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I have a drawer where I keep those clothes that are permanently stained. It’s my go-to drawer for those days where my son will be painting or otherwise getting messy. I’ve learned to accept stains as this proof that I have children (or something). But that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped searching for that product…that one product that is both effective and safe for my children.
With 4th of July rapidly approaching, I’m certain there will be barbeque sauce, strawberries, and ice cream! (all of my favorite stain-causing foods! Green Works recently launched their new naturally-derived, stain-removing products and one of you will get an opportunity to try them out on all of your 4th of July stains. Their Oxi Stain Remover is tough on stains yet free from fragrance, chlorine, detergent, and dyes. Their Chlorine-Free Bleach is derived from coconut-based cleaners and free from harsh chemical fumes or residues. I’ve yet to try the products but I am considering it, given my children’s propensity towards stains and messes.
Are you up for the challenge? If you’ve tried the products, I’d love to hear your feedback.
Win It! One of you will win a summer stain-fighting pack which will includes Green Works new stain-removing products and a $150 gift card to put them to the test. Simply leave me a comment with that stain you have the most difficulty removing and how you’d complete the challenge if you win. Comments will close on July 4th, 2011 at 11:59 PM PST (just in time for washing those 4th of July clothes!).
US Residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
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Click on one of the very cute buttons below and digg, stumble, fav, etc. Just let me know what you did in the comments!
Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. Giveaway items supplied by Green Works.
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Mami2jcn says
Not to be crass, but I’ve had a horrible time removing vomit stains from the carpet. In January all of us got strep throat and a stomach virus TWICE. There wasn’t a day that went by when one of us in the house wasn’t throwing up. My daughter threw up the most, and her bedroom carpet got the worst of it. If I had the chance to do the challenge, I’d make a beeline to her bedroom and work on those stains!
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debbie says
My most challenging stain is blood. My son gets it on his judo uniforms (which are extremely heavy, I can’t even wash them at home), and then “forgets” to tell me until the next day. Since they are expensive to replace, I would love to try this.
[email protected]
susanlanai says
Grass and food are our toughest stains to get out. Our little one loves to get it everywhere! I’d love to give this a try to see if we can get some white shirts back in tip top shape!
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Jennifer B says
My two hardest stains have been the dogs mess on the carpet. She was sick 🙁 and grass stains. Oh I have one more my husband is in construction his tar stains are impossible! I would complete the challenge by trying the Oxi stain remover
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Jackie says
Some of the worst stains….spaghetti sauce (I can’t seem to cook it without it splatterig on my shirts) and yellow armpit stains on white shirts. I’d love to tackle and remove these stains for good.
jackievillano at gmail dot com
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Kristie says
We always get a lot of grass stains this time of year…I think we’d have no problem completing the challenge! 🙂
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Becky M says
The stain I have the hardest time removing is spaghetti sauce.. I would use the gift card to stock up on spaghetti and other groceries!
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JW says
Chocolate and red sauce stains.
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Lori Z. says
I’m shamelessly going for this one. I love Green works and use their bathroom cleaner all the time. I’m sure that they’d be great at getting out my kids’ stains (grass, tomato sauce, etc.) I’d put the $150 towards school clothes and the things to keep them clean.
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Jessie C. says
Grass and mud stains bother us the most since we love outdoor activities all year round. I’d complete the challenge by using the Oxi stain remover on clothes.
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Tina M says
My most challenging stain is wine!! I will complete the challenge by using the Oxi stain remover on my hubby’s clothes!!
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Amanda S says
The most difficult stain for me to remove is grape fruit juice or crystal light
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i have the worst time with ink marks on clothing
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Tess says
I have a hard time getting out spagetti sauce stains and my babies are 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 and they have ruined several outfits- i would take the challenge on their clothes
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Linda Kish says
Blood, grass, spaghetti sauce are all really difficult for me.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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nan says
i have a problem with chocolate stains and i’d like to soak some of my sons shirts oxi stain remover
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Vicki Wurgler says
right now it is grass stains with the boys outside playing baseball- I usually soak them for a few hours
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Carolyn says
My husband sometimes eats in his car and gets grease, etc on his work shirts. Sometimes I have to wash them several times to get the stains out. I would complete the challenge by trying the Oxi Stain Remover and seeing if that gets them out the first time.
Carolyn says
Wendy M says
My worst stains are ink stains. We frequently miss them until they have been dried. Grrr. The other problem is one of my sons is always getting stains on his shirts almost every time he eats. These would be the first things I would attack.
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Debbie C says
The stain I find hardest to remove is that dingy gray dirt you get on the bottom of white socks. It drives me mad and I throw away a lot of the socks because they never look clean enough to me. I’d complete the challenge by using Green Works products on those socks.
Jeff says
Baked ziti is hard to clean off clothes. I would use Oxi Stain Remover to accomplish this task.
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Crystal F says
I would have to say the red dirt we have here is the hardest stain to get out for me. My daughter plays softball and is always getting dirty. I’ve done like you and just set those clothes aside for her to practice in. It would be nice to get the stains out so that she can wear those clothes out and about. thank you!
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Marilyn Wons says
My hardest stain to remove is ink from shirt pockets. I would complete the challenge by using Oxi remover for stains.
Cynthia C says
I have some stubborn pet stains on the carpet that I would love to try the Oxi Stain Remover on.
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ky2here says
Blood stains are the worse because they always leave that phantom shadow.
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susan varney says
motor oil ans grease on my husbands clothes
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courtney says
for me, wine is the hardest stain… very hard.
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Aisling says
Seems like Italian salad dressing is the worst for me. Whether it’s dripped, spilled or splashed, it seems to absorb into the fabric and never comes out.
Aisling says
(Sorry – I didn’t say how I’d complete the challenge.) Seems like Italian salad dressing is the worst for me. Whether it’s dripped, spilled or splashed, it seems to absorb into the fabric and never comes out. I too have a drawer for “work” clothes and I’d pull those out and try the Green Works products on them.
Mia J says
My hardest stain to get out is a toss up between tomato sauce and red wine. It is so hard to get out and I would complete the challenge by using the Green Works products and washing the clothes again.
Sheila Hickmon says
Grass and grease stains are the worst to get out for me. I would complete the challenge by tackling all the grease stains on my husbands work clothes – as a mechanic’s wife: I loathe grease!!
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cherice says
Hands down it’s mud for us! I would love to find a product that really works because my son is all boy. Thanks for the chance.
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Caryn S says
I have the hardest time removing chocolate milk, which is one of my daughter’s favorites. If I took the challenge, I’d put it to the test by going back and trying to get all the old stains out of her clothes!
caryn9802 at yahoo dot com
Lorri Jeanne says
The worst stains I have a problem with is grease and oil on MH’s work clothes. If I won, I would try to get the stains out 🙂
Stephanie V. says
blood – my son gets nose bleeds (as does my husband) and it is impossible to get out all the way! Would use the new goods for this challenge!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
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Sassy says
my son has some pretty nasty looking stains on his carpet, though I really have no clue knowing what it is.
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Marcia Goss says
The stain that gives me the most trouble is from red Kool-Ade. My husband and granddaughter usually spill it on something that can’t be bleached. I’d love to try the chlorine-free bleach on these stains.
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Debra F says
I have this problem dribbling coffee on my shirt in the mornings….I have ruined many with coffee stains. For my kids, tomato sauce has to be the worst! I’m up for the challenge to try to eradicate these stains.
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Deborah Rosen says
My beloved grandson has GERD. He spent six days with us last month. We got most of the stains out right away but there were a couple that remain. If I won, I’d challenge Green Works with those stains, and with the stains hubby gets on his shirt when he works on his go karts.
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Carol says
I have to say GRAPE JUICE! UGH. Still trying to work it out of the rug. I would complete the challenge by using the Green Works products and putting them to work!
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Jill L says
For some reason, the sand from the sandbox at the park leaves horrible stains on the kids clothes. It gets ground in and I have tried everything to get it out. Would love to try Oxi Stain Remover to get it out. I actually have quite a few dresses that my girls seem to have destroyed. Would love to get some more use out of them.
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Brian E. says
Thanks for the giveaway…there are two specific types of stains that give us trouble: ball point pen / gel pen ink on cotton dress shirts, and homemade marinara sauce on cloth napkins: it’s usually hit or miss washing them with, or without pre-treating…sometimes the stains come out, sometimes they don’t. We would like to give Green Works stain-removing products a try on these troublesome stains !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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Claire says
I’m awful about dripping coffee on myself… even adding a bunch of creamer doesn’t make the stain any less obvious 😉 I’d complete the challenge by daring to drink my coffee black..
Debra Hall says
theres two one is swimming at the local beach makes the cloths look aweful and mustard stains
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Amy D. says
The worst stain for me to get out is grass stain. My outdoor swing canopy got blown over during a storm and I can’t get the stains off of it. Ruins the whole look of it.
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Kiara says
I have a hard time removing blood stains from clothes. I’d complete the challenge by using the Oxi stain remover.
[email protected]
charline says
My hardest stain to get out is the stains my husband gets on his clothes from grilling in the summer. He starts out by getting grease or oil stains, then add the mustard that drips on his shirt. I would complete this challenge by trying to getthese tough stains out.
charline says
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Jill Myrick says
The worst stain that I have ever had to remove is red lipstick from my daughters new white shirt.
I would complete the challenge by trying to remove, grass stains, wine and grape juice that I have yet to be able to remove.
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april bever says
Blood stains are the toughest for me, unfortunatly a couple of my kids are nose bleeders:P
Soha Molina says
My hardest stains to remove are food stains. If I win, I will try the stain remover.
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linda lansford says
stain I have the most difficulty removing is grease and I will use these products to help me
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Mandala says
Grass and food stains (pasta, curry) and yellow armpit stains (due to deodorant) are the stains that I would tackle the most if I win these products. Thanks for the chance 🙂
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
Theresa H says
hardest stain is blood on my work pants (light khaki)
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sandy says
crystle tellerday says
food id make spagetti and meatballs to challaenge it
Nicole C. says
I have the hardest time with grass stains.
Amber says
Grass, makeup, and dirt seem to be big stain challenges in this house. I’d love to try and see if Green Works could help tackle this problem for us!
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Jacob says
My hardest stain is juice. We have this prepackages juice that you mix with water and it is so powerful it stains the counter top so you can imagine on clothes. I would use this to try to work on a spill on the floor where the juice got spilled. It’s the ultimate challenge
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Amber says
I have the toughest time removing grass stains from the kids’ pants!
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jean F says
The most stubborn stain for me is blood, which I inevitably find on my daughters’ clothes. So that is what I will tackle
Ethel says
I always have a hard time taking out yellow stain on my husband’s shirt!
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Erin E says
I have a really hard time getting pet stains out of the carpet. We have two elderly cats and they are always making messes. I’m up to the challenge! Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
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Nycole says
I have trouble with BBQ sauce. It’s got oil in it so it just sticks!
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Erica C. says
I can think of a bunch of stains I hate…grass, chocolate, red wine…
Kris T. says
Grass stains seem to be the most troublesome for me. And, if I should win, I’d complete the challenge by buying some new white pants! Thanks for the chance to win!
Kris T. says
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liz says
I have the worst time with oil/grease stains but the oxi clean might take care of that!
wcc says
I have a horrible time removing mustard stains. We all love mustard and it is such a pain to try to remove! Never tried their Oxi Stain remover, but I would love to try it on those tough mustard stains and let the affected clothes soak in it. Thanks for the chance! 🙂
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Tammy Darling says
Grease (any kind) and Mustard are the worst!!!
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Dara Nix says
My cats seem to have developed a habit of knocking over my glass of red wine if I leave the room for more than a minute. So I have stains on the carpet AND on the chair! I’d LOVE to see if these products are up to the challenge!!
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Jammie says
We have bunnies and they have a room all of their own, when they pee it sometimes gets out of the cage and has stained the carpet, I would put this to the test in the bunnies room to remove those pee stains.
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Sarah Hirsch says
my daughter sometimes gets bloody noses and those stains are really hard to get out unless you get it out right away. but when she gets them in the middle of the night, i don’t hear about it til morning and they’re tough!
hj says
Our worst stains are red wine, blood, and armpit stains on white shirts. I am terrible at knowing what to do with stains. this would help us clean up our favorite shirts if it truly works! Thanks for the chance to find out.
hmcnaron at gmail
hj says
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hmcnaron at gmail dot com
Denise Morse says
my worst stains to get out are underarm stains and i would try green works to see if that helps plus maybe buy those shirt saver things
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amie d says
I have the most problems with grease stains on my son’s shirts from food. I would complete the challenge by buying my son some new shirts and using Green Works products if he gets any food on them. Thanks!
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Kristy H says
The worst stains I have are Grass stains and Spaghetti sauce!
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Justine says
The stain I’ve had the worst time removing would have to be ink! If I won I would put some real effort into it and buy the best products they offer and get to work getting the job done!
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Sarah says
I have the most trouble with grease stains. I would complete the challenge by using the Oxi Stain Remover on some tees I have not been able to get completely clean.
Nadine L says
The most challenging stains for me are hubby’s work clothes, he is a body man / mechanic and he always has grease stains that are almost impossible to get out
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brittney says
Grass stains are the hardest for me.
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amy delong says
grass and blood stains are the toughest
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tracey byram says
Liz gets chocolate milk on her uniform shirts at least once a week. I’d use the Green Works to get the stains out without having to replace her shirts.
Terri L says
Pizza grease stains are the worst. I’d complete the challenge by buying more pizza and using this detergent to see if it gets it out
Vicki D. says
Grease is the hardest stain to get out. After the men have been working on cars, the knees on their pants are full of grease.
Carla Pullum says
I would say carpet high traffic stains! I have tried so many products and the high traffic dirt from shoes is hard for me to get out!
Emma Peel says
Stains left in underwear are harsh stains and would like this to use for that purpose, my husband has a problem in that manner sorry to say
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Susan Smith says
The most difficult stain I had to try and get out was pen stains on my husbands white shirt. It had leaked out. I tried pretreating it but it never did come all the way off.
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AB Smith says
i have a lot of cook stains on clothes that give me trouble in the wash
meme says
My worst stain is spagetti sauce and grape jelly. I would complete the challeng by using the green works stain removal products on my spagetti sauce and jelly stained clothes to see if it woeks. If it does I will buy nothing but green works from now on and diffently spread the word.
meme says
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Lexigurl says
My worst stain is pen marks! I use hairspray to get them out but would love to try something else
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com0
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kathy pease says
i think grass stains are the complete the challenge by going to the lake with my family and letting them get all grass stained up by playing,frisbbee,horse shoes and volleyball
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chris says
sauce is the worst, would complete the challenge by trying the Oxi stain remover
Jacob LaFountaine says
Blood is a pain to clean. I would have to think about how to do the challenge.
spirit_kim says
Blood is my toughest stain. I usually soak for a time, I will take the challenge and see what they recommend on the box.
Betty says
Pasta Sauce has long plagued the kids clothes. It ends up in the least likely locations and can sneak thru the wash untreated. There are harder stains, but red sauce is the continual struggle.
I have not tried the products. I’d love to try to work out some set in stains while seeing if the products can handle coffee, grass, red sauce, wine … all the usual culprits we live with.
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Deanna G. says
I always have problems with ketchup stains, I can never get them out. So, I would put them to the test! 🙂
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Angela Winesburg says
The hardest stain to remove for me is blood. I would love to try this out and see if it holds up to the challenge, thanks for the chance!
Amanda S. says
My son gets grass stains on his baseball pants, and they are definitely tough to get out! He’d be more than happy to take a trip to the ballfield to test green works out… 😉
Angela Winesburg says
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Rachel H says
The phantom, yellow stains that mysteriously appear on baby clothes that you store for later use. To complete the challenge? I have a toddler…she will have no problem giving me raspberry, strawberry, ice cream, red juice, etc stains to see how well Green Works does the job! If absolutely needed tho, we will create a fancy art work project out of Dad’s favorite shirt w/above mentioned items. lol.
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Rachel says
I seem to have a hard time getting out the stains in my infant daughter’s clothes. So all food.
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R Hicks says
I have a pair of pants with a blood stain and would love to try and remove the stain with their oxi stain remover
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
Jennifer J says
the toughest stain for me is sweet potato baby food. My challenge this summer would be barbecue sauce, since i grill a lot of chicken! If Green Works helps with those stains I’d be a loyal customer!
Auriette says
The worst stain for me is tomato-anything. I like tomatoes in salads and on sandwiches, and I like Italian food with all the tomato sauces, and somehow, I always end up getting some on my clothes! I would love the chance to give Green Works stain remover a try.
R Hicks says
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Gianna says
Oil stains. I’d love to see if I can clean a few dozen things.
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Veronica Garrett says
Grass stains are the most difficult stains for me to remove. I would meet the challenge with the Green Works products.
Michelle H. says
i have had difficulty removing Kool-Aid from the carpet and cooking oil from clothing. Since I have a large household and confront many stains, I could meet the challenge on many types of stains.
Michelle H. says
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Tammy Greer says
Blood is the toughest stain to remove for me. I would use Oxi Stain Remover to pretreat it first. I know stains are easier to remove when their fresh but my kids will not tell me about them sometimes. I’m up to the challenge!
LuckyTJG at cs dot com
Donna K says
Grass stains. I would use the g/c for new school clothes that will likely get grass stained.
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Betty C says
I’m not sure which is worse, grass stains or blood. We seem to come across both well after they have in the hamper for a day or more. I would meet the challenge with Green Works to get clothes back to a nearly new clean.
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Jennifer says
My most challenging stain is spaghetti sauce on my daughter clothes. We never seem to notice until too late that she got a stain and it is so hard to get after it already set in.