This giveaway is now closed! Thanks so much for stopping by. The winner is Susan! Congrats!
What are your plans this summer? While my husband had planned an incredible New England trip for us, sadly, that is not going to work out due to the pregnancy. We do have a couple of fun trips planned including a trip to Minnesota for a General Mills Eat & Greet (my husband and son will be in tow) and a driving trip through the South. When my husband and I were first married, we’d hop on a plane on a whim.
Now that we have a little boy and one on the way, we’ll definitely be making more road trips (it’s actually really difficult…but not impossible…to travel with kids on a plane). This summer travel season, Safety 1st is offering a a “Summer Road Trip Safety” basket to one of you! Summer travel is fun and exciting, but it is important to first ensure the safety of your children in the back seat before you are able to sit back and relax.
The basket includes items from Safety 1st’s ProGrade line, all of which are crash tested by the Safety 1st team of certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians. ProGrade items include the See Baby Soft Mirror (for the backseat headrest), the Secure View Mirror (for the rear view mirror), the Soft Solution Roller Shade, the famous “Baby on Board” window sign, and a $25 gas gift card to fill your tank! To enter simply post about your summer travel plans. If you would like an additional entry, tweet about the contest (be sure you’re following me) and comment once more with the link to your tweet. Comments will close on July 23, 2009 at 10 PM PST.
Also, for those of you attending BlogHer in Chicago, be sure to stop by the Safety 1st booth to learn about the latest development in child safety. Side impact crashes are by far the most harmful type of collision for children; and Safety 1st has developed Air Protect, a groundbreaking new car seat technology to help protect against this terrifying threat. Safety 1st will be giving away the Complete Air car seat, the first car seat available with Air Protect, so make sure you stop by and enter to win!
To learn more about Air Protect, visit
Profuse thanks to Mom Generations for this giveaway opportunity.
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Sadly, summer is just a few weeks from ending as we will be returning back to school. However before that we’re heading for the beach as much as we can!
Tweeted ~
This year we arent going anywhere due to finances,but we are planning a road trip to disney in Flordia next summer with the grandchildren,its a 10 yr ride but we are saving an planning now so hopefully it will be a lot of fun,thanks for the chance,this would come in really handy
Our summer travel plans involved 2 road trips earlier this summer: one to Myrtle Beach and the other to Wolf Creek Lodge (near Charlotte, NC). We won’t be traveling for a little while because I’m due next month!
[email protected]
I Follow on twitter an tweeted; vickiecouturier
we are not totally planning on alot of travel but will take a fall vacation and small trips this summer. We went to missouri and had a great time for the 4th and then will travel to Bond county fair in August.
[email protected]
We have already been on a 2 week vacation. Next week we are going camping for the week. In August we are taking a week vacation to Mexico. Inbetween we will be doing day trips around our state.
we are going to be traveling to Utah a few times. which is about a 13 hour drive. soo long. so we could use this.
My travel plans are to not travel too far from home. We have planned and are planning smaller trips to Mountains and amusement parks.
While I wish I really knew what we might be doing I hope that we can get away if only over the border into either Wisconsin or Michigan.
We already went to Niagara Falls. I am having surgery next week, so that squashes any other plans!
I would love to win this.
We have to go see my mother-in-law in Georgia next month. It will be ten long days of listening to her non-stop complaining and negativity. I have offered to stay behind to do some much needed house cleaning, but my husband won’t let me…heavy sigh…
Alicia Webster
[email protected]
We will be heading to Niagara Falls, NY this summer. Can’t wait!
I’m taking my family on a 6 hour car ride to a family reunion in Park City. Then on to visit a new neice and then back home again. A lot of time in the car!
We already had our big summer trip to South Dakota. My son’s b-day is this month, and we’re going to the local water park for that, which should be TONS of fun!!
our plans are to stay home & save money!!!
We traveled 5 hours to the Sonoma coast over 4th of July. Plan to go to the Bay Area (3 hour trip) to family and friends.
We really dont have travel plans this year. We are staying home and enjoying life right here.
We’re not going much of anywhere this year- just a short trip to Canada for my husband’s brother’s wedding. But hopefully soon we’ll get back to traveling more!
No summer travel plans here. Just not possible with the finances and car issues. But there’s still plenty to do around town from fun festivals, events at the Library, & the family swimming pool. : )
Unfortunately, we have no vacation planned for this summer. We do hope to get to the beach a couple of times though. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
Go to Yellowstone.
We just finished a vacation in Va, but will be going to Preque isle, Erie, PA before the start of the new school year!
we are traveling to see family this summer.
My grandmother has been wanting to visit the town where she grew up, and lived in for more than 60 years. Gram says she’d like to see her friends, “one last time” as they are all well into their 70’s and 80’s. I have volunteered to be the driver.
We are going to the beach this weekend. DH parents rented a beach house and since he is jobless, this is about the only thing we can afford to do.
member (dot) thao (at)
member (dot) thao (at)
We are planning to stick around home, but take one longer trip to Wisconsin for a family reunion.
We are going to a family reunion in Louisiana in two weeks.
My summer plans…I will do the same things I always do… take care of the kids and pets, play on computer and read some books. what a life huh?
We are visiting nana in a week.
sadly, we have none.
The Jersey Shore, then off to PA.
[email protected]
We just hang around home during the summer and find things to do around here.
Our summer travel plans are to move out of state.
I hope goes as planned:)
We are not vacationing this year, but we have gone to Kiddieland, and Six Flags Great America
[email protected]
Next week we are going to drive down to Half Moon Bay to go to our favorite restaurant and enjoy the beach. Thanks for the giveaway!
short trip to new hampshire for something different…
I am truly hoping we can take an overnight trip to Cedar Point. That would be so much fun. Thank you!
I tweeted
i’m going to the beach everyday [email protected]
We would like to go to the mountains of North Carolina.
We plan on hitting a bunch of parks, getting outdoors more, and staying cool in this heat!
My summer plans aren’t too exciting. My brother IS getting married though so that’s the big plans for the moment. Besides that, I’m not traveling anywehre but I’d love to be entered in this fab giveaway.
We are in central FL and have friends on the Gulf Coast of FL, we usually go their house for a visit a couple of times and they come to ours. We do BBQs, hang out around the pool, go to the beach when there, and go to Disney when here. They are teachers so are off all summer. It is really a lot of fun.
Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway.
We arent really planning to take a big vacation. At most we may take a weekend trip or a couple of day trips to get away.
We’re planning a 13-hour road trip to Maine, so if we win this it will come in very, very handy. We love to travel and spend a lot of time on the road each summer, so the kit would sure get a lot of use.
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted the giveaway here
We have already been on a 2 week vacation. Next week we are going camping for the week. In August we are taking a week vacation to Mexico. Inbetween we will be doing day trips around our state.
I plan to travel to Las Vegas this summer.
i’m in my third trimester with a blood clot so not allowed to travel, but we were planning a trip to williamsburg
I plan to drive to Biloxi
We will be doing a fairly local road trip–but we won’t come home for the 7 full days.
We are going to Florida this week
Sadly, we have no travel plans this summer, but we might be able to take a camping trip to the lake soon! (I hope!)
We are traveling to visit family and going to Disneyland!
We just returned from a 2 week road trip, so we will be staying close to home for the next while. We plan of taking a couple camping trips, and spending some time of the beach.
No plans this summer, I’m lucky to be employed and have to work, work, work.
were going to Oregon for a week and then moving! Thanks for the chance.
We are planning on going to Gatlinburg and the Smokey Mountains.
We’re actually in Florida right now!
We plan on driving to the Dells in a few weeks to camp, and also Upstate New York in August for a week, I cant wait
[email protected]
We traveled Cross Country earlier. Now we’re doing swim lessons and park visits.
speechforme gmail
Besides working? Going to the beach, on day trips to the river, and just relaxin with family!! Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
We are bringing our son to Walt Disney World for the first time. He’s going to love it.
I’m hoping for a trip to see the new Busch Gardens park this summer with my Grandbabies. I would love to have this for my son……a mother can never be too “helpful” where this is concerned.
I am traveling across country to Washington and I know it will be so much fun! I have never been to the NW so it should be so different . I am going to Creations NW !!
[email protected]
Mostly this summer I’m traveling back and forth to Joplin to visit my kids. I had planned a trip to Kansas to see my sister, but when Charlie had the heart attack scare it took a chunk out of my budget. Next big thing we’re looking at is a trip to Kansas City for the Renaissance Fair, the Oklahoma State Fair, and Branson for Silver Dollar City’s fabulous Christmas Light Festival.
A week on the beach in Florida
We’re making lots of trips to Sea World and hopefully one to the beach.
We will be heading to Yellowstone in a few weeks! Thanks for the giveaway!
we are planning to travel to Charleston, Sc this august.
have your button on my blog
Our summer travel plans involved 2 short road trips earlier this summer – staycations really
thanks for sponsoring this.
We are going camping! For the first time with the kids, in August to Estes Park Colorado. Yea!!
I follow on twitter, here is my tweet:
We are going to Savannah for 3 nights. Thank you.
We are going to a wedding back home and spending a week in Santa Barbara
follow twitter and tweet
we went to a local amusement park!
autumn398 @
Our plans this summer are to Move hopefully.. !!!
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I follow you on Twitter @notsoperfect
I tweeted here:
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
We’ve already been on one camping trip this summer and have another planned in a few months. And then a trip to our family reunion in the fall.
Thanks for the chance to win!
We have nothing planned at the moment, but a quick camping trip always comes up!
We are staying local this Summer, going ot the beach a lot.
Our only summer travel plan is to take a trip up to Sedona and go to the Rock Slide Park. Thanks!
We are goin camping and also a wedding next month
We are planning a week long trip to Hot Springs, AK this year.
madamerkf at aol dot com
We have taken a road trip to Tennessee and to Georgia thus far this year. This weekend we will be traveling to Ohio, and then one more trip to Tennessee before the summer ends.
No long trip travel plans, but lots of visits to my mom’s to help her move to a smaller house!
Planning on going to Dearborn Michigan to see my new grandson.
We’re headed to Tampa next weekend for a baseball weekend! Yay! Thanks for the giveaway!
I tweeted!
we’re goig back to the beach next month!!
Already did the road trip to Disneyland and will soon be going to Lake Tahoe. Love the Summer Roadtrips!
We just want to take it easy for the most part, but also have quite a few trips planned, to Saginaw, Mi for example. Thank you!
We are going to go to Ocean City MD the whole last week of August! I can’t wait! Thanks!
If we are going to travel it wont be too far as it’s hard to make ends meet as it is. Traveling if fun though.
Following you on Twitter (id- checkkers) & a Tweet!
I’m so sad that I’ll be missing you at at the Eat & Greet. Be sure to take lots of photos – and enjoy the food! I bet the event is going to be tons of fun.
Our summer travel plans? We REALLY want to take a driving trip up the coast – to California, Oregon, and Washington. Still working out the details…
I don’t have summer travel plans this year. We’re staying close to home and just going on day trips.
This summer we traveled to Pensacola Beach, FL. We also traveled to Eastern TN to visit relatives. It was a great summer! macd82 at gmail dot com
Just lots of short trips to local parks and the swim park.
We’re going to Canada to visit the in laws in two weeks! 14 hours with a toddler…
we just got back from visiting with the in-laws at seven springs, pa. we’ll be heading for the beach with my family in august
We are trying to stay home as much as possible.
entered mommygoggles’ SwimWays Spring Pool giveaway
Hoping to take our youngest granddaughter to Marineland in Niagara Falls & African Lions Safari. Everytime those commercials come on tv she stops whatever she’s doing , stares and smiles. She just loves animals.
I follow you on twitter-iamcherdon
I tweeted this giveaway
After both traveling a lot separately for work, hubby and I are mostly staying close to town (7mo pregnant!) with some day trips to take advantage of nearby natural beauty while we’re still ‘free’.
We love the beach, but I also have a surprise trip to Universal planned.
We are going to Carowinds! Thanks
I tweeted.
My road trips are always fairly close. Three hours to visit my mom is pretty easy to do.
We plan to take an over night trip to Nags Head, NC in the late summer/ early fall.
We went on a trip and our van broke down (it has 175,000 miles on it)!
We were in a pretty rough area on a Saturday afternoon but thank God we got it repaired! We were going to go to Philadephia. After our van broke down we drove right through and didn’t even stop. At least we got home okay!
We are going camping outside of chicago in a week or two- very excited about that!
We live in the suburbs, so for our summer vacations, we normally do all the city stuff: the zoo, the museums, the fairs!
It’s a lot of fun (well, it’d be more fun if it weren’t so hot!)
We are planning on going to the beach in Texas before the summer is over.
Well we have made a few trips to memphis to the zoo and museum but our real trip will take place in march when we take a trip to the ocean
We plan on taking at least one more camping trip but it will have to be on a long weekend, as school starts next week.
We took a road trip to the Smoky Mountains in Gatlinburg, TN!
We plan on going to Reno or Disneyland this summer!
We are planning on going to the Indiana Dunes for some “beach” time! It is a quick drive and it’s fun!
We are going to Myrtle Beach next month! Can’t wait!
Were taking a trip to Washington in late august!
Our summer travel plan is simple due to the economy. We probably won’t travel far from home- maybe just a weekend in Pigeon Forge, TN. My daughters are happy to go swimming at the lake here in our home town this summer. Thankyou:)
It will be a staycation this year with day trips around town!
We just plan to travel locally, maybe a day trip or two
No plans for summer travel as I’ve been unemployed for eight months. Trips to the library are about as must as we’ll travel.
We’re going to the beach very soon.
Going to Colorado for my partner’s reunion!
We just got back from a trip to WI which was about 5 hours each way! We spent 5 days in a hotel on Lake Geneva. I have a niece who JUST had a baby that I’d give the baby items too! Thanks so much!
We are only traveling about 3 hours away to the Pocono Mountains, PA for a week. We will eat all of our meals in to save money.
we’re heading to AZ soon!
to mendocino, ca
I went on a cruise in June and am going to Hot Sprimgs, AK over Labor Day.
madamerkf at aol dot com
No summer travel plans now as hubby does not have any work. Wish we did. So shop for groceries!
We have trips to see the grandparents and a water park trip planned!
Pigeon Forge is the planned destination.
We are not going on vacation. We will be enjoying family time at home this summer. thank you!
Nothing much this summer, just a trip to visit the new grandparents! Maybe bigger stuff next year….
camping later this summer
I’m going to Las Vegas at the end of the summer.
I’m following you on twitter.
I tweeted.
we did not have the money for major travel plans this year so we take a lot of trips to the park.
We plan on visiting NYC.
We plan on taking day trips for fishing and other fun stuff.
Thanks for the giveaway… Just a few weekend road trips this summer to San Diego…the beach!!!… in order to save some $$$.
If anything we all need the safety basket within our own worlds/we get so busy in that our families safety should be our priority however we simply put it on the tail end Thanks SW
We are planning to go to our 60th Family Reunion in Mississippi.
Tweeted @
I don’t have any plans.. we’ll be staying home for the summer.
i went to the mo lake of the ozarks for a mini vacatio 2 see my cousins:)
Thanks for the chance to win.
We’re going to Wyoming next week for the big family reunion. That should be a really fun time.
We stayed home this summer but we had a lot of guests here. My parents came for a visit and my brother in law was home from Iraq. So there wasn’t a lot of travel but there was plenty of family visits.
We won’t be going far this summer unfortunately. Finances being what they are we’re sticking close to home. We may take a day trip to Sedona, AZ from Phoenix not a very far trip but nice to get of the city for a while and escape some of the heat.
This year we’re planning on heading to the Grand Canyon to go camping. We haven’t been before so it should be a really fun trip. This prize pack would be great for our road trip!
We’re going to go camping this summer a couple hours to the north. We try and go camping every year and its usually a fun trip.
i entered amanda’s ideal no cal sweetner contest