I have a table that sits in my dining room, and every time I look at it, I want to toss it…or donate it…or give it a new home. While perfectly usable, the surface is scratched and distressed from years of projects and play. Some people pay for that look, so my friend says. So there it sits, waiting for me to breathe new life into it with a few hours and a can of stain.
If you like to DIY, you’ll love how easy it is to transform nearly anything in your home into something new with Rust-Oleum paint and stain. This month, I received a mystery box, courtesy of Rust-Oleum, to participate in a DIY Challenge. My mission? To take a plastic Dinosaur Playset and 4 Mason Jars and transform them into something amazing. After some thought, I decided to glue the plastic dinosaurs onto the lids of the Mason Jars, stain them with Rust-Oleum Spray Paint for an easy DIY Dinosaur Terrarium.
Here’s what you’ll need for this project:
- Mason Jars in any size (I used Ball’s Wide Mouth Canning Jars)
- Plastic dinosaurs (I used the Creatures of the World Dinosaur Playset)
- Glue (I used Elmer’s Probond Advanced Glue)
- Rust-Oleum Spray Paint in the color(s) of your choice (I used gold, pink, and blue***)
- Rocks (I used Pearl Stone Soil Cover)
- Dirt (I used Miracle-Gro Potting Mix)
- Real or play plants. (I used both including a small succulent)
- Duck tape
- Glue plastic dinosaurs to the lids of each canning jar. If you have difficulty getting them to adhere, sand the feet of each dinosaur and the lid where they will be glued. Allow to dry for 24 hours before handling.
- Glue the ring to the lid. This will simplify the process of painting and ensure even coverage. Allow to dry for 24 hours before handling.
- Spray the lids of each jar and allow to dry completely. You can apply additional coats, if desired. Be sure to wait until the first coat is dry before applying additional coats.
- Fill bottom of each jar with rocks.
- Moisten dirt before placing on top of rocks. This will prevent it from seeping through the rocks.
- Add plants, dinosaurs and anything else you desire to bring your Dinosaur Terrarium to life.
- If your terrarium contains live plants, leave open and expose to sunlight.
- Remember to cover your surfaces completely before spray painting. The paint travels further than you might anticipate.
- Spray paint in a well ventilated area. I prefer to do this outdoors.
- To create a “sky” use duck tape to section off an area on your jar. Remember to cover all surfaces that you don’t want painted completely. Spray then allow to dry before removing tape.
- An alternative to using these jars for a terrarium is to store toys, crayons, candy or anything else you desire.
Do you have an item in your home that needs new life breathed into it? Check out Rust-Oleum’s entire selection of paints and stains online or at your local Walmart store. And for DIY inspiration, visit RustOleum.com/Inspiration.
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