“Are you off on Friday honey?” I coyly ask hubbie. “Yes, why?”hubbie asks cautiously and guarded. “Well, it’s Black Friday!” I sing song in a bright cheery voice. “What?” Hubbie stares blankly at me, clearly confused. “BLACK FRIDAY!” I sing song, louder and emphatically this time. “What is Black Friday?” hubby is thoroughly confused. “Only the biggest shopping day of the year!” I exclaim as if I’d just won a new car.
And that’s how it started.
Wednesday after Josh fell asleep we drove over to Best Buy to look at the GPS units they were going to have on sale the day after Thanksgiving. We walked to the front of the store and saw some people setting up a tent. A tent? At Best Buy? Yes, that’s right. Some people were setting up a tent the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Apparently Best Buy was going to have some AMAZING deals on electronics. Lining up wasn’t enough, though. You also had to be on “the” list to avert mass chaos. Only those who were on “the” list would be let in. We were offered a spot on “the” list. Number 5 if we wanted. We politely declined after being given the “tsk tsk” glares from the campers as we were shown the secret Black Friday ad printed off from “the” Black Friday website. We left, determined not to let the craziness of said day overshadow Thanksgiving.
And then it happened. We got home and proceeded with our normal activities. I fed Josh and put him to bed. Hubby cleaned up the kitchen. We sat down to watch TV and both of us got on our computers. Usually it’s to check email. That night…it was to scope out the not so top secret (leaked by consumer employees) Black Friday ads. We both had our lists. And as the night crept into early morning we sifted through the numerous deals being offered on said day and devised a plan. I’ve never seen hubby pursue a shopping adventure with such passion.
Thanksgiving was perfect. My organic pumpkin-apple pies with fresh whipped cream were a hit! Grandma and Grandpa played and took care of Josh all day. Why? Mommy and Daddy were mapping out their plan for Black Friday, in between dinner and dessert. The Thursday newspaper sitting on my parents’ coffee table didn’t help. The temptation was too strong.
Somehow the craziness evolved into one very long day of tag team shopping. We got home and slept to prepare ourselves mentally and physically for the long day ahead.
Hubby began the day with midnight madness! The outlets opened at midnight and hubby was there to hear the clock strike and grab some amazing deals. I planned to stay up but new mommy fatigue and tryptophan lulled me to sleep. I woke to the beep beep of my alarm and hit the snooze button like I always do, forgetting in my slumber about said day. Somehow it clicked that I almost slept through Black Friday. I got up quietly to avoid waking Josh and slipped my shoes on. Part of my plan (thankfully) was to be dressed and ready to go before I went to bed. I grabbed my purse and ran out hoping I hadn’t missed out on the biggest shopping day of the year.
First stop, Toys R Us. Not just 1, but 3! I was determined to get the items I had so artistically highlighted on the secret ad. There they were…the last two… I was too late. I managed to get one. “Excuse me miss, are you going to buy that?” I asked in my super sweet voice. “Well, I hadn’t planned on it but it looks like a great deal. Do you know what it is?” I restrained my desire to downplay the cool factor on desired toy and patiently explained what said item was. Miss walked away with desired toy in hand as I racked my brain for an alternative gift for my friend’s little boy. I flagged down an employee and asked whether or not the store had any more of said item in the back. I knew the answer before she went to check. But in these circumstances when you’re up at 5 am in Toys R Us without Starbucks to keep you going you’re desperate. With partial success I set out on task number 2. This next task led me to the “R zone.” I’m not familiar with the “R zone.” And since the store had more lines and roped off areas than Disneyland finding the “R zone” proved to be a challenge. But it should not have been. No…of course the line covering half the store was to enter the “R zone.” The only line longer was the one to check out! “Excuse me sir,” I politely obtained the attention of an employee whose sole responsibility was to ensure that nobody entered or left the “R zone” without his say. “Can you tell me whether or not you have any more [desired gadgets]?” I pled. “I’m sorry miss but you’ll have to wait in line” “R zone” police man said. “I would just like to know if my desired product is available before I wait in that very long line” I BEGGED without success. Of course they didn’t have desired product available. I was asleep while the line wrapping around Toys R Us was forming. Partially successful, I waited and chatted with other mothers about their Black Friday adventures while we waited in line.
I had more success as the day proceeded. Frequented stores included Sam’s Club and Macy’s which realize that more than 15 people want to purchase desired products and therefore stocked up well .
As painful as it was, the day was a success. When that adventure was over, I hit the sack like a mother bear going into hibernation for the winter. I had to replenish my energy stores to finish the day with a bang! Surprisingly, hubby was ready to go face mass consumerism once again after our nap.
In the end we learned that some people will trade a warm house and a cooked meal for a cold tent and hard cement in front of a Best Buy only to get up at half past dark to wait in line to compete for (both physically and mentally) and purchase the last HP Pavilion TK-53 Laptop (with no guarantee of said purchase) which will be outdated in a year. Just in time to do it all over again.
Tips for next Black Friday should you choose to embark on such a crazy adventure:
1. Do your homework
research the products you’re interested in and do some price comparison
find out whether companies are offering similar deals online
2. Make a plan
find out the time the stores you want to shop at open and arrange your day accordingly
find out what time deals will end (quite often this will be around 12 or 1 pm)
map out store locations
2. Be ambitious but realistic
be realistic about all you can accomplish in one day taking into account the time needed for travel, food, shopping, and lines
3. Get up early
need I say more?
4. Eat, drink, be merry and wear comfortable shoes
nothing says grumpy like hypoglycemia, dehydration and sore feet
you’ll enjoy the day more if you take time to take care of yourself
you catch more bees with honey (need I say more pushers, grabb
ers, and reckless shopping cart drivers)
5. When all else fails, shop from home with coffee in one hand a mouse in the other…in your pjs if you want
Hubby and I have much to be thankful for this year. We proved that you can have your turkey and eat it too!
So…do you want to know what deals we got? I can’t tell you..it’s a secret! My family reads my blog and most of the gifts were for them. But I will hint that I’m a little more technologically advanced. I’ll be talking hands free and never have to deal with Thomas again!
Now…for Cyber Monday…
Happy Thanksgiving!
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