This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by. The winner is Janet C. Congrats! And thank you for the AWESOME tips!
I’m working quickly with my husband to show you (via video) how we Flip for Fall. The seasons are changing and very soon, we’ll be experiencing the dry, Santa Ana winds which just kick start my allergies. Fortunately, there is much we can do to alleviate and even prevent allergy flare-ups.
Earlier this year, I reviewed some bedding products from Aller-Ease. I titled my post, “What Lies Beneath (Your Mattress)” and I still feel like it fits so well. If you only knew what lies beneath your fluffy pillows and mattresses. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but dust mite droppings, pollen, fungal and mold spores, and pet dander all love squishy bedding, pillows and mattresses (I know..YUK!). All of these microorganisms have the potential to trigger allergy and asthma symptoms so protecting yourself and your family is important. The most compelling statistic I read about the subject came from Aller-Ease:
“The average bed can contain up to 10 million dust mites and mattresses can double in weight every 10 years due to microscopic allergens that accumulate inside.”
It was enough to make me evaluate the place where my family spends a large majority of our lives (in bed!). I would say that most of our pillows and all three of our mattresses (including my son’s) are covered with protective bedding systems. I sleep with four pillows and we’re working on getting them all covered! Here is a little more information about the Aller-Ease protective bedding systems from the site:
Aller-Ease uses innovative fabric engineering techniques to provide a range of allergen-filtration bedding products, including a breathable, cotton product that filters up to 95% of all particles at the one-micron size, so you can breathe easy while sleeping allergen-free.
The company’s product line includes pillow encasements, mattress encasements, and pillows. They’re soft, comfy, and easy to use. I like the fact that the company offers a range of products in both waterproof and breathable options. We were away for 2 weeks on vacation, sleeping in hotel rooms and I noticed that my allergies definitely flared up. It was most likely a combination of a change in climate and temperature and the fact that I was sleeping on unknown pillows and mattresses in hotel rooms (I don’t even want to think about it).
The Aller-Ease website is very informative and includes information on how to keep allergens in the bedroom in check:
- Encase your mattress, box spring and pillows in highly effective allergen barrier covers, such as Aller-Ease protective bedding products
- Wash bed linens weekly in 130-degree Fahrenheit water
- Consider traveling with your pillow protector to help minimize symptoms in hotels or while on the road
- Remove dust collecting clutter from the bedroom and other areas of your home
- Place non-washable plush toys in a zip-lock bag and put them in the freezer for 3-5 hours every week to kill off any dust mites
- Air conditioner filters should be changed frequently during the allergy season
- Use a low cost home hygrometer to help keep humidity below 50 percent as dust mites thrive in higher humid environments
- Use easy to clean hardwood, tile, or linoleum flooring instead of carpeting
- If you have carpeting, use a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter to reduce airborne dust
- Shampoo hair nightly and change clothes before entering the bedroom to avoid transferring outdoor pollens into your bedroom
Aller-Ease protective bedding products are very affordable. If you go to their website, you’ll find a list of retailers where the products are sold. And if you go on Amazon, I’m certain you’ll find incredible deals!
Win It! Ok…are you ready for this? Read carefully ok? : ) One of you will win 2 pillows, 2 pillow covers, and a mattress protector from Aller-Ease! It’s an awesome package! But that’s not all. The other nine bloggers will be hosting the same giveaway (listed below). But that’s STILL not all. There will be one more winner chosen from the Flip for Fall circle to receive an Aller-Ease prize package (1 pillow, 2 pillow covers, and 1 queen cotton mattress protector). Eleven chances to win? That isn’t bad! Here is what you need to do to enter MY giveaway (It’s not hard, I promise!):
1. Leave me a comment on how you Flip for Fall. In other words, what do you do to prepare for the upcoming season.
2. Because Aller-Ease wants to hear ALL of your tips, you can enter as many as you like (just leave a separate comment for each one).
3. Here is the catch! In order to be eligible for the prize package on the Flip for Fall Circle, you MUST leave your tip on their site as well, with the code “RM.” Please don’t forget! But you can enter here too!
4. On Twitter? Tweet with the hashtag #flipforfall and receive another entry (once per day until this giveaway closes).
5. Support the members of the team by visiting their sites (just leave me a comment on who you visited)
6. Questions? Just contact me. I tried to make it as easy as possible for you!
7. Giveaway closes at midnight (PST) on Sunday, September 20, 2009.
Stephanie of And Twins Make 5
twitter @andtwinsmake5
Kimberly of Pretty Pink Momma
twitter @PrettyPinkMomma
Robyn of Robyn’s Online World
twitter @robynsworld
Bing (aka icefairy) of Icefairy’s Treasure Chest
twitter @luckytoddler
Dianne of Something Snappy
twitter @somethingsnappy
Whitney of It’s Gravy, Baby
twitter @whitneybaugh
Stacie of The Divine Miss Mommy
twitter @stacieinatlanta
Tonya of A Family Completed
twitter @Mom2LinzNOkie
Angie of My Four Monkeys
twitter @MyFourMonkeys
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to get ready for fall we rake all the pine needles around the house, wash everything down, including windows and screens. We also steam clean the carpets and have all bedding dry cleaned. This will help with the fall dust and winds A LOT!
to get ready for fall we rake all the pine needles around the house, wash everything down, including windows and screens. We also steam clean the carpets and have all bedding dry cleaned. This will help with the fall dust and winds A LOT!
I prepare by bringing out all my long-sleeve shirts and coats! 😀
Tip: It’s a good idea to wash your jackets/coats as well!
I visited Stephanie of And Twins Make 5
I visited Kimberly of Pretty Pink Momma
Visited Robyn of Robyn’s Online World
I do a fall cleaning. Everything gets dusted WELL and the walls are wiped down. All the furniture gets vacuumed and the house just gets a great cleaning!
Posted on the aller-ease circle site as allysmama(remembered to RM)
Visited Icefairy!
I flip for fall by buying some colorful mums!
I flip for fall by putting out my decorated artificial pumpkin.
I flip for fall by shopping for seasonal vegetables at the farmer’s market.
I flip for fall by buying an assortment of apples.
we’re starting to sort through the clothes for the cooler months and pulling those out for fall while starting to pack up the warmer season clothing
I flip for fall by wearing clothes with autumnal colors.
I flip for fall by bringing out my long-sleeved clothes.
I flip for fall by cooking with apples.
I flip for fall by cooking with pumpkin.
I flip for fall by making more “comfort foods”.
I flip for fall by cooking large pots of home-made soups.
I flip for fall by cooking yummy stews.
Hi! To prepare for the fall we do a final end of summer cleaning in preparation of the winter. It gets very cold around here, so we won’t be able to keep the windows open at all and no fresh air!!!
We clean out the closets, cabinets, drawers, take down the curtains, rewash and hang up again.
Break out the comforters!
I get out winter clothes and pack away summer duds
We don’t have much of a fall here. It stays hot until late November. So not too much to do…weeding , replanting, cleaning. No change in clothes til the short sleeve shirts take over when the temps get into the low 70’s.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
email subscriber
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I flip for fall by cleaning out old items packed away in the garage and attic and get seasonal decorations ready. We have bins organized by holiday so that they are easily located.
It also helps to air out some of the fabric items so they do not get musty and moth eaten.
I visited and entered at And Twins Make 5
I entered in the Flip for Fall Circle (as Taowyn)
I pull out my long sleeved shirts and jackets, and switch the house vents and the fans.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
We usually dust all of fans and clean under all of our large furniture. We have lots of dust where we live! Thanks
I visited Stephanie at “and twins makes five”
I prepare for fall by packing away all of my summer clothes (sniff-sniff) and taking out the sweaters, long-sleeved shirts and the rest of the warm clothes. The beds all get flannel sheets (cozy) and I make sure the leaf blower is ready to go.
We take everything out of the garage and attic and go through it to see what needs to go and what can stay. I also deep clean the house from the ceiling to the floors.
I clean out my closet and get rid of the clothing I no longer wear.
I bust out my crock pot and start making soups!
We start putting all of our summer clothes in the attic and see what clothes the kids need for fall and winter.
We dig up our summer garden and begin to plan what we want to plant for our winter garden!
I like to shop off season clearance racks so that we are usually prepared when the cold comes, with new winter jackets, hats, mittens, etc. I live in MN and you never know when the cold will hit. One day, in the fall, it could be 75, next day 45. Yikes!
I like airing out the house by opening up all the windows and letting the cool breeze come in!
Visited Tonya of A Family Completed.
Visited Angie of My Four Monkeys.
I like to do as much vacuuming and dusting as possible in the fall, when the house is able to be opened up and aired out. We have long winter months here in MN so our house is closed up tight for close to 8 months out of the year. It’s nice to take advantage of the fresh air when possible.
I decorate with fall colors and start clipping coupons for thanksgiving
Break out the warmer clothes. Start Baking! Harvest those apples. Enjoy the cool breezes and crisp nights before it gets too cold.
I flip for fal by giving the house a ceiling-to-floor cleaning.
We do a thorough cleaning of each room in the house – one per weekend.
Change the filter in the furnace
Change the batteries in the smoke alarms -please do
clean out the woodstove and pipe for cresote
wash all curtains in the house
wash all the winter bedding before placed on the beds
entered icefairys treasure chest contest
entered Pretty Pink Momma’s contest
entered Miss Divine Mommy’s contest
entered Robyn’s online world contest
entered Something Snappy’s contest
I do flip the mattress and launder the pillow covers and mattress pad. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
We clean windows to get dust accumulated during the AC season. Wet microfiber cleaning cloths are wonderful to clear the dust out of screens
A tip for Flip for Fall Cleaning –
1. Invite house guests (motivation)
2. Wash all window coverings thoroughly.
3. Reward yourself with chocolate (motivation)
Can you tell I often need motivation?
mayacarpenter at verizon dot net
We used to hold a garage sale in the fall to clear unwanted items out of garage et cetra, but lately I’m just bagging and donating at a local church thrift shop. Yes – its some money not realized, but it wasn’t worth the stress of organizing and running. Focus on the main issue – do you want to clear the clutter, or do you absolutely have to realize some money. The last 2 sales realized less than $75 after ad and sign expenses.
Fewer are going out to garage sales and those are not willing to spend much.
I put a tip at The Motherhood with RM.
After vacuuming a room, I treat the carpet with a dust mite product in the fall. I use the powder instead of the spray version. you lightly dust it on, it sits for half an hour, and then gets vacuumed out of the top surface of the carpet. First, we do have issues with dust mite allergies, so this helps there. As a bonus it deters the small house spiders that show up here in the fall. I focus on corners, against the wall under the drapes, under the beds, under the couches and its really made a difference in minimizing spiderwebs in windows/corners and saving us from those mysterious bites that swell up.
After the summer in and out traffic, I shampoo the carpets. Cleaning the carpets, getting any painting done – its so much easier when the weather lets you open the windows.
We clean all vents, dry clean carpets and donate or sell the things that we don’t need
I visited Stephanie of And Twins Make 5
I visited Kimberly of Pretty Pink Momma
I visited Robyn of Robyn’s Online World
I visited Whitney of It’s Gravy, Baby
I visited Tonya of A Family Completed
To get ready for fall, I go through and wash down everything. I basically do a “spring” cleaning for fall. It really seems to help, plus I love knowing that everything is spotless again for a few days! 🙂
I visited And Twins Makes 5!
I visited “Pretty Pink Momma”
I visited Robyn’s Online World
I visited Ice Fairy’s Treasure Chest
I visited Something Snappy
I visited It’s Gravy, Baby
I visited The Divine Miss Mommy
I visited A Family Completed
I visited My Four Monkeys
I go through my clothes and put away what I won’t need and get out what I do.