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I’ve been talking a lot about food and meals for numerous reasons. The first is that I’m always looking to make healthier, more wholesome meals. I’m also looking for creative, new ways to make mealtime enjoyable, since I tend to get in a rut when it comes to meal prep. Dinnertime, in particular, can be stressful when the rush to spend time together and get ready for the next day all must happen in just a few hours. Lastly, food is expensive, particularly if you’re aiming to make meals from scratch.
So how do I go about creating affordable meals?
1. I shop at our Farmer’s Market, particularly for fresh, locally-grown produce
2. I buy in bulk when it makes sense
3. I comparison shop
4. I use coupons
As I mentioned last month, I recently signed on as part of Ragu’s Mom’s The Word On Dinner campaign. The video series features influential moms from all over the country dishing up their tips on getting dinner on the table. You’ll find tips, ideas, and recipes on their Facebook page. Here are there 3 best tips for balancing the dinner budget:
Win It! One of you will win a $100 American Express Gift Card to help you out with your meals this month. Simply leave your best tip on creating affordable meals. Comments will close on September 30th at 11:59 PM PST.
US Residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
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Disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Ragú® Mom’s the Word on Dinner Program. Visit to join the conversation.
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I have been using 4 or less ingredient cookbooks, and making sure condiments I pick up can be used for other recipes.
Pasta is always an economical choice. We use half a jar of Ragu sauce instead of the whole jar with one meal, so we can use the other half the next time. I use coupons to shop and look for store specials.
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shop at aldis.but if you want to shop at other stores use coupons
We use coupons whenever we can, and make extras to use for lunches later in the week.
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If it’s not on sale I usually don’t buy it and I use coupons.
Lately I’ve been trying to plan my meals for the week and doing leftovers by making enough to stretch meals out for at least 3 days. I’ve also been using online coupons more.
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My best saving tip is to let nothing go to waste,reinvent it in another meal,I usually save most leftovers for lunch the next day or save to make a pot of soup at the end of the week
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I like to stock up groceries when Publix has a buy 1 get 1 free sale, especially on pasta and sauce!
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Use economical cuts of meat. They will be tender if you cook them in a crockpot.
Clearance meat! I am a huge fan of buying meat on clearance. The meat is near the sell-by date and the store is looking to sell it. I get a great deal especially on cuts I would ordinarily not be able to afford.
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By halving the amount of meat and substituting chopped veggies or beans makes dishes both more economical and healthier.
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Besides the coupons, I like to purchase my produce when it is in season. For expmple, I won’t be buying watermelon in December, but in the summer you can count that we will be eating lots of it. In December we eat lots of oranges. Buying porduce in season is a good money saver. We also like to grow a small garden in the summer. That cuts the grocery bill as well.
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I shop around and price match items so I can get the best deals. That’s how I make affordable meals.
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I create affordable meals by shopping the grocery ads and pairing up any coupons I might have.
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I always use coupons and buy items on sale. Out staples are beans, rice, pasta and soups.
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use sale ads when planning menus, buy what is on sales..stock up on common used items when on sale. look for reductions on near to expire items!/cneiding/status/114020662573666305 tweet
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I make up a grocery list and stick to it. I also make sure to shop along the sides of the grocery store, not in the middle, (processed foods on the inside of the aisles=more money)
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I buy a lot in bulk and typically go to Target to buy a lot of food because it is less expensive than many of the grocery stores.
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We do most of our grocery shopping at Aldi grocery store we save 50% on our food bill there. Especially good is their fresh vegetables that are very low cost compared to Walmart.
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Buy in bulk! You gotta love Costco. Thanks for the chance.
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We use both store & manufacturer’s coupons in addition to club cards & sales to stock up!
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I can’t afford a lot of meat so if I’m cooking pasta I use a small packet of mince and add lentils!!
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Use what you have. If I can’t think of a recipe I go to all and use the ingredient search, you list what you have (you can also list what you don’t have or want). Then a list of recipes pop up.
I use coupons in conjunction with store deals to stock up on items I know we will use.
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My best tip would have to be to use coupons. But also, making soup is a good money saver. It lasts for days.
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We try to stock up on staples when things are on sale then add meats when we need to. We make casseroles or crockpot meals that last for several days.
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I find the most affordable way to make meals is to meal plan. That way you use what you’ve already paid for, before it spoils or expires, and reduces waste.
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Personally I recommend using as many coupons as possible every time you shop for foods and ingredients.
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This time of year, affordable meals are easy–if you don’t have your own veggie garden, visit the local farmers’ market!
I plan our meals based on what is on sale at the grocery store and we use coupons often.
Thanks so much.
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I make the same meal in bulk and freeze the remaining meals. I do not waste ingredients this way.
I spend a day cooking for the week and just freeze it!/mkjmc/status/114411752648749056
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we had a garden for some fresh produce and we buy produce that is in season so it is cheaper
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I have a small garden for some of our veggies, I buy in bulk when economical, I buy very little processed food (although it’s often cheap it’s often lacking in nutrition), and I cook from scratch a lot (often much cheaper – example cream soups are very cheap to make at home and only add a few minutes to prep time).
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stock up during sales and plan ahead. It’s those last minute I am hungry moments that will cost you!
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My tip for affordable meals is plan in ADVANCE! Going to the store with absolutely no clue besides one emal at a time leads to both impulse buying and most times buying preprared which usually costs alot more than homemade (and doesnt taste as good) Take the time to think a week in advance and it will save you money and time!
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i like to buy in bulk, make meals in bulk and then freeze them.
I buy my meat in bulk. I also shop at local discount grocers.
I make soups and whole wheat pasta meals that go a long way for little money.
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the best way to be affordable is to go meatless. also, look for sales and coupons!
Growing your own veggies can save you a substantial amount of money. Thank you!
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Use your sales papers and coupons to help those go even further. Thank you!
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I buy on sale and use coupons, I plan my weekly meals around the specials of the week. I make most meals by scratch and buy the store brand
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I always freeze leftovers to use as sides or in soups later on.
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Pasta is always an economical choice.
Scott Martin
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I try and shop and cook in bulk and freeze meals that way i can shop the sales!/rewcath/status/114813352643006464 tweeted @rewcath nupa123atgmaildotcom
best tip on creating affordable meals is to watch sales and buy in season
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A vegetable based died is both cheaper and healthier than a meat based diet.!/mkjmc/status/115000766439227392
We buy a lot of items from the clearance bin. Usually it is just the packaging that is damaged but the contents are just fine and greatly discounted!
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I like ragu with noodles for a quick meal. Throw some red pepper on top!
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We buy items on sale and with coupons. Stock up on sale items. We had a garden we canned and did some
freezing of vegs. I make big pots of soups and chili and freeze the up for meals later. We try to get healthy
and I really think that can save money. Thanks
I have to look at the ads and coupons and see what I can budget. I also try to find family packs that are cheaper and get meats when they are about to expire if they aren’t on sale so I can get them cheaper.
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I shop stores sales with coupons and stock up on groceries, I also buy on bulk , rice beans , condiments, it is more affordable this way , and the meat I buy it when in store put the meat on sale too.
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I make things from scratch. I always cook a little extra, and the leftovers are lunch the next day.
I buy extra items when they are on sale and have coupons to match the sale item. I only buy meats when they are at their best prices and then I stock up on the meat. When I cook the big family meal on Sunday I like to cook extra of everything and then use the leftovers throughout the week, which saves me time.
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I often use store brands instead of name brands; many are just as good and cost far less. I also stock up when things are on sale and freeze what we won’t use right away. Buying in bulk from club stores and repacking meats myself saves me money too.
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I shop sales and use coupons and for produce I use what is in season.
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My best tip on creating affordable meals is base your meals around the sales ads at the grocery.!/mkjmc/status/115728273329238017
Check your grocery store sales flyers or emails and plan affordable meals based on what is on sale and what you have coupons on.
When you get great deals on vegetables and meat, cook in bulk and freeze it. Thanks for the chance.
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To say money on groceries I’ve been relying more on whole grains for protein.
Thank you.
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We try to grow a lot of our own food and when I use coupons, I also try to get the item while it’s on sale to save even more! 🙂
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When practical (and it almost always is), I double or triple recipes and freeze into family-sized portions. This allows me to shop in wholesale clubs and take advantage of bulk buying discounts. It also helps save energy.
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I cook from scratch for most things, buy ONLY on sale (except milk), seasonal produce, grow lots of my own fresh produce and stockpile!
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I don’t buy ANYTHING unless it’s on sale and/or I have a coupon – I also shop at different stores to maximize my dollars, as well as hit up the local fruit and veggie stands at least once a week!
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I make sure the meals I make can make other meals if I can..
For creating affordable meals I try and plan what I’m gonna make around what’s on sale.
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Plan and buy your weeks meals in advance. Much cheaper than the last minute take out options
I grow my own fruits and veggies and use coupons whenever possible!
We shop sales and use coupons, some items we buy in bulk, certain items, like pork and beans for baked beans we buy in #10 cans, make up a batch and freeze the rest in meal size portions.
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We always buy part of a cow which really helps to keep the cost down. Also use one of the local produce stands. The guy goes to the produce auction twice a week and his prices are awesome. We have lots of fresh fruits and veggies daily. I can buy so much more than I could ever afford at the grocery store.
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I stock up on items that are on sale and use coupons!
I try to buy a meat that I can cook one day and carry into the following days, make a pork roast on sunday, have pork tacos later in the week, and bbq sandwiches another day!!/prismperfect/status/117315143725105152
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We buy all our meat at Bj’s in large quanties and then seperate into serving/cooking amounts like several chicken breasts or a pound of beef–wrap in butcher paper and label and date.!/fostertam/status/117349922940002304
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The best tip I have to is use coupons, watch for sale items and plan meals around the sale items.
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plan your meals around your coupons
Thanks so much!! Janna Johnson janna@feedyourpig on gfc!/mkjmc/status/117531876993929217
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use coupon at the grocery store!!
I plan my meals around the weekly grocery store sales, taking into account what I already have in my pantry and/or freezer.
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I find if I cook from scratch, meals are much cheaper even though it does take way more time. I also plan meals on grocery stores sales and try to check a few different circulars.
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I like to create meals on other meals like making tacos and then making taco salad with the leftovers or making spaghetti but cut the meat in half to use for meatloaf the next day kind of like a piggy back off the previous days meal it cuts half the cost each week!
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I make alot of meals with Ground beef, or we have pasta! The kids love pasta, and its a filling meal that I can make different sauces every week!
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Kristy Hostetler
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I make a menu for the month and shop accordingly….no sense buying products that will sit in the pantry forever 🙂
I try to coupon and buy in bulk if the price is right. I really like go get my fruit from a local market or whole foods/trader joe’s. The prices seem to be better and the fruit fresher!
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I make a lot of meals with pasta. It is filling so I can use less meat!
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Bulk Cooking usually makes the most sense if you can set aside the time for it. Save up, buy larger quantities of items, and make enough to last a week or two. At the very least, having a plan will stop you from buying extra. If things go well, you have more time later because you planned ahead and even had some leftovers. If you can line the shopping up with sales you can maximize the savings.
Plan ahead and make extras for tomorrow’s meal.
buy in bulk!
my best tip is dont over cok that meat that gets thrown out can be used tomorrow for another great meal. and the one thing my grandma taught me was to freeze leftover chili and soup or sauce!
We use coupons whenever we can. I’ve also learned to make only enough that we’ll eat that night, we’re not a huge leftovers family (most of it tastes ick to me and hubby the next day lol). I learned to save money by not throwing out food that we would “eat later” that would sit in the fridge for a week.
We also stick with the same 10-15meals a month, low cost, quick and easy. We live on a food budget of $300 most months sometimes we can afford upto $400.
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Save leftover meats, chicken, beef, sausage, any type in a freezer container. When you have enough, chop them into small pieces and add them to a pasta sauce or soup base and serve with pasta or rice.
I combine sales with coupons. I use those sale items in my recipes. I try to keep basics that I bought on sale in stock.
I follow on Twitter as smdrm and I tweeted the giveaway:!/smdrm/status/119017012147134466
My money saving meal tips: go through the local grocery store ads, match-up coupons to the sales and plan your weekly menu around what is on sale that week.
My best tip is,if it’s not on sale don’t buy it,and use coupons.
I plan my meals around what’s on sale.!/lilshuga2001/status/119071700464832512
Honestly, if you can do it, become a hunting family and hunt your own wild game. It’s healthier for you and helps keep the deer population under control.
With a large family I always create large meals so half can be frozen. It saves me time and money!
Rollover leftovers from old meals into new ones. For example, leftover chicken can be chopped up and used as a filling in empanada.!/FabGiveaways/status/119081027015680000
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meals are more affordable when you use coupons
Tweet for today 9/28:!/calidreamin87/status/119084943811948545
Make everything from scratch, and make double batches to freeze.
use leftovers to create a whole new dish! hubby does it all the time
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I use coupons too, but I save a lot of money by eating the venison my husband hunts (meat is meat but a lot of wives won’t eat it apparently) and by growing my own veggies. Also, if we do have to buy beef we buy it from a local farmer. It’s nice to know where your meat came from and what went in it (I’m pretty sure there aren’t any growth hormone dispensers in the forest).
I always try and use coupons when I can and shop buy one get ones
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i use inexpensive staples like chicken legs, potatoes, onion carrots and cook in a slow cooker
I like to use coupons and make extras of most meals that can be frozen and then we can have them another night.
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Buy when on sale along with club cards, store coupons, and manufacturer coupons in stocking quanitites.
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I try to buy on sale and then build our weekly menu around that. Making a weekly menu also helps, as everything is thought out and planned for.
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
Clip coupons and price match.
i try to use coupons, thats about the only tip i have
buy on sale, use coupons and stock up when there’s a good deal
I use a menu plan
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I use coupons, look for sales, and try and not buy processed food
buy things like meat and frozen veggies in bulk and thaw what is needed. cook in large portions and use leftovers to cut costs!
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I shop the loss leaders at the stores and use coupons as much as possible. I almost never buy meat during my weekly shopping, since a local store has large meat sales about every 4 months, so I stock up my freezer during them, buying the cheaper cuts packaged in serving sizes.
I buy meat/poultry when it’s on sale and freeze it. Thank you for the giveaway!
I use Tuna once or twice a week in my dishes. It’s inexpensive and makes a great meal paired with noodles and vegetables!
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I shop sales and use coupons, buy in bulk when possible and make a detailed list each week of exactly what we are having.
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Hello, I shop the can sales and round out our meals with nutritious beans, rice and diced tomatoes. Thanks for a great giveaway!
It’s cheaper to make bigger meals, then freeze the leftovers for another day, than to make two entire meals. I make a huge vat of spaghetti sauce once every few months. Costs me about $15 to make it, and I get about 30 meals worth of sauce out of it. So worth it!
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I use ingredients that are easy to find like Pasta ,cheese, hamburger to make great tasting meals.
I find that it is typically cheaper to buy whole cuts of meat. It is not too difficult to learn how to break down a chicken, fish, or whatever else! Then you can separately freeze wings, legs, breasts, nice filets, etc, and use the remaining carcass to make your own stock to freeze. After some time I’ve collected a convenient stock of meat types that can be used for a variety of dishes.
leanne dot ahronian at yahoo dot com
Use coupons and stock up when prices are really low and then cook and freeze meals
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Luckily we like beans, so we extend a lot of stuff using beans like soup and chili.
My best tip for affordable meals is to use more pasta, rice, potatos, fresh veggies from the garden and very little meat.
I buy in bulk when items are on sale, clip coupons and use my slow cooker a lot to tenderize cheaper cuts of meat.
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My best tip for making affordable meals is to have more vegetarian meals each week, eliminating meat. reejen at comcast dot net
hmm i wish I had a tip, but I guess cooking a meal that can be leftovers for lunch the next day!
My best tip is use lots of pasta and small amounts of meat
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I match coupons with sales and keep enough stockpile so we don’t have to buy too much extra each week.
I use coupons, and I shop sales.
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my advice is to buy in bulk, and freeze. You can get chicken for a good price & turn it into so many delicious meals!
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we use coupons and cheaper ingredients
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Buy things on sale and use coupons.
I buy dried beans in 25 pound bags. Meals packed with protein, for very little cost.
Make leftovers! This will give you something to eat for lunch the next day to save money buying something different.
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I grow my own veggie garden, even if you don’t have space to do this you can plant alot of veggies in container boxes on porch or alot of towns now have community gardens available very reasonable. Not only do you save but you eat fresh organic veggies, yum!
Ibuy in bulk and cook a lot of one dish at the same time and freeze individual portions so everyone can grab a frozen meal and heat and eat.
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I like you on FB Carol F
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thank you!
I keep fairly well stocked pantry & freezer so buy at the lowest prices.
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My best tip would be to have a set of standard dishes with just a handful of ingredients that you always have on hand, and to take advantage of basics like chicken stock and sauces that you can make in large quantities, freeze, and re-use for several dishes in the week to get the most bang for your buck!
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I extend the servings in a meal by adding pasta or rice as part of the meal.
Pay attention at your local store – you can tell by the expiry dates when they’ll be getting in new stock (especially for meats) and you can buy it on the last day and freeze it when you get home. If you buy hamburger or other ground meats in bulk like this, separate into individual meal portions before freezing so that you only have to defrost as much as you want to use and no more. LABEL them very well!
We eat alot of pasta dishes which are very affordable and easy to make.
I buy in bulk and use coupons.
I buy frozen produce as much as possible.
I purchase in bulk, from online stores such as Amazon, iHerb and Nuts online. Yes even with food allergies you can eat right and budget too 🙂 silenttributary at yahoo dot com
I started buying my own chicken and using breasts for a meal, use legs for another meal, and create a great stock so easy and much more affordable
I always use coupons and I plan my meals around the sales that are going on in the grocery stores
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My best tip to make affordable meals is toy buy large/bulk sizes, create several meals at a time, and freeze the extras.
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Shop the weekly sales – look in the store flyers, find what’s on sale and build your weekly menus around it!
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Don’t let leftovers go to waste. We find creative ways to use them. Also make a shopping list and stick to it! The fastest way to make your grocery costs higher is buying impulse items.
Mine is cook once, freeze twice.
Thanks for the contest.
My best tip would be to make sure you figure out something everyone likes, cause if they don’t you either have to make something else or throw part of it away!
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I try to limit the meals that contain meat because it’s so expensive.
Thanks for the giveaway…we stretch our food $$$’s by using protein sources other than meat-poultry-fish a few times a week i.e. beans, lentils, etc.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I suggest using the crackpot to make meals with leftover ingredients. It eliminates waste, and IMO, meals always taste better when they’re slowly cooked.
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I create affordable meals by look at store flyers to see what’s on sale. Then I menu plan with it.
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I would love to use it for pasta creating different recipes
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Using a weekly meal plan helps make our meals affordable because we utilize leftovers/extras for another day.
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