This giveaway is now closed. Congrats to Susan Varney, our winner!
Throughout the month of April, we’re celebrating Earth Month here on Rockin’ Mama with simply tips for living greener.
Earlier this month, I talked about incorporating organics into your diet and sustainable snacking ideas. While my husband and I have been striving to live greener for some time now, we are always learning something new and adapting our lifestyle when we can. But what about those of us who are just getting started? Those of us who would like to “go green” but don’t know where to begin?
One of my best tips for getting started is to become an avid label reader. Whether it’s a cleaning product you want to use on your child’s toys or a packaged food you’d like to snack on, it’s important to begin understanding what you’re using in, on, and around yourself and your family. If you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint, begin thinking about how much you reuse v. how much you throw away. Every week, my husband and I strive to ensure our recycle bin exceeds our waste bin. We reuse bottles, bags, boxes, and more. We avoid throw-away anything and opt for reusable when possible.
Over the next four weeks, I’ll be test driving Scott Naturals‘ new line of hybrid paper products made with a blend of virgin materials and 20% recycled materials in products/packaging. According to the company, if every household in America substituted recycled fiber products for paper products for four weeks, over two million trees could be saved. If you’re looking for a simple way to begin your green journey, why not take the four-week test drive with Scott Naturals and enter to win a hybrid sedan? Additionally, Scott Naturals will donate $1 to the National Wildlife Federation when you click on this link, up to $25,000. Stay tuned! I have a host of green tips and information to share with you over the next four weeks.
Win It! One of you will win a Scott Naturals Kit which includes bath tissue, paper towel, flushable moist wipes, and napkins. Simply leave me a comment with your best green tip (after clicking over to Scott Naturals! : ) Comments will close on April 22, 2011 at 11:59 PM PST. US Residents only.
Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
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This is part of a compensated campaign with Scott Naturals and The Motherhood.
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unplug unused electronics
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Cry clothes naturally (when possible).
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Best green tip – Use Scott Naturals!
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After a recent cold ran through our house the wmount of tissues on the floor was outrageous. The little ones would use for one small wipe and throw away so I took a box and cut each tissue in fours – perfect for a toddler wipe and throw and went four times as far
tvollowitz at aol dot com
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best green tip is to compost scraps for flower and veggie beds
We like to dry our clothes on the line when it’s nice.
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Use less diapers by doing infant pottying combined with using cloth diapers when needed! 🙂 That means less diapers in landfills.
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seal the windows
I read their tips and my tip is an easy one everyone who showers can do. Turn off the water while you lather. You’ll save water and clean yourself more efficiently.
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My best green tip is too reuse what you have and stop buying new stuff all the time. And if that proves too difficult for you, then at least try to make what you have last longer. Take better care of your stuff, and keep it around longer.
Alicia Webster
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My best green tip is to lower the temperature on your hot water heater.
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Green tip: homemade cleaning products that are healthier for my family and the earth.
We recycle. We’ve reduced our consumption of materials, but my favorite green thing is to walk place we need to go.
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us a clothes line to dry clothes much better smelling to
I set the thermostat on 80 in the summer and 65 in the winter, makes a big difference in the electric bill AND conserves energy.
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My green tip: I got a gizmo called an Activeion Ionator (not shilling, it’s just the one I have!) It uses plain tap water to clean and disinfect surfaces all over the house, eliminating the need to buy a bunch of harsh (and expensive!) chemicals. I save money, avoid spewing nasty stuff into the environment, and don’t clog landfills with the empty plastic bottles from cleaning supplies. Good all around!
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We use the water removed when we clean the fish tanks to water the plants. It seems like a little thing, but with five aquariums, it can add.
40% foods are organic,green cleaners and always recycle my paper. I shred it then use the stuffing to mail out packages
hang blankets and sheets to dry
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Print on both sides of paper and only print what you need to.
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
My green tip is to use cloth napkins instead of paper ones.
My best green tip is to use low energy blubs~saves more in the long run!
I like you on FB~Deb S
My best green tip is to use drive less
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My best green tip is to find new uses for as many things as possible.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
to compost
using cloth diapers! tweet
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we use cold water for laundry and air dry when posible. We also use low flow shower heads
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my green tip is buy a green shower head it help too save water and energy and money
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Recycle!!! cant do it enough!!
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recycle, and don’t buy bottled water
We are rabid recyclers – have a small trash can and a large recycle container now instead of the other way around.
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I like to use earth friendly garden remedies like fish oil
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Best tip – I unplug all things I do not use regularly.
Save about $10 each month!
Thank you.
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My family started recycling and we cut our trash more than half going to the landfill a week.
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We wash our clothes in cold water & we recycle.
I make my own cleaning supplies. Super easy, eco friendly and cheap. Google it!
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Use reusable water bottles and market bags
gkstratos at yahoo dot com
i like to use rags to wipe up spills and then throw them in the laundry to save on paper towels
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Don’t let the water keep running when you are brushing your teeth.
Instead of using the dryer, hang clothes out on a line to dry.
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My best green tip is to recycle. Recycle your trash as well things you don’t want/need. Thanks for the contest! codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
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My best green tip is to stop using single use items! Use a hanky instead of kleenex. Washable dishes instead of paper plates and plastic silverware. Bath towels instead of those crazy new single use shower towel things… those are just ridiculous!
My best tip is just to reuse everything you can…bottles, bags, etc.
Using green paper products like Northern is great but you can take it even a step farther by composting the used napkins and paper towels.
dchrisg3 @ gmail . com
My best green tip is my motto – Reuse, Recycle & Repurpose
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Always run the dishwasher and the washing machine with full loads to save water and power.
nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com
stop buying bottled water!
Thanks for the entry!
Janna Johnson
One of my favorite tips is to collect rinse water from cleaning vegetables and water my patio plants.
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My green tip is to bring your own canvas bags when grocery shopping. Sometimes I forget to bring mine, and I feel guilty. So if it’s only a small item or something easy to carry, then I will tell them I don’t need a bag. Why waste a whole bag for something I can easily carry or toss in my purse?
Use refillable water bottles!
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We waste less. Alot less. Find other things to do with leftovers.
use cardboard boxes you may get in the mail as disposable garbage cans
Rather than doing as Valancia says with cardboard boxes, I use them as containers to hold other cardboard, flattened and getting ready to go to the recycling center.
Recycle, recycle, recycle! Oh and we try to use biodegradable products when we can such as diapers. Thanks for the chance!
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When I wash my hands and dry with paper towels I save them and use them to clean or fold them up for emergencies because my hands are clean anyway and the towel still is.
Start a work or school carpool also consider biking when you can be greener and healthier
We use cloth napkins instead of paper!
enter me thanks
recycle and compost
Use a steam cleaner on your floor instead of chemicals
nightowlmamablogs at gmail dot com
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I make my own yogurt at home, which cuts down on recyclable waste, costs, and is heathier for the whole family.
Drink tap water, and get rid of the plastic bottles.
my best green tip is to use ceiling fans to reduce electricity costs from running the a/c
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I reuse things, If I get sick of a vase, lamp shade or mirror I spiff it up with a fresh coat of paint or fabric. You can create a whole new look without creating waste.
melindasuegordon at gmail dot com
When you can, buy local organic produce.
Recyle and bring your own bags to the grocery store.
Like you on FB Susan Smith
My tip is to walk instead of driving
My best green tip is to get and energy audit done of your home to see any energy losses. Our utility company does free energy audits.
I grow my own fruit, veggies and herbs.
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Clean the microwave with a solution of Baking Soda and water.
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