This giveaway is now closed. Congrats to Jennifer:), our winner!

Photo Credit: Cookies For Kids' Cancer
Have you ever hosted a bake sale to raise money for something important? Or brightened someone’s day with an assortment of freshly baked treats? As someone who finds the process of baking to be relaxing and often more enjoyable than the actual consumption, I’ve often thought about taking treats over to our local church, children’s hospital, or nursing home to be enjoyed by someone much more appreciative.
I recently read the story of Gretchen Witt, who founded Cookies for Kids’ Cancer four years ago after her son was diagnosed with cancer. It started with a simple bake sale she hosted with the help of some friends. The result was 96,000 cookies baked to raise nearly half a million dollars in just three weeks. People across the country learned of her son’s battle with cancer and her efforts to raise money for pediatric cancer and the result was the evolution of Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, a non-profit organization that raises money for pediatric cancer through bake sales.
In January, Gretchen’s son Liam lost his battle with cancer. He would have been 7 this May. Gretchen continues to work to raise money for pediatric cancer and hopes that people across the country will host bake sales in honor of Liam and other children currently battle cancer. To support Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, The Glad Products Company will match all bake sale proceeds in May that benefit the charity up to $225,000.
So how can you get involved?
1. Host a bake sale: The website offers a variety of planning tips to make your event a success
2. Join Glad to Give on Facebook
3. Enter Glad product codes. Glad will make a donation to Cookies For Kids’ Cancer.
Have you ever hosted a bake sale? I’m curious to hear about what you did with the proceeds.
Win It! One of you will win a bake sale kit (ARV $125) which will include an OXO mixing bowl, two spatulas, and a cookie scoop, Williams-Sonoma cookie cutters and cooling rack, a Maxi-Aid No Touch baking sheet and a Silpat non-stick baking mat. Simply leave me a comment with one way you give back. Comments will close on April 21st at 11:59 PM PST.
US Residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
Want an extra entry? Do any or all of the following and receive an extra entry for each one. Be sure to leave me a separate comment for each additional entry.
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Blog about this giveaway. It doesn’t have to be a separate post. Just include a blurb about it when you blog about other giveaways.
Click on one of the very cute buttons below and digg, stumble, fav, etc. Just let me know what you did in the comments!
No compensation was received for this post. Giveaway items supplied by the company.
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We donate to our local food bank.
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I have done charity walks
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This bake sale is such a neat idea! We’ve never done anything that big, but the kids and I do regularly go though all our clothes, books and toys to donate.
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This is pretty timely for us as we just finished up a mad session of bake sales for the red cross and plan to do many more with the kids in the future.
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My wife and I give back by providing appropriate school clothing to children in need AND we do bake sales at church.
We pay it forward in whatever ways we can – from giving food to clothes & toys.
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I like to share our extra veggies from our garden with the neighborhood 🙂
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I usually bring cookies and other baked goods for my son’s gymnastic classes during the holidays.
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we do volunteer work as a family almost every Saturday a.m. tweet
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We give back by donating clothing and surplus food to the food pantry. Thanks for the chance.
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i donate to the salvation army and volunteer at different events/locations (soup kitchen, trail building, etc)
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
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I make donations to the local food bank and I participate in fund raisers for the local animal shelters.
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our church helps at our local food pantry 4 times a month
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I haven’t done a bake sale, but we did do a lemonade stand. My daugthers best friend Greg was diagnosed with leukemia and 6 months later his dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. At our lemonade stand we had a big clear pitcher with a picture of the family on it. We were asking for donations. My daughter made $132.23 and we gave all of the money to the family. Sadly Gregs dad passed away 15 months ago.
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i have 2 bags of old toys waiting to be dropped off to a local charity and we just attended a penny auction for a local pto
nannypanpan at
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We donate food, toys and blankets to local shelters to help pets in need! Thanks for the chance.
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We give back by donating to our local food bank once a month and any of our gently used clothes and toys we donte as well!
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We donate toys to the local toy drive.
Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee
donate time to senior center
I donate clothes to our local charity
We donate to our United Way.The money helps out people in our city.
One of the local churches runs an unofficial food bank (there are no official food banks closer than two hours away) – they keep canned/packaged goods in the foyer, which is always open and available to everyone. We donate items there to give back.
I follow you on Twitter;!/AsTheNight/status/59628165953372160.
I like you on Facebook (Deborah Rosen).
We donate to Goodwill, volunteer whenever possible, and I just finished my second term in AmeriCorps. My fingers are crossed, as I could use this for cancer research bake sale and the Child’s Play Cookie Brigade!
we donate food
We donate to the various food drives. Our next one is May 14. Also donate clothing to local missions and Goodwill.
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We give to my nieces’ school.
i give baby items and food coupons that i win to the local church
i liked glad to give on facebook
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I give back by donating money to my employer’s charitable contribution campaign.
Both financial contributions and participating in walks and runs for fundraising.
We give blood (my son volunteered at the blood bank as a teenager)
I follow you on twitter as mbm218 and tweeted:!/mbm218/status/59745413892292608
we give back by donating during the holidays. I usually have items I win that I donate to toys for tots.
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I like you on fb Jammie M
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I should actually do more for my community but I donate clothes to Goodwill and Salvation Army once a month. Thanks so much for the chance!
Following on Twitter: Merri617 and tweeted:!/Merri617/status/59756740308238336
We donate to our food bank and also donate our time at Christmas!
Like you on FB~Deb S
I don’t do as much as I could really but I am trying hard on it. I do donate (money) to St. Judes. We also give to the pennies for patients with cancer that our local school does. We do donate toys and clothes that are no longer needed to people or to a local store My Brothers Place. I really, really need to do more for my community and anything else I can help with personally.
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i recycle
Our family sell our aluminum cans to the local recycling center. The kids then choose a charity and we donate the money we’ve made to that charity.
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we donate to the women’s shelter and volunteer as a rape crisis counselor
I volunteer (a lot).
donate to food bank
This year, my kids and I are planning a canned food drive for Halloween. We plan to pull a wagon along trick or treating, and we’ll collect canned goods for our local food shelf. I’m hoping to make a few happy Thanksgiving in our community!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
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My great grandma actually lives in a assisted living facility so every other weekend we go up and visit her and take the ladies she plays canasta with a dinner. They enjoy it very much because a lot of them don’t have families that care to much about them (sadly). We also try to give to our local food bank when we are cleaning out pantries I also just donated some old clothes to the Goodwill last week. Thanks!
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I buy street newspapers to help homeless
I work with my school and with the Boy Scouts a lot all year. We collect food, adopt a family, and collect for Toys for Tots.
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Debra Ford
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We donate our time at the local food bank.
Thanks for the chance.
We donate clothing and household items to several organizations like Goodwill and American Kidney Fund
I already follow you on twitter @potlicker26 and I tweeted!/potlicker26/status/60535016534441985
I like you on FB as Judy Bushansky
We give back by donating to a local animal rescue group.
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One way my family gives back is that we donate things we don’t use/need to charity. Thanks for the contest! codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
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I’ve had bake sales before for various church groups. We are getting things ready to have one at the end of the school year. Can’t wait to start baking!!
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I give back simply by participating. Too many parents sit on the sidelines of their kids lives when it comes to schooling, fundraisers, and things. I chaperone, bake, setup, clean, and do anything else I can to help out at school and school functions. I also collect box tops and other “self fund raising” tools.
We always donate our shoes and clothes to local charities
We volunteer at our local community theater and my children’s schools!
We give to the local food bank
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We adopt unwanted dogs and also give food and shelter to those who don’t have money for their pets.
We volunteer at a local animal shelter, donate money and goods to our local homeless shelter, and pick up trash in our neighborhood.
I try and donate money whenever I can!
We had a bake sale to donate money to those in Japan who lost so much. We did as a neighborhood and gave the money to Red Cross.
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i LOVE to bake so this would be a happy addition for me
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I give back any way possible. I like to buy extra food for soup kitchens and make extra cookies etc for the sps on base…
volunteer at school and womens shelters
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I volunteer at our local hospital and Red Cross
like u on fb Julie S Laws
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shared on fb Julie Scott Laws
I save all the Box Tops for Education and give them to family or friends to give to their schools.
Thanks for the giveaway!
i follow you on twitter – js22222222 .
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we hold bake sales, food & toy drives at our church all year long
We give to the less fortune once a month by giving away Toiletries, Food and other products I get for free from couponing.
lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com
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We’re running to raise awareness and money for a cure for colon cancer…Did I mention that we’re doing so in our undies? Oh, yeah
I like you on facebook – happi shopr
We donate clothes and toys to a local charity!/susan1215/status/61172292243304448
Like you on FB Susan Smith
I give items to the VA to help families who are poor and my granddaughter has donated her hair twice for the Locks Of Love Foundation . They make wigs for children who lost their hair doing chemo and radiation treatments.
we volunteer at a nearby retirement home
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
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I give back by donating groceries I get free with coupons.
Celeste F Wills
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Celeste F Wills
i do beach cleanups once a month
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
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I always do the round up for the food bank at krogers!
Thanks for the entry!
Janna Johnson
one way i give back is helping out people at church
We give back by giving food to food pantries, donating clothes….and other daily random acts of kindness.
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I donate my time and we donate product from our company for silent auctions for the charities we support.
I give back by volunteering at our local animal shelter
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Thanks for the giveaway…we volunteer 1-2x per month at our local food bank.
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One way I give back to to always donate my clothing & furniture instead of throwing them away
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We donate to our church’s food and clothing ministry for those in need in the community.
I volunteer my time and donate food.
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I give back by volunteering on a regular basis.