In one month, my son will turn one. It is a concept I can barely grasp. Some of those early days are a blur with the sleepless nights and new mommy fog that enveloped me. There were moments when I felt time stood still. The six months I stayed home with my son were the best six months of my life…haze and all!
Before I got pregnant, my family, friends, and co-workers praised my future parenting skills. They assumed that a good neonatal nurse paralleled a competent, loving mommy. Compassion and patience are two of the qualities that emerge from working in an intensive care unit. I had the advantage of proficiency in diaper changing, bathing, swaddling and other new baby skills. But once the first 30 days of my son’s life were over, I was on the same page as every other new mom. There is no class that teaches a mom the ins and outs of day-to-day life like getting a shower and a meal in while trying to nurse, comfort, and care for a new baby. One of the things I struggled with the most was going out by myself with my son. I was petrified. I didn’t take my son anywhere without my husband for months. I was afraid he’d get fussy, I’d have to nurse in public, I’d have to change his diaper in a public bathroom…I was a rookie. And I needed help!
I first heard about The Rookie Mom’s Handbook through The Parent Bloggers Network. Authors Heather Gibbs Flett and Whitney Moss finally addressed an issue that most new moms face…the struggle to regain one’s sense of self through the joys and struggles of motherhood. Becoming a mom doesn’t change the fact that you once had a career, a social network, and a life! The task at hand is to incorporate a new baby into the mix while still enjoying the things you used to love and discovering some new ones along the way. The Rookie Mom’s Handbook gives new and experienced moms 250 activities to do with and without your baby. How I wish I had this book when my son was born. It would have given me the courage and motivation to step out of my comfort zone and take my baby out sooner. Activities are sorted by month according to the developmental stage your baby is in but most can be attempted at various stages. I appreciate how the authors start with simple, attainable activities, taking into account a new mother’s physical and emotional state. This book is sure to boost even the most timid mom’s confidence.
Here are some of the activities I’ve done with my little boy (some I did before I had read the book). I am particularly fond of the activities geared towards the aspiring photographer.
Month #1 Freed my hands by trying out the Baby Bjorn, Moby Wrap and eventually settling on the Ergo.
Month #2 Utilized my infant massage skills to try to relax and soothe my colicky baby to sleep
Month #3 Treated myself to a pedicure…and a manicure too!
Month #4 Slept late (and in month 5 and 6 and…)
Month #5 Tagged along with my BF and her 3 little girls and discovered 2 things: I had it much easier than she does and she manages to make it look effortless
Month #6 Used the internet for errands, and email, and blogging, and…
Month #7 Blended my own baby food…and then went to the store and bought some of theirs as backup
Month #8 Signed (and still do) with my son with the help of Rachel
Month #9 Acted like a tourist in LA (I actually love doing this and have done it for as long as I can remember) taking my baby to new and familiar sites
Month #10 Admittedly used the TV as a tool…one of which is signing…(see month #8)
Month #11 Let my son use the phone…luckily he only called grandma
Next month I plan on making a photo book of my son’s first year.
From crafty to sexy, you’ll find an activity that suits your personality and mood (and that of your baby too). If you document the activities you share with your baby (highly recommended since pregnancy brain doesn’t necessarily disappear in the delivery room), you’ll have a beautiful memoir of the first year.
The Rookie Mom’s Handbook is available for purchase on Amazon. Don’t forget to check out the Rookie Mom’s website for more fun activities. They also blog here!
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Aww, thanks for the great review! It’s amazing to read responses from women who totally get what we’re saying! Stay in touch in case we write a sequel 🙂
I just read this book and it’s fantastic! I think I’m going to buy a copy for my pregnant sister-in-law…