Food, travel, and culture converge in DreamWorks’ latest film The Hundred-Foot Journey. Based on Richard C. Morais’ novel of the same name, the film follows the story of Hassan Kadam and his family, who settle in the South of France after being displaced from their home in India. When the family decides to open an Indian restaurant, the chef/owner of an adjacent Michelin-starred French Restaurant feels threatened and thus begins their hundred foot culinary rivalry. As the film progresses, Chef Madame Mallory begins to recognize Hassan’s culinary gift and expertise, and the two begin weaving together food, culture, and tradition.In honor of DreamWorks’ latest release, here are 10 Recipes Inspired by The Hundred-Foot Journey:
The Hundred-Foot Journey debuts in theaters August 8th, 2014. You can keep up to date with the latest by following the film on these social channels:
Images/Recipes: DreamWorks
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