Every year I get a flu shot…no questions asked. I am a nurse. I work in a hospital. With patients who are sick. I have to protect them, myself, and my family.
This year I’m pregnant. And I have a 2 year old who goes to germ preschool. My doctor is recommending both the regular and H1N1 flu vaccines. And to be honest, I’m on the fence. For some reason, pregnancy adds this other dimension to the mix. There is a baby inside of me, depending on me for everything. And everything I eat, drink, smell, and use in and on my body goes to her. I never make a decision without thinking about her (ask my husband what a struggle meals are). At the same time, I keep reading how dangerous the H1N1 flu is for pregnant women and young children. So do I put her and myself at risk by getting the vaccine or put her and myself at risk by not getting the vaccine? The weight of this question is heavy on my shoulders and I’m searching for answers.
I’ve already decided to take my son out of preschool to decrease the likelihood of him getting sick. Do I seclude myself as well? And what about my husband? I told him he could be the first to “experiment” by getting both vaccines. But in all honesty, even having him get the H1N1 vaccine makes me nervous. It’s new. It was developed rapidly. Little studies have been done with regards to safety and effectiveness. Is it fair to ask him to be the “guinea pig?”
Any other year and this may have been written differently…from a different perspective. Perhaps I’d be strongly urging you to go out and get vaccinated. One thing is certain…we all need to become more educated on the flu…both the regular flu and the H1N1 flu. We need to know how it’s spread and how to avoid getting it. Families Fighting Flu are a group of parents who have lost a child to the flu. It’s hard for me to imagine that today…in 2009….children and healthy pregnant women are dying of the flu. These families, along with the Visiting Nurse Associations of America and Clorox have teamed up to help families say “Boo!” to the flu.
The site is extremely resourceful and contains information on vaccination events in your local area via an interactive map, up-to-the minute CDC flu news, flu prevention steps and family activities, video commentary from moms, health experts and kids about the flu, and downloadable posters and brochures. You can also take an online pledge to vaccinate if you’d like (please note that I’m neither recommending for or against this). Here are some other ways you can help say “Boo” to the flu this year!
- Wash Hands Frequently: Wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds (the time it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice).
- Disinfect Germ Hot Spots: Disinfect the surfaces kids touch most frequently – like doorknobs, faucets or plastic toys.
- Do the Elbow Cough: Cough and sneeze into your elbow instead of your hands to help prevent the spread of germs from touch.
- Follow Good Health Guidelines: Eat right, exercise and get plenty of sleep to help boost your body’s ability to fight the effects of colds and the flu.
So…I would love to know….are you going to get either flu vaccine this year? If you’re pregnant, what are your thoughts, concerns?
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Well maby I can help you our a bit! I too am a nurse, and just recently began receiving the flu shot. I have never had the flu (*nock on wood) but worked in mental health – residential treatment so I felt like it was a good idea. I also received the flu shot last year. Both years I had NO side effects from the shot, however I did take three ibprofen befor hand. Okay to the point about the H1N1 – the first I really heard about this flu with pregnancy was on tv discussing a 9 month old prego women who got this swine flu, and had to be medically induced into a coma and placed on a vent. They took the baby via c section, but luckely she was far enough along that everything was fine with baby. As you know, they have to develop a new flu shot yearly, and so I just put my mind at ease by thinking that it is simular to that! This helped me decide for sure that I wanted to receive the vaccine. I also heard on the news last Tues or so, that Pregnant women should be the FIRST to get the vaccine. I have not heard anything about this being dangerous. I am 31 weeks pregnant, and I received the H1N1 vaccine yesterday at my OBGYN’s office. She told me to get both shots without hesitation, and I am very trusting of her. She treats all of her patients as if it was her sitting on the exam table – and she has had 3 children, so she is experienced in that area as well. After receiving the shot, my arm was a tiny bit sore, and I seemed a little extra sleepy – but I think that was from the groggy weather :)! Other than that, I have not had the first side effect, and baby is moving all over the place! I told hubby that he was to get both vaccines as well! I did not expect to get the shot yesterday, but was planning to go to the flu clinic on the 30th, along with my hubby. I still have to go get the reg flu vaccine that day, because my OBGYN was out of shots! Hope this helps a little. And BTW, I will be sure to let you know if I experience any problems if that will help! Have a great day!
This has been on my mind for days, My daughter is 2 1/2 and I am on the fence. I have heard so many things about the H1N1 vaccine, such as it is causing Guillain-Barré syndrome and the fact the it was created so fast and not really tested. Another doctor has said it is being linked to new cases of autoimmune disorders such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus. As a mom I am on the Fence. I would be devistated if I did not get her vaccinated for H1N1 and something happened to her but on the other hand if I get her vaccinated and she ends up sick or with a lifetime disease then I would devistated to. I am leaning towards not getting this for her at least this year. She is not in school and does not go to daycare. The only interaction she has with other children is in the nursery at church and the playground. I am sorry I am no help becuase I am on the fence to.
I’m almost 27 and never had a flu shot before. I’ve only had the flu once in my life so I’m not planning on getting, neither is my husband. Honestly I’m unsure about my 6 year old, she has never had one so I’ve been back and forth about it.
I’m so glad that I’m not alone in this struggle! 🙂 I, too, am expecting and have a toddler at home. I am not getting the flu vaccine or the H1N1 nor is my daughter. I haven’t gotten the flu vaccine in years and don’t want it now because of the life I am growing inside of me. Yes, I’m worried about the harm that MAY be caused by not protecting myself or my daughter but we are taking as many precautions as possible. We’re trying to live our lives as “normally” as possible. I’m hoping that this turns out to be no worse than the regular flu and because of our lifestyles, we’ll be able to battle it on our own should we get sick. It’s controversial…but I respect others decisions and hope for the same in return. I just wish people would educate themselves before putting something into their bodies just because society/doctors tells us to. There’s more to the story.
I am not getting any shots and my kids aren’t either. I think it was developed too quickly to really know enough about it. I wonder if there could be side affects if both flu shots are taken together. I think it would be harder for you to decide since you work in a hospital and are exposed to more things. We are usually at home all the time, so there is less chance for us to come in contact with it.
I’ve never gotten a flu shot (or let my boys get one) because I’ve never really seen it as a necessary precaution. I’ve always been a fan of letting the immune system build up it’s own defenses with the sickies.
I have to say that I have seriously considered whether or not to get the H1N1 vaccine, but in the end decided not too. It seems to me that the Swine Flu has been hyped up a little too much and with the vaccine not even being approved (and the long list of possible side effects – some of them very serious!) I’d rather place my families well-being in the hands of my Savior and trust that he will keep us protected. We will be taking the necessary precautions and, if any of us do end up with flu-like symptoms, we’ll be going straight to the Doc if it looks like it’s even close to getting bad.
Simple enough for me to answer NO. NO Vaccines for either. ANd not for my children either.
OKAY – so….. I would suggest that everyone who is SO adament about NOT putting vaccines in their (or their children’s) bodys do some research, talk a “walk back in time” and learn what it was like for all the people who had polio (and actually LIVED through it!), as well as some of the other DEVASTATING diseases that our wonderful vaccination program has all but wiped out – in the U.S. There has been alot of reasearch done on this and there is NO VALID CRITERIA to suggest that the Vaccines of today cause Autism or any of the other things that people bring up as scare tactics. Personally, I’m GLAD I was vaccinated as a child against measles, mumps, rubella, chiken pox, diptheria and polio!
At one point in time these diseases WERE wiped out in this country – but because people took that to mean the risk of getting them was gone, we have seen a marked upswing in previously eradicated things like Diptheria, etc. But then that’s what makes this country great – our freedom of choice! What I DON’T like is the fact that your “Free Choice” endangers my children/Grandchildren which you DO NOT have the right to do! Good luck to you – I hope your children grow up happy & healthy. But as for me and mine — we’ll be immunized and be safe! My daughter-in-law is pregnant, and she has taken both Flu vaccines and my Grandson too. (I always take the flu shot, and this yr. for first time my Husband took one too :)l
Oh – and you are infectious for up to 72 hrs. before you break out in symptoms – so you are spreading it EVERYWHERE you go, to everyone you know – and don’t know! The droplets from 1 simple sneeze travels approx. 6 feet in the air – so go to Walmart/Kmart/Target etc. and hang-out w/all the coughing, hacking sneezing people – many of which DO NOT EVEN THINK when they touch their nose, eyes, mouth — and then touch the shopping cart, products on the shelves, shake your hand @ church – -the list goes on & on!!!!! If I sound-off strongly on this, I’m sorry — maybe once YOU have a family member who DIES after contracting the flu, being put on a ventilator and going into a ‘Coma-like’ existance for a month or more in ICU you will fell strongly too :{
My kids got the regular flu shot, which they get every year. I had influenza in high school, and it was awful, but I did feel better after a week or so. We didn’t get the H1N1 shot, mostly because there’s a shortage in my area, and since none of the people in my family have pre-existing conditions that would be aggravated or possibly made dangerous by contracting the flu, I felt like we should leave the shot to those who really need it. H1N1 is supposed to be, for most people, about like regular influenza.
Thanks for posting about this, Caryn! I know vaccinations can be emotionally charged subject and sometimes people aren’t able to look at both sides of the coin objectively because of the emotions that get in the way. I try to respect others’ opinions on the matter, while still maintaining the right to make my own decisions for myself and my family. 🙂
We will not be getting either vaccine. It’s so new, how could we? Shots we’ve had to have for years are being questioned with a link to learning disabilities. So, what does that say about something that just came out?
Both my husband and I have reveived the seasonal flu shot and are planning and to get the H1N1 flu shot as soon as our PCP has it available. I agree completely with what 1955Nurse has to say on the subject, but I am not pregnant, so cannot adress that subject.
To think that, “I’d rather place my families well-being in the hands of my Savior and trust that he will keep us protected”, that is just simply insane. No offense to your faith, but these are REAL germs, and real life threatening diseases that can KILL you and your children. I am at least glad that you plan on seeking medical help if: “if any of us do end up with flu-like symptoms, we’ll be going straight to the Doc if it looks like it’s even close to getting bad.”
I wish you all health and happiness during this flu season… PLEASE get the facts straight, from reputable sources, like the ones referenced by 1955Nurse. If you need info that you can understand in laymens terms, please go to the CDC’s website at cdc.gov.
My two boys and I have already had the flu this season so I guess there’s not much point anymore 🙂 We did really well and it wasn’t too bad (as the flu goes that is). Maybe next year when there’s a panic about something else.
My husband and I have decided we want the entire family vaccinated. I would rather be safe than sorry. The only problem I am encountering is that I am unable to find a physician or CVS minute clinic that is carrying the H1N1 vaccine. I believe at this point only the County Free clinics are carrying it. I hope I didn’t scare you with my friend’s story on Saturday but the way H1N1 affects seemingly healthy people just frightens me! Good luck with whatever you decide to do 🙂
Such a tough topic and each family needs to weigh the pros and cons and do what is best for their unique situation.
Our family is opting out of both flu shots this season (as always), but we are doing all that we can to prevent illness, including:
* exercising
* eating fruits and vegetables
* drinking lots of water
* taking multi vitamins and vitamin c
* washing our hands frequently
* breastfeeding
* staying in as often as we can
* avoiding large crowds whenever possible
Best wishes as you make your decision!