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One in four Americans suffer from allergies or asthma and 50 million Americans suffer from indoor allergies (source Aller-Ease). Spring is here. I know this because so are my allergies! The sneezing…the stuffy nose…the post nasal drip…it’s annoyingly constant. There isn’t much I can do about the weather, but I’m hoping all this cleaning I’ve been doing will help reduce the dust, dirt, and allergens inside my home.
You may not know this, but the five most common allergens (dust mites, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and microscopic particles) are living inside your mattress, pillows, and box springs. Did you know that after 2 years, 10 percent of a pillow’s weight is comprised of allergen particles? I have to admit that I get a little queasy thinking about this. According to Aller-Ease, “the average bed can contain up to 10 million dust mites and a mattress can double in weight every 10 years due to microscopic allergens that accumulate inside.” Some of the allergen’s you’d find if you had a microscope (although I’m thankful I don’t) include dust mite droppings, pollen, fungal and mold spores, and pet dander. I feel like I’m sleeping with the enemy!
While all of this sounds a bit unnerving, Aller-Ease has a simple and effective solution. “The Aller-Ease protective bedding systems use innovative fabric engineering techniques to provide a range of allergen-filtration bedding products, including a breathable, cotton product that filters up to 95% of all particles at the one-micron size, so you can breathe easy while sleeping allergen-free.” Sleep is supposed to be a time where your body rejuvenates itself. If you’re breathing in allergens, you may not be getting the sleep your body deserves. By reducing the total amount of allergens you’re exposed to, you reduce your chances of severe symptom exacerbation.
I recently got a first look at Aller-Ease’s Cotton Zippered Pillow Protector. It’s soft, light weight, and breathable (perfect for spring and summer). The company offers an entire line of pillows and mattress/pillow protectors to provide a comfortable layer of protection against allergens. I really like the varied fabric line, designed to meet your personal comfort needs. The products are surprisingly very affordable and can be purchased at retailers nationwide.
Since you most likely spend a significant amount of time in your bedroom, here are some tips to help you keep allergens in check, courtesy of Aller-Ease:
- Encase your mattress, box spring and pillows in highly effective allergen barrier covers, such as Aller-Ease protective bedding products
- Wash bed linens weekly in 130-degree Fahrenheit water
- Consider traveling with your pillow protector to help minimize symptoms in hotels or while on the road
- Remove dust collecting clutter from the bedroom and other areas of your home
- Place non-washable plush toys in a zip-lock bag and put them in the freezer for 3-5 hours every week to kill off any dust mites
- Air conditioner filters should be changed frequently during the allergy season
- Use a low cost home hygrometer to help keep humidity below 50 percent as dust mites thrive in higher humid environments
- Use easy to clean hardwood, tile, or linoleum flooring instead of carpeting
- If you have carpeting, use a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter to reduce airborne dust
- Shampoo hair nightly and change clothes before entering the bedroom to avoid transferring outdoor pollens into your bedroom
Win It! One of you will win a Cotton Zippered Pillow Protector. Simply head on over to the site and take a look around. Come back here and leave me a comment with something you like or something you learned on the site that wasn’t mentioned in my review. Comments will close on April 23, 2009 at 10 PM PST. One comment per person, please (unless you do the extra credit). US residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
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Thank you for the chance!
The tightly-woven construction of Aller-Ease Cotton is a fortress against microscopic particles, pollen and pet dander. Plus, Aller-Ease Cotton is made with 100% cool, breathable cotton fabric to provide a nourishing, restful night’s sleep. Aller-Ease Cotton allows air to flow to pass easily through the fabric and doesn’t trap body heat or moisture against the skin, allowing you to sleep more comfortably all night long.
pollen barrrier [email protected]
sleeping allergy-free is half the battle!
I had no clue that a typical unprotected mattress may have anywhere from 10,000 to 10 million dust mites inside! Scary thought!
A single female dust mite lays 40 to 100 eggs. Now I think as I go to sleep, that’s going to be playing in my mind
I learned that they also have waterproof products as well.
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i really need it thank you
A typical unprotected mattress may have anywhere from 10,000 to 10 million dust mites inside. Yuck!
Thank you. 🙂
a typical unprotected mattress may have anywhere from 10,000 to 10 million dust mites inside
One thing I learned on the site is that the protein found in dust mites and their droppings is the most common trigger of perennial allergy and asthma symptoms.
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
I learned that allergies affect 1 in 4. I had no idea this was so widespread. Thanks for the giveaway.
I learned a rather scary fact–a single female dust mite lays 40 to 100 eggs–maybe they should try to come up with some kind of birth control for mites!
Aller-Ease® pioneered the protective-bedding category with its allergen-filtration bedding products and has been the number-one selling brand of protective bedding for more than a decade.
That one female dust mite lays 40 to 100 eggs. Yuck.
I LOVE THESE !!!! We suffer so badly from Allergies and I learned from the Aller-Ease Home Page that 1 in 4 Americans do too!
If you wake up sneezing, wheezing, or hacking, you have plugged ears, itchy eyes, a dull headache, or a runny nose… your symptoms may not be caused by a cold.
I also learned that the Aller-Ease Pillow Protectors have earned the Good Housekeeping Seal. THAT IS HUGE!!!
Thanks for the offer.
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The tightly-woven construction of Aller-Ease Cotton is a fortress against microscopic particles, pollen and pet dander.
OMG, I don’t even want to know what’s in my matress or pillow. The less I know the better. With this product I wouldn’t have to worry about that ever again. Less stress makes for a happier me.
Thanks for the giveaway and have a Happy Easter.
I would choose the premium protector
I learned that: “All pet dander is small, but cat dander is one of the smallest-sized allergen triggers.” EEEEK!! Our two cats sleep on our beds AND I’m allergic to cats (hey, I just love them! I will put up with the allergies) but I didn’t realize that their dander was so small!
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I learned that at just 1/100th of an inch in length, dust mites are almost invisible to the naked eye.
Email Subscriber.
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I learned that “According to the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology, 70% of people with asthma also suffer from allergies”. Thanks for the chance!
Allergies affect 1 in 4 people; I didn’t know that. Thank you!
” Aller-Ease Cotton is made with 100% cool, breathable cotton fabric to provide a nourishing, restful night’s sleep.” is what I learned.
“The micron pore size of a fabric lets you know how tightly woven a fabric is and to what extent it filters allergens. Knowing the micron pore size and the size of the allergens you are allergic to can help you determine which mattress and pillow protectors are right for you.”
I had no idea 1 in 4 people are affected by allergies. Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
a single female dust mite lays 40 – 100 eggs YUKKK thanks for the giveaway
I learned that Aller-Ease Deluxe with HMT filters 95% of allergens at the one micron particle size — a performance level unmatched by any other cotton product. Wow!
A single female dust mite lays 40 to 100 eggs,Thanks,i just thought i had trouble sleeping.
My husband has several allergies. This would be a great help to him.
An estimated 10% to 15% of the entire population may be allergic to animals, and more than 70% have a cat or a dog.
A single female dust mite lays 40 to 100 eggs, creating more than 100 new dust mites and 8,000 fecal droppings per month. Dust mites multiply so significantly, that unprotected pillows will weigh 10 percent more after just two years – and unprotected mattresses will double in weight after 10 years.
We like the Aller-Ease Deluxe with DuPont Hybrid Membrane Technology. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
Ew! A female dust mite lays 40 to 100 eggs! I feel like I need to encase my whole bedroom with Aller-Ease products now.
I’m a subscriber.
The tightly-woven construction of Aller-Ease Cotton is a fortress against microscopic particles, pollen and pet dander.
I learned that 1 out of 4 americans suffer from asthma or allergies! I didn’t know that number was so high!
An unprotected mattress can have up to 10 million dust mites in it….YUCK!
I didn’t know that 1 in 4 have allergies. Though give that 2 out of 4 of the people in our house shouldn’t surprise me.
I like the Aller-Ease Deluxe Pillow with Washable Bonus Cover.
I learned that more than 70% of people w/indoor allergies have a cat or dog. Astonishing – since I’m not really a cat OR dog person.
We just found out that oldest son is allergic to dust mites – so this giveaway is very timely. Thanks!
The tightly-woven construction of Aller-Ease Cotton is a fortress against microscopic particles, pollen and pet dander.
I learned that one female dust mite lays 40 to 100 eggs. Ewwwww! Thank you for the chance to win!
I learned they carry waterproof products as well. I have terrible allergies and I love so many of the products, thanks for the great contest
E-mail subscriber
Dust mites oh my. I think it is time to get the Kirby out and then buy an AllerEase
Dust mites are nearly invisible to the naked eye! :S creepy~~~
you can sleep allergy free
1 in 4 people have allergies. My house is 4 for 4.
I would like Aller-Ease Cotton because I read that cotton helps your hair not getting flyaways when you sleep.
[email protected]
I subscribed by email. 😀
I’m a little afraid to go to sleep now! I love that it has a pollen, microscopic and pet dander barrier.
I learned that one female dust mite lays 40 – 100 eggs. OMG nasty.
not good.
I like the Aller-Ease Microfiber Protector
[email protected]
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[email protected]
one in four people suffer from allergys….
Love Aller ease deluxe. I learnt that their products filter against the most common household allergy and asthma triggers. It protects us from dust mites to avoid asthma and allergy.
I’m afraid to sleep in my bed tonight after reading all of this info. I certainly could use their pillow protector as well as their Aller-Ease Deluxe with DuPont Hybrid Membrane Technology.
I subscribe.
I learned that I could be sleeping on 10 million dust mites. Ew. I think I’d like more than just the pillow protector!! 🙂
I’m an email subscriber.
I’m brand new but I grabbed your button.
learned that more than 70% of people w/indoor allergies have a cat or dog
i learned An estimated 10% to 15% of the entire population may be allergic to animals, and more than 70% have a cat or a dog.
i subscribe barnes76 at sbcglobal dot net
1 in 4 people have allergies.
A single female dust mite lays 40 to 100 eggs, creating more than 100 new dust mites and 8,000 fecal droppings per month. That just makes me ill.
I subscribe through a reader.
I read that in an unprotected mattress, there could be 10,000 to 10 million dust mites inside! That’s so nasty! Thanks.
kport207 at gmail dot com
I like the Aller-Ease Deluxe with DuPont Hybrid Membrane Technology !
Wow. I learned alot of disturbing facts.
They give you a good variety of products to choose.
I like the idea of the Premium Protector.
I’ve always had dogs so I was never aware that cat dander is one of the smallest allergen triggers.
I learned that mold spores can cling to clothing, shoes, and pets
A single female dust mite lays 40 to 100 eggs
I have eczema so I could use this, thanks
I liked the Aller-Ease cotton pillow.
I liked the Aller-Ease Deluxe Pillow with Washable Bonus Cover.
I have your button skyxsky27{at}
I like that they have so many options and all sizes of beds and pillows
pet dander is an allergen trigger – cats being the worst
A typical unprotected mattress may have anywhere from 10,000 to 10 million dust mites inside.
Aller-Ease Microfiber is one of my favorite!
It sounds so soft & low how all their product can reduce allergiies.
I subscribe!
I learned a single female dust mite lays 40 to 100 eggs.
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