This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by. The winner is Cheryl M. Congrats!
It was a blustery Saturday in Edinburgh and we were prepping to move out of our flat. I took on the bathrooms, my husband the kitchen. We didn’t know about toxic cleaners at the time. Thankfully, hormones and intuition took over. The smell was nauseating…I not only left the room…I left the flat to take a walk around the city. It was the first time in my 20-something years of life that the smell of bleach and oven cleaner sickened me. I remember growing up with the belief that the house wasn’t clean unless bleach and Pine Sol wafted into my bedroom. My children are 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 months…and they’ve never smelled bleach, oven cleaner, or any other toxic cleaner.
As an eco-minded mom, I’ve spent a lot of time trying out different cleaning products to find the ones that best fit our family. While I do use a product here or there from another company, I always come back to Seventh Generation’s cleaning products. I started using them long before I started blogging…and I still use them to this day. I’d really love to be able to make my own cleaning products. I’ve even written articles on the topic. But I don’t have the time or the energy to do that. So I opt for Seventh Generation’s cleaning products.
Seventh Generation has been a leader in effecting environmental change. If you remember, I recently attended Expo West as their guest. I had an opportunity to sit in on a Seventh Generation GIVE (Generation Inspiration via Education) session and learned a bit more about their new disinfectants which include a multi-surface cleaning spray, bathroom cleaning spray, and wipes. If there are two areas I’d love to keep perpetually disinfected, it would be the kitchen and the bathrooms. Seventh Generation uses thymol (derived from the herb thymne in this new line of products to kill germs naturally. Thymol can kill over 99.99% germs naturally and is effective against Influenza A virus (including H1N1). If you’ve ever used CleanWell hand sanitizers, Seventh Generation’s cleaners smell just like them.
I’ve always been impressed with how well the company’s cleaning products work. Most importantly, I don’t have to have the entire family leave the house when I clean and I don’t have to wear a mask (something I used to do with conventional cleaners). I always keep cleaning products up in a shelf in our garage, away from our children. But I know that they would not cause the kind of harm conventional cleaners would inflict if accidentally gotten into.
Seventh Generation partnered with eco-lifestyle consultant and author Alexandra Zissu. Her book, The Conscious Kitchen, details what’s good for your health and the planet. The book is incredibly resourceful and answers questions like, What is a GMO?, What seafood should I eat?, How might I differentiate between products deemed “natural,” and Which plastics should I avoid? Here are some of her kitchen tips:
Avoid cleaning products with VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
Avoid cleaning products that must be sprayed onto surfaces unless they don’t require a “rinse” step
Use a product with a natural, EPA-registered disinfectant (particularly in places like the bathroom)
Use rags in place of paper towels unless they’re recycled and unbleached
Use a sponge without antimicrobial pesticides. Be sure to clean it regularly (2 minutes in the microwave or 3 minutes in boiling water)
Wash your hands
For more information on Seventh Generation’s new line of botanical disinfectants, just visit their website.
One of you will win a Seventh Generation Disinfecting Cleaning Kit which includes a Disinfecting Multi-Surface Cleaner, Bathroom Cleaner, Wipes, 2 rolls of 100% recycled unbleached paper towels, The Conscious Kitchen, and a cleaning caddy made from recycled plastic. Simply leave me a comment with one way you keep your family safe from chemicals OR the best thing you’ve done for the environment this year. Comments will close on April 24, 2010 at 11:59 PM PST. One comment per person, please (unless you do the extra credit). US residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.Want an extra entry? Do any or all of the following and receive an extra entry for each one.
Be sure to leave me a separate comment for each additional entry.
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Blog about this giveaway. It doesn’t have to be a separate post. Just include a blurb about it when you blog about other giveaways.
Click on one of the very cute buttons below and digg, stumble, fav, etc. Just let me know what you did in the comments!
I did not receive compensation for this post. A product sample was supplied for review and giveaway via MyBlogSpark.
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I could use this to get started on my cleaning that I don’t want to do!
I think the best thing we’ve done for the environment is use our own bags when grocery shopping.
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I clicked on the Technorati button.
The best thing I’ve done for the environment this year was to choose organic cloth diapers over disposables for my newborn.
I use more vinegar to clean with.
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I started recycling at work this year
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We changed out our lightbulbs to be more energy efficient.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
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denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
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denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
I use the Clorox Anywhere to clean around the house. Thanks for the chance.
I subscribe 🙂
i have tried to switch to greener chemicals this yr…but i also try to keep my son safe from chemicals, by cleaning the bathrooms at night when he is asleep…i always feel that the smell in cleaning a bathroom can be noxious
e-mail subscriber
We use reusable bags and environmentally cleaning products and plus we compost =)
email subscriber.
we stopped using harsh chemicals a few years ago when my child got sick… I was so paranoid that it was the floor cleaner!
I subscribe to the rockin’ mama via e-mail!
We have been planting drought resistant plants.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Bought the whole family stainless steel bottles to stop the plastic bottle abuse
tvollowitz at aol dot com
tvollowitz at aol dot com
we use more cloth bags this year than last!
I got an Activeion Ionator recently. It uses ionized water molecules to clean–without any chemicals at all. The thing is amazing and I love that I don’t have to use (or buy!) so many expensive and harmful chemical-laden products.
I follow you on twitter @sharonjo2
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sharonjo at gwtc dot net
I stumbled this post!
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I have been switching my cleaning products over to “green” products. I use a lot of vinegar and backing soda to clean with
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I have helped the environment by primarily using non-toxic household cleaners, and even laundry detergent. I know it is also keeping my family safe!
I follow on Twitter and I tweeted:
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We compost, recycle and use cloth bags for shopping.
Twitter follower ky2here1, here’s my tweet:
The best thing I’ve done for the environment this year is to have our family quit using the plastic water bottles.
I subscribe by email. .
The best thing I’ve done for the environment this year: installed geothermal heating in my home.
I’ve been recycling even more than I had in the past.
We’ve starrted recycling everything
I keep my family away from harsh chemicals by using as many natural cleaning aids I can….I use baking soda instead of a comet type cleaner…I use vinegar instead of window cleaners.
Thank you. 🙂
I use only organic cleaners and disinfectants at home and in my office!
Email subscriber!
I only use nasty chemical free products to clean my home. I feel a lot better about keeping these harmful chemicals out of my home PLUS I find that the new products I have been using actually work BETTER and smell ten times better!
The best thing I did this year was to sell my car. I now share with my daughter, and bike to many errands. No carbon footprint any more, at least not as much.
follow on Twitter cdziuba and tweeted
I used your Share button and posted your giveaway on my Facebook page Carol P Dziuba
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I keep my family safe from chemicals by keeping them up high and locked well out of the way of little fingers!
I buy organic when possible and I use only green cleaners. I even got a new vacuum with the UV light to kill germs without chemicals.
The best thing you’ve done for the environment this year is to recycle newspapers. jgs0925 at gmail dot com
I hung out my clothes line and am walking my kids to school. Yay for spring!!!
i have started to make the switch to organic foods… i buy as much as i can afford within my budget
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
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oheeyore at hotmail dot com
I clean my hard surface floors using steam instead of harsh chemicals.
I recycle weekly. Including taking items from my families homes who do not have the pick up service available to them.
google reader
I try to use vinegar and baking soda as much as possible.
I’ve been buying more all natural cleaners.
I’ve switched to CFL lightbulbs and bring my own bags when I shop.
we started having recycling pick-up
autumn398 @
the best thing I do for the environment is recycle and use all natural cleaners when I can afford to buy them.
i use mostly just water to clean things…if i need something more than water I try things like baking soda or vinegar etc. tweet
I keep my home safer by making almost all my own cleaners. This year we made the biggest impact to the environment by stopping the use of disposable paper products. No more napkins, paper towels, or swiffers. We use reusable everything.
My Family and I have taken up recycling. We recycle everything!!! My son loves to help put things in their place!!!
sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
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sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
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sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
recycling big time
I keep our chemicals in closets up high or in baby-proof cabinets.
I keep our chemicals in closets up high or in baby-proof cabinets.
enter me thanks
I’ve almost completely gone to more natural cleaners – make my own with vinegar, lemon juice (from my own lemon tree), baking soda… and use elbow grease with cut up t-shirts!
I think my best contribution to the environment this year has been the expansion of the holding capacity of my rainwater harvesting system! I can now capture up to 3400 gallons! And, if I use the water for my garden between storms, even more over the course of the year!
The best thing I’ve done this year is start a compost pile! Thanks!
Best thing I’ve done for the environment is recycle nearly everything. I separate my trash and almost throw away nothing but food waste (that’s compostable).
the best thing ive done for the environment is recycling as much as i can!
I have been cleaning with baking soda and vinegar instead of regular cleaning products
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The best thing I’ve done for the environment this year is to cut our weekly trash down to one small bag by using reusable shopping bags and recycling everything possible.
The best thing I’ve done for the environment this year is I participated in a local beach clean up with some of my friends…we had fun talking, it was a healthy day out, and best of all the beach was spotless for the afternoon once everyone was done!
Best thing I have done for the environment this year: knitted a set of 7 dishcloths for myself. I use one every day and toss it in the wash. It has cut down on my use of paper towels tremendously.
nupur.kittur AT gmail DOT com
I try to use reusable, bpa-free water bottles, and reusable grocery bags. I also clean with soap, vinegar, and baking soda primarily.
knitmomma (at) gmail (dot) com
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knitmomma (at) gmail (dot) com
Our town’s recycling motto for paper: “If you can rip it, you can recycle it.” I follow it to the letter as best I can!
Also, I recycle all items #1-7 with recycle triangles, I use hand towels whenever I can at home, I turn the water off when I brush my teeth, I turn out lights when I leave a room for more than 30 seconds (when I can), I am working towards taking shorter showers, working towards using my car less often for errands in same area (when I can just walk), using reusable food tote, reusable bags, reusable thermos for coffee/tea, reusable containers to bring my own food to work, using healthier cleaning products, more plants in my house.
If I think of more, I will let you know.
Thanks for the giveaway!
love 7thgen stuff: we recycle and compost.
This year I started using reusable shopping bags. We also planted some new trees in the yard 🙂
I’m trying to be good about not using plastics in the microwave
We’ve been using more biodegradable cleansers and switched over to CFLs. I like finding new cleansers that allow me to actually breathe while cleaning!
We keep safe from chemicals by making a lot of products ourselves.
We have a big yard, and I think it’s worth paying for the organic (no or minimal chemicals) lawn care to keep that nasty stuff away from the bodies of the little ones who roll around in the grass.
Thanks for the chance to win!
i think the best thing i have done is bringing my own shopping bag to the store.
I try my best, when it’s within my budget, to buy green and eco-friendly. I also am more intentional with recycling.
I got my whole office to start recycling used paper!
The best thing I did for the enviroment this year is installing water timers in the showers, it helps conserve water.
I am a subscriber by email.
The best thing I’ve done for the environment is becoming a SAHM. I used to drive an hour to work each way. *sigh* Glad that’s over for the environment and myself!
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
We do a lot for the earth – recycle, compost, grow organic veggies, hang our laundry, open the windows and turn off the ac on cool days, buy organic food/clothes, use earth friendly cleaners, etc. It’s really, really important to me to set a good example for my daughter.
We started recycling this’s super easy and amounts to about half our garbage being recycled now!
I started composting this year.
We’ve been switching our household cleaning products over to natural alternatives, driving less, and growing our own organic veggies and fruits.
The best thing I’ve done is to dry all my clothes on the line
I try to clean with vinegar often because it’s so non-toxic.
one way I keep my family safe from chemicals by reading labels
I joined a CSA (community supported agriculture) for conscientiously grown local produce.
I would LOVE to try the disinfecting wipes.
We have a compost pile and try to use the mulch on our garden!
The best things I did for the environment this year are: learned to recycle when we lived in Oregon for 6 months and now own stainless steel water bottles. Would love to try Seventh Generation products. Thanks.
otterfishy2 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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otterfishy2 (at) yahoo (dot) com
We bought bikes for everyone in the family so that we could ride all over our small town instead of driving.
I try to use eco-cleaners when I can.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
The best thing I do for the environment is talking to the public as a volunteer docent at the zoo. We emphasize environmental issues.
I started using reusable grocery bags and reusable water bottles.
This year I began recycling more things.
The best thing I’ve done is to recycle whatever we possibley can.
I am working towards switching to more “green” and “planet-friendly” cleaners.
The best thing I’ve done for the environment this year is expanded our recycling .
We bought good bikes for everyone so that we could ride all over our small town instead of driving.
e-mail subscriber
We recently purchased a rain barrel to use this summer for watering our plants and garden.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com
The best thing I have done for the environment this year is to participate in a local beach clean up day!
I follow you on twitter(terri142)and tweeted!
I subscribe to your feed via email.
I finally got a set of reusable shopping bags.
I try to buy natural cleaners instead of the regular commercial kind. Recently, I have been experimenting with my own recipes like cleaning out a clogged sink with vinegar and baking soda down the drains, followed by boiling water.
Posted on Facebook:
The best thing we’ve done for the environment is walk more and drive less
The best thing I’ve done for the environment this year is recycle almost everything! We have more recyclable items on trash day than actual garbage. I’m sure our recyclable pickup crew appreciates us too as we don’t put out dirty recyclables, glass we wash and rinse out bottles and aluminum. No bad odors coming from my trash.
I try to clean with vinegar and baking soda
The best thing that I have done this year is start a recycling program at work.
Email subscriber.
I use a steam mop to clean floors rather than chemicals in water. So much safer and does a great job.
I’m an email subscriber
The best thing we are doing for the environment is recycling more.
We are gardening again this year, it helps keep us green 🙂
We started composted and planted a garden this year.
I use natural cleaning products like baking soda and vinegar
we have stopped using plastic bags
i try to clean as many things as i can with baking soda or vinegar
email subscriber!/KathyLPease?v=wall&story_fbid=111791652192166&ref=mf
We have tried to replace our use of disposable items with ones that are reusable…..such as cloth towels and napkins instead of paper ones for example. Also, our son is doing his Eagle Scout project in May and will be planting 300 saplings! Thanks so much!
Subscribed to feed. Thanks.
I protect my family from chemicals by not using them unless absolutely necessary, and keeping them out of the home or stored safely out of sight 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
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i started using paper bags, recycle more and ride my bike
follow you on twitter @majameza
We are strident recyclers of newspaper, aluminum, plastic, & glass!!!!!
We are email subscribers!
Best ting we have done for the enviroment is recycle our plastic, glass and tin and using tote bags.
The best thing I have done for the environment is to use cloth wipes and cloth diapers.
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We have a steam mop. It really does a great job on the floors without any chemicals.
Our family has cut down on using plastic bags 🙂
We’ve started using reusable bags, so easy to do!
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I’m growing more of my own veggies.
I try to purchase organic produce and milk for my family!
I’m an email subscriber.
We’ve started using more green cleaning products to help the Earth! Thanks for the contest!
I volunteered for the cleanup of our waterways that our community has every year.
i’ve been using vinegar to clean more often.
I keep my family safe from chemicals by using natural products in my house
and the chemicals I do have are stored safely away
Following and Tweet:Swtlilchick
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The best thing I’ve done for the environment this year is switch my traditional light bulbs for CFL ones.
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