This giveaway is now closed. Congrats to the winner Justine!
I grew up in a family that took at least one road trip a year. Whether it was a two hour drive to San Diego or a 24 hour drive to Colorado, we made many memories traveling together as a family. On those rare occasions when we traveled with another family, we played the occasional Shotgun! and License Plate State Game.
Throughout April 9th, calling Shotgun! is going to get you more than just the “front seat.” State Farm Insurance just launched Shotgun!,” a new Facebook promotion to give fans a chance to win a brand new Ford Fusion Hybrid and one of 440 $20 Visa gift cards. During the 10 day promotion, State Farm will publish a photo of a car five times a day on their Facebook page. The first person to tag themselves will be entered to win the car. Subsequent taggers will be entered to win a $20 Visa gift card.
Win It! To celebrate the launch of Shotgun! State Farm is offering one of you the chance to win the following:
$50 gas card
$100 Best Buy gift card (for car audio accessories!)
To enter, you must “like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page and leave a comment with your Facebook profile name and one memory you have from playing road trip games. Comments will close on April 10th at 11:59 PM PST.
US Residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
Want an extra entry? Do any or all of the following and receive an extra entry for each one. Be sure to leave me a separate comment for each additional entry.
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Blog about this giveaway. It doesn’t have to be a separate post. Just include a blurb about it when you blog about other giveaways.
Click on one of the very cute buttons below and digg, stumble, fav, etc. Just let me know what you did in the comments!
No compensation was received for this post. Giveaway items supplied by the company.
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I like State Farm Insurance on Facebook with my username Mary Happymommy. I remember playing “punchbuggy” when I was a kid. We’d punch each other every time we spotted a Volkswagon beetle, which was pretty often back then.
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FB Fan of Statefarm… Becky L.M. One of my fav road trip memories is playing I-Spy with my brother and sister on our way to Disney World!
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like state farm on facebook as Darcy Bishop–we used to love to take road trips we played the license plate game where we would see who could spot the most different states and we would try to read vanity plates–and make up vanity plates. We also were always on the look out for “world of” we used to see world of beds, world of furniture even world of drugs.
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like you on facebook as Darcy Bishop
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I liked State Farm Insurance on Facebook as Audra Lynn W.
We didn’t play many road trip games as a kid; probably because we rarely went on trips. With our kids, we like to play a game we made up where we make a list of items and everyone is looking for them while we’re on the road. At the end of the trip, the person with the most items found wins. I’m sure there’s a name for it, but we call it the “find it” game. It’s really fun to do around Christmas when you’re looking for certain decorations in yards and on cars.
following on twitter as SnowflakeDay & tweeted:!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/53460049993007104
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like state farm on FB Jennifer Bee and I have memories of playing the alphabet game using signs
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“like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page@tcarolinep JessieKatie S. I remember we playing color and license plate game on the road trip.
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I liked them on facebook (Kristie Newton) and I remember playing the alphabet road game…tried to find every letter of the alphabet (in order) from road signs and license plates 🙂
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like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page (Lori Atwood). I remember playing an alphabet game. We would look for things that started with each letter of the alphabet in order of A – Z.
ljatwood at gmail dot com
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ljatwood at gmail dot com
I became a fan of their facebook page: Mama-Nikki Vosburgh. We would always play the “ABC” game together. Lots of fun!
On trips, my family would make a game of trying to spot all 50 state license plates. I distinctly remember running up and down the parking lots of the most popular sites (such as Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park), trying to see if I could spot one of the plates that we still needed. It got real exciting when we were down to five plates or so and were able to check another one off the list. I remember that it was a extra special bonus when we’d actually see an Alaskan or Hawaiian plate!
On trips, my family would make a game of trying to spot all 50 state license plates. I distinctly remember running up and down the parking lots of the most popular sites (such as Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park), trying to see if I could spot one of the plates that we still needed. It got real exciting when we were down to five plates or so and were able to check another one off the list. I remember that it was a extra special bonus when we’d actually see an Alaskan or Hawaiian plate! Facebook Fan: Bill Deb Gorby
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I remember when we use to go for long road trips mom,dad, my four brothers and myself. We use to play punch buggy. When ever we saw a Volkswagon someone was going to get it (lol) Another time when dad stopped for gas my oldest brother was hanging his head out the window and my other brother decided to push the buton to roll the window up. Still laugh today and now I feel sorry for what we put our parents through each and every road trip we took 🙂
Sorry forgot to post in my comment I like Statefarm on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)
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I liked State Farm Insurance on facebook. (Sharon Olivier)
We always played Alphabet Sign when we were on car trips, where you find each successive letter of the alphabet on road signs. You had to “call” when you saw the letter and no one else could use that same sign. Hard to find the X’s and Z’s. Fun, though!
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I am sohamolina (Soha M) FB liker of State Farm—– [email protected]
I am sohamolina (Soha M) FB liker —– [email protected]
clarissa neiding liked state farm on facebook
My sister and I used to tirelessly play the alphabet license plate game as children…I think every single time we got in the car tweet
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we played punch bug a lot on road trips. So many sore arms…
facebook like you (nikki burke)
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I like StateFarm on Facebook, Facebook name is Cindy Merrill. Favorite roadtrip game memory- reading billboard ads and coming up with amusing alternative lines, which were generally not very flattering.
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Ji Wi on facebook.
I never played any roadtrip games
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I liked them. I have memory of playing who can find the most different state license plates.
I like State Farm on FB (Margaret E. Smith)
One game we played as kids and now we play with our kids is counting how many UPS trucks we see. Whoever see’s one first, “calls it” and gets to count that one in his/her number. At the end of the trip, whoever has counted the most, wins.
Thanks so much.
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I like State Farm Insurance’s Facebook page – my FB name is Amanda Moore and I remember playing the “what would you bring” memory game on long road trips with my kids!
I like you on Facebook – my FB name is Amanda Moore
I follow you on Twitter, I’m @AmberGoo, and tweeted:!/AmberGoo/status/53826979824275456
I like this post on Facebook – my FB name is Amanda Moore
I “like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page and remember playing the alphabet game on road trips with my family, where you look for the letters in order on signs and try to get through the whole alphabet before your family members.
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I like State Farm on FB (Kristen H), and me and my brother were military kids, so we did a lot of traveling. Our favorite game to play was license plate bingo. One game could last us the whole trip lol.
aeris321 at gmail dot com
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I like State Farm on Facebook (Nadine E Larsen) my favorite road trip game memory was our trips along the Mohawk Trail. My dad hum Tv show themes and we had to guess the show. It was always fun, We played it with my daughter also, she always loved it, even if I wasn’t very good at humming the tunes,lol
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“like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page name vickiecouturier,,,,I remember my brother an I playing state tag games,an having lots of fun wiht that an “I spy with my little eye”
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I like State Farm on Facebook under Angela Kinder. I remember that on long trips, we would play trivia games and the person who got the most right got to sit up front on the way home.
follow state farm (heather s) we would try to find license plates with every state in the US
I liked State Farm Ins on Facebook (Deborah Rosen). I remember we used to play license plate bingo – first one to win got to pick where we’d stop for our next meal.
i like state farm, sarah hirsch. our road trip games were the alphabet game where you find the letters of the alphabet in order using road signs
I like em. I remember playing slug bug with my brother on road trips. We would both have bruised arms from being slugged. LOL.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
I like Facebook under Susan Stahley and like Statefarm. My mom use to have us play the license plate game. Whoever saw the car first got to call the license plate, and we got a monetary reward for each state we found. It made it so much more fun crossing the country!
FB name: kyl neusch
always like playing I spy
I like State Farm Insurance on Facebook Kiara Auston. I remember playing I Spy in the car when i was a kid.
[email protected]
I like State Farm on Facebook (Sk Sweeps). I remember playing the alphabet game with my daughter – trying to spot all the letters, alphabetically, on signs, license plates…
I like state farm on facebook
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follow State Farm Insurance Facebook ( Tina M) and I alway remember the long drive from Alabama to Kansas. We always used to play the alphabet game where you try to find every letter of the alphabet numerically on road signs.!/HappyTina0115/status/53999550477762560
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like them – we used to look for VW bugs and person who found the most first wins
tvollowitz at aol dot com
like you on facebook and forgot to leave my profile name == stephanie vollowitz light
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like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page –Soha Molina
Memory: Palying I Spy with my parents on the road when I was little.!/sohamolina/status/54032530910875649
I am an email subscriber- [email protected]
I follow State Farm on FB (Kelly Ann T). One of my favorite road trip games was when we went on vacation and had no idea where we were going. We got a new clue each hour and the first one who guessed right got a small prize. My cousin won and we still talk about that today.
I clicked on the share button (FB) Kelly Ann T and I was #17.
I stumbled this post as cstironkat
I like State Farm on facebook (Jessica Miller). My favorite road trip game was always “I spy”. I remember my sister used to get so mad because if she guessed what I was thinking of I would change it.
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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Like State Farm on fb (Cynthia Conley)
I remember watching for different states license plates on vacations.
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Liked State Farm Insurance Facebook page under Rochelle Martin. My memory of playing road trip games is playing, “I Spy” with my family. I loved that game and it really made the time fly by. Thanks!
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“like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page (Danielle Ellis)
There were 5 of us and the game we played most often was the license plate game. With all of us playing htere was a lot of competition.
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I like State Farm on FB: Cori Eckstrom Westphal
And we love playing the game where you try to find as many different state license plates as you can!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
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Sorry!!! Forgot my tweet in the last comment:
I’m combining these two entries so I don’t have extras!
I’m an email subscriber at coriwestphal at msn dot com.
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I dugg the giveaway: coriwestphal
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I like you on FB: Cori Eckstrom Westphal
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I “like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page as Shilo Beedy. My older brother use to hum songs and my sister and I use to guess the names of the songs.
Shilo Beedy
“liked” the State Farm Insurance Faceboo page 😉
[email protected]
Sharon H.
I left a comment on their wall saying that a road trip game we played as kids was seeing how many different states license plates we could find. Whoever saw the license plate first got a point! 😉
Liked you on Facebook 😉
[email protected]
I’m a facebook fan of State Farm. Crystal Faulkner Our favorite game is punch bug. You don’t see as many bugs out now though so it’s harder to play. Thank you!
I’m an email subscriber!
I already “Like” State Farm on Facebook (Denise H. F. B.). I remember playing “Punch Car”. Everytime we saw a Volkswagon, whoever yelled out “Punch Car” first got a point. Whoever had the most points by the end of the car ride, won.
I like the State Farm Insurance Facebook page and my homepage is and my favorite game was we used to make up new words for somgs and try to be funny!
I liked State Farm FB (patricia skinner). I remember playing playing an Alphabet game starting with A and having to find a word on a truck that starts with that letter.
I follow you on Twitter under the name JCHARRIES and tweeted at!/JCHARRIES/status/54281630252150784
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I like State farm on facebook (Betty N)
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tweet for giveaway here!/Grandma3710/status/54312220137496576
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I liked them on facebook. My name is Chelsey Burke on facebook. My favorite road trip game is good ol rock paper scissors :p
Likes State Farm Insurance on Facebook/Debbie Rinaldi
My husband was a driver for a particular trucking line before he retired. My boys when they were younger would count the trucks and check out the driver to see if it was a friend of my husband’s/or my husband driving.
They would keep track if they saw more of this specific trucking company’s trucks on the way to our destination or on the way back.
I like State Farm on fb (Lori Ziegler) and my favorite memories in the car are of my husband and I playing the song game (pick a lyric from a song and challenge the other person to think of another song with that same word). We would play that for hours going from college to our families.
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I like State Farm on FB and instead of playing games in the car, my parents would play books on tape during long car trips. It was a good way to get all the kids quiet to listen to the story!
Wrote on State farm’s website.
Liked Rockin’ Mama on FB.
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coriwestphal at msn dot com
State Farm FB liker (Ashley G) and we loved playing punch buggy when I was a kid!
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Like State Farm Insurance Facebook page as Hendy Martin and we live in the plains so we would count the cows as part of our road trip games.
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com
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‘Like’ State Farm on FB (Jill Lear) and last summer, my kids and I were on a 12 hour road trip. I didn’t bring a lot of things for them to do as they wind up just watching dvd’s the whole time. Turned out our dvd player broke. I picked up a thing of aluminum foil and giving them pieces. They had to sculpt different things. I couldn’t believe how much it kept them entertained.
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Jenn McCullar “like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page. On trips to the mountains with grandparents, we played I-spy, guessing cars color game, or played with a deck of cards. 20 yrs ago wow:)
jenn mccullar is your facebook fan.
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I like them on fb under kelley wood. My fondest memory is counting the license plates from all the states to see what state had the most during our 10 hour trip to Disney World!
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I liked State Farm on Facebook. My favorite memory of road trips when I was younger was going to Lancaster, PA and traveling through Amish country.
We would ‘collect’ license plates from as many states as possible by spotting them and then keeping track.
I like Rockin Mama on facebook
“like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page and we would count cows
I like rockin mama
I like State Farm as Susan Chester. Me and my sister always played Slug Bug-way back in the sixties and seventies when VWs were everywhere.
smchester at gmail dot com
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I like State Farm on Facebook (username: Les Cerises). When I was younger, I would always try to count all of the cars that I would see. Of course there was no way I could succeed in that, but it was fun any way. Thanks for the chance! 🙂
I’m following you on twitter (@whitechocolatec) and tweeted:!/whitechocolatec/status/55153639777513472
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I like the SF FB page. I remember playing the alphabet game in the car. I was an only child and my parents didn’t play games in the car like I do/did with my kids and grandkids…but when I had a friend along we would play and we loved Slug Bug, too. 🙂
My FB name is Kriss Kimball
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I liked State Farm. My FB name is Brad Edwards. We play the sign alphabet game when we go on trips as a family.
like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook
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Tammy Kennedy
When my kids were very young we started traveling and sometimes it was a very long car ride so I had a bunch of games made up(this was before all the electronic gadgets
We would have different prizes, etc
It made the trip go so smoothly we communicated as a whole family
We really loved it and I miss those days so much
Now my one daughter is moving 1500 miles away in May to attend college so she sure needs a GPS
Thank you so very much for giving me a chance to be a winner
Thank you for all your time, effort and hard work
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Tammy Kennedy
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I liked your post
liked state farm on fb [ eva kieu ]
The first raod trip game I ever played was my senior in high school. My friends and I were going to las vegas and we played find a different state license plate. I play this often when I am in the car even if it’s not for a long trip. :]
followed on twitter @ekieu and tweet!/ekieu/status/55519460936794112
[email protected]
liked on fb [ eva kieu ]
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I like State Farm Insurance on facebook (Jennifer Shelepet). My brother and I used to play “Fortunately/Unfortunately” and “Count the Cows” in the car all the time.
Email subscriber.
FB fan of State Farm as smilekisses. I remember palying alot of word games on our little car trips.
I follow state farm on FB! Trisha Burgess AND I always remember playing the dot box game where you try to make the most boxes with my sister when we where on road trips and we would also play mad libs and between those two we had such a blast! I think we truly enjoyed the road trip more than the actual trip!
I like you on FB!
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I like State Farm as Elizabeth P. I remember the year we went from GA to NM and the car broke down half way through TX…gosh was it super hot!
I’ve Liked them on Facebook 😀
Username: Contest Bloggy
and the one memory I have of road trip games is playing the original Gameboy for hours and hours, as we drove to Ohio to visit my grandparents 🙂
Please feel free to contact me at:
allrightyes at gmail dot com
I am following you on Twitter 😀
and I just tweeted this giveaway here 😀!/TimboSquad/status/55883498606698496
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allrightyes at gmail dot com
I’ve Liked you on Facebook 😀
Username: Contest Bloggy
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allrightyes at gmail dot com
i liked statefarm on fb, and my sisters and i used to looove playing the license plate game and i spy!/tnrina/status/55999906875326464
I LIKE State Farm on Facebook. Adrienne Crook Bireley. I remember playing the Alphabet I spy game. Lots of fun. Now when My hubby and I go on roadtrips we play Would you Rather.
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Following State Farm on FB. We used to play the license plate game. You had to find a license plate with each letter of the alphabet, in order.!/fangirljen/status/56095090178924544 Following and Tweeted.
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Liked on fb!~ We used to play I Spy in the car on trips!!
thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
[email protected]
fb fan them: xferriza2 (danielle b)
I have some fond (well not so fond) memories of playing slug bug with my cousins… i think i still have some bruises that just wont go away!
fb fan: xferriza2 (Danielle b)
Likes Rockin’ Mama on Facebook/Debbie R
I follow State Farm on FB (Ellie W)
I remember playing the license plate game with my brother. Seeing who could spot the most out of state license plates.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
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eswright18 at gmail dot com
we always had fun in the car. My best game was who could fall asleep on the freeway!
I like Rockin Mama on Facebook
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I like State Farm on FB as Nancy H.
On trips we used to love seeing who could get the most different out of state license plates.
State Farm FB Fan: mmoushka
We were driving from one state to the next and my brothers and I were playing the license plate game. To see who could find the most of the 50 states license plates.
FB Fan!
My tweet:!/njhhb/status/56499354890014720
Email Subscriber!
I like State Farm on fb 🙂 I always liked playing an alphabet game when on road trips. You would try to name something you see beginning with a letter of the alphabet…and then keep going down the list, A-Z.
Gayle C on facebook. My cousins used to play that stupid “punch buggy” game on the road. They were boys, I was not and I hated it!
Following @RockinMama on Twitter/@tnrina
I like State Farm on FB- Shawn(A)ndree
I always remember playing slug bug on road trips.
Already like State Farm on FB (Carol Gowett) and we often did counting games while on road trips–counting various things–cows, windmills, etc.
“like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook (Kitty Cardero). We never played road trip games. I usually read books in the car to keep myself entertained.
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Liked State Farm on fb! I didn’t play any road trip games since I didn’t go on vacation as a kiddo. When I was a teen, I helped read the atlas, which was a bit of a fun game for me, anticipating which towns were coming up next.
I’m a facebook fan already. (Sarah Scott)
We used to play Punch Buggy when I was a kid. Every time we saw a Volkswagon Beetle we had to punch each other.
I meant to leave my email.
sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com
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sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com
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sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com
Here’s my tweet:!/miss_moneymaker/status/56840275204648960
sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com
Shared your giveaway on Facebook:
sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com
Like on Statefarm on facebook Peter Grotsky. We played games in the game, yell if we see a blue car or red car etc. With a bunch of boys in the car, it was pretty loud!!
I liked them on FB and we usually played license plate bingo!
Tammy Darling
I “like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page and I remember playing the license plate bingo game. My mom made boards and everything. We had tons of fun playing on road trips.
following you and tweeted!/fairydancer35/status/56867253085409280
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Debra Ford
I like the State Farm Facebook page as Gaye M and I remember lots of road trip where we played “spot the license plates”.
I subscribe to your RSS feed!/tnrina/status/56870144982515712
Liked on FB (AngelaWinesburg) We love playing the Alphabet game in the car, we do it at least once a week, thanks!
I like you on FB. (BarbaraAnnFox) We used to play a game where my sister & I wrote down all the animals we saw on our side of the car to see who could end up with the biggest “farm”.
Like State Farm on FB (Erin Greenup). We loved playing the license plate game, 20 questions, and Road Trip Bingo.
I like your page on FB (Erin Greenup)
I “like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page. 🙂 (Jaque Richards)
I like you on Facebook. 🙂 (Jaque Richards)
I clicked on one of your very cute buttons and “faved” you. 🙂
To enter, you must “like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page and leave a comment with your Facebook profile name and one memory you have from playing road trip games. Comments will close on April 10th at 11:59 PM PST.
toni marie caravello
I remember playing Mad Lib in the car on long trips.
reannenny at
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Liked State Farm Insurance on Facebook as Tonya Dean
Loved to play I spy.
I liked State Farm on facebook Rebecca Rps. We made a lot of long car trips, my mom hated the radio, so we did a lot of reading and singing.
I like you on facebook Rebecca Rps
liked state farm fb and remember trying to find all the diff state license plates as a car game
like state farm on facebook from Misty Sunrise.
A favorite game of mine was seeing how many state license plates you can find.
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I like State Farm – Sherry Conrad and my road trip memory is seeing how many states we could spot via the license plates!/dddiva/status/57046426202542081
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Clicked the like button Sherry Conrad
I like State Farm on FB, I remember see who can spot the most out of state license plates on cars
I “like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page – barbara wright
I remember playing Ghost in the car when the kids were little. To avoid tears, when the word was going to end on my daughter, I’d say, “Yay! You get to go first.” We still do that to this day – and my kids are 18 and 20!!!
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I like this post on facebook – barbara wright
I like State Farm on FB -tracey byram. I remember playing I Spy and Car Bingo when my family drove crosscountry from Florida to California in 1971.
i like the State Farm Insurance Facebook page
addrienne anny mertens
_we always played pididdle (spelling) get a nickle for every one headlight car u see and shout out.
_punch buggy too
zippy573AT netscape DOT net
“Like” State Farm Insurance Facebook page (charity s) I remember playing the beetle bug can with my brother.
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zippy573 AT netscape DOT net
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charity s
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i dugg it..Found it!
Hmm, we already have this story on Digg, digg it or share it with your friends! ~~done
zippy573 AT netscape DOT net
Lilly Bee likes State Farm on FB.
The only game we played was when we saw Livestock Ahead road signs we’d always call it a liar because there WAS no livestock on the road ahead. Yeah we were dorks.
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Facebook username = simplydab
We liked to play punch buggy 🙂
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I like them, Melanie E D.
We used to play the Alphabet game.
I like state farm on facebook as Kathy Emerick. We used to love to take road trips we played the license plate game where we would see who could spot the most different states .
I liked the State Farm Insurance Facebook page (Betty Curran)
As most families have done, we always played the license plate game. It got exciting when we got to a popular tourist attraction and found so many more states.
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I like State Farm on facebook! stephanie a….
I remember playing I spy alot with my sister and brother and singing 99 bottles of beer during road trips!
I like you on facebook! stephanie a….
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I follow you on twitter and tweeted!!/gnwg/status/57167817149124608
I like State Farm on FB
(Jackie Little)
As a child on road trips, we played the license plate game;
I submitted a digg! gnwg
I shared this giveaway on facebook!!/permalink.php?story_fbid=212285598797330&id=1595801328
Stumbled this post! gnwg
I like Rockin’ Mama on FB
fb fan of state farm-amyd
remember playing punch buggy with my brothers and sisters
fb fan of yours
I like State Farm on Facebook (Cassandra Cross).
My favorite roadtrip game was “I’m going to Atlanta and I’m going to bring…” and we had to alphabetically name items that we would bring. You have to remember and name all of the preceding items.
I like Rockin’ Mama on facebook (Cassandra Cross)
I “like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page as Emm Enger
game= color that farm animal
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I like State Farm Insurance on facebook (Cindy Brooks)
We were on the road a lot, too, when I was a kid and we took a 2-week road trip every summer. We’d play the Alphabet Game once in a while, but mostly we sang at the top of our lungs!
someluckydog at gmail dot com
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stumbled this giveaway (someluckydog)
someluckydog at gmail dot com
“like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page erica best and on road trips we use to play I spy .
fan on fb erica best
i like this page on fb!/purplelover04/status/57221797086638080
I “like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page
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I “LIKE” State Farm on FB (Nicole Pitts) and I remember always playing the license plate game with my family on road trips–we had a notebook full of them that continued through the years!
I follow on twitter @pittsy82 and tweeted!/pittsy82/status/57248607337852928
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I like State Farm on FB Susan Smith and we use to play a game where we would compete to see who could spot the most states on license plates.!/susan1215/status/57250242889916416
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Like you on FB Susan Smith!/tnrina/status/57256150801985537
I like on FB as Leslie Luke Stanziani.I remember trying to get the most of a certain color vehicle.My parents would pick a color and give us an aloted time to find as many vehicles as we could.Thanks!
Like State Farm-carol yerby lewis
I remember playing the game where you see a the VW cars-was it Herbie? the car and you would yell Herbie Red or herbie Yellow. It is so long ago I can’t remember the name of it but it was so much fun and would get a bit crazy!
spcale at yahoo dot com.
FB like State Farm: Slehan
We would play the alphabet game: What do you see that starts with an A, etc.
Thanks for the contest.
Like you on FB-carol yerby lewis.
spcale at yahoo dot com.
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spcale at yahoo dot com
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spcale at yahoo dot com
Twitter follow you: slehan
LIKED State Farm’s Page on FB- Kimberly W. F.
We used to love to play the Alphabet Game. Hi My name is Anne, my husband’s name is Al, We come from Alabama and our Favorite food is Apples. We would say that phrase for each letter. We had such a great time playing that game that time would fly by on long roadtrips.
follow and tweet!/dresdenrain/status/57270437159243776
spcale at yahoo dot com
LIKE you on FB- Kimberly W. F.
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spcale at yahoo dot com
I like State Farm on Facebook. My sister and I always played a game where we would get one point for every animal we saw on our side of the car. I heard of cows (or pigs, sheep, etc.) was a flat 15 points, but if you saw a white horse it was 25 points.
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Likes State Farm Insurance on FB-Lisa Li. We used to play the country alphabet game and take turns naming countries from A-Z. If you couldn’t think of one, you’re out of the game.
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I’m a fan on Facebook (Lisa L).
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I like State Farm Insurance on FB (Sarah Smile) and I remember counting out of state license plates when we were on the road, we used to love to do that…especially the Michigan ones because they were blue and there were so many of them (we lived in a tourist town in Ohio).
Twitter follow (mail4rosey)/Tweet:
I Like you on FB (Sarah Smile).
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I like State Farm on fb, Patty Smith
1 memory of car games was the ABC game. Finding signs that had words that started with the lettter of the alphabet you were on. We always either found not enough signs (rural Missouri!) or grew weary of it.
stumbled: slehan
dugg: slehan
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I like State Farm on Facebook with username Auriette. We traveled a lot when I was younger, and my mom would make lists of things for me to look for – a brown cow, a church with a steeple, a red pick-up truck, etc. As I got older, I would make a list for my mom. We still laugh about the time I put a blue Toyota on her list. After a while, everything on both our list was checked off except that blue Toyota, and we all started looking for one. We’d spot a blue car and get close enough to see the make, and it wouldn’t be a Toyota. It’s funny how something so simple can lead to hours of laughter and a memory that has lasted for decades!
I like the facebook page (Heather C).
I loved playing either slug bug or state license tag.
I follow and tweeted –
Thanks for the giveaway…“like” the State Farm Insurance Facebook page: bryan eason
Our Mom encouraged reading for the most part, and puzzle books to keep us busy; when we were older we played card games…it was there that I discovered my older sisters were inveterate cheaters when it came to playing poker !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Following YOU via Twitter: @brianpiero
…email subscribed.
I liked State Farm Insurance with my username of Karen DeVaney. I remember playing the license plate game as a child and trying to find license plates from all 50 states.
I liked State Farm as Pamela Shockley
I remember playing “I Spy” where you have to find what the person is talking about.
I subscribe to your feed with google reader. Thanks.
I like the State Farm Insurance Facebook page. When we went on Vacation we played the game where we tried to spot a tag from every state.
I like you on Facebook.
I like State Farm Insurance Facebook page as (Charlene Kuser) I remember playing the Slug-a-Bug road game.
Where we would keep track of how many Volkswagen Beetles we spotted on the road.The first player to get to 10 would win.I was pretty good at spotting the Beetles
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liked them fb, rich hicks
One thing we did as kids was count out of state car plates on long trips
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
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rich hicks
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
I like Statefarm on facebook and one memory I have from playing road trip games is having ‘bingo cards’ which we crossed off when we found what it was..those were so fun!
justine pierson
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justine pierson
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