I wish that I could blame the fact that I can be a bit clumsy on “mommy brain.” But the truth is it started long before I had children. When my husband and I were dating, he was always amused at the things I’d do or say. He has always been the more sensible, grounded one, leaving the quirkiness to me. Until the day he washed his cell phone in the dishwasher. Funny enough, I was the pregnant one at the time.
While that was a major mobile mishap, I’ve dropped more mobile phones than I can count. Before I became an iPhone user, I owned a Palm Pre Plus that I absolutely adored. It had a built-in camera that took awesome photos, a navigation system through Verizon that helped me get wherever I wanted to go seamlessly, and a combination touch-screen/key pad. And then the day came when I dropped it for the last time. When I called Verizon, they told me that it would be more expensive to fix the screen than it would be to get a new phone. That was the day I became an iPhone user.
Mobile phones are expensive and highly breakable. I’ve taken some precautions to keep my phone safe from my clumsy hands (and my children’s) including outfitting it with a case from Otterbox. And while that case offers protection from drops and such, it doesn’t ensure that I won’t lose my phone, or worse, get it stolen.
According to statistics compiled by Asurion, 60 million phones are lost, stolen or damaged each year. The company offers consumers protection against lost, stolen, damaged, or malfunctioning electronic devices such as mobile phones. Additionally, they offer security to ensure that the content you store on your phone remains private. Depending on the protection plan you sign up for, you could receive a next day replacement and hassle-free support for items like mobile phones.
Have you ever lost a cell phone? Dropped it in the tub? Had your child damage the screen?
You can learn more about Asurion’s protection plans and mobile apps by visiting their website or GottaHaveMyMobile.com.
Win It! One of you will win a $40 Amazon gift card. Simply leave me a comment with your mobile mishap! Comments will close on September 26th, 2012 at 11:59 PM PST.
US Residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
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No compensation was received for this post. Gift card for giveaway supplied thorugh the Asurion Influencer Network.
Photos: Asurion
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I once dropped my phone while shutting my car door, and it got smashed between the door panel and side of my seat
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my daughter left mine on top of car,and drove off. needless to say it fell off and got ran over.
I dropped my cell phone on the pavement and cracked it.
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I dropped my cell phone in the toilet
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one of my cell phones just stopped working, don’t know why and it was past warranty so I didn’t bother looking into it.
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most recently, it fell out of his pocket & hit a rock… got some very decorative cracks in the touchscreen… ;-;)
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A mobile mishap I had was when I was getting out of my car I dropped my phone on the concrete. I thought for sure it was broken, but luckily it only had a few scratches and still worked fine!
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my daughter recently dropped my new phone and shattered the screeen
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My mobile mishap would be not having my own cell phone. I tend to borrow family’s (husband’s, mom’s, sister’s) when I’m out and about.
My son loves to take my phone swimming whenever he gets his hands on my phone… in the toilet, swimming pool, bath tub, sink, you name it!
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I dropped my phone into the toilet not only once, I’m glad it’s going strong
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I left my cellphone outside during a rainstorm!
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My phone was put in a microwave at a party. Crazy, but true!
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I dropped my phone on the tile floor and it didn’t have a scratch on it but it would never work again.
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i left my cell phone at a movie theater, luckily i got it back, but I often can’t find it
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My husband has lost his cell phone twice 🙁
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My flip phone broke in half!!
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i just got mine wet and ruined at six flags..it was in my bag and got wet on a ride
The worst mobile mishap for me so far has been dropping it in a sink full of sudsy water
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The worst mishap was when our little one decided to take a swim with the phone!
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well i have had 2 phones lost…both no fault of me! once i asked my son to put my phone in my stroller carrier for me…who knows where he did put it…gone forever. The other time my husband folded up the stroller without removing my stuff and my phone must have dumped out in the fold and lift process…gone forever
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While helping buckle my kids into their carseats, I had left my phone ontop of the roof of my car. I forgot about the phone and went about my errands. When I returned home, I saw my car laying in our street, smashed.
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I dropped my phone on the concrete once.
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i just smashed my iphone
I dropped it in my food pot, while cooking.
one of my phones was dropped into the tub once….had to drain the tub, try to dry the phone & forget about my bath for awhile!
My daughter dropped my phone in the toilet while we were on vacation.
I dropped my cell phone and cracked the screen.
I dropped my phone in a train station, and the parts flew all over.
I dropped my phone on the drive-way
I dropped my phone into the potty at a club! 🙁
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My mobile mishap happened when I dropped my iPhone and cracked the screen.
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I had a bottle of hair gel open up in my purse, destroying my phone. Luckily, I did have asurion!
i have personally dropped my phone in toilet when i went to flush, and it sucked big time LOL
My mobile mishap was when I dropped my phone in the Chicago River when I was on an architecture cruise!
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I have [knock on wood] never had a mobile mishap!!
My friend got her phone wet at the beach.
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tweet on 9/14
My last mishap was leaving it in a restaurant
Just an oopsie on the concrete, but that’s all she wrote
dropped mine out of my pocket into a toilet at Taco Bell
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I dropped my daughter’s phone down a flight of concrete stairs (it lived)
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tweet 9/14
My mobile mishap happened this summer when I spilled a bunch of water into my headphone jack. It was messed up for days!
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I forgot my phone outside on the table & my puppy thought it would make a good chew toy. I ended up finding it under the back deck. Completely messed up.
I let my son play with my phone in the car and it fell out and smashed when I opened the door
dropped it in the pool once
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My biggest mishap has been not charging.
one time i dropped my phone in the lake while i was fishing
followed you on pinterest casey everidge
My mobile mishap was when I was trying to put the cover back on my phone and bent it by accident. 🙁
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I dropped it in the yard, after a lot of rain had left the ground muddy.
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While I haven’t had a mishap yet, my grandson managed to drop his in the toilet. Only quick action from his mother and lots of rice saved the day.
I tweeted again today, 9/15, I’m @AmberGoo:
dropped my iphone in the toilete
Awesome giveaway! Janna Johnson jannajanna@hotmail.com janna@feedyourpig on GFC
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The worst I’ve experienced is a lost and soon found cell phone.
fingers crossed
Thank you.
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I just got a new phone because I accidentally knelt on my old one and cracked the screen.
My mobile mishap was dropping my phone on the porch and completely cracking the screen – I had just received it a week before! Thanks for the chance! 🙂
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dropped my cell phone into the toilet
kport207 at gmail dot com
My hubby dropped his phone and the screen shattered. I’m just glad it was his work phone so that they had to replace it. thank you!
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I actually have not damaged a cell phone yet – knocking on wood!!
I have never had a phone mishap!
I’ve dropped my phone in the toilet many times!
No mishaps for me. I’m too cheap to fix it
dropped my phone in the pool while playing with dogs
Yes, I dropped my cell phone during a pool party with friends once- never could get it to work and had to buy another one.
tweet on 9/18
tweet 9/18
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i dropped mine at the mall in the rain–now the screen is messed up 🙁
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I dropped my phone in the bath tub
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I dropped my phone in the toilet and the “rice trick” didn’t work
sassysasha817 at gmail dot com
i like you on facebook as Sasha L.
Thankfully my iPhone has never broken and I’ve dropped it at least 50 times, ,my cases however weren’t so lucky. I have been through 4 cases and #5 is broken currently.
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I dropped my photo in the sink!
threw my phone in the trash on accident 😛
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dropped my phone on the asphalt it bounced but worked
Phone Mishap – leaned on phone too hard (through my purse) and broke the screen…could not see anything on outside or inside screen.
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My mobile mishap happened when my husband drove off in the car when my iPhone was on the bumper. I never found the phone.
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i drop my phone in the pool ALL the time when i’m laying out
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i once lost my phone sitting on a couch in ikea. It just slipped out of my pants and when i realized it ten minutes later and returned to retrieve it, it was gone 🙁
I dropped my husbands phone once and it broke but luckily I’ve never had any mishaps with any of my phones.
dropped in lake
pinterest: bleushmon
I dropped mine in the toilet once – turns out it’s much more common than you’d think.
My daughter left hers on top of her car and drove off-twice!
smchester at gmail dot com
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I dropped it on the concrete stairs and it fell down 🙁
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My mobile mishap was when my darling sweet 2.5 year old daughter took my cell phone and buried it in the sand pit!
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
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Tweet- @cinderella10383
I’ve never had a problem with my phone, but my sister unknowingly dropped her cell phone while getting out of her car in her garage. The next morning, she ran over it backing out of the garage!
Thanks for the giveaway!
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9/20 https://twitter.com/aMomOfBoys/status/248898209571807232
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I drop phones a lot. I dropped one of them so much that it eventually broke in half.
My husband dropped his phone off of a 2 story house it slid off the roof and hit concrete- he is a carpenter.
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My father in law pushed me in the pool and I had my phone in my back pocket!
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Mine was thinking I’d dropped or lost it in a grocery store, and I actually got a store employee to help me look for it-turns out it was on the front seat of my sister’s car, that I had just gotten out of.
Somehow my phone fell on the passenger seat of my car and my friend accidently sat on it!
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i washed mine because it was in my pocket of my jeans
tweet 9/21
tweet on 9/21
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I once dropped mine in the toliet. YUCK!!!
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I had mine in my pocket the pants I had on we’re nylon and slippery. Needless to say it fell in the toilet, just had got it new,that day. Followed on pinterest/ Vicky Watkins
I left my cell phone on my patio chair for several days during thunderstorms..
Let’s just say I have done it all. So many times that my carrier dropped my warranty coverage. Including dropped in the toilet (twice!), lost it, dropped and cracked the screen, it seems I have really bad luck with my phone
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I dropped my phone during a pedicure.
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My iphone has a cracked screen right now. My daughter was clearing off our desk and my phone was “pushed” off. It was an accident and she felt terrible!
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mine is typical… cell phone dropped into toilet.
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tweet 9/22
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
tweet on 9/22
worst was just dropping it
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I once dropped my phone in the toilet. It was horrible. I tried turning it on and all I got was a blank screen. 🙁
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When I had one I dropped it in the bath tub not a good thing to do! Thank you for the great giveaway!
Latisha D
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I’ve had an ex break my phone before. It cracked and I had to get a new one.
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I once sat on my phone and butt dialed my boss. He could only hear the radio so it turned out to be kind of funny.
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my worst one was when the Iphone first came out I bought an unlocked one off of ebay for tmobile for a lot of money and it slipped out of my pocket while getting out of my car I didn’t notice and stepped right on the screen it was like a six hundred dollar accident
I tweeted today, I’m @AmberGoo:
i dropped it at a theme park and it turned into a hockey puck for a few minutes 🙁
fb fan you xferriza2 dani marie
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tweet 9/23
I dropped mine in the grocery store parking lot
tweet on 9/23
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
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Thankfully, I haven’t had a mobile mishap yet. Thank goodness for that! 🙂
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I suppose the worst was dropping it in the toilet. Of course, I had to file my claim with Asurion!
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
Daily tweet: https://twitter.com/khmorgan_00/status/249928798588518401
I accidentally dropped my phone into the cat’s water bowl. Even after letting it dry overnight, I ended up with the “White screen of death”, which meant I needed a new phone. Poo!
I left my phone at the grocery store once and never got it back. I dropped another phone in the toilet…gross.
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I had one stolen once, I thought it was the end of the world
I’m almost too embarrassed to admit it but I have dropped my phone into the toilet or it has fallen out of my back pocket into the toilet more times than I wish to disclose! Ugh, it seems to always happen to me. Now I try to avoid bringing my phone into the bathroom at all.
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I let my husband used my phone and he shattered the screen. I have never had one myself.
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Set it on top of the car, then drove away. Came back later and found the pieces. Very sad.
owning a plumbing company my hasband has dropped several phones in toilet, yuck
Dropped the phone and the screen completely shattered. 🙁
9/24 tweet
Following you on Pinterest: mjn132
I dropped my phone in the toilet once and it took me a good long second to reach in and fish it out as it swirled around! I seriously thought about leaving it in there!
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Ive cracked my screen a few times by running into a table with it in my pocket. Haven’t had many claims. I know I would the day I drop my phone insurance.
My husband accidentally set my phone in the way of the trunk, and then he closed it and smashed the screen. I’d only had it for 2 weeks or so. 🙁
I tweeted today, I’m @AmberGoo: https://twitter.com/AmberGoo/status/250466394385289216
Put phone in shirt pocket. Bend over to flush toilet. Oops.
Thanks for the contest.
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I fell into the water at the lake and it ruined my cellphone in my pocket.
I follow you on Pinterest. KismetChris
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I dove onto a pool and found out my phone was not waterproof
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jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
I dropped my phone on a pebble rock paved driveway and completely shattered the screen. STill works but has some problems now of course.
As a teenager I dropped a mobile phone out of a high speed amusement ride! Scratched up but still worked.
I gave my niece (2 years old) my phone with a toddler app. She was loving it. Then we went walking (she was in the stroller), She must have let the screen lock come on, she wasn’t interest and decided to throw my phone into the street. It would have been ok if it stopped on the street but it skipped right into a storm drain.
followed on pinterest mikesweeps124
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I had it sitting on the dryer, and forgot and the vibrations from the dryer knocked it down and it broke.
just the usual drop n smash
Tweet- @cinderella10383
I had my new iPhone for about 3 weeks, when I left it on the bumper of my car, and took it for a ride. I realized it about 3 miles in, but it was long gone. I walked up and down that road for hours, but never found it! Bummer!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
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Tripped and fell right on mine and cracked the screen. No fun!
MH dropped his phone in the water while fishing
my phone fell in the toilet 🙁
I washed my hubbys new droid….but then i dried it too!
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My husband left his phone in his pocket and sent his pants through the washer.
My daughter had put her cell phone in the side pocket of her cargo pants and snapped the pocket shut. She forgot it was there and not only did the phone go through the wash, it also went through the dryer. Totally dead phone, didn’t even try to pretend to light up.
I washed my phone in the washer once. I took it apart and let it dry out, and it worked ok!
dropped one of my phones in the toilet by accident
i fell asleep in the recliner with my phone on my chest…..i woke up from a nap and closed the recliner….i heard craaaaack…i closed my cell phone in the metal bar of my recliner
I dropped my phone in the lake while fishing.
I follow on Pinterest – Derek TImm
Knock wood, i haven’t yet had a phone mishap/
Daily tweet: https://twitter.com/JalapenoMama/status/250749070027681792
My phone got wet while in the pocket of what was supposed to be a waterproof coat
annabella @ centurytel dot net
I dropped my phone down three flights of stairs.
I dropped my phone on the floor is the extent of my mishaps.
I dropped my phone in the toilet because I didnt want to miss a song on pandora
jdmimi at gmail dot com
I dropped my cell phone on the asphalt in a parking lot, it broke into pieces!
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I had my phone in my hand and my son kicked a ball and somehow it hit my phone perfectly to where my phone fell out of my hand, hit the ground and shattered.
Lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com
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Lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com
I once dropped my phone in a glass of soda.
In June, I left my phone at the IMAX. Luckily someone turned it in. It was my daughters birthday, and it had all her photos on it.
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I tweeted today, I’m @AmberGoo, 9/26: https://twitter.com/AmberGoo/status/250835559923204096
Once i got into an car accident and when i stepped out of the car my phone fell out of my lap and into a puddle. So my car was totaled and I didn’t have a phone to call anyone
rockin mama fb fan brittney house
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I accidentally knocked the phone from the toilet top to the bowl once!
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
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My daughters friend always played with my phone so I decided to mess with him and lock it. It was a blackberry and I didn’t know that blackberry has a “fail safe” that if someone gets the lock code wrong 10 times, it wipes out your entire memory. So I let him play with my phone and when he gave it back, it said “memory wiping” on the screen…OMG! I pulled my memory card and battery and took it directly to sprint. The told me once it starts wiping, there’s no stopping it. WTG Blackberry :/
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ardy22 at earthlink dot net
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My phone slipped out of my hoodie pocket and fell to the ground. I closed the car doo and reached for my phone, and the moment I realized I had dropped my phone I said “wait!” to get my boyfriend to stop the car. The second I was finished saying “wait!”, I heard a crunch – he had ran over my phone.
Never had a mishap because I don’t use a cell. I have one for emergencies, but I never use it, never bring it with me…
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
We were fishing and when I went to cast, my phone went flying into the lake.
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I dropped my phone into the pool this Summer
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Like almost everyone else here, I also dropped my phone in the toilet!
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Phone meets pavement- pavement wins.
Pinterest Sherry Conrad
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I have never lost my phone but my husband has lost 3!
Dropped it on a tile floor… in a hotel bathroom….3 hours from home…. the thing was in PIECES.
I have dropped my phone in some type of water multiple times!
ive lost my 1 month old smartphone at a plane. My baby was crying at the plane’s landing. I got concerned not knowing the phone slipped under the seat. I tried recovering it at the Lost and Found of course they said they dont have it
amramazon280 at yahoo dot com
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my worst mobile mishap was the time my husband had my phone in his pocket and he ran over it with the lawnmower because it fell out and he didn’t notice
I once dropped My phone in the toilet bowl.
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I haven’t had any dire mishaps yet — just dropped a phone in a fountain once on vacation, but it survived the plunge.
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One time my husband went fishing and dropped his phone in the water!! jenniferpeaslee at gmail dot com
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dropped it and cracked it- not entertaining but common
Always a CRACKED screen!
9/26 tweet
Took it to the beach where it poured down rain like crazy…even though it was in my pocket…it was still a goner.
My kids like to use my phone to play games but they’re always dropping it on the sidewalk so it’s pretty beaten up
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Oh man. My phone once fell out of my pocket and into the toilet.
I’ve dropped phone on subway tracks 🙁
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I drop it a lot but nothing major yet
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I threw my phone across the room in a fit of anger once. Didn’t hold up well.
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I dropped my phone in the pool
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I accidentally knocked my phone into the fountain at the mall.
Fortunately, the worst thing that has happened has been an occasional drop on the carpet. No damage. It gets far worse treatment being banged around inside my purse.
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I dropped my cell phone in a glass of water when we were on vacation.
Pinterest follower. ladyt64
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I once dropped my phone and it cracked in half.