This giveaway is now closed. Thank you so much for stopping by and entering (all 700+ of you!). The winner is Pamk (#543). Congratulations!
I still remember the day my parents bought me my first Nintendo Entertainment System. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. Technology has come a long way from this:
Gaming is all the rage, particularly now that summer is here! And with the launch of the Wii (which I’ll probably never get closer to than I did at BlogHer) there is even more reason to get excited about gaming. Regardless of the gaming system you currently possess, check out GameStop, the world’s largest video game retailer. I stopped in two different stores (one by our house and one on the way up to visit the grandparents) and I have to say that I have never seen such a diverse and abundant selection of games in one location. The staff were informative and helpful and moms and dads will appreciate their commitment to safety by adhering to the ESRB’s standards. I was pretty close to buying Wii Fit….except that would lead to another purchase that I don’t think hubby is quite ready to endeavor.
Kids are getting smarter and smarter these days and it’s very likely that they’ll either get tired of their current collection or manage to finish the game and then get bored. GameStop’s trade-in program allows you to bring in your child’s old games and get credit towards new titles or systems. I was thinking about bringing in my old Super Mario Bros. but I didn’t want to get laughed right out of the store it may be a classic and actually worth something! When I walked into the store there was an entire section of gently used games. We love purchasing DVDs, CDs, etc. used because they’re affordable and usually in excellent condition. If you like saving money and keeping your kids entertained, this may be the perfect option for you.
By the way, GameStop’s selection is not limited to Nintendo systems. You’ll find games for Playstation, XBox360, and even your computer! Since I’m feeling so generous (wink, wink) I’m going to give one lucky reader a $30 gift card to use to your heart’s content, courtesy of Mom Central and GameStop. Head on over to GameStop and have a look around. Come back here and tell me which game you’ll purchase if you win (of course you can change your mind!). And if you tell me you’re going to buy Wii Fit, you must understand that may entail me becoming a regular frequenter of your pad!
BTW…Comments will close on August 2, 2008 at 10 pm PST and I will announce the winner here and on Prizey the following day. One comment per person, please. US residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
P.S. You may want to consider coming back VERY soon. I have several fun giveaways lined up you don’t want to miss out on, including some BlogHer swag!
*Update* Win something trendy for your little tadpole tot here!
- Discover Luxury at Sonesta Irvine: Your Ideal Staycation - August 8, 2024
- CHOC Walk Returns to the Disneyland Resort – Special Events and Ways to Support - June 28, 2023
- Beastly Ball Returns to the Los Angeles Zoo - May 8, 2023
You are right! The kids are too smart with these games! I no sooner plunk down $40 for a game then they have finihed it and want another! LOL Gears of War 2 is on the wishlist right now! Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d like wii fit, but I might be nice and let my husband choose!
I think I’d get the Rock Band Track Pack for my little brother’s Wii. Thanks so much!
I would love to win Lego Indiana Jones for the Nintendo DS for my kids!!
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!
I’d love a Wii Fit! What a great way to get a workout in while my baby naps!
Oh, I miss the original Nintendo… it was so much fun and I still like those classic games. So much so that the hubby convinced me to get the Wii which is a never ending pit of money. As it is, he’s been trying to get me to buy some monster truck game that the neighbors have (yes, he acts like he’s 12 still), which is exactly where that $30 would go towards!
We haven’t bought a new game in a long time! My son is now 2 and it looks like DH and I might be able to have time to play again. I think I’d get the new Fable game.
I have to try to win this for my brother in law. He would be so happy and grateful if I gave him this gift! Let’s hope I win it.
Wii Fit is a good possibility. So is Final Fantasy IV for DS. It’s kind of hard to say at the moment. In both cases, the card wouldn’t be enough to completely cover either, but it would subsidize it. 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity.
We would get LEGO Indiana Jones here.
I want Harvest moon for the wii. I know, silly, but I used to love those sorts of game back on my sega genesis.
World of Warcraft – Lich King. For my husband – he would love it. Thanks for the giveaway!
Well, I’d let my hubby pick – I’m guessing he might put it toward his savings for Rock Band for Wii or maybe a computer game?!?
I would probably get the Mario and Sonic Olympic Games for wii. Some of the accessories like the battery chargers looked pretty nice too though.
I just want a Wii system! I’ll drool over games later…
My husband is actually the big game person. We got a Wii but my husband uses it for exercise more then the kids do. It’s actually a great work out! I hope to get the Wii Fit some day.
On our wish list is the Carnival game for the Wii. It has like 25 games on it! And they all look like fun.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I have been drooling over the Wii Fit for a while, but I know my husband really likes all the car racing games.
I think I’d get the Little King’s Story for the Wii. Looks fun! Thanks!
the gamestop here has games from old systems and i have been looking for super smash brothers for my n64!
I have, not kidding, made the “Wii Fit Tracker” my homepage in hopes of snagging a Wii Fit! I’ve wanted it long before it was released but my fiance didn’t think we’d have to preorder one. I missed them on Amazon this morning! If I win your giveaway, I’d buy Super Mario Strikers. We rented it a few times and loved playing online.
I want the Wii Fit.
I would definitely be putting it toward a wii fit, if they’re ever in stock! If not, then perhaps mario cart? lol
I think I would get Luxor: Pharaoh’s Challenge for the Wii. It looks a lot like a game for my computer that I love and I think my boys would love it as well.
Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂
My husband would love madden09!
oh i miss the old nintendo! But since i bought my son the Wii for christmas i would have to get him Guitar Hero. He’s been bugging me for it for months!! Great giveaway!!
Wii fit OBVIOUSLY. But i’m not all that clear on how you can do yoga on such a small surface.
My choice would either be BoomBlox or the Lego Indy. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’d love to get Boom Blox.
I’d love to get Rock Band! I’m such a nerd!!!
My husband has an xbox360, so I would get him a new game. I think Call of Duty 4. I want to get a Wii in the near future for my son and my self. Thanks for the giveaway!
I need to buy a new copy of Beautiful Katamari. Mine got all scratched up when my little niece knocked over the XBox. That or Wii Fit 😉
I’d have to get tomb raider: underworld. I’ve played all the games. One of my favorite series.
I’ve never played a wii. So no wii fit either.
i would choose the aerosmith expansion pack for rock band!!
Ooooh! I’d buy “Cooking Mama 2” for DS!
Hi, Great giveaway contest. My two sons love Gamestop! We would probably want the game “MLB Power Pros” 2008 coming out at the end of this month. Please enter us in your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
Ok.. I JUST (yesterday) won a Wii and a Wii Fit from The Smart Mom. I am still on top of the world. But, I am still holding out telling my kids.
I would get a remote controller so that I know they could play together with it.
I have been wanting a Wii, so I would put it towards that.
I really want a nintendo wii.
We just got a PS3 and I’d get Guitar Hero so my hubby and I could actually enjoy playing a game together. Or maybe I would just be super nice and give him the gift card to pick out a game he wants!
Would have to get the DDR system – I know that the Wii Fit is the new thing but I love DDR.
Would love to buy a WII and get Wii Fit!!
Oh, my e-mail is: purposedrivenlife4you AT gmail DOT com. Thank you!!
I would use it to buy Sims 2. I haven’t played a PC game in a long time, and I would really love to! I hope I win! Thank you so much for the great giveaway!
Guitar Hero for the DS!
Hello! I would definitely have to give th eWii fit a whirl, which I’m sure would irk my 11 yr old son.:) He’d have his own ideas. Thanks!
I would really like the newest edition of Brainquest or Brain Age. And I think I could get it completely free with a $30 gift card! But then again if my husband is extra nice to me I can be persuaded to give him the card *wink*
I would love to try the fit. I need to buy a Wii ! I lost 80 lbs and need to tone up!
I would buy Boom Blox for the Wii! We rented it from Blockbuster and my kids and I loved it! Even my husband and I would play it at night when the kids went to bed. I’d love to have it to play whenever we want!!
I would love to buy Wii Fit or Soul Calibur! Thanks for such a cool giveaway!
I WOULD use it to get a Wii Fit! Or possibly Guitar Hero Rocks the 80’s so I could torture my husband a little bit. Choices, choices…
I’m dying for Wii fit. Although, in reality, I’ll probably let my dh have the gc if I win. He never wins anything, so I’ll help him out. 🙂
I would love to buy the Lego Indiana Jones — I’ve heard it’s pretty fun!
The gift card would definitely go towards Guitar Hero World Tour!
I would buy Diner Dash and Crosswords DS for my niece. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!
I’d buy some type of WII game for my son, I’d let him pick it out! cdziuba@aol.com
While I would love WII Fit I think I would have to buy Spore.
This sounds so fine – thank you for the contest
i would get guitar hero aerosmith
My kids really want new blood game for wii. They rented it and loved it
I will probably buy Wiifit!
I would get Final Fantasy IV for the Nintendo DS.
I really, REALLY want to get “Samurai Showdown Anthology” for the Playstation 2 or PSP which is coming out in september. I’m a big fan of the series, and this anthology contains all of the games.
I’ll have to see what games they have for my old Nintendo machine.
I would LOVE to get Wii Fit.
I would love to win this prize.
Would definitely purchase the new “Top Spin 3” tennis game for the Wii — thanks for the chance to win!
I would use the gift card to purchase the Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm game. I LOVE the show and the game sounds fun!
I’d buy my sister a copy of Dungeon Runners.
Love GameStop! My husband is a hard core gamer, and we really appreciate that they let you trade in games for in-store credit. He even has this membership thingy (that’s a technical term!) which enables him to get more for every game he trades. He also gets a free gamers’ magazine with the membership.
If I win, sorry hubby, I would run, not walk to GameStop and put the gift card toward Wii Fit. We just bought a Wii this week, and it’s so much fun! You can come over and try anytime you want…but it might be a bit far for you to travel to Nebraska. 🙂
My family would love the Tiger Woods 09 game!
I want to win! we could use this towards the purchase of Rock Band (which my kids have been hounding me about).
Ooooh, I’d buy Guitar Hero: Aerosmith in a blink! We rented it and I absolutely LOVE it but have to beg my kid to let me play it LOL
I’d love to get the Wii Fit, but that would require having a Wii- which we don’t 🙁 So We’d proabably get my son a PS2 game 🙂
My kids would love Kung FU Panda for PS2.
🙂 🙂
I want Wii Fit. But DH wants several others and he plays more often, so he’d probably trump my want!
Super Mario Brothers for the DS.
I have been saving up for Rock Band and this would definitely help!
I’m one of the ones stuck in the dark ages too! I still have the nintendo! I can say that I play games online and my pc so at least I see a little of the light. lol If I won I would spend the money on the pc game – Fallout 3. Thanks!
i want the wii fit
I’d like the Wii Fit game, but the dear husband wants Wii Olympics…we will have to fight!! Thanks!!
I would love to try the MLB Power Pros 2008 or get a wii fit. oh the choices!
I’d love the wiifit- thanks jeanne
We’d put it toward Rockband for Wii
My grandson would love the Mummy:Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor for his DS 😉
I am not really up on the gaming stuff, unless you consider how much I love the old Tetris.. I would prob. let my kids share and each get a gently used game. Last time my daughter got a Garfield game for her DS and she has had her eye on Mario Cart…. We love Gamestop too!
I’d buy SPORE!!! I’m already addicted to The Sims2 so don’t know when I’d find time to play it, but I can’t wait for Sept 7 (release date)!!!!!!
I just love playing MarioKart, its so fun!, we rented it, and now I want my own copy!
I would let my grand son pick
Animal Crossing for DS Lite. The little characters are so cute!
I would probably purchase the NCAA Football ’09 for
my son.
My kids and I have been saving for a wii, we’d like to have one by Christmas. So I think I would save it until I had enough $ to get that for them. And thanks for the contest, this was fun!
With a family that has such diverse interests in games, our wishlist can get kind of long. Animal Crossing: City Folk is one we are hoping to get when it becomes available. It is on pre-order right now.
My twin sister and I have loved video games since we were little. Now that we’re coming up on 24, we still love them! We just recently got a new PS2, and we’re missing one of our favorite games- Grand Theft Auto Vice City. So that is what we’ll buy. Plus, it might shut my brother-in-law up!
wii fit!
I’ve wanted a Wii Fit ever since they came out and have yet to find one. Maybe winning this would be the beginning of luck on finding one at Game Stop.
Hi, I would buy an assortment of arcade classic and puzzle games for my XBox. I love puzzles and brain teasers. I’ve also had my eye on the Trivial Pursuit game!!
I would buy Guitar hero for wii
I’d like to get the Wii Fit or Indiana Jones game
The Wii fit is great.
I would get Madden NFL 2009!
I want to buy “Rock Band” so that my husband and I can play together.
It will probably get put away toward the purchase of The Force Unleashed in September. It’s all my 13 year old can talk about right now!
I honestly don’t know. I am going to give this to my husband to use. He has been working double shifts for us so he can take me for a weekend getaway following my surgery last week. Talk about sweet! I might even let him get a shoot em’ up kind of game that he likes.
Fins2thrite at aol dot com
I would buy Guild Wars for the pc Thanks for the chance
I would use toward purchasing Guitar Hero.
My boys would love the new Guitar Hero game for sure.
Im picking up new games for myself on an average of one every week. Theyre just to easy. But at least I can save a few bucks on new ones buying them used at Gamestop.
I would get the Pokemon Emerald ds game for my son, who received a broken one for his birthday and really wants this game.
Thanks for this giveaway.
I would Lego Batman as soon as it comes out. My son wants this for his birthday.
Definitely Guitar Hero World Tour. My boys are totally into this game!
I would choose either the Sims 2 Apartment Life otthe Sims 2 Kitchen and Bath games for the PC. Thanks so much for a great giveaway!
I’d like wii fit, but I might be nice and give it to one of my frendz’ kidz!
I would get a Wii Fit!
Guitar Hero Aerosmith.
I love Mario Kart
Guitar hero for sure. Aerosmith. My son and I play the old game a lot.
Pokemon Emerald for my grandson.
Madden NFL 2009 is what I’d buy for my sons. Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to win this – my hubby and daughter are video game addicts. I would like to buy them a Wii but my daughter still wants SuperMario Strickers for the gamecube or the soccer game for the wii. Thanks for the giveaway.
We would choose…. Soul Calibur IV.
We use to play it when I was pregnant with our oldest… my prego hormones would kick in, I would lose and QUIT the game! HAHA.
I will have no excuses for the hubby now…. *pout* haha
Im not sure what game I would buy maybe guitar hero.
I’d get The Mystery of the Crystal Portal for my PC
I would probably get Guitar Hero for my kids.
I have four kids so I am sure they would help me pick. We LOVE Gamestop for their used games. I know right now the kids are asking for Lego Indiana Jones and Wall-E!
The Wii looks so cool!
I’ve been hoping to pick up a used copy of Mario Party 5+ for our Game Cube for a while now.
Fall Out 3 when it comes out for my husband. Its even marked on the calender.
i would use it to get Silent Hill: Homecoming
my son is wanting a wii archery game, but my husband and i are searching for a wii fit!
thanks so much!
moore.g at insideconnect.net
My kids are getting bored being out of school & could really use another game.
Iwould LOVE to win WII fit. Thanks!
I’d love to buy either the Legends of Rock for my DD for Christmas.
Wii Fit
I would use it to help pay for a DS for my son!!!
Gear of Wars 2. It’s for my little brother.
My game choice would be Harvest Moon Island of Happiness~My daughter and I have shared these games=)
indianna jones
the new Pokemon game for ds
My bf want the new guitar here Aerosmith for his ps2. I have that same nintendo pictured in my living room right now, I still play my mario bros on it, it’s totally fun to show the little kids how to skip through a bunch of worlds and beat the game in 40 minutes, LOL.
Soul Calibur IV for the 360…
My eleven yr old son INSISTS on going to Game Stop at least once a week to wheel and deal. We like the fact that they buy used games and offer lots and lots of choices.
Since I don’t know (gasp) what is on his wish , gotta have, puhleez list right now, I’m going to guess at Wall-E since the last time we were in Game Stop (last week) he was searching fo rit.
Game Stop is on our weekly menu of hot spots!
I’m sure my son would like Games of War!
Backyard baseball for the Wii. My family and I are huge baseball fans GO RANGERS!!!!
I’d get the new Harvest Moon game for the DS. We’ve enjoyed all the games in this series. It’s educational, fun and I find it to be very relaxing. Thanks for the contest.
Wii Fit is definitely the game that I want.
It looks like so much fun!
Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness for the Nintendo DS 🙂
I need Wii fit to train and beat my two boys at videogames!!!!!!!!!
So you remember your first Nintendo, I remember pong LOL. Yep, I’m pretty much old as dirt 🙂 Today, we own a Wii. I’d spend it on something for the Wii.
Gears of War 2 when it comes out
Brain Age for the DS.
The race game Grid
I would buy some new games for my DS. Probably a crossword game. (Yes, I know I am boring!)
I will probably buy Madden NFL 2009 for my lovely Husband. Although, I really want Wii Fit. I really to start exercising again.
The Rock Band Track Pack
I would buy animal crossing for the wii. My girls would enjoy that.
Must have Pokemon Emerald!
i’d get myself legend of zelda on ds. i used to have the first one back in the day. I’d like to see if some things are still the same. Thank you.
I son’s head would explode to go in and pick out any game he wanted.
I would love the Wii Fit…LOVE IT> thank you…
The WII fit would be my choice. Good luck to everyone
i will get the wii fit
I would use it to get a Wii Fit. Thanks!
I would also get wii Fit
I would put it towards Wii Fit!
I would get Spore when it comes out on PC in a little over a month!
Super Princess Peach!
Since my whole family loves Legos of all kinds, I would use the GameStop card to get the Indiana Jones Lego game. I think it would be a lot of fun for all of us! Thanks for the chance! 🙂
I would use it get Mario Kart for the Wii (or some other game my two teenage boys pick out).
I would get Lego Star Wars: The Original Triology and Just Cause for the XBOX 360
We’re loyal to World of Warcraft.
I’d get a brain game for the Wii…quickly!
I would reserve a copy of Lego Batman for WII (not available until Sept 23) and then I would have it just in time for my sons’ birthday!
I would buy Fable 2 since I really liked Fable 1.
I’d pre-order the Rock Band 2 Special Edition Bundle for XBOX 360. Great giveaway, thanks!
Thanks for the giveaway, I would love to win this! I’d probably buy NASCAR 2009 if I won!!
There is a Wii game with a gun…something about hunting. I would love to try it and I can’t find it anywhere! Thanks for the great contest!
I would buy Trauma Center for my daughter.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would let the kids choose a new Wii game.
Got lucky to have a Wi, so it is the Fit i would be looking to get. thank you for your help.
We’ve been saving up for a wii for a while (trying not to put it on a credit. And we’re almost there, so it would go to the wii and extra numchuk. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would purchase Tetris Evolution for the Xbox.
I’d let my son choose, but I like the Wii Fit.
I would put it toward the purchase of Wii Fit!
I would buy MGS 4!
My husband is dying for the wii fit, and so am I but he rented Boom Blox the other day and thats ranking on the list too. I’d have to pick up either one of those if I won!!
I would like to use it to buy The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for my Wii.
Thanks for the contest.
Super Smash Brothers for N64
I would put it towards the purchase of Wii Fit!
I would probably let the girls pick out something for their Ds or Wii-right now they wany MySims and Wii Fit.
the wii fit
We would have to get the Aerosmith Guitar Hero!!
I’m going to get Wii Fit. My wife has been begging me to get it for her.
Madden NFL 09 for WII…you have no idea how much I want this for my son,…he is a Madden fanatic…he was given a WII as a gift but we just cannot afford any more games. He is a teenager who has made some really good choices lately and I want this for him badly. THANK YOU for great contest…my fingers are crossed and double crossed for this.
adult 360 games
This would be perfect, thank you for the chance to win it! I spend a ton of money at the GameStop as it is now. Between my children and/or their spouses and/or their children, they have all of the game systems out there old and new. Including (okay I am datig myself here) an original Atari (this was mine) and an original Nintendo (yes, they all still work!) The difference in the games today from the games then is incredible! I do not know which game would be purchased with the card though because we never really know, we just take one person in at tmeand they get to pick which game for which system.
The Sims 2 expansion packs!
My kids are begging for guitar hero for the wii. Some day.
Baja: Edge of Control for PS3. Oh yeah!
Wow, I’d have to decide once I got there. And yep, I remember the old Nintendo too… hehe
it would help out with rock band
Guitar Hero 3!!
Wii fit! Can’t wait to get it. I just have to save up a little more $.
Crash Bandicoot Action Pack
I would definitely buy Guitar Hero on Tour for my DS!
Sonic and the Magic Wings!
bio shock
purchase of Wii Fit
My kids love Wall-E now so I would buy the Wall E game for them. Thank you for having this.
Drakes fortune for PS3
I am definitely getting Wii Fit in the future but I would use this gift card to get Carnival Games because my daughter has been begging me to get it! 🙂
Luxor: Pharaoh’s Challenge
I would like to get Dora Saves the Mermaid for my daughter.
It would go towards Lego Indiana Jones for my sons
*gasp* *dances* *points frantically at Chocobo’s Dungeonfor the Wii*
That’s the one I would get lol I love GameStop, you can find just about anything there if you’re patient!
There are many games my kids would buy, but I would want to use it towards the Wii I long to buy.
FFTA2: Grimoire of the Rift
or maybe Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice, but that’s not on the site.
I would love to win this so I can buy a used copy of the Curious George video game for the Nintendo Gamecube. My little girl loves George but this game can only be found used now (as with most Gamecube games.) She doesn’t have any games of her own and she’d love this.
I’d buy the game Order Up! for the Wii, it lets you cook in your own diner!
Oh my goodness, you want me to try to pick??? LOL! Okay, well it would probably be one of the more recent LEGO games for the DS. However, my teens might fight me for it before I buy something for their younger siblings.
Now if I owned a Wii…yes, I would be selfish and get Wii Fit!
Blessings to you!
Definitely the Wii Fit
OMg I want the two new harvest moon games that will be out soon so bad!
Your contest is listed on prizeatron too!
Either Indiana Jones or Mario. Thank You!
I would either get Rock Band or the new UFC game when it comes out for my husband!
I would buy the new Harvest Moon game coming out for the Nintendo DS.
I have no idea what this will go towards. My two oldest boys will claim it and want to get the next hot new game out.
I love the idea of Wii Fit. Finally something to get us up off the sofa!
I would buy Animal Crossing for the Wii. My son would enjoy that.
Definitely would pre-order Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Thanks for such a great giveaway & may the force by with you! 🙂
I am waiting for Line Rider to come out. That is most likely what game I would buy.
My kids would love the Animal Crossing: City Folk for WII.
I just got a DS for my birthday. Woohoo! And, I’m in serious need of some games. I would love to get Super Princess Peach. I need a girly adventure game!
Thank you for sponsoring the giveaway. I’d buy Guitar Hero for the Wii for my grandson.
A couple of years ago, my sister found and bought an original Nintendo system like the one at the beginning of this post. She brought it over and we played it for HOURS!
With a gift card to GameStop, I’d buy a new Wii game. I think I’d get Playground Games, because we all liked that one when we rented it.
Guitar Hero for the DS
I’d probably get Harvest Moon for the Wii.
I would have to give it to my 22 year old son who has been wanting Gears of War 2. We love shopping with GameStop because of their great selection and trade in policy. Thanks for the nice giveaway.
my nephew has a wi and this would give me points!
I’d really like to get Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 for Nintendo DS. I got nearly 100 hours of gameplay out of the first one.
love to get LEGO Indiana Jones
I would love wii fit.
we’re no strangers to game stop here. my hubby is saving up for rainbow vegas 6 II!
I would get Lego Batman for my Nintendo DS or PS2 if i win.
Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit,Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit,Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit,Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit,Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit,Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit,Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit,Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit,Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit,Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit,Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii FitWii Fit, Wii Fit, Wii Fit
I need some money for some microsoft points, this should help
Wii Fit
The newest Nascar game for my son thats what Id get
I’d have to give this to my best friend so he can get a game for his new Wii!
Guitar Hero World Tour on my ps2!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am addicted to Guitar Hero
That would go towards our family’s choice of Rock Band for the Wii. Thanx for the contest.
my son wants iron man for the ps3!!
This would absolutely go toward Wii Fit!
We love Guitar Hero for the Wii!!
I am not sure which game. I would let my son choose
Kung Fu Panda!
Since me and my twin are Grand Theft Auto fanatics, I would definitely get Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. We used to have them but no longer do. Ever since then, we miss playing those more than the current Grand Theft Auto III.
I’d use the money to get my daughter Dog Island for her Wii. She really wants that game.
I would get Guitar hero
hoping to get a Wii fit!
I’d buy Solitaire Overload. My favorite.
Super smash bros! The last one was amazing. It’s a great series!
I’d put it towards Battlefield Bad Co when it comes out…
We would get Madden 09. Thanks!
I remember getting my first nintendo too. When we finally beat Super Mario Bros, my brothers and I paraded around like we ruled the universe! Game systems sure were boxy looking back then, weren’t they?! Those controllers look prehistoric. lol!
We don’t currently have a game system, so if I win, I’d probably put the $30 towards getting a Wii!
Maybe Rockband for my husband’s PS2
We like games at my house
Madden NFL 2009
Harvest Moon!
I would hang onto it until they release Harvest Moon for the Wii.
I purchase age of conan
I would get Rayman Raving Rabids 2 for Wii
Than for the contest
Wii Fit if I can get it.
Madden NFL 09 when it comes out
I would purchase an age appropriate game for my grandson who is 10. Please count me in. Thanks!!
wii exercise
I would love the wii fit. Thanks for the chance.
If I won, it would be a surprise gift for my husband. I think he would want Guitar hero for PS2, but I would leave the choice up to him.
Indiana Jones Lego game for sure!
This is too fun — my son is getting a Wii soon and I want the FIT!
I would get Super Collapse 3 for our PSP.
WII Fit would be mine. I don’t go out in this humidity as I have a respiratory problem. So, I don’t get much exercise. I sit here and get fat! Sure hope I win.
I would like to get a Wii Fit
I would get whatever the kids want, something they can play together though.
I’ve been trying to save up to get a Wii Fit and this would help out a ton with me purchasing one…Then I’d just have to get there before they sell out of the Wii Fit.
I’d buy Call of Duty: World at War 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I definitely need the Wii Fit. I gotta get in shape!! Thanks for the great giveaway.
We are all eagerly awaiting Fable 2. I would most likely spend the gift card on that if I won.
Need to buy some new WII games for my son !!
i have been waiting to buy mario kart for wii!! I would totally get it if i won!
i would put it towards a wii fit
I would get Nascar 09 as a gift for my nephew . Thank you !
I am Wiiless and would love to have one! This would help.
Wii fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My daughter would love any pokemon game they have!
I would love to win this for my husband!!
I have been wanting to buy Mario Galaxy for the Wii!
It would probably be something for my hubbie and son to play together…like Madden 09.
I’d buy My Weight Loss Coach for my Nintendo DS. I think this would come in handy after I have my baby!
I would buy Warhawk for PS3 and its only $30!
I am currently saving up for a Wii and hope to be able to have enough and find one at Christmas this year. If I can pull that off I would LOVE the Wii Fit to go with it! I think my daughter and I would have a blast with it! Thanks!
We have been wanting to get Mario Party for the Wii! Great contest!
We’re planning on getting the boys an Xbox 360 soon so probably the Lego Indiana Jones game would be first on our list!
My son is saving up for Rock Band……he has quite a way to go! This would give a great boost to his savings….and his mood :o) Thanks!!
What a great giveaway! I would love to check out the Metropolismania game, looks like a lot of fun. I might get something for the kids to play, too! lol
I would use the gift card to buy Army of 2 for my PS3. My brother has been wanting this game and his birthday is coming up. THANK YOU for the chance to win!
i would love tetris! my dh only has awful fighting games!
Burnout Paradise
I’m a retro gamer so vintage Tomb Raider or Silent Hill can keep me occupied. Please accept my entry.
Both hubby and I are gamers so this would be so great to win. Wii Fit is definitely on my list.
Legos indiana jones!
Thanks for hosting!
We seriously need another guitar for guitar hero. That would rock our world. Thanks for the chance to win.
A wii fit IS actually at the top of my wish list. 🙂
We love our Wii! We would probably buy MarioKart.
i’d get the wii fit
We would purchase Carnival for Wii. It looks like a lot of fun.
I would buy Bio-Shock for PS3 when the new version comes out!
I would put it towards the Wii fit I’m hoping to buy!
I’d get the new Indiana Jones game for the PS2 for my son. He really wants it!
we have 3 game systems… we could sure use some new games to go with them!!
Frugal Carol
We’re on the waiting list now at our local GameStop for the Wii Fit. I could definitely use the Gift card!
Thanks for offering it!
This would be nice to have. My son just got a DS.
I would buy WallE the video game for my son
I would put it towards wi fit
We need Lego Star Wars II or Transformers for the DS! Great giveaway, thanks!
I’d go for Kingdom Hearts for PS2 – I’ve heard great things about that game. Thanks for the chance to win.
Soul Calibur 4!
I would get the new Worms game for the Wii – I loved that computer game!!
Sprint Cars ~ hubby loves to race.
I want “Rock Band” for the Wii and I am not embarrassed to admit it.
(Well, okay, I’m a little bit embarrassed.)
PS2 Indiana Jones unless someone recommends something better that’s wholesome for a smart kid that beats games quickly despite limited access and gets bored. I’d ask for help!
Guitar Hero for the DS
Wii Fit
No question. This GC would be put towards the purchase of Madden 09.
I recently got a WII for my birthday and I would love to win the giftcard so I could go and buy the Wii fit. It seems like a really GREAT way to workout and I really need to do more of that.
Since it would likely be for my son, I’d have to use the card for Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, or Madden 09. Of course, he’d have to chip in if he wants a new game, but used is okay with us, too. He has the xbox 360, a PS2, and a game cube.
My son would looove me forever if I won this (IF I decide to let him spend it, that is, lol). I know he’d buy the new Lego Indiana Jones game for his PS2.. that’s all I’ve heard about for WEEKS!
I would buy my daughter a Dora game b/c she’s wanted it for ages!
Oh gosh. If it was up to me I would pick the original Mario Bros. for the first Nintendo. That is how old I am. I would let my son pick what he wanted for whatever game platform that he has. I cannot keep up.
It would definitely go towards a Wii Fit. Come on over! 😉
please enter me! i’d get Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Sith Lords
I would save it and purchase the new Viva Pinata coming out in the next month or two!
My hubby would go to town with this! thanks!
Hubby is always trying to get me into Game Stop whenever we see one so he would be thrilled if we won this! He would probably pick a fantasy/action PC game like Spore. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d probably buy another time management game like Diner Dash 2. I’ve gotten my entire family addicted to those games, myself the most.
I also might save it up towards the purchase of Spore.
Ooo, great giveaway! I’d probably buy Mario Kart for Wii, but not for myself — for my brother and SIL, so we could all race each other. 🙂
I am soon coming into a shared Wii, and I would TOTALLY spring for the latest Legend of Zelda game, or the zapper gun. While it’s not as awesome as the original Nintendo zapper gun (I still own it – be still my heart, for old school Nintendo) it comes with Link’s Crossbow Training, which caters to the Legend of Zelda hardcore nerd in me.
Thanks for the giveaway! 😀
I’m not sure who would enjoy this the most, my husband or my kid! Thanks for including me.
An accessory for the Wii. My sister just bought a Wii, so I’d love to buy something related to fitness
Oh man, I miss my NES. My kids and my husband would love a little spending money for Gamestop. Thanks for the chance to win!
We LOVE Gamestop. I have 2 boys (3 if you count my DH) and they know them all by name at Gamestop. I know sad huh? LOL
I would buy MX VS ATV Unleashed for the Playstation II, for my grandsons.
I’d give this to my sweet son!
I would put it towards my Wii system game purchase. my honey and I want that more then anything!!!
I would love the Wii fit, but my son loves games and we would probably end up getting one more Sonic the Hedgehog game.
Cooking mama 2! The first one was so fun!
My husband would Love this. He got an Xbox 360 not too long ago and needs some new games!
We’ve already go Wii fit some come on over! I’d like to get Guitar Hero Aerosmith. Its a great “party” game!
Wow! That’s a lot of comments. Well, here’s mine. We’d love Guitar Hero. Thanks for the small possibility of winning.
I’d probably buy one if the medal of honor games for my hubby.
Boom Blox
I have been positively coveting the Wii Fit. Yeah. And feel free to come on over if I win. 🙂
I love gamestop,I buy all my games there.
Okay I can’t tell you which one we’d get because I would give this to my 15 yr old who thinks Gamestop is his other home, but I would love to get wii fit but the hubby won’t let me! 🙁
With a husband who got a PS3 not to long ago this would be perfect to get him a little something for it. He only has a couple games. Thank you for the great giveaway.
I’d love to get a new DDR game!
I would like the wii fit game.
My bro got the wii fit recently and he is kind enough to share so I have to say I’d go for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on the wii, what can I say? I want to find out how lightsabers really work on it 😉 Thanks for offering this!
My son just got a DS. He would love the Indiana Jones Lego game
Resistance for PS3
Wii Fit
I would get WiiFit for myself or something for my hubby. Thanks for entering me!
I would buy my 10 year old and I a game we could play together. Although it might be interesting trying to find something easy enough for me to get it lol Elmo???
My son has a Wii and I would get the WiiFit!
My family would love to have a Wii fit but we have had a really hard time finding one. As they seem to be sold out everywhere.
Thank you so very much for offering this wonderful giveaway !
I would LOVE to win !!
My kids would have a blast with this prize. We would spend it on Guitar Hero.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Definately the Wii Fit. How can you go wrong play game/excercise at once 🙂
No wiifit for us, but my Husband would love to get old school Pac Man for DS…..or RBI Baseball if they have it!
My kids are dying to get WiiFit. Great giveaway.
We just got a Wii a few weeks ago. I heard the Wiifit was good. Maybe I might buy it…if I win.
My husband is a big fan of Game Stop and actually the most recent game he has been asking for is Wii Fit haha. So that would more than likely be the game of choice if we were to win the gift card.
I would probably buy Tiger Woods Golf 09 ~ My whole family likes to challenge each other.
Don’t know if I’ll buy the WiiFit or not…
((hugs)) Mechelle
I want the Wii Fit of course but would settle for Mario Kart.
What a great giveaway! I would get something for the Wii, probably Mario Party 8 or something, but DH and the DD’s would fight for this!! 🙂 Please come to my site and enter my giveaway too!
Well, I can’t pick one, because I would give it to my hubby for him to use… I am sure that he would pick out a car racing game for his PS2 – maybe Burnout Revenge???
ooh i have wii fit. i’ve lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks and i love it. i think i’d have to buy another game for the wii (too bad they dont have wii fit2)
i’d prob buy mario kart maybe?
I would get my fiance Madden 09 for the xbox 360. I know he would love that 🙂
I would totally put this towards the new Guitar Hero 4 that is coming out soon. Don’t shoot me, but we had Wii Fit and ended up selling it on Ebay. For us, it just did not live up to all the hype. Now,Guitar Hero, we play alllllll the time. Wii Fit might call me fat, but I have got fingers of steel! LOL!
Great Giveaway!!
I would love the wii fit, but my son really wants the Mario Cart for the wii! Thanks.
Guitar hero for PS2. Thanks for the giveaway!
my kids love gamestop…anything for the 360 or the wii would be great! thanks!!
There are a lot of Wii games that I want, but what I want the most is a Wii Fit! I have been wanting one of those since I heard about it in January!
Can’t wait for Fable!
We already have WiiFit. The kids enjoy it. If I won, I’m sure my son would choose the next Guitar Hero game.
I’d pick up one of the classic Nintendo series games for the Gameboy DS
Guitar Hero or the latest GTA game!
Well, we are huge gamers, but I’d really like to get Master Cook Deluxe and Custom 3D home. And be practical for once! LOL
TETRIS for PS2!!! I haven’t played that game in years!! Thanks for the contest.
My husband has been begging for Mario Kart for the Wii.
i would give this to my daughter for her birthday.
I really want the Wii Fit – come over any time, but just a warning: It was 105 degrees in Dallas yesterday! How about giving away a fabulous new air conditioner? Thanks for the contest!
Wii game to donate to our church’s youth group youth room game system. They need help to create an inviting space for the teens to gather and enjoy time together.
I would totally get The Price is Right for wii.
I didn’t even know they made such a thing but ever since I was a little girl I have dreamed of being on TPIR, and looks like the wii is as close as I’ll get. 🙂
Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!
I miss the original zelda!
I would buy Rayman Ragging Rabbits 2. We have the first one and love it.
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Hmm..I would probably get Pokemon Colosseum. That or Pokemon XD, Gale of Darkness. My son loves pokemon!
We just got the Wii Fit (love it!) and there are new games coming out for it I know we will want to buy. Thanks so much!
great giveaway! 🙂 I am looking to get a wii fit game. i hope i’m the lucky winner
I’m having so much fun blog hopping! I’m glad I found your blog 🙂
I’ve been wanting a wii for a long time…perhaps this would be the incentive I need to go out and get it! Thanks for the chance!
I really want the wii fit!
I’m actually saving up for a Wii, but if I had it already, I’d buy Beautiful Katamari. I am dying to play it!
I would buy Alone in the Dark or save the card for Ghost Busters coming this fall.
i been wanted a wii and i been saving money for it since i dont think or the thing is i feel bad spending money on a game system especially since im not a kid anymore
I really want a Wii fit- it looks like so much fun!! Thank you for the giveaway!
Well, since we already own Wii Fit, I won’t need to purchase that, but I would like to get Animal Crossing: City Folk for our family.
SSX Snowboarding for PS2
i heart the disney bundle with mic for the wii! thanks, kristen
Definitely Lego Indiana Jones, just not sure what platform I’d get it for…
This would come in handy for the kiddos’ DSlites. Come to think of it… maybe I’ll buy myself a game to play on their systems! Thanks for the great op.
I want wiiFit for me, but my husband would adore NCAA Football ’09.
He’s been hinting for forever about it.
I’ve been itching to get a Wii Fit or a Nintendo DS. Hmm…the choices…
Wow..$30 gamestop GC..sweet!! Pick me!! oooooh I could do some damage with that!!
Hmm… I could either get Super Mario Galaxy for myself, or be nice and let my husband choose one… but he’d probably get a zombie killing game or something equally terrifying, so Mario it is! 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
ROCK BAND. ROCK BAND. ROCK BAND. We’re dying for it to go on super-duper-sale…
I would definitely get Rock Band for Xbox 360!
I woudl get a Universal Dance Pad for the nieces and a Logitech Precision GamePad to extend our system for multi players.
Great Bloggy Carnival giveaway!
I’d get wii cooking mama cook off! I’ve played it before and still can’t fry an egg online 🙂 I need practice!!!
We Ski is on the monsters’ Christmas list! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would use the gc to pay off the rest of our down payment we made on the new Lego Batman game that is coming out in the fall. We LOVE Gamestop!
Nintendo…Ha I grew up with an Atari gaming system…it was really great though..anyways I would love to have one of those Wii exercising things…
Atari here baby!!! Anyone remember PONG?
I’d be getting the INDY lego for my little man!
My son has been wanting a baseball game for his PSP, so that’s what I’d shop for. Thanks!
Great giveaway, thank you 😀
I’d have to go with Trauma Center: Second Opinion. We rented it once, and it’s very engaging!
I want to get Wii fit! I need it…
My husband has been waiting to get metroid for the wii. Maybe we could get it if I win!
My son would love Wii Fit or Mario Kart! I’d love any game I could get $30 off of!!!
I’d have to let my boys choose. They know about this stuff, not me!
I’d buy an XBOX 360 game for my son in law.
I would buy the new Star Wars game. My son can’t wait until it comes out! Thanks for such a great giveaway!! 🙂
Lego Indiana Jones for the Xbox 360. My boys would love it
I’d buy sonic for the gameboy advance 🙂
What a wonderful giveaway. My son is always begging me to take him to our local Gamestop as it’s right down the street from us. If we win this he’ll be soooo thrilled!
Thanks for the chance to enter your wonderful giveaway!
Mind Quiz for PSP – for me (my son and hubby have enough of their own games already LOL)
I would have to use it towards a Wii fit because I have been wanting to get one! Thanks for the giveaway!
Any wii game, Wii rocks hardcore.
Wow! I would use it towards the purchase of a Ninetendo Ds Lite. My son has a Gameboy and loves it and for Christmas, I want to get him a Lite.
We just bought a wii and I put the wii fit on my xmas list. Maybe xmas will come early this year.
Metal Gear Solid 4 according to my husband. So that is our official answer…
Wow, there are lots of comments for this giveaway! I would love the Wii Fit. I am not a video game person, but I could totally get into that!
I would have to save the card and use it when gears of war 2 comes out.
I would love a wii!! $30 bucks off would be great.
My husband loves game stop – he’s been wanting a Wii fishing game. youthpastor711 (at) juno (dot) com
We’d love to try the Wii Fit, and you’re more than welcome to come give it a whirl 😉 Thanks for the fun!
I would love to use this toward a WiiFit. Thanks!
Great prize.
I would buy my husband the new college football game. He will be deploying soon and i think it will be something nice for him to take along with him.
My son is $20 away from buying his Wii. As for games, I’ll play any version of Tetris
The obvious game to buy is Wii fit. Its too expensive to buy outright but a gift card would really help out alot towards picking it up. I guess I would also settle for mario kart of course :p Thanks
Nice giveaway!! I just got a Wii so I have been cruising for games. I think I would like Super Mario Kart or the Galaxy one. I bought the Wii fit and its been great.
I would give this to my son for Christmas. He’s saving for a new game system. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!!!
I would put it towards a wii fit, we so want to do yoga at home with it.
I have fond memories of playing Super Nintendo roms on my computer while lectures were being given during college!
Also playing Mario Kart back in the day.
Thank you ^_^
Wow, this would be great to win, then I could buy my grandson a game for his PSP
Ok I would have to get Madden 09. My husband would love me forever LOL
My best friends oldest son would love this for his birthday!
How great! I’ve been wanting Wii Fit!
I would like to get the Wii Fit. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Oh most definitely, it would go towards the purchase of Rockband! My boys would be thrilled!
My son really wants Indiana Jones for Wii right now or.
I’m not much of a gamer….but my husband is obessed with video games. He is a big kid 🙂
I’d have to let him choose.
My kids would love to get a new Wii game!
Well, first we need to buy a Wii. We’ve wanted one for awhile, so I think the gift card would go toward the Wii fund.
My son would love to use this for a game for his DS. He only has one game so far, and he is ready for a new one. We love gamestop and go there way to often.
I would like to get a wii fit.
I would either apply it to the Nintendo DS that I’ve been looking at…..or be a good wife and hand it over to DH. 🙂
I’d get a harvest moon game, but I’m not sure which one (I love that series!)
Well, I already bought my Wii Fit, so the gift card would probably go toward a DS game before our vacation in August, I’m not looking for one in particular righ tnow, it would be fun to just go get whatever strikes me. Everyone teases me but I LOVE video games, they’re a great stress relief for me!
I’d give it to my hubby and let him buy one of his new games and it would score me some major points since I don’t like him spending money on video games!
My son really wants the kung fu panda !
We just bought a Wii and Wii fit, so i’d love to buy the Ski game for the wii fit, or the sims game for myself, I love the sims…
I’m not much of gamer myself (though I absolutely love the Wii my little brothers have!). I’m partial to the Mario games but really I would give this as a gift to thank my brothers for babysitting for us!
My boys would so take this away from me. There’s a new Star Wars game coming out soon that they already have a deposit on. Thanks so much.
nintendo ds my fashion studio.
We have been wanting a Wii for quite awhile! So we could put this $30 toward that system 🙂 Thanks for a cool contest!
I really want to get a Wii, so I would put it towards that… thanks for the giveaway!
I would definitely put it toward a Wii Fit… and you’re welcome to stop by anytime!
I really want the wii fit,but im sure it will go for my sons ds addiction! ahdrad2932(at)msn(dot)com
My fiance (and I) really wants to get Soul Caliber IV which just came out. So the $30 would go towards purchasing that game.
alexandra dot hancock at gmail dot com
P.S.: The guys at our local GameStop know us by name because we go in there like 1 a week to buy a new game or trade in old ones for credit. It’s really embarassing. Lol.
I miss the original Mario- It’s just not the same on these fancy new systems- If I won I would put it towards a wii fit. Thanks so much for the great giveaway audrajjensen(at)msn(dot)com
If I won, I would buy Diner Dash! I love that game! 🙂 Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
We would save it and use it for the game Fable II, not yet released. We saw a preview for it and it looks sooo amazing!
Thinking of viva pinata. I’ve heard good things about that game. Thanks!
I think we had that same system, lol!
I am so behind the times, I still want just the basic Wii. They look so fun to me and I think it would get us off the couch! 🙂
I would give it to my son so that he could buy another game for his wII
I would actually ask which games my brothers family needs for their WII.
I would really love to get the WiiFit. You are more than welcome to come by! 🙂
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
That nintendo was my first video game system! i remeber playing it as a kid thinking it was the neatest thing ever!
We would love to be able to get Wii Fit!
I would LOVE to suprise my hubby with this prize! I still remember “Hunt The Whumpus” on my Texas Instruments game system!
I would put it towards a Wii Fit!
I’d buy hubby Rainbow Six: Las Vegas 2 for the 360. We have all the gaming systems… lol.
I would get guitar hero for my son.
We’re eyeing Wii Fit, also. Thanks for doing the giveaway! I’m doing one too–come check it out. 🙂
My husband and I just bought an X-Box 360 and two new games, so we don’t really need a game right now, but we do need a new controller so I actually could play. The store had extra controllers to buy, but unfortunately they were out of the pink ones, and I refused to get any other color, so maybe gamestop will have a pink one.
We would probably get Metal Gear for DH’s PSP
I would love to win this because I just won a Wii Fit. Great prize.
Wow, 500 comments?! THIS is a popular one. Honestly, it’s my husband and son that would flip over a GC to Gamestop and I have no clue what they would purchase except for something for the Wii (they’re playing it as I type). 🙂
a friend of mine got the wii fit a couple of months ago and i am really jealous. if i win i will buy it for sure.
I just got a Wii Fit and I love it!! If I won the gift card I would get the Disney Princess game for Wii that my daughter has been wanting. 🙂
I like the puzzler collection for the DS that is coming soon.
I would like to get another controller for our Nintendo DS. My 4 year old grandson always wants me to play Mario with him and we only have on controller. The Lego Indiana Jones looks good too. My first game was Pong.
I would like to buy more games for my Wii
Awesome prize!!!
oh man we LOVE gamestop! there is one down the street AND our friend works there so it’s always a topic of conversation at our house lol. Can’t beat being able to try things in. I’ve gotten a lot of good movies from there as well lol.
I would have to say that yeah i’d be getting wii fit. i’ve been drooling over it for long enough lol….and your more then welcome to come over and play lol.
xbrandy04x [at] aim [dot] com
I’d probably get Mario Kart for the wii, looks so fun!
ohhtempest ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com
Wall-E for Wii would be a hit with our kids!
I would have to get DDR. I know it is kind of passé now, but I have always wanted it! Thanks for the giveaway!
Star Wars Force Unleashed. We’re big Star Wars fans around here!
I would pre-order The DOG Island for PS2. It looks like it would be fun for younger children. Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway!!
DH would buy the new WOW expansion.
Nintendo Wii! thanks 🙂
We would buy Halo 3. We’re going to start praying…
Thanks for including me in this Giveaway and for being so generous!
kjmt42 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
I’d love Solitaire Overload for our DS (Momma needs a fun game for her! lol)
the aerosmith rock band extention!!
I would totally get Rock Band. I’ve heard it’s nothing but fun!
Thanks for a great giveaway! My husband would like the new Madden Football game.
Grandma just bought a wii for our family. I would put the card toward Super Paper Mario. It looks like a game the entire family would like. Thanks for the contest.
mind quiz
I would probably choose Guitar Hero World Tour because my nephew loves Guitar Hero!
Great giveaway!
Thanks so much!!
I would give this to my daughter for Christmas, and I’m not sure WHAT game she’d get with it!!!
Some great stuff coming this fall. My son would love this.
would be the coolest mom in the neighborhood – if i won!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Lord I know idea which one they’d want now. but that wii Fit comment struck me as hilarious since I have a friend who is finising up her colllege with a project on whether the wii fit would really or not. She’s going to get to use her Wii as a tax deduction lol. since she is using it for college
wii fit game
Civilization revolution looks interesting.
Guitar Hero.
I’ve got my eye on the Wii Fit or Wii Ski, but if left to my son, it would be Pokemon something-or-other I’m sure! 🙂
We have EVERY game console, thanks to my husband! I desperately want the Wii Fit, so that is what I would put this towards – you are welcome to come over and play!
Good question. Not sure if I would get something for XBOX or Wii but we are looking for another fun bowling game for Wii. We have one that needs to be traded in because it’s sooo bad LOL Maybe Mario Galaxy? I dunno! Thanks for the chance to enter.
I would buy the Dance Dance Revolution for XBox 360.
Madden 08
I will use it to buy NBA Live 2009 when it comes out in October.
I would buy the wii fit for my wii!
The little diva’s would never let me pick something out for myself. Well except the WiiFit but they wanted that too.
If I won they would get whatever it is the first one of them called dibs for the card wanted… I can’t keep up with them or what they want so don’t have a title for you.
Great giveaway, they always need something from GameStop.
Brain Age for the DS …thanx for this great giveaway!:)
Ok, so I totally still have the NES! It’s hooked up to my TV right now…with super mario bros in! That is the only system I have right now, but my aunt said she will get me the wii and the wii fit for Christmas! I can’t wait!! I would use this gc for the wii sports game. My husband HATES games and won’t play anything…well, my cousin got him to play the boxing game and I’ve never seen him laugh and giggle like he was playing that game! So, here’s to hoping! Thanks!
Final Fantasy Tactics for DS! I used to love playing the Final Fantasy Games!!
I would actually use this to buy a game for my nephew. So whatever he wants. I don’t know what it is right now.
I actually have a Wii Fit and you are welcome to come hula hoop whenever you want ;0
I’d like wii fit
i’m thinking the wii fit looks pretty cool!
Thanks for the chance.
i really really want wii fit
WOW!!! this is so exciting! I hope I win… I would love new games!
I would love to win this! The problem is I can’t decide which games I would use it for!! :o) I want Brain Age 2, Mah Jong!, Big Brain Academy, plus like 3 others!! Great giveaway! Thanks for offering it!
I’d preorder Boogie Superstar for Wii!
Thanks 🙂
My children have been dying to get the Guitar Hero for their DS Lites. but at $50 a piece I haven’t had the money so this would be very welcome prize win. Thank-you,
I would love to by the Wii– if I could find it anywhere!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I really want Wii Fit!
The current wishlist for the wee ones is Wall-E for the Wii. Mine is Lego StarWars, the complete saga. Might have to do some negotiating.
How fun! Thanks for the chance to win!
Ohhhhhh I want a wii soooo bad! I love mario games. Mario Kart was my favorite ever! I whooped butt at that game LOL But until we get one, I will probably get my hubby his Madden game, I think 09 comes out soon?
My kids are addicted to these gaming systems. I must admit, I like playing Mario party on the Wii. 🙂
If I were lucky enough to win, I’d be running right there to purchase the Final Fantasy IV for the Nintendo DS.
I would like to get harvest moon for wii. Thanks for the giveaway.
the new ghostbusters game
Smile though your heart is aching
My husband has an XBOX so he would love this.
Would love to win this $30 Gamestop gc, so many things in that store I like!
wesgonnawin06 at yahoo dot com
I would buy the American Idol game for Wii (even though I can’t sing!)
Thanks for the generous giveaway! I’d have to get Chrono Trigger for the DS!
I would get Wii Fit and anyone can come over and play!
I would love the LEGO Star Wars II – we love the LEGO games!
I’d have to get the Tiger Woods ’08 for Wii because my hubbie and I would love to play each other! But the Wii Fit would be tempting too!
I really want to buy Halo 3 for my X-BOX 360. Great giveaway!!
I don’t know what game I would get. Probably some kind of 1st shooter game.
LEGO Indiana Jones. I love Indie!
I would buy Mario Kart for my oldest daughter for Christmas. We’ve decided to buy each of my girls a ds for Christmas but don’t know how we’re going to buy the games. lol Thanks!!
wii fit
I’m not sure what I would get, I really like the puzzle/strategy games and if I won I’m sure my husband would beg me to give it to him – he loves his playstation! Thanks for the giveaway!
I need the wii fit after spending so much time at the computer.
I need Mario Party 6 for gamecube. They don’t make gamecube anymore, but we have one and you can also play gamecube games in a Wii. My son has rented this game before and it has lots of cute mini games.
I would add some money to it and get the Wii Fit
I’ve had my eye on Brain Age for a while now – I think I need the help 😉
I would buy something old school like Super Mario!
Boy would my kids and hubby love me if I won this one. I like the looks of the 1701 A.D. Gold Edition game. 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
we want wii fit. Please and thank you.
I’d buy the new Price Is Right game! OH YEA!
The new nancy drew game
I would give this to my brother so he could buy sonic riders for wii, which he has been saving up for.
Thanks for the contest my teenagers will love it.
I’d probably buy the full version of a game or two (or five) that I just play the demo of online. Stupid stuff like Diner Dash that I’m not willing to pay for myself…but if it’s free, it’s a different story!
whatever game my boyfriend would like haha
Holy moley, roly poly! This is amazing! irrelevantheart (AT) gmail (DOT) com! Thank you!
Kingdom Hearts 2. Love Kingdom Hearts games!
Thanks for offering it!
princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com
I think it might go towards the Gran Turismo 5 prologue PS3 game! It looks so purdy.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would totally buy spore!
not sure it would be my kids decision!!!
My kids are currently saving up for the release of Lego Batman for the Wii, So I would put it with what they have managed to save,, or maybe be selfish and get the wii fit I’ve been wanting!
my daughter wants the wii fit game so bad, this would really help her out
Would like to return to Myst 🙂
Veni Vidi Vici
I’d give it to my son, the gamer of the family
I’d put the winnings towards Rock Band
We are still playing play station 2. We have found that we are now able to buy lots of games for our system for less due to the new play station 3….although, we still want the play station 3.
got to be Lego Batman for my grandson!!!
Mario Kart Wii!
My little gamers would love this!
HI! this is a really cool giveaway.
I cannot tell a lie. I LOVE Mario games. Super Mario Galaxy for me!
Definately would purchase Lego Indiana Jones, I have been dying to play it!
Madden 08 for sure!
I would get Mario Kart- I have heard it is very fun. Thanks.
Guitar Hero for the DS!!
I think that I’d just go browse and be surprised! We did some game rentals a while back… I liked Wii Ski and there was this University game… but I think I’d just be impulsive and pick something on the spot!
Mario galaxy
xBOX 360
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 $8.99
MadCatz Xbox 360 Controller Skinz $4.99
World Championship Poker: All In $8.99
Spyro Season of Ice $9.99
I would love to get Brain Age for the Nintendo DS!
sign me up
Probably something for my kids for Christmas or their birthdays
I would let my daughter choose a new game for her gameboy since she tells me she is bored with hers. Probably Spyro?
I would get Madden Football 09 for my son who desperately wants it. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to get a Dance Revolution for the excercise!!
I’d buy a Bluray
Mario for the daughter’s DS
I’d get MarioKart for the Wii.
I’d buy a PS2 game.
I would buy Trauma Center: New Blood!
O.k. – as if I’d be able to buy myself something from Game Stop!! LOL! I’d most likely get my husband the game he has been waiting so patiently for = Call of Duty 4.
I’d get Soul Calibur IV for Xbox 360. My son commands it to be so thus it is so. (Cuz it’s his birthday next week…)
I would get Kung Fu Panda for my grandson. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d get the Wii fit
I would purchase Age of Empires 3 Asian Dynasty
we’d put it towards getting the WII system for my son but if we had to chose a game most likely it would go for Kung Fu Panda or Wall E games.
I’m not sure what I would get, but I know my son has some ideas. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would get the Disney Sing It bundle with mic for the Wii. Thanks for the fun giveaway.
Jaws sounds like fun.
Mario Cart.
l would buy NCAA Football 09 because a player from my alma mater is on one of the covers. Thanks for the giveaway.
We’d get the new Guitar Hero, for sure! We think we are so good at this game, (not), and I just love hearing the noise, oops, I mean music, coming from the kids room! Thanks for the contest!
My husband would love Civilization IV game for PC!
the kids – my son especially- are always looking for a new video game to play..
I would probably want to get Soul Calibur IV, because I’ve been reading about it and waiting for it for 2 years.
But it’s a tough call because I have such a long wish list. I also want Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns Of The Patriots. And I still don’t have Bioshock or Dead Rising.
My daughter wants Sonic Riders Zero Gravity, which is exactly $30 at GameStop, so I’ll probably do the good mom thing and get the game she wants.
I’ll trade in some of my old games and get Soul Calibur IV.
Thank you for the generous giveaway.
GameStop is a second home to me, so this is my favorite blog prize,ever.
Not sure what games he has yet but would definitely buy a DS game for my grandson who will be 7 next week. Maybe a Star Wars Lego game. Tks :-}
Probably a decent used game for the ps3, havent really looked at games lately but would find one real fast with this gift card LOL!
I’d get Guitar Hero for the DS! THanks for the contest!
Guitar hero World Tour for Wii. Love seeing the whole family enjoying an activity together.
We’re trying for a Wii Fit
i don’t know,something for my son
I would get one of the extensions to Oblivion.
I’d use the GC to help pay for Rock Band.
I need Pogo Island for my nintendo DS.
I would choose the wireless guitar for guitar hero. My daughter won the game but has no way to play it. My son is asking for us to buy the guitar but with school starting, daughters wedding, son having his first child and neices wedding and having to drive 2500 mile trip to take grandsons home, they spent the summer because their father had surgery. Our budget is shot. So thank you for a chance to win a fantastic prize my kids would love.
Tiger Woods 08 or any game made after 2006. we dont have anything new.
I’d go through their older games like for nes or snes and I know I’ll be able to find some awesome games.
If we had a Wii already – it would be a game for that but since we don’t I’d get a 60 day WOW card for my husband! My little boy is too young at under too – although I’m sure he’ll get into later!
i’d probably apply this to buy a Wii
I would definitely buy the Wii Fit. I need it!
Guitar hero for the wii…..would love to stow it away for Christmas!!
I would love to get the Wii Fit I can’t wait to try it
Wii Fit!
a wii fit!
Super Mario for DS! Thanks
I would buy Final Fantasy 13, we have every other final fantasy for the playstation systems, my favorite is tied between nine and ten. They had the best stories along with the animation. Seven was great too
Oh the memories that picture of Nintendo brought back! I would let my kids decide which game to purchase for the Wii. Thank you so much for offering this giveaway.
I have been trying for over a year to buy the WII fit. My family would love to play this game. Health wise we would definitely benefit.
At our house it’s all about Dance Dance Revolution and it’s copycats; I’d spend the gift card on a new selection of songs for DDR. Thanks for the chance to win.
M & M “Break Em” for GBA 🙂
Wii fit for me too! Thanks!!
I’d get COOK UP!
We would probably put it towards our purchase of rock band, we’ve been wanting to get that for a long time.
If I win I will purchase Penumbra:Black Plague.
I would buy CSI for Wii.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
great contest
Oh, my teen would claim this win immediately – not sure what he would buy, though 🙂
my daughter wants dance dance revolution
I would probably get Rock Band 2. THe kids just love this one.
I would get Lego Indiana Jones.
My husband’s birthday is coming up and this would be a great gift!! He is the gamer in our family….as well as a golfer…and he has had his eye on the Tiger Woods Golf game.
WE would use it to get some Sonic Games for the Game Cube that we do not own yet (we are behind the times and all of our system are outdated)
My sister has Rock Band for the PS3…I’m certainly not the best singer in the world, but I absolutely love singing with the microphone!!! I would love to buy SingStar. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!! 🙂
I love your intro! My family really stuggled financially, but I vividly remember the day my Dad brought this home to our house. We were the first on the block to get the system and became the most popular house on the block at the time!
Great contest, and I’ll mention that my son would take this away from me so fast my head would spin!! So I know we’ll get a Wii game with this!
Thanks for the great contest!
Spore, when it comes out. For my sons.
Madden 09 for XBox 360 for my DS
My husband has been begging for MX vs ATV: Untamed. I know that he and my son would love it! Thank you so much for the great giveaway!
I would chose Soul Calibur IV. It looks awesome.
I would buy a computer game for my boys-Starcraft 2.:)
If I won I would buy Madden NFL 2009, or College football for my boyfriend he has been asking for both of them
I’d get Guitar Hero Aerosmith. Thanks for the giveaway~!
I admit that i love to wind down playing puzzle games on our PC. So, I would use this GC for a Crossword game or mystery solver, such as one of the Agatha Christie games. If there’s any money left over, I’ll be kind and let my husband pick something out for himself, too!
diner dash 🙂
Buzz for the Xbox 360 looks like a great game for the whole family, because it comes with 4 buzzers. Or, another controller for the Wii, so we can all play that. Great giveaway!
I would use it to buy the Wii system! Been wanting one for ages!
my DS needs a new DS. i would put it towards that and a pokemon game…thanx
Hope I win!
guitar hero 4 world tour, thanks for contest
batman legos when it comes out!!
animal crossing 1 02 2, or darkcloud, or some mario/zelda games, hard to choose one
We have every game system- I can use this game card. Game Stop knows me by my first name.
Animal Crossing: City Folk for my son!
Wii Fit, my kids live in AZ and don’t get outside too much ’cause it’s soooo darn hot.
I’d like to get Bowling for Nintendo Wii
My kids have argued with me about playing the same games over and over. This would be my advil!!
I didn’t know “Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader” was a game for PS2. I’d go for that. (Unless i could win a Wii system in the meantime, in which case i would get WiiFit)
I am still waiting on the Wii Fit, too!
I would get a new game for the Wii. As to which one, Id have to get with my grandchildren on that! 🙂
Madden ’09
I would like to get zelda for the ds jchic45102@yahoo.com
i would love to get paper mario for wii.
I would put it towards getting a Wii Fit!
I would put the money towards a Wii me and my fav. little ones love to play this at others homes it would be great to have one of our own.
We only have 2 games for our PS2 so this would definitely help us on adding to our SLLLOOOWWWLLLY growing colection
World of Warcraft for my son.
I would give it to my husband and let him have fun picking out something new to play 🙂
wii fit
obviously this would go to my hubby…so he can get whatever he wants.
I’ve been hearing a whole lot about the Wii Fit! I really don’t buy video games for myself but this one I really want!
Rock Band!
Love a wii – guitar hero, rockstar or wii fit
Backyard Football 2006 for Game Boy Advance
I have no clue this is My Husband and Son area
I would love to get Rock Band. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Guitar Hero
Wizardology for Wii sounds interesting. 🙂
i love me some nintendo lol just got a wii !!
Guitar Hero World Tour for the WII. I’ll be a little short since it is $50 but we love Guitar Hero! Thanks for the contest!
We would really like to get Carnival Games for our wii. Our grandkids would adore us. 🙂
A gift card would be great. (I’m sure everyone agrees.) I’d use it towards a Wii…when they get them in stock again. 🙂 I haven’t had a game system since I received an Atari when I was young.
i’d love to save up for a xbox 360.
My son loves gamestop.I would choose the Madden NFL 08.
That’s what he has been wanting.He has a XBox 360
I would like Xbox Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy.
I would love to get the Wii Fit
I’m saving up my money for call of duty 4. I finally got enough money the other day after mowing my neighbors lawn. When I went to the mall the other day to buy it i had 3 extra bucks so I bought a root beer float from Johnny Rockets. I was wearing a pear of gym shorts and I slipped the rest of my money back in my pocket and it fell out without me noticing. I went to find my mom and I noticed the money was missing. Then I went back to the table where I was eating and the money was gone. You don’t know how frustrating that was. Now I’m back to where I started and this would certainly help. Thanks
I just got an Xbox and we have 1 game. I need to get some more. But, as to the old Nintendo, I really miss it. I loved the Mario games and “The Three Stooges” and many more!
I would choose Guitar Hero!
I would use it to buy Wizardology for the Wii. We love the book and I’d like to see what the “game” is like. 🙂
Gears of War 2 is on the wishlist right now!