My son was six when he first started collecting Pokémon cards. He was initially drawn to the story, then proceeded to playing and completing Pokémon X, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Ultra Moon, Pokémon Gold, and Let’s Go Pikachu. Still on his list? Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. Release in November 2019, these were two of the fastest-selling Nintendo Switch games of all time. As an avid Pokémon fan, my son was excited to learn that Nintendo is now offering a Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Double Pack Bundle, which includes two codes that will reward gamers with a special item known as a Dynamax Crystal.

Pokémon are creatures of varied shapes and sizes who live in the wild or alongside humans. Pokémon generally don’t speak (although they may vocalize their names and are raised and commanded by their owners, called Trainers. During their adventures, Pokémon grow and become more experienced and can evolve into stronger Pokémon. At present, there are more than 700 creatures that inhabit the Pokémon universe. The brand has expanded tremendously to include a trading card game, video games, films and TV series, and more.

Pokémon Sword, Pokémon Shield
In Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, players set out on a journey through the Galar region, where they catch, battle and trade a variety of Pokémon. Throughout the game, they meet varied characters and unravel the mystery behind the two Legendary Pokémon Zacian and Zamazenta. Players also explore the Wild Area, a vast expanse of land where players control the camera and participate in Max Raid Battles to face off against enormous, strong Pokémon known as Dynamax Pokémon.
To play the game, choose a partner Pokémon (Grookey, Scorbunny, or Sobble), then encounter new and familiar Pokémon as you catch, battle, and trade. Players can control the camera and explore the vast areas around them in the Wild Area. Team up with other players locally or online in the new multiplayer co-op Max Raid Battles. Trainers who possess the special item Dynamax Band can Dynamax their own Pokémon.

Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Double Pack
When you purchase the Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Double Pack, you will receive two codes (one per game) which will reward you with the Dynamax Crystal. Use these crystals to face Dynamax Larvitar and Dynamax Jangmo-o in special Max Raid Battles. These Pokémon normally can’t be encountered until later in the game.

Gamer Guide to Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield
- Catch, battle, and trade Pokémon on a new adventure in the Galar region
- Choose from three new partner Pokémon and encounter never-before-seen Pokémon
- Unravel the mystery behind the Legendary Pokémon Zacian and Zamazenta!
- Control the camera in the vast Wild Area
- Team up with other Trainers to participate in Max Raid Battles!
- Battle wild Dynamax Pokémon in Max Raid Battlesand try catching them!

Tween Review of Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield
Explore the Galar region with Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield! Traverse a European themed landscape and discover new locations and Pokémon to catch. Take part in the tournament-like gym challenges and work to challenge the undefeated champion Leon.
You get a choice of 3 partner Pokémon. Grookey, Sobble, and Scorbunny. These Pokémon are very helpful and will help you out during your entire journey.
One of the most difficult parts of learning to play this game is all of the new things that have been implemented like making curry in Pokémon camps. Something people need to know about Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield is that there are differences in the games. In Pokémon Sword, you will encounter different Pokémon including stonejurner, darumaka, darmanitan, jangmo-o, Farfetch’d, and many others. Shield players get access to larvitar, goomy, ponyta, eiscue, and others. Another difference is the gyms. In Pokémon Sword, the 4th gym will be fighting type and the gym leader will be Bea. In Pokémon Shield, the 4th gym will be ghost type and the leader will be allister. In Sword, the 6th gym leader will be the rock type trainer Gordie. And in Shield, the 6th gym leader will be Melony the ice type trainer. One of the final differences is the legendary Pokémon you will encounter. In Sword, you can catch Zacian. In Shied, you catch Zamazenta.
My favorite part of playing the new games are the max raid battles. You can team up with friends and take down huge bosses. Something I would like changed to the game is the addition of more Pokémon in updates after the DLC. Something like adding 5 new Pokémon every month would make the game very enjoyable because I would be able to catch more Pokémon. Overall though, I think that Pokémon did a great job with this game and can’t wait to see what will be next. (Sinnoh remakes please)

You can purchase Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield online here:
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