This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by. The winner is Cynthia C. Congrats!
As the weather cools down and people head indoors, germs tend to aggregate. I’m so not looking forward to this cold and flu season. I’m pregnant and definitely don’t need to get sick (and neither does my 2 year old!). When sickness does come into the house, here are a few staples we have around the house:
1. Boogie Wipes
2. Saline Nasal Spray
3. Humidifier (or Vaporizer)
4. Liquids (and lots of them)
6. A reliable thermometer. A thermometer is a thermometer right? You can buy the digital ones (for rectal or axillary temperatures), an ear thermometer, or a temporal thermometer (I know I haven’t covered all of them). My problem has never been the device that we use. It’s been the process of obtaining the temperature. When my son was little, I was worried that an axillary (under the arm) temperature was inaccurate because it always read lower than a rectal. And trying to take a rectal temperature is just heartbreaking (and a little scary for a new mom).
I recently had an opportunity to try out the new TempleTouch Thermometer, thanks to MomSelect. This is the easiest way I’ve found to get an accurate temperature. It literally takes seconds to read (6 to be exact), is easy (and completely painless), and my toddler likes it. The best part is you don’t have to wake your child up to use it. We received the Mini version and I still find the results to be as accurate as any other thermometer I’ve used. The thermometer uses a special technology called R.A.T.E (Rapid, Accurate, Temperature, Establishment) that I don’t pretend to fully understand, but you can read all about it on their site. The thermometer can safely be used on newborns (something I was pleased to find out).
While I don’t have the Premium version, there are a few differences including the ability to take a child’s temperature under the arm as well as on the temple, a room temperature display, an LCD screen, and an Over Dose Protective timer. There is also about a $20 price difference between the two, with the mini retailing for under $10. I like the mini version because I can store one in my son’s overnight bag for visits to grandma and grandpa’s house.
You can purchase the thermometers at either Walmart (for the Mini) for Walgreens (for the Premium).
Win It! I have one Mini TempleTouch thermometer to give away. Just leave me a comment with something you learned on the site. Comments will close on October 18, 2009 at 10 PM PST. One comment per person, please (unless you do the extra credit). US residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
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you can use it asleep or awake
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I learned that you have to wait at least two (2) minutes between consecutive measurements for the unit to readjust to room temperature.
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I never knew that everyone’s temperature rises in the late afternoon and early evening. Good to know if there is ever a concern with the kids’ temperatures. 🙂
It is currently sold at Wal-Mart stores nationwide under the ReliOn brand for $9.94.
the child doesn’t have to be awake.
Do not place it on scarred tissue or areas with open sores.
I subscribe via email. Good luck to all.
I learned that you Do not place the thermometer on skin exposed to direct sunlight, fireplace heat, air conditioner flow and cold/warm compress therapies
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I like that you can take the temp of a sleeping babe. I know I felt so bad for my kids when they were sick and when they fell asleep I didn’t want to wake them up to take their temp.I like that it doesn’t bother them too much!It makes it so easy and so fast!
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It has an Accurate 6 second readout.
R.A.T.E.™ (Rapid, Accurate, Temperature, Establishment) is a revolutionary and patented technology, allowing non-invasive, instant and accurate temperature measurements. It powers every single Temple Touch Thermometer.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Temperature results are proven to be clinically accurate.
I didn’t realize that the $10 mini thermometer would do the work as good as the more costly one.
Most people’s temperature is lower in the m orning and rises in the afternoon and evening.
Email subscriber.
The Mini Temple Touch Thermometer can be used awake or asleep, and has memory recall!
I learned that babies up to four months old don’t control their body temperatures as well as older children. Just because they feel warm to the touch doesn’t mean that the have a fever.
it’s non-invasive so it can be used on sleeping or awake, it reads in 6 sec’s, and is sold at Walmart
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I learned that somewhere around six months of age, your baby’s immune system becomes more fully developed, and she will start to fight infections more effectively.
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I didnt realize you have to wait for 2 minutes to get another accurate reading. Thanks for the chance.
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Will my baby’s fever affect his eating?
Many babies start eating baby cereal and foods by around six months of age. For some babies, having a fever may not affect their fluid or food intake, and this is very reassuring. It is very common, however, for babies who develop fevers with viral infections at this age to lose interest in solid foods until they feel better. There’s no need to focus on how much solid food your baby eats while she has a fever and cold.
Love that you can use this while the kids are sleeping!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
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You have to wait two minutes before readings. The picture is adorable up top!
I learned about bathing to bring down fevers: “Used together, acetaminophen and a lukewarm bath may help lower a fever. Give the acetaminophen before the bath. If the bath is given alone, your child may start shivering as his or her body tries to raise its temperature again. This may make your child feel worse.”
I learned that you have to wait at least two (2) minutes between consecutive measurements for the unit to readjust to room temperature.
I learned that the Unit will beep twice when ready.
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A fever is usually a sign that the body is waging a war against infection
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Hospitalized Cases of H1N1 to Date 9,079! Thanks for the chance.
I learned this – The temple area is a comfortable and easy measurement site, accessible when child or patient is awake or asleep.
Twitter follower and I tweeted. @JalapenoMama
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I learned that it beeps twice when ready. I like that feature.
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I learned that the number of Hospitalized Cases of H1N1 to Date is
That’s scary! Thank you for a very timely giveaway!
you can buy it at walmart
I learned that R.A.T.E. is the patented technology powering all Temple Touch Thermometers.
I learned from the site that when a baby less than 3 months has a fever of 100.4 or higher to call the doc right away.
— Chelsea
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— Chelsea
I learned that you have to wait at least two (2) minutes between consecutive measurements for the unit to readjust to room temperature. =)
It takes a 6 second reading. Thanks!
You don’t have to wake them up to use it.
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
This works when the kids are asleep and that’s a blessing.
No confusion here, it’ll beep twice when it’s ready.
It only takes 6 seconds to get the read out.
Accurate in six seconds
Temperatures rise in the late afternoon and early evening..I learned that when I was recently sick with the flu.
I learned that the temperature taken on the temple or forehead is a reliable non invasive reading. It also said that you can take the temperature from the underarm.
I learned that “A fever is usually a sign that the body is waging a war against infection. ”
macd82 at gmail dot com
I learned that the Premium Temple Touch Thermometer is sold at Walgreen’s® stores nationwide for $29.99.
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I learned that you can use it when asleep, which is great! Thanks for the giveaway.
the best thing ever you can use it while they are sleeping
A low-grade fever is categorized as temperatures ranging from 100.4 F (38 C) to 102 F (39 C)
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I learned it is simple and only takes about 6 seconds to read..and is painless!!
I read the fever FAQ. I learned If your baby is less than 3 months old and has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher, call the doctor immediately. A baby this young needs to be checked for serious infection or disease. Thank you
I am an email subscriber. Thank you
There are over 9,000 cases on H1N1 in the US.
It is inexpensive and available everywhere at a Walmart near you! The best part is that it is just quick and easy to use-4 simple steps.
The Premium is sold at Walgreen’s for $29.99-you can also buy it online from Walgreens
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I learned that it only takes 6 seconds to ge the results.
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Most doctors — and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) — agree that a normal body temperature for a healthy baby is between 97 and 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (36 to 38 degrees Celsius).
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I Stumbled- Naddez.
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It has memory recall. That’s cool! Thanks.
I never knew about boogie wipes! lol Love your site, thanks so much!
I learned that it is currently sold at Wal-Mart stores nationwide under the ReliOn brand for $9.94! Great!
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I learned that you have to wait at least two (2) minutes between consecutive measurements for the unit to readjust to room temperature. Thanks
people’s temperature is lower in the am and rises in the afternoon and evening.
you don’t even have to wake the child up to take their temp!
Fevers are a sign that the body is fighting an infection, so you may want to avoid giving medicine if your child is running a low-grade (up to 100.2°F) fever. The main reason to treat your child is to make him or her feel better. When your child is achy and fussy or his of her temperature is above 100.2°F, you may want to give him or her some medicine.
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I learned that it meets ASTM Accuracy requirements!
It is non-invasive and its results are clinically proven to be accirate.
I tweeted!
The Mini Temple Touch Thermometer can be used awake or asleep, and has memory recall 🙂
I learned that temperature results are proven to be clinically accurate.
I subscribed to your email feed.