This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by. The winner is Deborah Wellenstein. Congrats!
Despite the fact that we’re not officially in the midst of cold and flu season, Swine Flu and other viral and bacterial illnesses are very much a presence in our country. Hand washing and antibacterial gels are a staple in our household. Here are some facts you may not know about the cold and and flu.
- It is estimated that there are more than 125 million workdays missed by parents who stay home with a sick child
- One sneeze can spray 100,000 infectious droplets into the air at more than 200 MPH
- Cold and flu viruses can live up to 24-hours on hard surfaces and up to 3 hours on your skin
- Rhinovirus is most active from late fall, spring and summer
- Up to 189 million school days are missed each year due to a cold
If and when you do get sick, you may want to consider the all-new Kleenex Anti-Viral Tissues. I haven’t tried them yet, but these “super” tissues can actually kill viruses. Here is a little more information from the site:
- The blue-dotted, moisture-activated layer indicates it’s a Kleenex Anti-Viral Tissue
- Tissues are fragrance free
- The middle layer of Kleenex Anti-Viral Tissues contains active ingredients that kill 99.9% of cold and flu viruses
- They are extremely soft and gentle enough even for small children
Wash your hands before you eat, after you use the bathroom, after you play with a pet and when you come in from playing outdoors Get a good night’s sleep every night. Sleep can help strengthen the immune system Dispose of used tissues in the trash as soon as possible
Follow me on Twitter AND tweet about the contest.
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We try very hard to keep our hands away from our face and wash, wash, wash them too.
I follow on twitter and tweeted.
we wash our hands frequently
[email protected]
I battle the bug by having antibacterial santizer in my van to use constantly an I use the wipes the stores provide to wipe the carts down with so im carefull about transporting germs
I follow on twitter an tweeted; vickiecouturier
By washing my hands all the time and drinking water.
We wash hands around here and I’ve also been teaching my toddlers to cover their mouth when they sneeze. I always sneeze into my elbow so I don’t have to worry about washing the germs off of my hands all the time LOL
I use sanitizer everywhere I go. use humidifers.
follow on twitter and tweeted,
Wash your hands frequently
wash everything frequently and wipe down frequently touched surfaces like phones & controllers…
We are teaching our daughters to cough into the crook of their arm instead of their hands.
I have the anti-bacterial washes with me in my car, purse, in a project bag. I try to maintain clean hands plus I try to make sure that we drink enough fluid.
We wash our hands often, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and exercise. we also always have a hand sanitizer available at all times in case we don’t have water close by to wash our hands.
[email protected]
I drink lots of OJ and carry hand sanitizer everywhere I go!
I always have hand santizier in my purse, and make sure that the kids and I use it a few times a day and always before eating. I especially love Burt’s Bees Aloe & Witch Hazel Hand Sanitizer Spray, it smells divine and makes your hands so soft! It makes germ fighting easy 🙂
Great giveaway, thanks so much.
I have been carrying around santizier and using it a lot.
we only use a tissue once and then toss it in the trash!
We battle the bug all year with handwashing and trying to stay home when we’re not feeling well, to keep from passing it on.
we wash, wash, wash our hands. it helps battle the bug and i use lysol spray all over the house on phones and doorknobs. thanks
we battle it by staying away from sick people!
I carry hand sanitizers and take advantage of the wipes available at most stores with carts.
We try to practice good hand washing, take vitamins, and if we know sone one is sick, try to stay away.
We wash our hands all the time. This really helps.
AntiViral sounds like a good idea for a Kleenex product! I only use Kleenex tissues! Nothing else is a kleenex to me!
We wash our hands often as well as cover our mouths when we cough and sneeze. We also try to eat a balanced diet to get all of our vitamins.
I love the tissues, Kleenex is a great soft tissue that my kids LOVE. When theyre sick they hate the chapped “Rudolph” nose, and with Kleenex it never happens.
Drink lots of water and orange juice as well for vitamin C.
I wash my hands all the time but I also use this spray all over carts and other things people put hands all over
I battle the bug by washing my hands a lot and keeping my humidifier going.
I like to put the vicks in it to open up our noses.Please enter me.
I read your newsletter and i think one single entry would give everyone the same chance but…if the reader wanted to do a bit of work they can do all the extra entries,blogging,tweeting,ect….It would bring more subscribers,readers to your site with the extra entries.
Youngun,Just toss a coin for the answer,as you can see,I can’t make up my mind.Hopefully,this gave you a good laugh.
[email protected]
I tweeted.
[email protected]
It may seem a bit cliche but as a surgical Nurse and a Mommy of 5, it is the truth–frequent and proper handwashing is the most important thing you can do to stop the spread of germs. I’m talking about using lukewarm water, good old fashioned soap and good friction for a minimum of 20 seconds (my Kids sing the alphabet) after each bathroom visit, before you touch anything in the kitchen, when obviously soiled, before bed, when you wake up, etc. etc.
I am following you on twitter, user name @Twincere, and here is a link to my tweet!
I drink juice all year long.
like the guy above me, I down OJ like a fiend.
We battle the bug year round by using the disinfecting wipes on shopping carts prior to using them. Those carts are just LOADED with nasty germs. Thanks.
kport207 at gmail dot com
I always take my morning vitamin and drink lots of water throughout the day. I also try to keep away from people who are sick if I can, haha.
[email protected]
I do the basic stuff: washing hands, hand sanitizers, and wiping down carts with sani-wipes. I’m moderately active and eat healthier than I used to, which isn’t exactly “healthy” per se, but it’s better than before. 😛
We battle the blog with lots of Vitamin C! I like the chewable Vitamin C tabs, the kids love OJ, and hubby loves oranges! So far, we’ve been pretty lucky and haven’t had any nasty colds!
[email protected]
We battle the bug all year round by being, and staying, happy. I am a big believer that stress causes illness (or increases one’s susceptibility), so we try to let all the little aggravations of life just roll off our backs. Being grateful for all that we have been blessed with helps us to do that.
Alicia Webster
[email protected]
I carry hand sanitizer with me. I ride the bus, so I have to make sure to get my hands good with sanitizer after every ride.
[email protected]
cool i really want to win
Washing our hands all the time seems to work best at keeping away the bugs.
We use hand sanitizer a lot when we’re out in public places. My husband also believes firmly that raspberries have anti-oxidants so he gives them as a snack to the kids after dinner. Multi-vitamins are also part of our routine to ward off colds.
mfalcon13 at hotmail dot com
I make sure we all get enough sleep, I have OJ in the fridge all the time, and we wash hands.
I follow on Twitter (cdziuba) and tweeted
With my children and grandchildren, 1 with MRSA, everything that kills germs is helpful. Since they all live with my husband and I.
We battle the bug by washing our hands often. We’ve taught our kids to wash their hands as soon as they come into the house and we do this ourselves too.
Thanks so much.
oh man those Kleenex will come in handle with boys. I use a lot of lysol around they bathroom, kitchen, and the boys rooms. Espically their beds and gaming systems. I also clean my youngest’s laptop about every day. He has allergies and there is no telling what is on that laptop. lol.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com
wash hands often
I use lysol all over the house to stay germ free!
I keep hand sanitizer in my purse especially for my kids’ sake! And I LOVE to run around the house with a bottle of disinfectant spray spraying everything! It’s imporant to try to get good sleep and eat right to keep healthy too!
I follow on twitter and tweeted-
I wash my hands all the time
Following on twitter & tweet
I follow you on twitter @quixiotic
I wash my hands frequently.
I wash my hands frequently and keep hand sanitizer with me wherever I go.
We take multi-vitamins and Emergen-C all year long.
I use Clorox Anywhere Spray all over the house to kill germs.
An apple a day. Really does the trick.
We wash hands a lot – stay away from anyone remotely sick :o)
I take a daily vitamin, eat healthy, get plenty of rest and wash my hand regularly.
We battle the bug by washing our hands frequently!
i wash my hands ALL the time!!
We wash our hands all day long and cover our mouths when we sneeze or cough:o)
cool carrots!
Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands! I am an RN and it is the single most effective method of preventing illness. The hand sanitizer products are useful in a pinch, but you still cannot forego a good old fashioned washing with lots of soap, water and friction!
I’m sure to take my multivitamin everyday, along with my fish oils (Thanks for reminding me, I forgot today…) . Also I’m sure to get plenty of sun, and eat lots of salads!
I make sure to get plenty of sleep and wash my hands!
Thanks for the giveaway…our secret to battle the bug, especially during cold & flu season, is to drink fresh fruit / vegetable juices every day (and with crushed raw garlic added 3-4x during the week).
Wash hands, wash hands, wash hands. We also keep hand sanitizer on hand for anyone to use. And of course we try to live a healthful lifestyle
I am following you and twitter and tweeted here
use sanitizer and wash your hands frequently.
amandasixx at hotmail dot com
we wash our hands often and eat lots of oranges!
[email protected]
Wash our hands before eating and use wet ones when on the go. Around the house I use the Lysol wipes. Thanks for the chance!
I battle the bug by washing my hands frequently.
[email protected]
Lots of hand washing going on around our house.
We wash our hands all the time and drink plenty of water . Hope I win 🙂 .
wash hands, eat healthy, stay active and sneeze into our arms!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
i eat oranges everyday [email protected]
You know I’m a nurse! The best way to battle that nasty bug all year long is by washing him down the drain!! YUP! that is what they teach ya in NURSING School. Good Hand washing is the BEST defense and GERMS! So when we come home.. it is WASH those filthy hands!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!!
LeslieVeg is following you on Twitter and left a tweet
Thanks again for the Chance to win!!
We get plenty of rest, exercise and we eat right. Getting flu shots has helped too.
wash hands- use antibacterial lotions, do not share bottles and cups and cough and sneeze into your arm
Hand sanitizer helps. I also never open a bathroom door to leave without a paper towel in my hand. No use getting germs on my just cleaned hands!
we take vitamin C all year long!
Wash hands, take vitamins..Thank you
Plenty of sleep and fluids
we use hand sanitizer.
My family washes their hands to the count of happy Birthday, takes vitamin C by adding True Lemon, True Lime, or True Orange to their fluids.
You can get a free sample here:
Follow on Twitter and tweeted:
We always carry hand sanitizer and wash our hands constantly.
We wash our hands about 100 times a day (I exaggerate slightly) and when we don’t have water & soap available, we use lots of hand sanitizer.
Thanks for the chance to win.
We eat a lot of veggies and always keep warm with layers.
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com
I take a vitamin C supplement to help my immune system.
I keep antibacterial wipes in my purse to wipe shopping buggy handles, hands after shopping/potty, etc. 🙂
Washing our hand, plenty of rest and lots of orange juice
I keep my hands washed and use antibacterial gel.
Thanks for the giveaway!
lots and lots of hand washing
about every two months i get a cold soo like i really try to wash my hand alot and try to keep everything clean ohhh also i stock up on a bunch of cold medicine haha ^.^
sign me up
My friend is very worried about all kinds of diseases. He always has Hand sanitizer on him. He keeps me on my toes about it
I disinfect everything on my desk at the office at least 3 times a week and when I shake other people’s hands, I immediately wash my hands after they leave.
Thanks for the giveaway!
We take vitamins and wash our hands often. 🙂
We battle the bug all year round by eating enough fruis and veggies to get enough vitamins!
I wash my hands and drown the germs frequently throughout the day.
we wash our hands allllll the time!
autumn398 @
autumn398 @
I love tissue…and $50
We battle the bug all year long by properly washing our hands often, especially before meals and after school. I keep hand sani with me always. We eat foods that build up our immune systems and take vitamins. Lots and lots of orange juice vit C. Blessings
follow you on twitter and tweeted id keepsakebaby
We wash our hands frequently and I keep everything wiped down with antibacterial cleaning products
We stay hydrated and wash our hands alot!
Get flu shots, wash and use sanitizer
stay outdoors and away from people
We wash our hands alot and bring antibacterial gel
wash your hands
we are washing our hands constantly to battle the bug!
I wash my hands a lot
I battle the bug by wiping down doorknobs, keyboards and cell phones with anti-bacterial wipes! Thank you for the contest!
We battle the bug with lots of handwashing, using Kleenex and eating our veggies.
blowin me nose,and buying me a large slupy..aint life great!
enter me
“Get a good nights sleep” – this is a huge one for me. Everyone thinks I’m nuts since I turn in pretty early, but getting those 8 hours makes a huge difference for me in staying well and feeling spunky.
We battle the bug by keeping a box of kleenex in every room, by washing our hands often, by keeping kitchen and bathroom counters as germ-free as possible, and by not touching our hands to our faces when we are out in public.
Frequent handwashing, a good diet and enough rest work well for me.
I battle the bug all year long by washing my hands many times daily!
I never pass up an opportunity to wash my hands. These days the importance of hand washing cannot be stressed enough.
I make sure to bring hand sanitizer with me for times when we’re away from soap and water. Thanks for the contest!
We battle the bug with frequent hand washing and anti bacterial wipes, and Lysol on surfaces. But some bugs are inevitable with little ones in the house lol
I keep hand sanitizer on my desk all year long — for me AND the people I work with! Keeping them healthy helps keep me healthy!
I don’t think anything can beat clean hands, so we wash and sanitize often. Thanks for the chance.
Wash hands constantly and I use Lysol on everything. Thanks.
I battle the bug by taking vitamin C everyday and if I feel a cold coming on I usually take an extra one.
[email protected]
I follow on Twitter
[email protected]
We wash our hands often, get plenty of sleep, eat lots of fruits and veggies and take vitamens. God’s Blessings to all….
In my household we constantly wash our hands and drink plenty of vitamin c and also we just take good care of ourselves.
We keep our hands clean!
We try & get 8 hours of sleep & wash our hands
I keep liquid soap at every sink (and use it!) and use the store wipes to wipe down the cart handles, seat, etc.
We always try to wash our hands when we get home from being out somewhere. Thanks!
We wash our hands a lot.
We do a lot of hand washing, we also drink lots of water and take our vitamins. Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
We are avid handwashers, and we don’t share drinking glasses or untensils. We also try to get enough sleep. Thanks!
We get plenty of sleep every night, exercise, eat fresh fruit,vegetables, I wash the bed linens every week ,sanitize the door knobs in the house once a week and that is how Battling the Bug all year long.
Lots of hand washing, and hand sanitizer when water and soap isnt available. We also drink a lot of green tea and acai berry juice with antioxidants, and we cover our mouths/noses when we cough or sneeze. Thanks fr the awesome giveaway! 🙂
we wash our hands and take vitamin c
wash before eating & keep fingers away from eyes
I just wash my hands and face often
Getting the grandkids to cover their mouths when they cough and sneeze. Nothing worse than gettin sprayed with germs. Plus hand washing a lot!!! Thank you so much!
I follow on Twitter and tweeted
I take lots of vitamin C and make sure to drink my orange juice
I make sure to wash my hands often and carry hand sanitizer which I use especially after touching something very public
We try to keep our hands washed and I try to keep things like our door knobs and phone clean.
We open the windows up everyday to air out no matter what season it is.
I am constantly washing my hands and making my kids do the same!
I follow you Twitter (pricousins) and here’s my Tweet:
We wash our hands constantly, take vitamins and drink lots of water. Thank you!
I’m following you on Twitter (Tina12312) and I tweeted
thank you!
We battle the bug by trying not to touch our faces with dirty hands
I battle the bug by constantly having everyone wash their hands in our house. We use lysol to sanitize things like the phone, door handles, anything that is touched constantly. And lots of water. If we do get a cold or sniffles we only use Kleenex AntiViral tissues. Gotta have that added step.
i try to eat right, stay active, and take multivitamins
We help battle the bug by taking vitamins to help boost our immune system!
I eat fairly well, take vitamins daily, and wash my hands often.
I follow on twitter (@Elkaye) and tweeted:
We wash our hands frequently and we all get flu shots every year.
keep our hands washed
I battle the bug by drinking juice every day.
I battle the bug by taking vitamin C and using generous amounts of hand sanitizer
I follow on Twitter as Jessilyn82 and did a tweet
I wash my hands and have gotten my 2 year old to cover her mouth when she coughs. You gotta start em’ young you know.
We have sanitizer around the house and we wash our hands, we sneeze into the crook of our arm. I also try to stay away from sick people.
To keep the germs under control as best I can in my classroom (elementary school classrooms are germ incubators!), I teach my students to wash their hands after they sneeze or cough then they wipe their desks or tables with a disinfecting wipe. It’s not much but it really helps.
My family battles the bug by washing hands, using alcohol-based hand sanitizer and above all, coughing into our sleeves!
Cleanliness. Always keep everything as clean as possible and constant hand washing.
I wash my hands throughout the day and make sure I get a flu shot every year! Thanks for the chance to win!
I battle the bug by avoiding touching surfaces with my fingers, and I am a stickler for hand washing.
We each carry a travel pack of wet ones and tissues cause we have allergies so we sneeze a lot.
I keep a box of Kleenex in every place possible–garage, on my husbands golf cart, in my car, guest bedroom and bath, master bedroom and bath and kitchen. In our house there is no such thing as a sneeze without a tissue handy.
wash hands a lot
The house rule is to wash our hands the minute we come in from outside.
I just found the new Anti-Bacterial Collection from Victoria’s Secret, so now I battle the bug in delicious scents! Thanks!
I tweeted!
When one of us is sick, we keep a small paper sack nearby to immediately dispose of tissues. That bag goes outside to the trash at least once a day.
We sing Twinkle Twinkle while we wash our hands to ensure we are washing long enough. Thanks!
A diet of whole foods, tons of water, no sugar, no refined flour, limited dairy, all organic. Lots of handwashing. And when needed, herbal boosters like Sambucol.
I wash my hands a lot and use antibacterial gels.
I take Vitamin C & Echinacea regularly.
I follow on Twitter.
I make sure to wash my hands often and take my vitamins.
Lots of handwashing, multivitamins, fresh fruits & veggies, and OJ.
Thanks for the chance to win!
We wash our hands a lot and always keep sanitizer around for those times when we can’t wash our hands.
I follow you and tweeted!
Fortify with airborne/ester c & plenty of washing!
We battle the bug by taking vitamins, being diligent with handwashing, and we use the antibacterial cart wipes at the stores when shopping.
we try and keep bacteria down to a minimum by vacuuming a lot, keeping counters clean, keeping hands washed, etc.
We keep our hands clean and avoid crowds
I battle the bug with hand sanitizer!
We swear by hand sanitizer!
I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted:
We wash our hands frequently and get flu shots.
Wash your hands often and frequently! Encourage your kids to do so as well. Thanks!
we wash our hands all the time and carry sanitizer everywhere
One way to steer clear of germs is to make sure you use the little cart wipes at the grocery store. I always carry some hand sanitzer in my purse for public places that I have to actually touch a door handle… it may sound obessive, but do you know how many people do not wash their hands after using the restroom? YUCK!
I think the best advice ever is frequent handwashing for everyone. Keeping wipes handy, make this a no brainer.
I’m a fanatic about hand-washing and I also frequently wipe-down commonly handled items in the house, such as the telephone, faucet handles, banisters.
Twitter follower & tweeted,
proper handwashing is key
Hand washing frequently and eat healthy
Hand sanitizer. We keep it handy at the lake, in the car, in the rv, on the boat, virtually everywhere! 🙂
I use hand sanitizer all year long!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
[email protected]
[email protected]
I am constantly washing my hands and encouraging family members as well!
We take our vitamins daily and wash our hands often.
Lots of vitamin C and frequent hand washing.
We take vitamin C every day and wash our hands frequently.
We wash our hands frequently and I keep hand sanitizer in my purse and in my car for those times when we can’t wash. I also replace our toothbrushes after we’ve been ill to prevent reinfection.
The most obvious answer is wash your hands and keep your hands away from your face.
I wash my hands a lot and carry hand sanitizer in the car and my purse for times when soap and water are not available.
I believe in Vitamin C for prevention so I drink Orange Juice everyday, plus washing hands a lot and drinking lots of water.
I know everyone in my house is tired of hearing me ask “Did you wash your hands?” but I know it’s helping because we have been healthier than ever this past year.
We wash our hands a lot and take vitamins!
I use an alchol/water/dish soap solution to spray down everything from couter tops to toys.
follow on twitter and tweeted!
I wash my hands frequently
fresh air,orange juiceand lotsof rest
The way we battle the bug in my home is constant handwashing!! I”m a little OCD about it haha
Thanks for the chance to win!!:)
I am following you on twitter and tweeted:
Hand sanitizer! We keep it in most rooms in our house and also in the car.
We drink water that has immune boosters in it. [email protected]
We wash our hands often…before meals, after meals, after being outside… we are out at ball games often and hand sanitizer is our best friend…especially when porta potties are in the equation!!!! Thanks for the chance!
i eat organic, it keeps the immune system up!
We battle the bug all year by always washing our hands and by using sanitizing wipes on the shopping carts at the stores.
We take our vitamins daily and wash our hands often
Thank you for the chance
[email protected]
I wash my hands regularly, eat healthy and exercise.
We battle the bug by keeping sanitizer with us at all times, and though it works well you still have to wash with soap! Also wipe down buggies and toilet seats with sanitizer!
I follow
we wash hand frequently. especially after coming home from a public place
follow you on twitter
We’re teaching our kids to wash their hands for as long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday.
Following as stlyhu and tweeted here:
I wash my hands all day long and disinfect door knobs with some regularity
Washing hands regularly is a great bug deterrent, as well as eating healthy with lots of vitamin C in fruits and fruit smoothie blended drinks.
I wash hands like someone obsessed 😉
Washing our hands regularly!
I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse.
Frequent handwashing, hand sanitizer when I’m out and about with large crowds (theme parks, etc.), vitamins and Kleenex anti-viral tissues. I have them sitting next to me right now!
Never heard of these, but will definitely have to try them with all the little noses I have to wipe around here.
Vitamins! They do wonders!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Washing hands as frequently as possible and popping those chewable Vitamin C!!
I stress hand washing, not using each other’s cups and utensils, staying away from those who are obviously sick and taking vitiamins
I am battling the bug all year long by washing hands tons.
Just to say something different – i think its important to keep the house clean – especially where there is a lot of hand traffic or germ traffic ( countertops, sinks, door knobs, etc) thanks! ([email protected])
Just the basics: handwashing, hand sanitizer and laundering hand towels often.
We wash our hands all the time and I’ve taught my children to cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough with their elbow instead of their hands. That way they are not spreading germs by touching things after sneezing or coughing.
I stay home when I am sick!!!
I drink plenty of water, eat plenty of vitamin C, and generally stay smart about what I do
I have a 1st grader and she is always bringing home bugs. Thanks for the contest.
I wash my hands when I come home from anywhere and also don’t share drinks with anyone!
[email protected]
We wash our hands and use hand sanitizer when we can’t…also taking vitamins and drinking juice!
I tweeted too
We are washing our hands more often.
I use the disinfectant wipes that you find in the grocery stores by the carts.
Wipe the cart handle before I shop.
Those carts have to be just loaded with germs.
We eat healthy all year and wash our hands with liquid soap.
We drink TONS of water to flush toxins out of our systems!
Frequent hand washing and lots of lysol spraying.
Vitamin C and lots of hand washing for us.
Vigilant hand-washing! I also carry antiseptic in my purse for when I touch a lot of door handles, restrooms, etc. I also try to avoid cramped confined spaces with a lot of people. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have the kids wash hands often and stay away from sick people.
I wash my hands constantly throughout the day and I make sure that I get a flu shot every year!
Hand washinbg is a biggie. I am always making sure my hands are clean before I eat or drink anything that I may make for myself or my family. I fear getting sick because I can’t afford sick days from work.
I take vitamins daily and I wash my hands often.
I wash my hands….over and over and over again!
In house, I’m a bleach freak and I bleach everything I possibly can!
I have anti bacterial in my bag at all time and always wash my hands before and after I eat w/ warm water for at least a minute.
We are using tons of GermX.
crystal_reagan at hotmail dot com
sanitizer is a must have in my house, car,tent,etc
I battle the bug with good diet, hygienic and clothing habits. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I use a cap of bleach in my wash water and wash my hands constantly! My children have been doing the same….and am teaching my students to wash, wash, wash! 🙂
Thank you.
I take vitamins to battle the bug and include more citrus in my diet when I do start to feel sick.
We make sure to always wash our hands and we carry anti-bac gel with us in our purses, and backpacks.
We sneeze and/or cough into our elbow ~ not our hands so we don’t accidently share our germs.
We go thru alot of Clorox cleaning wipes & lysol. lol
I take supplements and try to keep sick grandkids away. [email protected]
i know we hear it over and over but wash your hands
My 7 year is battle the stomach bug right now so we designate one bathroom as his and noone else is allowed to enter!
We battle the bug with lots of hand washing and I always clean off shopping cart handles at the store.
I always have hand sanitizer around me. Always!
[email protected]
Following you on Twitter (whitechocolatec) and Tweeted:
[email protected]
I battle the bug by coughing and sneezing into the crook of my arm instead of my hands.
It’s hard to battle the bug but we try to keep it at bay by taking vitamins, washing hands, using cart wipes, and staying in if someone does get sick.
I definitely think it helps to stock up on the vitamin C and OJ! what a wonderful contest – thanks for posting!
I fight the bug all year by building up my resistance….a multi-vitamin every day, and I rarely get sick with anything.
hand sanitizer addiction 🙂
I am constantly washing my hands or using hand sanitizer. For my son, I always wash his hands when we get home from any kind of outing/errand etc. and use Wet Ones or hand sanitizer while we’re out.
We fight the bug all year long by keeping our hands clean. We wash our hands every chance we get. We also use hand sanitizer while on the go.
Wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze, stop touching everything when you are shopping etc. take your vitamins.
We loaded up on Vitamin C and make sure that we are washing our hands frequently.
Following you on Twitter
Tweeted about your contest!
washing our hands as often as possible and hand sanititzer
I buy foaming soap because it’s more fun to wash hands with it – therefore more likely to wash frequently.
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
We try to make a conscious effort to open doors with a napkin and I keep hand sanitizer in my bag and at work.
We battle the bug by sanitizing after we leave stores.
i also tweeted about the contest but i have very little pull with twitter
by washing our hands!
Being a caretaker for my Mom I wash my hands all the time! I also use Kleenex because that is her favorite and antibactrial liquid to keep germs at bay! Thanks
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hand washing is how we cut down on germs.
I tweeted and posted you on my facebook page and washing your hands is the most important thing you and your family can do to fight germs
Lots of vitamin c and washing our hands constantly
I joined the battle to fight the bug at the Kleenex Website to recieve more information on how to battle colds and the flu.
I follow on Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway @ redunique
Get plenty of sleep and drink lots of liquids.
We wash our hands alot and use hands sanitizier
We wash our hand as often as possible and get flu shots.
We wash our hands constantly, get plenty of rest, and try to eat somewhat healthy meals.
I always wipe the handles of grocery carts with alcohol wipes or a wipe from store provided canisters. Grocery cart handles are just nasty with germs.
I take a ton of vitamins, drinks lots of water and wash my hands a lot
Vitamins, washing hands and using wipes on grocery cart handles
We wipe down restaurant tables and highchairs with antibacterial wipes before seating our baby at the table.
We make sure to wash our hand alot through out the day. We also casarry around hand sanitizer to help banish the germs.
We wash our hands very frequently and take vitamins daily.
I eat lots of fresh fruit and wash my hands several times a day.
To battle the bug and if I fast food is the only dinner option available, I choose a place that doesn’t have a play structure (aka germ incubator). If we absolutely have no other option than one that has a structure, then I wash the kids really well AND use sanitizer.
I wash my hands often, pray a lot (really!), eat healthfully and drink lots of water.
We all know that hand washing is the key to staying healthy, so when the kids are washing their hands, we have taught them to sing the entire alphabet to make sure they are cleaning their hands well and getting rid of all the germs. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I battle it by taking liquid c!
washing hands a lot, vitamins, exercise and get enough sleep
washing hands and using cleaning wipes around the kithcen
We constantly wash our hands with anti-bacterial soap to keep the germs away at our house.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I follow you on Twitter and I Tweeted about the Giveaway
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Lots of hand-washing and avoiding large crowds–especially during flu season–helps to keep us healthy.
We wash our hands A LOT and use LOTS of hand sanitizer! thanks!
I follow you on twitter-idahojill
tweet, thanks!
I try to wash my hands frequently and avoid touching my face as much as I can. I also try not to adjust my hair during the day, because obviously my hair can fall and touch my face too.
I always keep a big can of Lysol on my desk at work to spray whenever someone sick visits my office.
We try to wash hands as often as possible. And to eat healthy and exercise. We aren’t TOO social so we aren’t in large groups too often. oF course when we travel on the plane, then we get concerned that we’ll pick up all sorts of germs…but…that’s a chance we take, rather than miss an important event that’ s across the country!
Lots of water and washing hands!
We try to eat right, exercise daily, get a good night’s sleep, and wash hands as appropriate.
I probably don’t really do as much as I can, but I do try and wash my hands whenever I need too and staying away from really sick people so I don’t catch it…if I can of course. 🙂
I’ll be “battling the bug” all year this year. I’ll be a first year teacher (read: my immune system won’t be as built up as multiple year teachers)! macd82 at gmail dot com
We battle the bug with frequent hand washing.
We drink plenty of fluids, wash our hands and use sanitizer.
We eat healthy pretty much most of the time.
Dress according to the weather.
We try to use our elbows when possible in public places, we use antibacterial wipes on shopping cart handles and public tables.
Thank you
We battle the bug in unique ways. My grandfather never had a sick day in his life and attributed it to drinking ditch water as a boy and building up his immune system. I encourage our kids to play as much outside as possible. We are also sure to wash up for meal times.
We have many ways but one important one is we use antibacterial wipes for public tables, grocery carts, water fountain handles.
Thank you
washing hands
We wash our hands all day long it seems!
I wash my hand constantly throughout the day and I make sure that I get a flu shot every year! Thanks!
Lots of hand washing
We wash our hands frequently. I also keep antibac gel in my purse for when we are out.
we wash our hands very often
We try to eat healthy and get enough sleep. (The key word there is TRY.)
I make sure I wash my hands at least 2-3 minutes each time.
I take anti-bacterial lotion everywhere I go and insist that my daughter and boyfriend use it regularly.
madamerkf at aol dot com
To battle the bug all year long, I’ve become a regular (my friends would say obsessive) user of hand sanitizer – I keep a bottle in my bag, my office, and almost every room of my house. I’ve also made an effort to take Vitamin C and immunity supplements more often, and I’ve noticed that simple changes to my diet, such as eating more fresh fruits and drinking as much water as possible, have made a huge difference in battling the bug!
I’m following you on twitter (guettel78), and I tweeted about the giveaway:
Tissues are also good for when times are bad too 🙁
Avoid crowds and public places.
Followed on Twitter::
thanks babe!
We wash our hands all the time and cover our noses when we sneeze.
Hand washing and hand sanitizer!
I wash my hands a lot! tweeted
jtrophy at aol dot com
ck me out at
We wash, wash, wash, and try to stay away from anyone who is ill. Thanks for this offer.
Wahing hands and taking vitamins.
great giveaway
Vitamin C and lots of water.
I carry hand santizer in my purse, in the car. So I always have it anywhere I go.
We battle the bug by making sure we *always* carry hand sanitizer and by making sure we drink plenty of vitamin C.
We try to eat healthy and get enought sleep each night along with a ton of handwashing.
I do the food server training in a kid friendly restaurant. Part of my training class is the proper way to wash hands and the importance of it, especially with kids always around.
we use vitamins and hand sanitizer
We are battling the bug by focusing on optimum health by taking our vitamins, eating right, exercising, getting a good nights sleep, keeping stress to a minamum and washing our hands often. Thanks for a great giveaway!
We always have orange juice in the house and drink it daily.
Twitter follower and I tweeted here:
I battle the bug all year long by getting plenty of rest, eating healthy, and exercising.
I use the santizing wipes that stores provide to wipe your cart.
We wash wash wash!
a little bit of juice, a little wash, a little bit of milk, a little wash, a little bit of ester c, a little wash, a little bit of fruits, a little wash, a little bit of veggies, a little wash…
Good hand washing practices and Trying to stay away from infected people.
Lots of hand washing and clorox spray
We wash our hands a lot and sneeze/cough into our elbows.
wash hands every hour
We are handwashing fanatics and carry lysol wipes when we go on like planes or rides.
We tweet together
We wash our hands, but also use hand sanitizer when we can’t/ thanks!
I keep lysol spray close and make sure we all wash our hands frequently.
I wash hands and use antibacterial wipes on counters.
follow & Tweeted
We battle the bug year round by using frequent hand washing techniques, and by cleaning commonly shared surfaces since as phones, computer keys, doorknobs, etc. Thanks!!
My husband is a school teacher and comes in contact with germs from his students all day long. To try and keep those germs from infecting the rest of the family we make sure that he has changed his clothes and washed his hands before we kiss and hug him hello when he gets home from work. The kids have a hard time waiting to greet him at the door but it gives us a leg up on staying healthy.
We do all of the standard stuff. Wash our hands often w/ antibacterial soaps, cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze and mostly try to eat healthy so we’re in good shape even if we do get sick.
I have a weak immune system due to illness so I’m always very careful to try and avoid germs. I wash my hands several times a day, drink plenty of fluids, stay away from crowds.
We wash our hands and use antibacterial wipes on grocery carts and restaurant high chairs.
I constantly tell my kids to wash their hands!
We drink a lot of water and wash our hands.
Plenty of veggies, plenty of rest and dial down the stress keeps us healthy all year round
I have taught my kids to wash their hands. We also drink orange juice and take vitamin C. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would have to say good personal hygiene is perhaps the leading factor that our family practices yearlong in “Battling the Bug” 🙂
Wash Wash Wash…that is what I am constantly telling my kids.
I Twittered:
I am a teacher, so I take lots of vitamin C and Zinc to help stay well.
always keeping our hands clean
I make sure to wash my hands multiple times, keep surfaces clean, and get plenty of good nutrition.
I battle the bug by washing my hands as much as possible!
It’s all about being hygenic and washing hands. Washing hands is key, those antibacterial sanitizers don’t do much in the long run!
we drink a lot of orange juice
I carry Lysol wipes with me and wipes down grocery carts whenever I get a chance!
I keep hand sanitizer in my car and purse and use it often
I rest a lot, take a lot of supplements (mostly because I’d had cancer three times). I rarely get a cold just the life threatening illnesses
Your tip #2 is my maxim #1: Get plenty of sleep always!
We always keep Orange Juice in the house for the kids.
I battle the bug by using antibacterial gel whenever we go to a public place 😀
We are washing hands often. It gets old, but the simple reminder for little ones is did or do you need to go to the bathroom, and did you wash your hands.
We do the best we can by washing our hands, making sure we have a lot of Vitamin C and staying away from people that we know are sick.
I already follow you on Twitter.
we use germx when we are unable to wash our hands. Once in awhile we will get the bug then it is plenty of rest.
We constantly wash our hands and I also carry around hand sanitizer.
we try to get the kids to wash their hands before meals and after using the restroom
with a healthy diet
We take daily vitamins and wash our hands.
follow and tweeted.
We eat a healthy diet, full of antioxidants, and make sure to wash our hands frequently.
We use hand sanitizers ALOT!
I remain healthy through prayer, frequent hand-washing, good elimination, rest, exercise, vitamin/herbal supplementation, plenty of water, diet and nutrition.
I keep hand sanitizer in my car.
We wash our hands all the time!
we wash our hands and use anti bacterial spray – i also try and clean the door knobs at the house
I am battling the bug by swishing a few times a day with luke warm water. I read recently that this cuts down on cold & flu instances significantly. Easy enough, I figure, to try out. Thanks for the giveaway.
good old hand washing
We wash our hands and take vitamins
We sneeze into our elbow and don’t share food or drink when we are sick.
We get our Vitamin C by drinking plenty of Citrus juices.
We battle the bug all year by washing our hands frequenlty and carrying hand sanitizer in our cars so we can clean our hands after leaving a public place like the grocery store or gas station where we touched the pumps. [email protected]
I’m a freak about having anti-bacterial gel all the time and Victoria’s Secret just came out with a line that smells great!
I tweeted!
We wash our hands and drink orange juice
[email protected]
We add immune boosters to our water. We like the grape ones from Kroger best.
Lots of hand washing and using sanitizer on door knobs, faucets, etc.
We are big into hand washing and mouth covering. I’m also a big fan of bleach wipes to wipe down surfaces. Thank you!
We wash our hands and take vitamins.
I follow on Twitter and tweeted
This is the only kind of tissue we use in our house. They rock! We also take vitamins and wash our hands frequently. I have hand sanitizer on my key chain for when we are away from home, and we always wipe down our cart at the store before we put the kids into it. We even carry a couple extras for wiping hands after touching the meat packages. Eww, lol!. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted!
I use antibacterial wipes on surfaces like door knobs, light switches, computer keyboard, phone.
Thanks for the giveaway!
i follow on twitter – js22222222 .
I always wash my hands offen and drink alot of water, I take vitamins everyday nice giveaway thank you!
[email protected]
I always say wash your hands,wash your hands,wash your hands
Wash hands as much as we can!
Get plenty of rest, lots of fluids and wash your hands
Wash hands, wipe door handles and light switches with lysol wipes, spray with lysol and always use the free wipes at stores. I keep wipes and antibacterial gel in car and in purse too. Getting flu shots also helps. We love the anti-viral klenex-they rock. I will twitter also.
the number one rule in controlling the spread of germs is wash wash wash your hands!!!!!!
Washing hands frequently is the way to go.
we wash our hands before eating
We wash our hands, stay active and eat healthy.
The use hand sanitizer wipes & liquid and also wash our hands frequently
When I’m at work, I wash my hands often, use hand sanitizer, clean my phone & desk weekly, and try to keep my hands away from my face. Oh, and I drink lots of water to flush my body out.
We battle the bug with lots of hand washing
We do a lot of handwashing in our house!
We are huge hand washers and we try really hard not to touch our faces unless our hands are freshly washed.
Washing our hands lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I drink lots of water and wash my hands frequently.
We wash our hands a lot, and use sanitizer if were out, Im kinda annoying about it. My husband and daughter get tired of it!
We also take daily vitamins! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow you on twitter, as mom2anutball and I tweeted!
I’m pretty diligent about washing my hands regularly, and I’ll disinfect the phone if someone in my office is sick. At home, if one of us gets sick, we make sure to use separate hand towels, even different tubes of toothpaste, to make sure we don’t spread germs.
I keep hand sanitizer with me all the time and use it frequently.
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted.
I like the custom engraved rings. I also love the idea of getting an engraved necklace for each of my cats and using the pawprint stamp. Wonderful and unique items!
We are battling the bug by doing extra handwashing!
follow on twitter and tweeted
Sounds a bit cliche, but lots of chicken noodle soup.
I wash my hands frequently and use hand sanitizer.
i keep hand sanitizer at my desk and use it regularly
Washing hands, frequently.
Follow on Twitter & tweeted @
Hand washing with plenty of soap and water can’t be over stated.
We battle the bug by washing our hands and cleaning and disinfecting all handles and knobs.
wash my hand frequently ty.
We get sleep, wash hands and mostly avoid crowds.
I make sure that my older kids wash their hands and I wash the little ones hands before they put things in their mouths. I also try to keep their toys clean.
I battle the bug all year long by frequently washing my hands.
Cover your coughs and wash hands frequently 🙂
Wash your hands before you eat, after you use the bathroom, after you play with a pet, when you come in from playing outdoors and multiple times in between. I use the wipes the stores provide to wipe the carts down and I keep hand sanitizer in my purse. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
We try hard to get everyone in the family to wash hands when they come into the house from outside.
we wash our hands frequently