This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by. The winner is Wanda F. Congrats!
I am sitting in a hotel room in Atlanta, watching Chopped on The Food Network, trying to process the wealth of information I received during BlogHer Food. It seems kind of appropriate that I should talk about chocolate, given the fact that I’ve eaten more of it in the last two days than I have since my visit to Hershey, PA last winter.

Photo Credit: The Hershey Company
If you like chocolate…and games…you’ll have fun with Hershey’s latest Kisses Family Game Night promotion. Share your sweet moments of family fun for a chance to win prizes like a $10,000 family room makeover and Hasbro classics like Monopoly, Twister, and Sorry. Entering is as simple as filling out the form on the site.
So how do you create sweet moments of fun with your family? Family activities expert/mom Deb Geigis Berry has some fun tips to sweeten your next Family Game Night:
- Schedule a date and time
- Build excitement with lunchbox invitations – Attach Kisses Chocolates to the notes
- Pick a game that’s new to your family
- Present a door prize – Chocolate, of course!
- Create a comfortable atmosphere and eliminate distractions
- Sweeten Family Game Night with Hershey’s Kisses Chocolates – Swap existing game pieces in games like SORRY! with different Hershey’s Kisses Chocolates in silver, gold, orange, purple, striped or polka-dotted foils.
- Settle disputes instantly
Win It! One of you will win a “sweet” family game night giveaway which includes the brand new Hasbro game Ratuki and 3 bags of Hershey’s Kisses. Simply leave me a comment with your best Family Game Night Tip! Comments will close on June 5th, 2011 at 11:59 PM PST.
US Residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
Want an extra entry? Do any or all of the following and receive an extra entry for each one. Be sure to leave me a separate comment for each additional entry.
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No compensation was received for this post. Items for giveaway supplied by Hershey.
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Those are great tips. We also try to have a “special” dinner like pizza.
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We play in partners so the little ones can all participate and have a chance to be on the winning team.
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My tip would be to have several age appropriate games and to let everyone choose the game together. Make it fun and don’t let anyone take it too seriously or be to competitive. Thanks!
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My best tip is to plan a fun menu of favorite foods to go with game night, like pizza, tacos, or chili.
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We rotate who gets to pick what we play each time.
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Mark the family game night on the calendar and have the kids cross out the days until the big night.
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I say keep lots of snacks handy.
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We love playing games as a family. It’s important that everyone gets a turn in picking out the games.
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We always make a special dinner like homeade tacos and overloaded nachos or pizzas which is one we all gather in the kitchen together make our own pizzas then have dad cook them for us on the grill its alot of fun and adds more together time .
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Give the game nights themes and play games that go along with the theme…maybe tacos (or a Spanish dish) and play Uno.
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Family game night works best in my family if we are totally disconnected from the outside world by turning off phones, etc.
I usually prepare game-related snacks, it looks cool!(And goes fast!)
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We choose competitive games for our game-nights…. so we have a lot of fun and strategy!
pick something all can play, of course… and try to have fun!
we have lots of everyone favorite finger foods and try to games that everyone likes.
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pick a game that is easily understandable by all the kids ages in the group so noone is left out
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My tip would be to take turns in rotation who gets to pick the game for the night. And buy or make a cheesy trophy (or could be a special tiara or hat or….) for the winner to keep until the next game night.
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Thank you.
My tip is to try new games. I have a game shelf and I add to it at least once a month.
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Have snacks out. We sit down for a meal most nights that I dish up. Even if it’s fruits and veggies out on the game table, the kids think it’s awesome that they get to eat wherever and whatever they want.
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I grew up playing a variety of games with my family. What I appreciated and hope to pass on to my kids is that it’s all about having fun sharing time together.
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don’T make it stressful…have fun – break into teams and don’t keep score- its about working together and having fun
My best tip is let the kids take turns picking the games, so you play their favorites sometime.
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Have pizza and popcorn and new movies to watch after the games.
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We just started “game night” and we have a rule of 5 games only or my 4 year old would play Zingo all night! Thanks for the chance.
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Best family game night tip–even the playing field–game night would get frustrating for my youngest–so I would try to find games that even things up a bit a great one was disney charades–my husband and I don’t know the names of Disney characters like my kids do–and my 8 year old was finally bwtter at something then his older sisters. We also love cranium–we love games that make you be creative! I’m telling you getting them to perform in front of the family will go a long way towards their self confidence when they need to do it in school.
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if playing as teams don’t keep the same partner all night switch( keep plenty of popcorn handy)
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My tip is to alternate and let a different person pick the games each week.Thanks for the chance.
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Popcorn and new videos!
keep it real non competitive! focus more on having fun than winning tweet
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every saturday night is family night movies and games im going to try the tip for the sorry game
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If we play a game that requires partners or teams, we rotate after every game, that way every one has a chance to win!
We don’t have a family game night. We play games whenever we are in the mood. However, we found that when it came to Bop-It, it was better that each child had their own.
we let the kids pick the game or movies, have the snacks they like and they get to stay up late
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Put on some music, I like the 50s and 60s station. Even if someone is losing they will have some great tunes to keep spirits up. This helped me last night, when I went from close to winning to last place.
Let everyone have a chance at choosing a game. One night, let someone choose a game. The next night, let another person choose one. That way, no one feels left out.
We take turns on picking the game for our family night.
pizza and games
We have a great “fun food” dinner–maybe pizza or hamburgers
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My tip would be if you know that you are going to have game night that night. Make a dinner meal in a Crock Pot. This way you dont have to think of something to make and it stays hot while your playing the game.
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My grandaughter and us have movie night, we make popcorn and she hand makes popcorn holders, we dimm the lights and pretend we are at the theatre, Its not really much but she sure loves it. Thanks for the giveaway
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My tip is to play after dinner and the winner doesn’t have to help with dishes:)
smchester at gmail dot com
My game night tip is to make sure you have snacks…
We do a special game night where we spread a blanket on the floor to play board games in front of the TV. We play games while watching a family movie and eat popcorn and usually some kind of baked goodie like brownies or cookies. I did this with my two daughters and now we do this with our grandkids and they love it. They all get to take turns picking out what game to play and what movie to watch. It makes a very special bonding time for us.
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Rotate each time who gets to pick the game. That way nobody ever gets left out.
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I don’t agree on the switching partners- my tip is to keep the partners week after week-
it keeps the feud going 🙂
Sometimes, we’ll use M&Ms, peanuts or popcorn as prizes for everyone at the end of a game.
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Make sure it stays fun–don’t let anyone get so competitive that they lose sight of the fact that they are GAMES!
make it a weekly thing, something to look forward to
I like to let my kids plan the game night. One chooses the games, and one chooses the snacks! They get much more excited that way!
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On our family game nights, we like to prepare dinner together too.
game tip- dress up-like pj night or dress night or 80’s night
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have it everyday on the same day of the week
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We invite the neighbors over and make pizza together before the games begin!
Our fave game night is when before coming home on Friday I take everyone’s orders for food. Then when I get home we put them in the oven (usually Rich’s things) and after I change and clean up we play!
One night we stayed up til almost 6AM playing Monopoly! It was ridiculous!
If you have kids that are different ages make sure the game fits in everyone ability, so that everyone can have fun.
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My best tip is to choose a game that EVERYONE will enjoy, and rotate your favorite games to keep kids interested. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
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Best tip: Be enthusiastic about game night and it’s just contagious. The kids will love it too.
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My family game night tip is to allow different family members to pick the menu and game for the evening each time.
family night game tip-our favorite sandwiches and sides -clean up then play our favorite board game -we take turns choosing which game to play
What makes game night even more fun is when I allow our children each to invite 1 of their friends over to join in!
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When my grandkids come I have a pizza party. We play games eat and later watch a Disney movie before going to bed.
Homemade sundaes and Boggle!
Have lots of good snacks on hand is my tip
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We love theme nights! Dinner, games and snacks have some common thread although sometimes it’s a stretch!
We also have a fun dinner like pizza!/susan1215/status/77534270767366145
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I choose my team wisely…no poor losers!
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I try to plan games that everyone can play and no one feels left out.
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We like to “share the love” and invite friends over too!
My best Family Game Night Tip is to rotate who chooses a game
Set aside some time for it every week.
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My tip is to have great snacks and all phones must be off.
My best tip is to have no interruptions. Let the machine get phone calls, turn off your cell and PDA, and make sure all homework is done beforehand
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Sunday afternoon is our family day. Nothing will stop us from enjoying time together. If we have guests,they will just have to participate…
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We make a simple dinner that requires little cleanup like chili that way it can sit in the slow cooker while we play.
To make it more fun, offer a fun prize for the winner, like some candy or another yummy treat!
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Let everyone suggest games to play or snacks to have.