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While we definitely don’t travel as much as some families, we do enough of it on a regular basis that I almost feel like I can share some wisdom…some do’s and don’ts if you will. My husband’s family lives in the Southeast, and we try to make a trip out once or twice a year. My husband travels for work, and very often the kids and I will go with him. And…we like to take at least one big vacation and several smaller, weekend ones throughout the year. We’ve definitely got travel covered.
What I’ve learned over the years is that preparation and planning are key. It’s important to be flexible and to anticipate the unexpected. And be sure to allow more time than you think you’ll need (whether it be getting to the airport or finding a restaurant for dinner). So…what are my tried and true tricks for traveling with tots? (say that 3 times fast!)
1. Pack only what you need. Whether by plane, train, or automobile, the less “stuff” you have to keep up with, the better. My in-laws have a set of baby gear (stroller, car seat, pack n’ play), which means less stuff to lose keep up with while traveling. If you are traveling to another city without friends or family members, consider renting car seats, strollers, portable cribs, etc.
2. Allow extra time…and then some. My husband has gotten into the habit of telling me that we need to leave 30 minutes prior to the time he actually wants to get out of the house. From last minute diaper changes to forgotten lovies, it always takes me longer to get out of the house than expected. Whether we’re going across the country to see grandma and grandpa or to our local library for story time, I always plan more time than I think I’ll need.
3. Do your homework. Gone are the days of backpacking across Europe, hoping to find an accommodation upon arrival…and a warm meal. Spend time researching the city you’ll be visiting. Explore traditional and off-the-beaten path sights and activities. Opt for kid-friendly hotels and restaurants.
4. Be centered. While it may be more affordable to stay in accommodations on the outskirts of a city, you’ll waste precious time and resources getting to the locations you really want to be. Babies and tots likely need naps, frequent meals/snacks, and some downtime. You’ll appreciate being in a central location that gives you easy access to restaurants and sights.
5. Make a plan…and allow yourself the flexibility to divert from it. From getting to the airport (on time), to making the most out of a day (or 3) at Disney World, having a general plan is essential. Perhaps a museum you’re interested in visiting is closed on Wednesdays…or offers free admission on the first Sunday of the month (and you happen to be visiting during that time). These are things you’d like to know so you can plan and make the most of your trip. Just be sure you don’t pack your schedule in too tightly…or too rigidly.
6. Anticipate the unexpected. No amount of planning can prevent illness, injury, lost luggage, travel delays, and more. But thinking through those potential incidents, and how they would be dealt with, will make it easier to face, should a situation arise. Little things like medications and phone numbers will save time and lessen the stress of the unexpected. You may even decide to consider purchasing travel insurance, which I highly recommend for extensive or out of the country travel.
7. “Schedule” downtime. Early mornings, jet lag, disrupted schedules and excitement can tire ME out. Think about how much more children are affected. Plan an afternoon (or 5) of being lazy at the pool, napping as a family (we LOVE to do this), or taking a leisurely walk without any scheduled activities. You don’t want to come home only to find that you need a vacation to recover from your vacation.
8. Get them involved. Your kids, that is. From what to pack to what to do, getting children involved shows them that their opinions are valued and they are important to the family. I like to ask my son what he would like to do, and then talk about the things that are realistic (since riding in a taxi in NYC is much more realistic than attempting to meet Buzz Lightyear).
9. Make getting there as exciting as being there. I fully admit that I don’t like the “getting there” part of traveling. Flying is stressful, driving is tedious. Early risings and prompt departures are not consistent with my personality. Add a tot or two to the mix and things can get a bit crazy…for them and mom and dad. To make the “getting there” a bit more manageable, be sure to bring special snacks, a new toy, small books, and a favorite toy. While I’m not a huge advocate of television for babies and tots, I admit to using a portable DVD player on long plane and car rides.
10. Have fun! Laugh, stay up late, eat pizza for breakfast…it’s vacation!
Because Marriott knows that “Tots Travel Too,” they’ve recently partnered with COVERPLAY to provide guests with a laundered removable crib slipcover to ensure that tots get their zz’s. As part of the program, parents can request a portable crib and any essential they may have forgotten, including outlet covers, nightlights, baby toiletries, and disposable bibs. Tots will also go home with an animal squirtie toy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten something, usually discovered at an inconvenient time. Safety is always my main concern in an unfamiliar environment, so it’s nice that Marriott is providing outlet covers.
Marriott’s Tots Travel Too program is available at their Courtyard, Fairfield Inn & Suites, SpringHill Suites, Residence Inn, and TownePlace Suites properties. For more information, just visit their website.
Win It! One fabulous reader will win a $250 Marriott Gift Card and a Marriott Tots Travel Too Welcome Gift Basket. Simply leave me a comment with your best tip for traveling with babies/tots. Comments will close on June 30, 2010 at 11:59 PM PST. US residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn. Want an extra entry? Do any or all of the following and receive an extra entry for each one.
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I am working in partnership with Marriott and to cover the Marriott Tots Travel Too program and have received a stipend.
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I like staying at Marriott. You always know your room and stay will be just right!
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My tip: Bring a few of their favorite toys from home…so they feel like they are at home…away from home! Thanks!
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My tip is to take a portable DVD player and lots of movies with you.
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Don’t make plans that can’t be altered if your little one turns out to be uncooperative.
My tips would be to leave early, plan for traffic, and remember a camera with extra batteries.
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(Posted this once before but not seeing it show up. Please disregard this comment if my first one is already posted.)
Another tip is to take along Hand Sanitizer Products!
For car travel, I pack a small tote bag with lots of little toys and activities to keep the kids busy during the drive. I try to dole out something new every 1/2 hour to 1 hour or so. Be sure to hold back a few surprises for the trip home!
If traveling by car, I have found it’s a good idea to take along a portable potty for those toddlers that have to go “NOW” and holding it to the next exit is not an option 😉
Another tip for travel- lots of libraries offer free audiobook downloads for your mp3 player. Load some onto your player and let your tots listen to pass the time.
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It’s a good idea to take along sanitizer spray for those road trip restroom stops.
For traveling, I make sure the kids have their favorite small toy from home to bring with them. they can relax with something familiar after a long day.
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Another tip is to always travel with a first aid kit in the vehicle!
Plan well ahead of time and bring plenty of games, books, and special snacks for along the way.
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Pack healthy snacks and an ice chest of water- healthy snacks tend to be hard to find on the road! I would also have to say a DVD player is awesome for the kids!
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My travel tip is to always have snacks on hand!
Always pack a snack or two to keep young hands busy.
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My best traveling tip with tots is make sure to bring favorite items from home (blankie, teddy bear ect..) This makes an unfamiliar journey a little more familiar to them 🙂
My best tip is to watch and BE AWARE of your child…when he/she needs you to stop (if traveling by car) do so, if they normally eat at a certain time, keep it consistent and eat at that time while traveling…
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Here is another travel tip from toddlers to older ones. Have them carry there own knapsack backpack ect. Fill with entertainment. My little one use to fill with crayons paper barbies ect as she got older it would be her DS a mad lib book itouch. This works great for planes, car rides and even keeping her busy while waiting in long lines in the theme parks
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When my kids were too young to understand the concept of time, they still asked the question that all parents dread “When will we get there?’” To give them an answer that they could understand, we would tell them in terms of their favorite TV shows. So 1/2 hour would be, “we will be there in one Barney.” The answer seemed to satisfy them because they understood how long the Barney show lasted.
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My best travel tip is to pack a bag to entertain and relax you toddler. I pack a number of small toys. Some snacks and drinks and a blanket and stuffed animal for them to cuddle. I also bring some kids cd’s with us.
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We planned long layovers on our last trip home to visit family, giving us plenty of time for diaper changes, using the potty, finding snacks / meals since they don’t serve food on most flights under 3 hours anymore – and time to potentially get lost and still catch our next flight on time. It worked perfectly and we were so glad we’d done it!
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Another tip would be to look for playgrounds and parks in the area so the kids can blow off some energy and you can hopefully relax on a park bench for awhile!
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Travel at Night when the kiddos are sleeping! Theyll never know! HAha!! 🙂
Bring fun stuff to do in the car, stop often to stretch everyone and have lots of patience (easier said than done).
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Always pack a bag with at least one diaper, a ziploc with wipes, a small water bottle, entertainment and most important…patience. Traveling with kids can be really stressful, try and not let it get to you.
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I strongly suggest when traveling with children that people get passports for their kids, even if traveling in the US. It is a valid form of ID. And you never know if you will be going out of the country with the kids! They are good for 5 years and are cheaper than adult passports.
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Here is a great baby travel tip
When we went to Arizonia we used this tip(different time zone)
Get them on the new time zone. If possible, prepare them for the new time zone before your trip by shifting their schedule little by little. If you can’t do this, try to keep the child awake the first day until the local bedtime. Also, be sure to wake them the next day at the local morning time
This helped alot with jet lag 🙂
One of my tips would be when traveling with children,travel at night,less traffic an the kids sleep!
Have new, never seen before toys, ready for your little one to play with
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Portable dvd player just saved us on a long haul flight across the pond.
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another tip would be,to plan ahead ,know where your potty breaks will be,an pack light snacks an drinks in the car with you
Don’t try to carry too much and always take lots of water!
Get the kids a vest or float device for going in the pool.
My travel tip – if you are staying in a hotel with LO and need a crib, fridge, nitelight, etc. Call more than once before your arrival to make sure the items you need are definitely going to be available to you when you check-in! Don’t be afraid to be the squeaky wheel!!
My advice is take snacks! You don’t always know when/where you’re going to be able to find something and when you travelling companions (kids OR ADULTS for that matter…) get hungry, they get cranky!
My daughter turned two while we were traveling in Europe, and we learned some important things about how to travel with a toddler.
–Bring something that is HOME to your child. We brought her favorite blanket and a portable DVD player with a few of her favorite shows It was confusing to her to have so many languages spoken to her, and it was comforting to be able to see a TV that was ‘speaking’ English!
–Slow down. You’re going to move slower with small children, just accept it. Expect breaks for naps or snacks or cranky kids. This has the added benefit of slowing you down, too, and you may find way to use that extra time (really visit with someone, read about the town, etc)
–Bring gallon ziplock bags. Great for wet diaper or clothes, or as impromptou barf bags (don’t ask)
–Get a convertible stroller. We had one that doubled as a kid backpack and a stroller. It made it very easy to carry her over rough streets or up stairs, and kept her out of crowds. It also made it easy for her to talk to her Daddy! 🙂
…and lastly, ENJOY. This is the stuff that family stories and memories are made of.
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Pack an emergency kit–wet wipes, first aid supplies, snacks that don’t need a fridge :).
I always over-pack rather than under-packing.
Make small snack bags and lunches to go so you don’t have to stop at the fast food joints.
Bring a portable kiddie potty in case there’s none around
Use cookie sheets and magnets to make fun games in the car.
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Purchase one small new toy (even something from the dollar store) to keep them entertained a little longer.
Try to have one adult or older child 10 plus sit in the back with the younger children to get pacifiers, snacks, etc.
Pack a blanket and some fun outdoor toys for the pit stops along the way.
Make sure to stop at the fast food restaurants with play areas so the kids can stretch their legs.
Pack a bag with all their favorite things, crayons, lovies, favorite movies, cds and have them pick the next activity.
Buy cling on window stickers (like the holiday ones) and let them go to town.
best tip for traveling with babies/tots Is not to pack too much into any one day. Be flexible and go with the flow
Keep your sense of humor! Things WILL go wrong, kids WILL be cranky, etc etc. It’s how YOU deal with it that can make or break a trip. (And if possible, at the end of the “ordeal” take a day where you can decompress, do laundry,etc without having to get right back into the grind.)
I always carry a few empty zip lock bags with me. I’m always needing one for a dirty diaper, unfinished snack, etc.
My tip: leave in the middle of the night if going by car….the kids can sleep mosty of the way….peaceful!
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don’t forget your young child’s favorite stuffed animal!
My tip for traveling with babies and toddlers is to bring a bit of home with you. It can be a favorite toy, blanket, book, etc. but something that helps to settle down a wee one when they need to be comforted.
Travel tip: Plan frequent stops so your kids (and you) can take needed breaks. Be sure to stretch and walk around before returning to the road.
bring a lot of choices for kids to do cuz u never know what they’ll want.
My best tip is to pack your toddler’s favorite snacks in little Ziploc bags. It keeps them very entertained, opening and closing the bags. 🙂
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When we were getting ready to fly we took our then 3 year old to the airport a week before.We watched the planes take off, watched people queuing up for security -and explained to her why these things are happening and how soon it will be her turn to stand in the line and board the plane, and take off into the sky. This helped her not only get excited but also ease any anxieties she may have had
If you dont have an airport near you they have a great book for toddlers called Lisas airplane trip. This is a great book to read to your child before flying!
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Always, always, always travel with snacks. Toddlers are not fun when they are hungry!
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Always pack a few extra outfits, just in case. And bring along plastic sacks to store the dirty clothes!
Another tip: I started putting my toddler in the pack and play about a week before we left on vacation. That way, she was use to not sleeping in her crib, and it wasn’t as much of a shock to her!
For airplane rides: make sure to bring their favorite sippy cup/bottle, so they have something to drink during take off and landing. It really helps their ears.
I like to take along crayons and a coloring book (I just tear out the pages for each child) everywhere we travel too. If I know it is a long trip, I usually pick up a few inexpensive toys to surprise them with when I start to get desperate. Or I find some toys that have been “lost” for a while and bring those along.
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If all else fails and your toddler is suffering from ear pains, you can put a warm towel on their ears – it really does help the pain!
I sign up for all the restaurant programs in the area we will be traveling through – it really helps to have coupons to defray the cost of eating out!
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Another great Tip is
we never travelled without this
masking tape and start taping off problem areas. Electric sockets can be covered. Loose wires can be taped together and to the wall. Window blind pulls can be taped up out of babies reach. Drawers can be taped closed. BabyProofing wherever we stayed made our vacation a little more relaxed knowing baby was going to be safe!
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Let me add another tip because this would be a fabulous win! Never have expectations when traveling with kids. We have had too many trips where things do not go as imagined and we were left disappointed. Now, we have no expectations and everything tends to turn out perfect! Not planning too many activities usually helps that out!
The best thing we traveled with was a little cell phone that made quiet sounds. My toddler was quiet the whole time – and, with a 12 hour plane ride – that was a feat. 🙂
Also, when flying or traveling far, it is better to rent things like strollers instead of having to travel with them. Many places offer rentals, you just have to do a little internet research before you go.
a tip for cabin pressure is
If your baby seems to be experiencing ear pain from air pressure changes during takeoff and landing, encourage him to breastfeed or suck on a bottle, pacifier, or sippy cup. As soon as you notice your ears “popping” know that baby is feeling this too!
Find books/toys cheaply at the thrift store, and pack a few that your child has never seen before! It helps break the monotony!
My tip: bring along the portable dvd player with lots of kiddo friendly movies!
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Surprises for your toddler
Kids love surprises and you can stop any tantrum by pulling out some new distractions. Its also great for when you notice your little one getting restless..Look for light weight and easy to carry items, including some that might be thrown away along the way. Take lightweight paper books rather than hard backs. Little cars rather than one big item. Get an early start on this by throwing a few things into a bag a few weeks before your trip. My little one loved getting an item from “the surprise bag”
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Feeding baby
If your baby prefers warm bottles of formula, carry an empty thermos thru security and get boiling water from a coffee shop or restaurant at the airport. Adding a splash to the bottle will warm it up and be a comfort to your travelling infant. ALWAYS test the temperature of a bottle before feeding it to a baby
Another tip: Bring lots of toys!
Another tip: Lots of wipes and antibacterial gel!
Take lots of snacks and lots of favorite toys or games, and make sure that your toddler gets a good nights rest the night before you leave. Thanks for the chance at winning.
My best tips are too take lots of snacks and be flexible, since with babies and toddlers things never go the way you expect.
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Make sure to pack extra bottles of water – especially if your child is still drinking formula!
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My tip is to make sure that you have lots of snacks and games to keep them busy.
Pack things to clean-up in case your kiddos get carsick.
Stay at a hotel that offers breakfast like the Marriott.
Make a list of all the things you need to pack ahead of time – you can use the same list when you pack to go home to make sure you don’t leave anything behind.
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Don’t forget sunscreen and band-aids.
Bring flip-flops for hotel and pool use.
Dress comfortable when driving or traveling by plane.
Bring a fanny pack to amusement parks for hands free enjoyment of the rides.
Have lots and lots of snacks that travel well and don’t have to worry about refrigeration. You never know when you’ll get stuck somewhere!
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if you’re taking a driving trip, try to do the driving during naptime/bedtime when possible
for a long trip, don’t pack to many diapers, they take up a lot of space, and you can pretty much buy them wherever you will be visiting.
bring along snacks and drinks for the ride – your little ones will be asking for them for sure!
make sure to use sunscreen when out and about siteseeing or if you’re at the beach, and be aware if you are coming from the north, heading south, the sun will be a lot stronger than you are used to
pack an activity carry-on for the kids, bring coloring books & crayons/markers, books, handheld games, portable DVD player if you have one, playing cards, small toys
allow your child to bring their favorite blanket or stuffed animal – it may help them sleep in an unfamiliar place.
When traveling with my nephew I notice that my sister has a lot of food and baby wipes on hand
Buy an collapsible bowl at a pet store and use this as your bottle warmer, small baby food warmer along with hot water from the flight attendant.
This was a saving grace for us!
I travel at night while they are sleeping
When we went on long drives and baby got cranky I used bubbles! Keep some bubbles in the non-spill container in the car, and blow some bubbles for baby when someone else is doing the driving. This calms a baby right down 🙂
a toybox!
If there is room next to your baby’s car seat, place a large bin of her favorite toys within her reach. Let her pick out her favorite board books, cuddly toys, and pretend phone when she feels like it. This works especially well when there’s a second person in the backseat to pick up dropped items
If traveling by car plan to leave so that baby will fall asleep during a naptime. Or try leaving in the early evening if your little one will sleep through a good portion of the night. The longer your infant sleeps in a car during a road trip, the better. However, don’t wait so long to leave that by the time you’re ready to go out to the car, your infant is tired and cranky
Children often have difficulty with ears and pressure when flying. Giving a dose of a pediatric decongestant, with the approval of your pediatrician
can alleviate the discomfort.
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I think it is important with little ones, to take a few breaks on road trips so everyone can get out, stretch and not feel too cooped up. Thanks!
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Another tip is to bring along a favorite pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal.
Travel tip: Pack a toy bag
For a long drive stop at a playground for a good half hour and play like crazy, it makes the trip more fun to not be in such a hurry.
Here are some great items to pack for a long car ride.. ginger soda (for that upset stomach), celery sticks (celery makes you sleepy) and a portable dvd player for entertainment.
If traveling by car and you have to stay over night in a hotel before reaching your vacation destination: Pack hotel bags so you don’t have to lug all your luggage into the hotel.
I would say to bring a new toy that your child hasn’t played with. Plenty of snacks and changed of clothes.
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My best tip is to not forget the snacks and water.
Don’t forget the child’s favorite blanket/stuffed animal.
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My travel tip is don’t forget about the STAYcation option! In So Cal, there are so many great vacation options DRIVING distance, which for me, with little ones, is so much more relaxing that attempting a flight!
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Make sure you have snacks, toys and anything to keep them occupied get creative. At this age they get bored fast and want to go on to the next thing!
Expect everything to take much longer. From getting out the door to adjusting to a new place. Little ones aren’t good at hitting the ground running, especially when there’s jet lag involved!
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Tip: Bring lots of fruit snacks and puffs! haha
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One tip :Kids get tired of the same toys, but no need to purchase new ones, just trade toys from a friend and it will be a new experience for your toddler to enjoy.
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My tip is to choose an appropriate destination. The beach is more relaxing than a big city that requires a lot of walking and sightseeing.
Don’t fly, if at all possible. It’s not worth it, with kids, on trips under 1,000 miles or so.
We try to take a break in driving, when we have our toddler with us. Usually, 7-8 hours a day is the max for us. We use Priceline to find cheap hotels on our path – it really helps my daughter stay happier longer. 😛
bring a few familiary toys from home
My best tip is to buy some toys from the dollar store to take along. Especially for toddlers, it is great for distarcting them when they get fidgety and if they break or get lost you really dont care since they only cost a dollar.
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Make sure to bring ziplock bags of snacks and juice boxes.
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My tip is to bring snacks, it’s simple yet so important, when you hear “Mommy I’m hungry!” 500 times 🙂 Bring along easy to clean up foods like Raisins, Cheerios, Goldfish crackers etc. Anything that is easy to carry on!
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My tip: always travel with grandparents. When all else fails, they can take over with baby-watching!
thanks for this chance!
-Cristina xx
My tip is to plan for enough rest stop breaks.
My best tip is to travel during nap time or at night when they are sleeping.
Our secret weapon is to bring snacks and toys that the kids don’t have at home – they behave really well when they want to have these “special” treats
My best travel tip is to bring things that comfort them. I always bring the sheet off his crib because it smells like home, his pillow and his blanket. Makes things so much easier especially since he’s all excited to be someplace new and exciting!
samanthajocampen at gmail
We also always get a suite. With Theo having his own ‘room’ it makes things easier. Everyone gets a good night’s sleep!
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Pack lots of snacks! Always eating out can be expensive and stressful so if you’ve got munchies in the room that thwarts hungry meltdowns and then you don’t have to go out to eat!
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My tip is to take some of their own toys they are familar with, and maybe 1 or 2 small new things for distraction! And don’t forget snacks!
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I always stop by the $1 store and stock up on cheap toys/games. I wrap them individually and bring out a new surprise every hour!
Two words…DVD player!! It’s a life saver!!
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Pack first-aid supplies and extra clothes.
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Baby Wipes! No matter if you are staying in a hotel, traveling on a plane or driving in a car you would be well served to have baby wipes (or sanitary wipes) on hand at all times. They are so valuable for cleaning your child’s messes that are made as well as runny noses or any other bodily function you might come across!
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If your a nursing mommy make sure you drink lits of fluids during flight! Flying is dehydrating and You lose a lot of fluids while breastfeeding so it’s important for both your health and your milk supply to keep yourself well hydrated
My tip: Bring their favorite snacks and drinks and have them readily available.
Taking along a baby sling can be a huge help when traveling with a baby, especially when going through busy airports. You can even nurse discreetly in the sling and noone will be the wiser. The sling also helps to comfort baby and reduce fussiness, as well as helping him nap when he’s tired
Email Subscriber also on Twitter @savabuck…..My travel tip for young ones is to keep games or videos with you at all times in car trips otherwise you will go nuts.
Even if you won’t be getting an extra seat for your baby, make sure to let the booking agent know that you’ll be flying with an infant since you won’t be able to sit in any of the emergency exit rows. Request the bulkhead seats — the ones in the front row. That way you won’t have to worry about your baby pulling on or kicking the seats ahead of you. It also gives you more floor space for stretching out
Try to work around their current nap/eating schedule.
Wrap up small toys and dole out during the trip.
SNACKS! Keep them coming (healthy of course!) to keep hunger at bay during the trip.
For the return trip bring back postcards for them to look at on the ride home.
Be very aware of what your child is drinking. On vacations most parents are a little more lax and don’t eat as well. As a result your child may get more caffeine that usual which can be bad if you are driving a long distance or it is late. Try to go for non-caffeinated beverages instead.
Try to make sure that the Hotel you are staying in has options for children when you are at the hotel. Cartoon type channels and swimming pools (especially indoor) are great ways to keep busy. This is especially true if it is just a stop and not the final location.
Call ahead and reserve a Pack-n-Play. This is a crib n play pen (and less to pack for you!)
My tip,never ever forget (or loose) their ” Blankie”. No one will get any sleep without it.
Take a few favorite toys and books.
Take an extra T-shirt for yourself in the carry on bag because usually my tots spill, spit or some how mess up my clothes too when I’m traveling.
About a week days before we flew to Florida, I shipped a box of diapers, wipes, and baby toiletries to myself at our hotel. First, I called our hotel in advance to see if it was okay. When I addressed the box, I wrote my name and then ‘(Guest, Arriving May 6)’ so the hotel staff would know to hold it for me. This worked out great! I was able to travel ultralight with just a minimum of supplies in my hand luggage, and I had all my baby supplies waiting for me when we arrived
Bring snack-sized Ziploc bags, filled with your toddler’s favorite finger foods. It keeps them occupied opening and closing the bags!
Slow down. You can’t as fast when you have a cranky child so plan extra time for naps, or playing, or whatever. You’ll be surprised how much more you see by doing this.
Take a convertible stroller that converts into a baby backpack so you can carry your child when climbing stairs, or walking over rough streets.
Bring a small battery powered vacuum to keep the car clean as you go
I actually suggest NOT bringing their favorite toy or blanket. True, they are familiar but if they got lost you are in for a world of hurt. Instead bring their less favorite (but still familiar) toys, etc.
Leave early in the morning or late in the evening so that your child sleeps for a great deal of the time because it is their normal sleep time. This is especially useful on flights!
Make sure everyone’s medications are packed and take photocopies of prescriptions in case medicines get lost on the trip. Have your health insurance card with you too.
Bring a disinfectant spray, especially for frequent stops in questionable truck stop restrooms
Take a break! For example, we went to Las Vegas one time and about half way through the day we went back to our room and took a nice nap. It is great for the kids to rest and is equally great for adults. Less crankiness all-around.
We bring a portable dvd player and some Veggie Tales dvd’s.
If your child was recently potty trained, put them in a diaper for the flight. You’ll be glad you have it if the flight is delayed on the tarmac or if there is turbulence in flight
Baby noses sometimes get stuffy during flight. Consider bringing along some saline drops (available at the pharmacy) and a small syringe. You can drip a few drops into baby’s nose during or after the flight to clear things up. Some sources also say that cleaning the nose helps reduce baby’s chances of getting sick Others recommend using expressed breast milk (if you have it) because it is non-drying and antibacterial.
Be Ready
Make sure you have everything you need for your outing packed and loaded into the car before strapping your child into the car seat. The last thing you wan to do is leave your toddler waiting in the car while you run back to the house for an extra diaper or snacks.
We always pack the whole car the night before and this way we can just hop in and start our journey has great videos for parents and children to watch to learn about traveling safely! Go watch them before traveling (this is for flights, cruises or train rides)
Pack enough diapers for the trip as well as bags to put dirty diapers in and lotion in case diaper rash develops.
Make sure to bring a hat for your child and sunscreen. We don’t realize how much sun you can get just sitting in a car. Even in the winter you can get a lot of sun through the car window.
If at all possible, get a nonstop flight. The extra cost will be worth not waking a sleeping baby to switch planes. Believe me!
A lot of airlines let people with small children enter the plane first, so get there early.
Try to play car games that involve looking out of the window. This makes it less likely that your child will get carsick and helps to distract them from being stuck in a car seat.
Carry plenty of cash or a credit card for emergencies such as car trouble. You do not want to be stranded with a toddler.
Dress your child in something really comfortable like pajamas, especially on days that are mostly travel. It will help them be more comfortable.
Get in the back seat with your child if there is room. They get bored by themselves and would enjoy the company!
My best tip is to try and keep their schedule somewhat normal. Of course, on vacations, things will be a little crazy..but if you can keep their eating/sleeping schedule on track, it really helps.
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If you’re staying overnight on the way to your destination, pack one bag for the whole family with just that night’s supplies and clothing for everyone in it. That way you’re not lugging in a bunch of bags just for one night.
Stumbled (ljatwood)
ljatwood at gmail dot com
Another tip I have is to plan plenty of stops if you’re driving. You could plan ahead and find a park on your route to stop for lunch and a fun place to let the kids run around and get some fresh air. You could pack a collapsable cooler with some sandwiches and fruit.
ljatwood at gmail dot com
I’ve found it helpful to buy some fun new books, toys, etc. to pull out (not all at once!) if it seems they’re getting bored.
ljatwood at gmail dot com
It’s always best to pack a change of clothese for everyone that is not in your packed luggage. You never know when you’ll need a shirt of pants change before you reach your destination!
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-Cristina xx
Whether we are driving or flying, we always try to travel overnight so that the kids stay in their routine and are more rested.
A portable DVD player is great for those car trips.
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We used to stop often at rest areas so the kids can get out and burn off some energy.
I used to buy some inexpensive toys to surprise them with during the trip.
Pack a bottle of water, wash cloth, and towel for a quick clean up.
Pack healthy snacks in a cooler so you don’t have to feed your tots junk food.
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-Cristina xx
My best tip is about the actual activities. When you have a toddler it is a good idea to go to a place that has places for the toddler to have a good time too. Walking tours are an excellent activity. Your toddler can walk or you can push the stroller and both of you will enjoy the scenery. Botanical gardens and zoos have things that will stimulate your child and you can enjoy it too!
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My best traveling tip is to always bring along healthy snacks and when traveling by air always put the things you need in your carry on in case your luggage gets lost.
Bring along some favorite finger foods such as bite sized pieces of seedless watermelon (you can store them in the mini fridge) and baggies of cereal. Don’t forget the favorite blanket or stuffed animal.
Do an internet search for family friendly events happening in the area you will be visiting. You may be able to catch a free concert, participate in a seasonal festival, etc.
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-Cristina xx
Pipe cleaners can really be a lot of fun, so include them in your bag. They come in a number of different colors and can bend into numerous shapes, such as flowers, lions, cats, dogs, etc. Transform your pipe cleaners into all kinds of different items and then play with your newly created toys.
This works great on airplane and long car rides
When we took a 7 hour drive to visit friends I put 7 stickers right above my toddlers car seat. After each hour we took a sticker down. I noticed this cut out alot of are we there yets 🙂
When my daughter was 2 years old, I went to the dollar store and purchase inexpensive items (a small dollie, [pop up book , etc.) For every hour in the air, I pulled out a wrapped “present” that she could open. It kept her busy for a while and gave her something to look forward to.
Another tip we used when traveling by car is we would give my little one a camera (disposeable from CVS) and let her snap pictures while we were driving. If we saw horsies we would drive slow so she could snap a picture. She loved looking out the window to find a pretty picture she could take!
best tip – take grandparents too
Count out how many diapers you think you will need, then bring DOUBLE. Seriously.
The emergence of cheap and nearly disposable digital media players that can hold a few hours of kids shows and movies are a boon for traveling with little ones.
Carry along a container of snacks. You never know when you will be delayed or stuck somewhere without food.
My tip? Fingerpuppets! They fold up small and always keep everyone giggling!
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another travel tip? bring almost empty bottles of personal care products so you can finish and toss them!
Always keep lots of healthy (and non-messy) snacks on hand. Empty belly = crabby kid!
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Take with you a portable high chair if u gotta kiddos….itll come in handy! TRUST ME!
DOnt 4get the meds! and First aide kit!!
when packing MORE is LESS!
I have a tendency to pack lots of clothes for the WHAT IF;s I find myself NEVER using them! Just pack what You need!! 🙂
its really imoirtant to the kids involved in decision making too….. shall we eat out or make sandwhiches? lol
if u travel by airplane opt for the NON STOP!!!
call ahead of time and make sure the HOTEL POOL is not under maintenance!!!! Ive taken the kiddos b4 n they were all exited only to find out it was down 4 that week! Major Bumer!! Bellman said you shoulda called!!
Oh, and dont 4get the goggles!!! and ear plugs…..u dont wanna be dealing wih swimmers ear all night! Been there done that!!! Grrrrr!
If the ks are old enough…invest in a good set of walkie talkies…they work out good when you might have to split up….
Get the kiddos their own disposable camera….theylll love taking their OWN pics!! Its a fun inexpensive way to get them to interact with their artistic side! LOL
I would reccommend that you don’t assume that an
older child 4 or 5 is too old for a stroller, there is alot of walking
and usually alot of heat plus it helps to keep track of them
oooooh…. I got another one@
There are endless gift shops as everyone knows and when the inevitable “can I have this” and “can I have that” begins, we would say if you want it, you have money. It’s amazing how some things no longer some important. LOL
bring familiar objects. sometimes a hotel can seem overwhelming. sometimes having a favorite blankie or stuffed animal can make it seem more at home.
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My best tip is to start off the trip at their bedtime. This way they sleep through a lot of the trip!
If driving to your destination, give the kids their bath, then start out at evening with them clean and in their jammies. They’ll be up for a little bit but then will sleep most of the car trip–no bathroom breaks or “I’m bored”s necessary.
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Make sure your child has been properly immunized. It doesn’t matter if you are traveling out of the country or to a city with tourists from all over the place it is important for your child’s health.
Get your child a passport. They are not always required for international travel but are great for having a photo or other needs.
Very young children don’t have school so you don’t have to work around their school breaks. So try to schedule your vacation in off-peak times when places are cheaper and less busy. Your child might feel more comfortable not being crowded.
If possible, when flying get Bulkhead seating. It gives you extra room to stretch and keeps your child from kicking the seat in front of you.
Bring a pacifier to help your child reduce pressure on take off and landing because they usually don’t understand what is happening
Try to stay as close as possible to your normal routine in terms of meal times and sleeping times.
In order to take advantage of this sleepy time, be sure everyone has used the restroom before getting into the car (I know this sounds obvious, but stopping a moving car is asking a child to wake up).
If possible, plan to have time to let your toddler run! Bring along a ball and play catch. Have a picnic.
Bring sing-along tapes like Raffi & Sesame Street
Use some colored construction paper to cut out some “tickets” for your trip. Give your child a pre-counted baggie full of tickets. Every half hour they can turn in one ticket to you. When their tickets are gone, the trip has ended! This really helps young children get an idea of how much time is left on the journey.
Give everyone a sheet of aluminum foil or play-doh. Have them mold it into anything they want: animal shapes, Frisbees, balls, jewelry, crowns, headband, necklaces. Be creative.
Get a drawing toy such as Magna doodle, Etcha Sketch, and small white boards with dry erase markers. These are great and very popular with toddlers!
I found this travel tray called “Snack & Play” Travel Tray for car seats. It hooks to the car seat and has a tray with a lip so they can have their toys without dropping them or sliding off the tray!
If you can afford it First Class flight benefits are worth it. Your kid cannot kick the seat in front because it is too far away. The tray table is in the armrest, so pushing on it does not bother anyone. You have more room for your stuff. And, you get food and more attention and help from the flight attendants.
Make sure you are able to relax. Just as kids get cranky make sure you make plenty of breaks, get hydrated and eat regularly. Skipping these things combines with traveling with a child can just make it that much stressful!
It’s a good idea to bring Car/Air sickness bags, especially if your child has never really traveled before.
Spread out toys and games so that your child gets a new surprise and less prone to get bored
Be sure to pack your itinerary (including any phone numbers you’ll need) and a map of your destination in your carry on. Nothing is worse than struggling to find your hotel with tired children in tow.
Consider off-airport parking for short trips. A shuttle will pick you up at your car and drops you off near your airline. For longer trips, find a local car service that provides a car seat. They should pick you up at home and drop you off at curbside check-in. The cost usually slightly cheaper than taxi service and less hassle while bringing a child.
If flying, check in online so you can avoid standing in line with your child.
Resist the temptation to keep your kids (temporarily) quiet with juice or sugary treats, it will only make them harder to manage later. High protein snacks (especially ones that take a while to eat) are a great choice though
If you can afford it, rent a suite. When your child naps you can be in the other room and still be able to talk or watch TV or whatever without disturbing the nap.
I believe that if you take your child everywhere when they are babies, they will be great travelers when they are toddlers. A portable dvd player is a must for road trips.
Get your child involved. Even if they really don’t understand try to include them in things. It really is a great way to help them learn things like letters and numbers. Point out exit numbers, road signs and room numbers. They absorb everything and it keep s them engaged
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If traveling by plane or train sit your child away from the aisle. They won’t bother other people or get his by passing people, carts or baggage. Also, they can get very distracted just looking out the window.
Register your travel plans with the State Department through a free online service at This will help people contact you if there is a family emergency in the U.S., or if there is a crisis where you are traveling.
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Be very mindful of your wallet and/or purse and valuables when traveling. It is easy to get distracted by your child and criminals can take advantage or your distraction or holding a child.
When traveling via automobile put your driver to bed early in the afternoon and let him/her get some peaceful sleep while the toddlers are being entertained and allowed to run off their energy. When it’s almost bedtime for the toddlers wake up your driver and send them off to the shower while you do the normal bedtime routine, only don’t tuck the babies in bed … load them in the car and take off. Drive while they sleep!
If you must travel during the day while the kids are awake pack a bag of new but inexpensive toys to pass out along the way. New toys will keep them entertained longer.
Don’t over pack when it comes to clothing and diapering needs for your baby/toddlers. Take only what you absolutely need and remember that if you run out there’s usually always a Wal-Mart or Target where you can pick up more.
If your on a long road trip pack a picnic basket and rather than stopping in a restaurant for lunch stop at a rest area with picnic facilities and have a picnic. Most rest areas offer picnic areas well away from the parking lots where you can let the kids run and play out some of their energy.
Although you are on vacation try keeping your usual schedule for naps and bedtimes. Making sure toddlers get their naps and a good nights sleep makes for a more pleasant vacation.
i have never been a big fan of electronic-but the portable dvd player has been a life-saver
Do this at your own risk (they’re always finding safety concerns with childrens items or items in general) We would put our daughter in a aluminum frame tent and put a bell on it and if she would wake up she would ring the bell. That way we could sleep and not worry about her wandering the holel or room. It’s also really easy to carry. I recommend aluminum becasue fiberglass can break.
I think you listed all the great ideas! One thing to keep in mind when traveling with babies is: they cry. There is no way to avoid this; at some point in your plane trip, your baby is going to cry and you will get some angry looks. Keep your cool!
Make sure you have lots of games and toys to keep them entertained so they don’t get bored and start to complain, Snacks are a plus too! Thanks!
use disposable bibs!
as many the previous posters stated, bringing plenty of snacks is essential to keep your toddler occupied and happy.
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When we took our kids to Disney World, we tried to visit the parks earlly in the morning, then go back to the hotel to take a nap and swim. Then we were ready to go back to the park late in the afternoon.
Bring a bag of snacks and a bag of new dollar store toys to keep little ones busy.
Thanks for the chance.
wow rockin mama!!!
you really are rockin 🙂
i stopped by to see what you’ve been up to since i met you at Blogher 2008 and are you going to 2010?
i would love to win Marriott dinner or air miles to use for Blogher 2010:
Up to 5,000 frequent flyer miles or 4 mileage credits
Indoor Skydiving is also fantastic
Best tip for traveling with baby? Bring an ERGO baby carrier – it’s equally awesome for cruising through airports and walking seaside.
Oh, and I LOVE that the Marriott brand is focusing on kids and families. I will definitely consider their chain next time we are booking a hotel!
Bring their favorite toy/blankie/etc. and then don’t forget to bring it back home with you!
Bring a portable DVD player, lots of DVD’s and lots of snacks 🙂
I follow Marriott on Twitter @pittsy82
Make sure you have plenty of water for hydration…nothing makes kids crankier than being really thirsty!
One traveling tip is always carry a few of their favorite toys and some finger food snacks with you
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tip- when traveling by plan, carry an extra change of clothing for infant/toddler with you on plan.
For long trips- don’t give the child all the toys at one time. Spread out toys, games and snacks so they don’t get bored
I make sure to take a lot of snacks and drinks!
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dvd player&plenty of movies!
We promise if there is no whinning for each hour He got a $1 to spend once We got to our location
Bring plenty of snacks with you, and buy a couple of new toys/coloring books that you can pull out when they start to fuss. Also, if you can travel while they’re sleeping it’s awesome!
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i brought my son on the airplane for the 1st time when he was almost 2..the best thing i did was let him bring his own wheeled suitcase. he pushed and pulled it through the airport…and tired himself out for the plane
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bring a bag of busy stuff for waits etc for the kids to keep occupied and happy
My best tip is to try and keep as calm as possible. It really helps with their mood! Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
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Don’t travel alone.
bring several items from home and don’t travel al one
My best tip is to call ahead to the hotel and find out what their babysitting options are. It’s your vacation, too, so you deserve some adult time away from the kids!
another tip: bring plastic’ll never know when you’ll need them!
Make sure the child has a way to see you, a stickup mirror works
Keep small bins in your closet full of travel supplies such as small sample, carrying cases, travel games etc.
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my tip is to take snacks and drinks for in the car. food will help keep moods in check and it will help with the “i’m hungry” whine. thanks! clallen at ntin dot net
sub by email clallen at ntin dot net
tip: pack a few small toys to help pass time in the car clallen at ntin dot net
tip: take a small favorite lap sized blanket for the child during nap times. it will smell like home and be comforting to the child. clallen at ntin dot net
Always carry zip lock bags, I’ve saved many a trip with a zip lock bag. Trip to Disneyland, son will not part with giant sucker–put it in a zip lock for later. My little one had an ugly diaper leakage that got on his blankie–it smelled so bad–even after trying to wash it in a bathroom–anything else would have been tossed–when we got to our hotel he was still crying—the woman that checked us in was just getting off work—she took it home and washed and brought it back to the hotel 2 hours later (I cried—she was so sweet–she told me she remembered when her children were that age–and she missed it–and was happy to help—she was a life saver!!!) One trip up the California coast –we were on a windy road over looking the ocean—one lane–no where to pull over–and my daughter gets car sick—zip lock bag to the rescue—I had her throw up in the bag & ziped it closed—-believe me I’ve had several occasions where one of them throws up all over the other 2—–it’s a lot less traumatic to give them each a bag.
bring stimulating toys that they can play with without driver distraction
Never underestimate the power of a portable DVD player.
Elmo and Dora can give you that peace and quite on that road trip!
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A tip to use to most of your suitcase space:
Try “rolling” clothing! Just roll each item tightly separately and pack,pack, pack! (also helps with preventing wrinkles too!)
My tip is to bring clothespins–great for hanging up wet swimsuits, pinching curtains shut during naptime, and even making impromptu forts!
We plan to make frequent and unscheduled stops
Bring lots of snacks – non messy ones!
Invest in a portable dvd player with educational dvds – Barney, Sesame Street – it’ll be familiar and help keep them occupied
Make sure to have drinks and snacks on hand at all times.
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have a sippy cup on hand and extra pacis in your pocket
My travel tip is to buy a Kidco. Pea Pod its a tent that comes with a blow up mattress. GREAT for kids and travel!
I always bring a First Aid Kit! You never know!
I also always take along childrens motrin, suppositories, etc. so I don’t have to buy more on a trip!
Bring plenty of snacks and blankets!
Be prepared for all types of weather, bring sweaters just in case!
Bring lots of non messy snacks!
You can use one of those scrapbooking/craft rolling suitcases as your baby’s carry-on. It has lots of compartments for the small stuff and separated areas so you can divide out clothes, swim stuff, diapers, etc. Also is great for toys and books so you can keep all the gear (including snacks, bibs, medicines, etc.) all in one place!
You can use a service like to ship supplies to where you are going before you get there!!
Sunglasses are a must. No matter where you are going the sun will probably right in your child’s eyes at some point
Make sure to bring a camera. It is easy to overlook but these are memories you will want to photograph
Avoid things like crayons and melting treats that will create permanent damage when your child leaves them on the back seat in the hot sun
I suggest getting a small rolling suitcase for your child. It keeps them occupied and can burn off some energy when they pull it around
Disinfectant wipes are great for wiping off doorknobs, tables or even things dropped on the ground
Bring clothespins. They are great for hanging up swimsuits or when you have to wash something in the sink after your child gets it sticky and dirty
Bring extra hangers. No matter where you go there will not be enough
Try to get really cheap things like cheap clothes at a thrift store or buy disposable cups and such. That way if anything gets ruined or damaged you can just toss it out (it also might make more room in your luggage on the return trip for souvenirs)
I would like to win this one.
Bring an extra set of clothes for the kids!
Pack each child a bag of their own with things they love and snacks they can eat when they want.
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My tip is to bring snacks–paying for convenience on the go will cost ya!
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If your planning your trip far in advance a great tip we always use for my little one is reward her for doing good deeds, helping clean without being told ect. We have a vacation piggy bank just for her and everytime she went to bed on time did a chore or whatever we would reward her with money. By time our trip came around she had her on souvenir money! and This helped with alot of the can I have this mom ohhh I want that..when she knows its her own money she is less likely to want sooo many things!
Traveling long distance in a car can be boring for the little ones. Try sitting in the back with your baby, keeping them entertained can be a huge difference in how enjoyable your road trip can be!
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For air travel some older planes dont have a changing table make sure you bring a changing pad to lay on floor or seat if you need to change baby!
Make sure you pack dry snacks that are easy to clean up and dont have alot of sugar in them (dont want kiddos to be bouncing off the walls)
Some great suggestions are cheerios and granola bars . these are great for in between rest stops!
bring a small bag of toys, coloring books and crayons. I keep this up front and dole them out as needed. also easy to eat snacks like grapes, cheese cubes, sandwich squares and lots of water
A small cooler is your best friend. They will fit in a stroller and will save you a lot of money.
Always have different kinds of snacks at hand!
Take plenty of distractors. Puzzles, games, crayons, toys and dvds. I can honestly say I have never over packed when it comes to those kind of patience saviors.
Wear them out so that they’ll sleep!
Bring snacks and water.
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I love using Elmer’s Water Wow! water color pads! They provide hours of distraction and create NO mess! Kids use water to “paint” on black and white paper which then turns to color, and then as it dries it returns to black and white for multiple reuses!
My best tip for travelling with tots is make several ‘toy packages’ for the trip….eg. crayons/coloring book in one, cherrios in another, dinky toys in another, etc. Allow the tot to select and play for 1 hour. Then change it up. This keeps him quiet and occupied without getting bored while you are travelling.
I always take several packages of healthy snacks while travelling. Small finger food that will keep him occupied, quiet and filled. Make sure there is no (or very little) sugar in the treat. eg. cheerios…keeps him busy for what seems like hours because of the small size; mixture of rice/wheat,/oat chex; mix of raisins, chex, cherrios; etc. The only fruit I cut up is watermelon, and cut it very fine….but I need a large bib and a towel because it is messy!
One of the best tips for travelling with babies/toddlers is to take a couple of damp face cloths secured in a sandwich bag. They are invaluable for a quick wipe up….for both the little guy and the bigger guy driving!
Always allow for extra time.
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Stop for breaks often!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
when traveling with a baby you must be patient and be prepared
travel tip: bring a second set of clothes somewhere in your stroller! never know when you’ll need it!
I would take snacks,movies, and books on my trip.
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We bring snacks, books and a portable DVD player so my daughter can watch movies while traveling and at the hotel
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Always pack finger foods
My best tip is to bring lots of stickers. Those can last for hours.
snacks and I let the kids play with ipod touches loaded with games and movies for them they don’t make a peep thanks for the chance to win
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Make sure if there is a balcony or patio in your room or suite that it can be locked appropriately by an adult & that it is situated to be reasonably childproof.
Make sure kids know the rules, as you want them, about opening the hotel door.
Keep an identifying paper under the sole of your kids shoe or tucked into a pocket.
If the kids are old enough, make sure you really have a “lost” or “trouble” plan along with knowing where to meet up!
Be aware that street behavior in some places can change between daylight & sunset almost immediately- be mindful of this possible change.
And if you are expecting to pick up grocery items to take back to your hotel, etc. try to notice the opening & closing hours of the nearest “convenience” marts- the hotel is almost always much more expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be sure ot bring their favorite toys-it reminds them of home.
Build bathroom breaks into your schedule so you don’t end up completely thrown off by them.
It is also a good idea to build nap time into your trip.
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I like to take along color wonder markers & paper so the kids can still get creative without the mess.
My tip is to bring magnet boards for them to play with
If you’re flying, wear the kid out at the airport — let him run around til he’s falling over tired, he’ll sleep on the plane!
Use packing cubes to keep track of baby’s clothes — or if you don’t have any ziplocs will do! I never would have found my baby’s socks if they weren’t stored separately.
My best traveling tip for those with babies or to definitely buy the surprise toy bag. It doesn’t need to be expensive. We get toys, coloring books, crayons, etc from the dollar store. we also pick up a few books for the older kids. When the kids start getting crabby…voila..instant new entertainment.I also like to bring an extra change of clothes. Things always get spilt. Other than that..just try to at least be mentally prepared for the unexpected. It will happen.
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We make several stops so my 2 year old can get out and run around (rest stops are good for this).
I always pack disposable forks & spoons, don’t know why but they always come in handy.
i pack our little portable stereo incase the kids need familiar lullaby music to settle them in.
My tip: Bring some favorite music from home and a source to play it…works in the car for happy feet and in the hotel for happy toddler dancing silenttributary(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thanks for the giveaway…my only tip for traveling on a plane with a toddler is to invest in a CARES (child aviation restraint system) which is designed for children between 22-44lb who are able to sit in their own airplane seat.
They work !!!
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My tip is don’t take all the diapers/wipes you need for the whole trip! They’re heavy and take up too much space–especially with the luggage rules/fees. Just bring enough for the first 2 days, then buy when you get to your destination.
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Break your road trip into short spurts during the day & long spurts if you’re driving at night. Giving toddlers time to run around at nice rest stops keeps us ALL sane! (unless they’re asleep, then just drive drive drive!)
Keeping everyone well-hydrated is KEY to keeping spirits up. When you add in the salty trip foods we tend to eat, we just start feeling cranky on trips unless we drink a lot of water.
If flying ship your un-needed luggage (if possible) to your destination and bring snacks and fluids for all
Try and keep the kids busy by either playing games….and what not
for toddlers, I like to bring something familiar on the trip (their fave snuggly toy) and some new stuff. They need familiar stuff to help them feel safe & new stuff to keep them occupied! As much fun as 8 hours of peek-a-boo is for mom lol
try to allow enough time for rest stops…
Pack lots of snacks, such as fruit leathers, crackers, juice packs, treats; a small cooler, or insulated bag, for cold drinks; plastic cups; bandaids, a dishtowel; frisbee and ball for rest-stops; and baby-wipes no matter how old your kids are. lol
Sometimes its better NOT to go thru the drive thru!
Burger King and MacDonalds have great playrooms on major highways. Let the kids burn off energy while you order their food “to go” to eat later in the car.
kids fall asleep easily in the car, and a snooze can be a great way to let the miles fly by. Just be sure to allow lots of wakie-wakie time. Rousing a child from deep sleep because “we’re there now” is tough.
Pack a Frisbee – great for some quick exercise when making a stop. Also can be used for a handy tray for eating on@@@
Make sure you have several bottles of water work best for drinking, a quick wash up, cleaning a scrape and so on. Buy a case for the trunk or refill at rest stops.!!!
ZIPLOC BAGS!!!!- bring several different sizes. These come in very handy for collecting items (shells), storing food, wet clothes…
Bring along a portable DVD player if your car doesn’t already have one. For long trips, pack at least 3 or more DVD’s. It’s even better if you can buy a couple of new ones to keep your child(ren)’s attention better.
Bring plenty of pillows and blankets. Children are more likely to sleep in the car if they are comfortable.
If you plan to stay somewhere overnight before traveling the next day, pack everything you need for the night in one bag. That way when you get to the hotel you don’t have to unload the whole car. I buy the biggest Ziploc bags I can find and put my children’s clothes in them and write their name on it. Then I only take what is needed.
Check the hotels to see if they offer free breakfast. Our favorite hotel to stay in is Holiday Inn. Kids stay and eat free. If we arrive at the hotel in the evening, they can eat dinner for free and then breakfast the next morning. Once again it saves on costs, especially if you pack your own lunch. 🙂
Ask for a ground level room & then you won’t have to say “Stop running! Stop jumping!” non-stop all night lol
One tip for traveling with toddlers is to have plenty of wipes and emergency diapers. Have spare bottles too.
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Bring a backpack full of toys, games, books and activities to keep them busy.
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Pack some tylenol/benedryl/tums/pepto bismal with you, just in case! Finding a drug store at 2am with a sick toddler is no fun for anyone! And don’t forget band-aids!
I would say to have snacks and some fun toys and books available and to schedule enough potty breaks.
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I pack only enough diapers for the first day or so and then buy diapers at the destination, saves room in the suitcase.
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We like to split up the kids & go our separate ways on trips for awhile. This allows siblings to get some time where they aren’t tempted to eat each other’s faces. 😉 & it’s nice to build some 1-on-1 time into your vacation for really personal interaction with the kids. That’s how fantastic memories are made.
Make sure to bring travel games and snacks. A portable DVD player with an extra battery is great for when the kids get fussy. They can watch their favorite show and hopefully take a nap.
My number one tip for traveling with toddlers is to avoid trying to change their routine or schedule too much, even when changing time zones, because disaster can result!
In addition, we try to have “practice runs” at home when we prepare the tykes for traveling and being on a plane, complete with a bag full of snacks and toys that they’ve helped pick out so we can be sure they’ll be happy with their diversions when actually in air. Thanks!
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My best traveling tip is to have a DVD player or your Laptop and to stop by Redbox on the way out, you can get a handful of movies for so little and even exchange them if you go to a location that has redbox..If you want to spend no money at all, get online at the library and reserve some dvds a month in advance, awesome!
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My best tip is to bring a lot of snacks!