This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by. The winner is Jessica. Congrats!
I love being a mom, but sometimes I reminisce back to the days when I could get in and out of a store in 20 minutes, sit down with my husband at a restaurant and eat a warm meal, and go to my fitness classes at the gym. I always keep the perspective that this time is only brief, and that my children will be grown before I know it. So while sometimes, in the trenches, it seems difficult and tiresome, I treasure the moments where I get to nap with my son, read him a story, sing with him, color, or any other numerous activities we do together.
But, that doesn’t mean that we as moms should neglect ourselves. In fact, it’s really quite the opposite. I truly believe that it’s important for me to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. It sets a positive example for my son and helps me de-stress. To be honest, participating in any type of fitness activity is very difficult for me. The closest family we have is an hour away and it was only recently that I started putting my son in preschool (which is my small window of time to get laundry, grocery shopping, etc. done). The alternative to fitness classes at the gym has traditionally been the DVD workout. There are a lot of great programs out there, however, it’s difficult to customize them to my personal fitness level and after awhile they can get boring.
I recently had an opportunity to try out the My Yoga 2 Go Practice System, a complete system “combining the flexibility of working out at home, the versatility of a yoga class and the hands-on guidance of an experienced yoga instructor.” I actually find beginner yoga to be extremely relaxing. I used to like to alternate on my days off from cardio. Now that I’m pregnant, it’s the only “exercise” I can really do.
Before I talk about my experience with the program, I wanted to tell you about the program. It’s really unlike anything I’ve ever tried before. The My Yoga 2 Go Practice System includes 71 posture cards (I like that they’re pictures of real people doing the poses) and a clear multi-pocket display tote (you can also fold it up and use it as a carrying case). The cards feature 3 beginner sequences, 2 intermediate sequences, and 2 advanced sequences. Once you figure out what level you are, you select that color-coded sequence, organize the cards by number, and place them into the clear display tote.
Since I’m pregnant, and classify myself as a beginner, the founder of the program designed a prenatal sequence for me. I recognized many of the poses, but I did find some of them a bit challenging (I’m almost 7 months pregnant!). I like the fact that each card has details on the amount of time it takes to complete each pose/stretch, detailed directions, variations, and benefits. It’s very thorough. I will say that if I didn’t know the pose, I had to turn the card over and spend some time studying it which is really the only downside I see to the system. Yoga can be used for improving strength, stretching, or simply relaxing and having to stop in the middle to read about the next pose might be a bit of an interruption. However, I do like the thoroughness of the program, the ability to vary based on skill level, and the versatility of using this anywhere. I definitely don’t think you’ll get bored with this system!
The My Yoga 2 Go Practice System retails for $29.95, but you can save 15% when you use the code “BLOGYOGA.” (valid through October 31, 2009). The site also offers a variety of yoga products including T-shirts, jewelry, mat bags and more.
Win It! One of you will win a My Yoga 2 Go Practice System. Simply leave me a comment with a way you as a mom find time to exercise or do yoga. Comments will close on October 29, 2009 at 10 PM PST. One comment per person, please (unless you do the extra credit). US residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
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Profuse thanks to the Family Review Network for this review/giveaway opportunity!
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I have started doing workout videos with the kids. Even though they can’t do everything in the videos, they still like to run around and jump and have fun while mommy is exercising. 🙂
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I get some exercise (but not enough!) by taking my little one out for walks in the baby bjorn or the stroller. I’d love to work some yoga in, though!
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I don’t have any kids at home anymore but, with all of the animals, kids are easier to schedule around. I mostly just exercise by walking the dog (mine) for an hour most mornings. If too many of the dogs are up, I can’t get out though.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I get up a little earlier each day.
I don’t have kids, but I spend a good deal of time around my friends children and we often want to workout together. We find that it is easier if we can involve her children and get them active too. Playing outside with a set of 10 year old twin biys can be quite a workout for the adults in their lives!
I like to garden. Doing chores around the house also burns calories.
I get up 20 minutes earlier. Very quietly I go into the den and do my stretching exercises. Shh! I don’t want to wake anyone!
Email subscriber.
I really haven’t found consistent time to workout but I try to incorporate some fitness moves while I am playing with my babies. I do tummy crunches and sit ups.
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my sister and i started making ‘appointments’ to work out together. this really helps us keep our commitment to work out going strong! 🙂
i’m a new subscriber via reader. 🙂
I get in a little extra walking wherever I go, and I always take a little bit of time each day to do some yoga
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stumbled – decadent87
I exercise when my kids are at school
I try to do a little yoga during morning nap time and before bed.
i do it either early in the morning, late at night, or while on lunch break at least 3 days a week
Sneaking in exercise, especially on the go is a problem for almost every woman- even those with dedicated workout regimens. I have been writing about fitness for over 10 years, and even I have a hard time with it sometimes. As a writer, I am always introduced to new fitness equipment and tools and rarely have they sparked my interest. But I found one that did- Wii’s new Your Shape. It’s a fitness game that is coming out December 1st and it has a motion-detecting camera that projects your live image on the TV so you can see yourself workout while the game gives you instruction and tips to make sure you are doing the moves correctly and motivating you to keep going. It’s completely customized to your ability, needs, goals, and the amount of time you have to dedicate to your workout that day. I was so sold that, in addition to writing about fitness for Yahoo! and Discovery, I signed on to be the Your Shape blogger. It’s definitely worth checking out- By the way, the website blog- which is where you will see my written and video posts, compliments the game with food, exercise, motivational, and life style insight to make fitness more than just a “game” or an activity, but a lifestyle- a fitness lifestyle.
I find time to exercise by having my kids right along side me while I’m doing it. Sometimes they do art projects, sometimes they play, and sometimes they join in. When they were babies I had to wait until after bedtime. 🙂
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I have a 3-year old so, it’s much easier to get a workout in now. He plays very nicely w/ his toys while I’m working out. I try to be quick…no more than 30 minutes.
I think finding time for yourself to exercise is a must, your family benefits because you are happier with yourself. Just do it! thanks for the contest!
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With infant twins, it is hard to find time for exercise so I have been doing mommy & me yoga with them so we both can enjoy the activity. When they are sleeping better (me, too) I’m starting back at the gym mornings while they are still asleep.
I practice yoga with hubby! He does his best to motivate me, but it’s hard to stretch at 36 weeks!
I’m an email subscriber 🙂
I do situps, push ups, & sometimes jumping jacks when my baby takes a nap- they usually only last 30 minutes so I have to work quick!
I have my kids workout right along side of me. They enjoy it, and I can keep an eye on them at the same time. They also make good weights. 🙂
I wake up early every morning to fit in enough time to exercise.
I do so much laundry daily I get a really good workout going up 3 flights of stairs every time I go down or up. Does that count? LOL
I usually try to work out with some friends a few times a week (leave the kinder with the husband), or I take some time during the day to get 10-20 minutes here and there.
Stumbled – choochoo428
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I try to exercise while doing chores.
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Would you mind sharing the prenatal sequence? I emailed the company and they basically didn’t want to take the time. If it is something you have saved on your computer and are willing to share, I’d really appreciate it!