.
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I drink oj everyday
Make sure to get your daily vitamins and anti-oxidants.
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Dress warm and watch out for the sneezers.
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Always get a flu shot and wipe down door knobs, sink knobs, etc often with disinfectant wipes.
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I eat right, get plenty of rest, and I have always gotten my flu shot.
My best tip is lots of hand sanitizer and lots of Lysol! I use lysol on everything!
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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
you need to wash your hands alot and cough into your elbow
We wash our hands frequently, get extra vitamin D, and get our flu shots.
[email protected]
Could you delete my last comment please? I entered a second time by mistake. Sorry.
Use hand sanitizer–carry a mini bottle with you.
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I think it helps to stay away from crowds as much as possible and wash your hands frequently.
Make sure to take your multi-vitamin and vitamin C regularly! It really does help!
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I try to stay well by wiping down carts at stores with a santizing wipe,ive noticed im not nearly as ill with colds as I was before doing this
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My best tip is take vitamins to keep your immune system strong
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Stay hydrated and active.
Always wash your hands
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Eat healthy and stay away from people who are sick
Take your vitamins
Get a flu shot
I don’t have any big tips that you didn’t already share. I have people leave their shoes at the door. Shoes can be pretty laden with bacteria. I also wipe down doorknobs and phones.
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
stay dry and warm!
Awesome contest! Thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
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my son got sick as soon as school started too…we will be doing more hand washing as soon as we come in from anywhere outside the house
nannypanpan at
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Washing hands, lots of water, adequate sleep, and health eating.
I wash my hands often and well in order to wash away those germs.
I make sure to use a paper towel in public restrooms to turn on the water and open the door.
smchester at gmail dot com
It cannot be repeated too often–wash your hands frequently!
I take vitamins daily and always wash my hands (when I’m not near water I use antibacterial liquid)
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Carry Germx with you everywhere!!!
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We wash hands frequently; use hand sanitizer; avoid touching our hands to eyes or nose; eat well; try to get plenty of rest; take vitamins; and cough into the inside of our elbow (instead of our hand) to prevent spreading germs.
take your vitamins..and eat lots of healthy fresh fruits and veggies
posted on walgreens facebook tweet
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I am scrupulous about handwashing and using alcohol gels, year round, not just flu season. I use antibacterial wipes on grocery cart handles too because they just reek with germs.
I drink water every single day!!/DesMoinesDealin/status/26708326079
My best tip is lots of handwashing and getting plenty of sleep. Thanks!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
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jackievillano at gmail dot com
My tip for staying well is washing your hands frequently, with warm water and soap.
My tip is getting lots of Vitamin C! We love oranges, OJ, and I carry around chewable C’s at all times! I do notice a difference when cold and flu season hits!
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Lots of handwashing!
my tip is to wash hands often
I take extra vitamin C during the winter months to try to ward off the bugs
I follow @rockinmama on Twitter and I tweeted.
Cool blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
We do several things to stay healthy during the flu season. We take vitamins, wash our hands diligently, eat right, get plenty of rest, and I put a cap of bleach in my dish water to kill germs. 🙂 Thank you.
Practice good hygiene and eating healthy are two of the most important things for staying healthy. I also carry anti-bacterial wipes in my purse.
I follow on Twitter @eswright18 and tweeted!/eswright18/status/26967845171
We wash, wash and wash our hands.
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My best tip is to get enough rest. People tend to stay up too late and get up too early, expecially if they are working people. We all really need to sleep more so our bodies function right and can fight off illness
I follow you on twitter (@GMERRELL) and tweeted at
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My best tip is to eat healthy and get plenty of rest.
My tip for staying well is to get your flu shot & use Lysol for all your cleaning. Thanks for the giveaway!
RSS feed subscriber (Google Reader)
Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands and get a flu shot!!
Try to stay away from sick/infected individuals and if around them (when possible) wear a mask. In fact wear a mask into any and all stores that would help tremendously I would think
Wash your hands, eat well, maintain a good exercise regime, and if you feel bad…rest!
We stay healthy by eating a vegetarian diet at our house. We could still use a flu shot, however!
Thanks for the contest.
I keep the hosue clean and free of germs.
Eat healthy, get plenty of rest, exercise and vitamin c
Wash your hands frequently!
Take vitamins and get my rest!
My best tip for staying well is to drink plenty of water, wash my hands often and carry hand sanitizer in my purse at all times, try to avoid crowds (like going grocery shopping in the “off hours”.) I also try to eat healthier..lots of fruits and veggies, etc.
Consistant handwashing and vitamin C supplements help me stay healthy thru winter
Wash hands – – – – OFTEN! (and keep them away from your face)
I’m subscribed to your RSS feed in my Google Reader.
my best tip is to rest! everyone stays up late and never sleeps enough! xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
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xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
Wash your hands often!
Lots of sleep for sure.
Email subscriber.
Lots of Vitamin C, plenty of rest, exercise, and meditation helps me to stay healthy.
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