This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by! The winner is Carolyn S. Congratulations!
Up until recently, I had thought of video games as a childhood past time. I attended BlogHer in July and was able to demo some of Nintendo’s newest games. I liked them so much that I’m even considering the possibility of having a system in our house. One of the games I think would be so fun and relaxing is the all new Zenses games! These games are geared specifically for women! And..they are stress-free! I promise!
Here is a little more about the games from the site:
Zenses, active relaxation and the perfect “me time” companion, allows the player to transcend the stresses of everyday life, unplug and experience an “active escape.” Zenses, with Zenses Ocean and Zenses Rainforest as its first two titles, will be a series of games targeting women 25 years and older – one of the newest and fastest growing segments of the videogames industry. With a clean, fresh and stylish look and a soundtrack that complements the calm and relaxing atmosphere, Zenses offers the modern woman a brand new and fresh experience.
There are two editions, Ocean and Rainforest and I love that you can escape the stress of daily life while challenging your mind, body and spirit through relaxing puzzle games, soothing ambient sounds, and authentic rainforest and oceanic visuals. One very cool feature is that you don’t have to press a single key…simply use the stylus.
Both the Ocean and Rainforest Zenses games for Nintendo DS retail for $29.99 each and are available now.
Win It! One very lucky reader will win a copy of both the Ocean and Rainforest versions of Zenses. Simply head on over to the site and take a little time to explore each. Come back and leave me a comment with your favorite features. Comments will close on January 10, 2008 at 10 pm PST. One comment per person, please. US residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
Want an extra entry? Do any or all of the following and receive an extra entry for each one.
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Follow me on Twitter AND tweet about the contest. I’ll make it super easy…
“Win a copy of Zenses Ocean and Rainforest DS games from Rockin’ Mama: http://tinyurl.com/6wac3y”
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Profuse thanks to The Game Factory and the Family Review Network for this review opportunity.
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I love brain games and to have soothing soundscapes to accomany them is even better!
Added your button! It’s in my left hand sidebar!
Blogged it!
Twittered it! Username: Dewgin
I really like the fact that it not only has addicting puzzler games, but joins that with soothing, relaxing sounds!!
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I have your button on my blog!!
I blogged this giveaway here:
I thought these looked really coool, I really would love to test out if these are really relaxing but they look interesting and the pictures look detailed and amazing. I think the ocean one looks sweet to play. mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
I would love to be in a spa like environment since i cant go to a real one.
My favorite features are the ambient music and the puzzles. Thanks for the giveaway!
I followed you on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/cmgnbox01/status/1081265902
I blogged: http://wutgives.blogspot.com/2008/12/rockin-mama-game-factory-giveaway.html
I added your button: http://wutgives.blogspot.com/
Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway prize drawing for these fantastic Zenses games. Many thanks…..Cindi
I subscribe!
My favorite feature is the soothing peaceful musical background of the games. I also like that the company is gearing games to women!
I like the peaceful sounds.
love that its so different – a game thats meant to relax you
I like the ambient sounds feature. How soothing.
i like the challenging puzzles.
we tweeted it here: http://twitter.com/staceymoore/status/1081678529
love the relaxing sounds from the games!
I would love to try Zenses – anything for relaxation would help 🙂
I love the soothing sounds and the fact you don’t have to have a lot of time to play.
This is a great giveaway! The music sounds great!
I always enjoy puzzle games. This one sounds very different with the benefit of relaxing the player.
My favorite feature would be the relaxing sounds that accompany the games. these sounds will be a lot more soothing than the harsh video games music that i am used to !
the puzzles are my fav
I like the fact that you can play for just a few minuets when you have the time
I like the relaxing music
I want to try these games… 🙂
I like the soothing sounds and brain puzzles for my wife who needs to relax more.
I like the puzzle games and the soothing sounds.
I love that there are authentic, soothing sounds to accompany the visuals.
Followed and tweeted: http://twitter.com/amandatinkerbel/status/1082012751
Added your button to my sidebar:
I like that they help you relax. Definitely not your typical game! 🙂 I need an escape, because I have a very hectic schedule.
love the puzzles
I like that there is soothing music.
I love how these are designed to be relaxing. I like to play with my Nintendo DS during my lunch hour at work, and this would help refresh me and get me ready for the afternoon.
I love that they promote relaxation. The music would be very relaxing.
My favorite part is the soft music to relax to, a perfect way to unwind! Thanks!
My favorite feature is the graphics, they look so soothing! Thanks for the contest!
This is amazing! I would love to have this! I travel often, (Flight Attendant) and I always take my daughters DS to play games on to pass the time on flight delays and cancellations. THIS IS PERFECT!!! I WOULD LOVE TO WIN THIS!!
I love the music and sounds and the idea of active relaxation. I am all about that. I have to be doing something. I can’t even sit and watch tv unless I am doing something at the same time like scrapbooking, cardmaking, clipping coupons, etc
thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
I have subscribed
thanks again
ceashark at aol dot com
I like the soothing audio sounds. Need some soothing in my life.
the great puzzles
I really like the authentic visuals of the game. With 3 children I would love to be there as well. Thank you!
I would love the soothing sounds coupled with the challenge aspect. Thanks for the terrific giveaway!
I like the puzzle games based on the rippling water sound fun and I also really like the relaxing music on the site and hope they use the same on the game
My favortie thing is that it combines brain training with soothing sounds/sights. A very nice thing for adults as well as the kiddies!
I like that you can play for a few minutes or a few hours.
A great way to getaway
I like the fact that you can play for just a few minutes when you have the time
I travel often and this would be good to help me relax when trying to sleep in a strange hotel room.
i love the soothing sounds that accompany the games, i love ocean sounds!
I think I would look forward to a stress free game each day,
Ambient sounds
My favorite feature is that they’re games geared to women. Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite feature of these games is that they are geared for my demographic. a mature woman.
I subscribed to your feed.
I like the puzzles.
We have six kids and 3 Niinendo’s, – my wife likes to sneak one of them and play, I think she would enjoy the relaxation that comes with these games.
rubick world
I love that zenses ocean has different puzzles and has the sounds of the sea. I love to hear water sounds. It’s so soothing
i am in
Love the soothing ocean sounds!!
High quality visuals
I like the soothing sounds of the ocean and the rain forest. They sooth my tormented soul.
so cool, my favorite feature is the mini games, and the active relaxation. nice. thank you.
I love that these games are RELAXING and not mind-bending like most video games!
lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com
Following you on Twitter, and I Tweeted!
lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com
Added your giveaway to my list of “Zenses” blog sweeps. 🙂
lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com
Added your button to my sidebar!
lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com
Stumbled @ LadyJemima
lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com
And lastly, I just subscribed to your feed via email!
lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com
I would love to win this. I like both rainforest and ocean, I guess the highkights of both would be, besides the stress free games, is the music! Like the website says, Rainforest evokes images of “rain drops, exotic flowers, waterfalls and giant trees” while Ocean is inspired by “rippling water, riffs and corals….” etc.
Difficult to choose! But if I had to it would be ocean!
favorite features are the music and the puzzles to think on
The soundscapes would be so awesome to listen to.
The calming music.
I like the relaxing music
My favorite features are the beautiful graphics and soundtrack.
I grew up near the ocean and look forward to listening to the ocean on this game and having memories of home.
I love the puzzles and the fact that the games are geared for women.
I love the idea of ambient sounds with the the rain drops in the games.
I love ‘smart’ games. And I like that it is portable.
I love the thought of having them both. I am a very busy and stressed out woman who recently had two major back surgeries and am recooperating. The tranquil sound effects are something I love to listen to and find very relaxing. the puzzles games on Zenses ocean would work well to keep my mind sharp during this time. My grandson is getting a new Ds and giving me his current one. To be able to utilize the DS with these products would be wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to consider my comment and offering this generous give away!!!
I subscribed to your newsletter and im excited about recieving it!!!
I like the soothing background music
I like the relaxing sounds with the games
My fav feature would be the calming soothing music it plays.
Your button is on my side bar http://sweepsgirl.blogspot.com/
I am a follower and my tweet: http://twitter.com/SweepsGirl/status/1088694578
I like the realistic graphics
I love puzzle games, so I’d like that and I’d also like that I could pop in some earbuds and enjoy some soothing sounds!
like the music and the puzzles
a nice calm soundtrack 🙂
Allows players to escape from the stress of daily life while challenging the mind, body and spirit through relaxing puzzle games, soothing ambient sounds and authentic rainforest and oceanic visuals. JeansandTs@hotmail.com
My favorite feature is that you can play it for a short or long amount of time – I need that flexibility.
I love the peacefulness
I love brain challenging puzzle games.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
background music
I think i would love teh relaxing sounds and the visuals the best.
In the Zenses Ocean game I like the soothing, relaxing soundscapes.
I am a subscriber.
I think I would really enjoy the puzzles in the Oceans game. They say they are subliminal and addictive…interesting. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I like that they are relaxing games but also puzzlers, so you aren’t dumbing yourself down when you play them.
ocean sounds
The ambient sounds would be one of my favorite features.
I like that it has soothing and relaxing sounds.
I love that there is such a wonderful soundtrack!
i love that it’s so different than the usual games…i’d love to try it!! Thanks
just subscribed 🙂
the puzzles!!
love the brain training portion
I love that the there is a soothing soundtrack of sounds that play while you play. I have always felt relaxed by the sound of music and nature..so these sound perfect! Thanks for the chance!
I love the relaxing music
I love puzzles, but the addition of the relaxing sounds, would be great.
It’s the sounds which do it for me, as well. I also like that it’s a stylus game. I feel like I have more control that way. Not that I’m a control freak or anything. Yeah.
I tweeted. My username is tammigirl.
I like the idea of the puzzles. I need something to keep my brain working.
allaboutkimberly AT gmail DOT com
I follow you on twitter. I”m TexasSingleMom.
allaboutkimberly AT gmail DOT com
I twittered http://twitter.com/TexasSingleMom/status/1094006735
allaboutkimberly AT gmail DOT com
Your button is in my sidebar.
allaboutkimberly AT gmail DOT com
allaboutkimberly AT gmail DOT com
I like that I should be able to pick it up and put it down without ever losing my place, when reality intrudes into fragments of “me-time”…
I like puzzles. I find they reboot my brain. I like the fact of a relaxing sound also instead of some of the annoying stuff they put with games that make you want to scream and press the mute button.
The puzzle game looks great
The ability to calm my nerves, soothe my soul and relax me are great features. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I like that Zenses challenges your mind, body and spirit through their relaxing games, sounds, and visuals of our earth’s natural wonders and pure beauty.
It is like taking a spa day with you in your handbag as you can play at any time as the games last only 3 minutes to 3 hours.
I have done quite a bit of reading on the Zenses games, they both sound like something I would highly enjoy….and very much highly need!
While sitting here typing out my blog post to you I have the Zenses website loaded on another page, I am listening to the sounds and I do have to admit, it is relaxing.
Thank you for the chance to win, I cross my fingers I win but if not then there will be another happy…and relaxed!….person on this earth. What a great giveaway.
Thank you and Happy New Year Rockin Mama
Being able to use the stylus for everything should mean I can do this without needing the lights on to see the keys. Very cool!!
I like the fact that you can challenge you mind and relax and unwind at the same time. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I love the music
Puzzles and relaxation…doesn’t get any better then that!
I love the relaxing sound effects. I can’t wait to play these.
My favorite feature is that I don’t have to worry about playing a whole game. I can just play for a few minutes whenever I find the time.
I’d like the soothing sounds from the rainforest
I really like puzzle games and I liked the addition of the soothing sounds.
The fact that they say you can play for 3 minutes or 3 hours is appealing too!
Relaxing sounds that accompany the games is a interesting feature to me, thanks for the giveaway
My favorite feature of the Zenses Games are the soothing sounds of the Ocean and Rain Forest.
Thank you so very much for offering this wonderful giveaway !
My favorite is the peaceful sounds, enter me please.
I love the soothing sounds, thanks
I like the puzzles and the soothing sounds
My favorite feature would be the soothing sounds of the game.
i can surely appreciate the soothing sounds for relaxation!
I like that you can spend as much or as little time with the Zenses games.
Great games! I LOVED the music! I was listening to it as I surfed the site and I love the fact that it is relaxing and pretty, not like the annoying music of my kids’ games! I also am intrigued by the fact that the games are inspired by the movements of the tides, etc. I would love to see that in effect! Great giveaway – thanks for offering it!
I love that you can play for short periods of time. I never have enough time for a full “game” of anything.
I like the soothing and peaceful sounds .
I love puzzles of all kinds so that would be my favorite feature!!
My favorite features are that they are easy to pick up/learn. That sounds relaxing in itself! I also like the spa-like atmosphere, and sound effects!
I would soooo love to try these.
I’m following you on twitter (name: mtejen), AND I’ve tweeted about your wonderful contest! http://twitter.com/mtejen/status/1100817639
I’ve blogged abouto your contest here:
I’ve subscribed to your feed!
I’ve proudly added your button to my sidebar!
I love the soundscapes associated with these games. I have to sleep with a sound machine at nite to relax me and it is always set to either ocean waves or rain. They sound delightful! Thanks for the chance!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
Relaxing music.
active relaxation. thanks
My favorite features are the music and the games themselves – I love the concept of relaxing and playing both at the same time!
haven’t done any of them yet so I need to win some!
I like the idea of the Soundscape featuring soft sounds heard in the rainforest or ocean. I think these sounds, mixed with a soothing music soundtrack, would greatly increase relaxation.
Multi-sensory and relaxing.
The relaxation feature has me sold!
ardy22 at earthlink.net
the puzzles
I Love the soothing ocean sounds!
I think I would really like the soundtracks — music and the ambiance it creates, always seems to relax me.
The soothing sounds and the decreasing of the stress make me really wants this!
I love the ambient sounds!
There are so many great features about this game that is geared towards women, but I have to admit – my favourite part is the music! I really need to escape the world around me and the music helps – it transports me to place of relaxation. Its sounds like music that encourages fantasies of other worlds….a relaxing world on an island…where anything is possible and magic exists.
For the rainforest version I like that games are a feature… and games with nice, high quality visuals are definitely a plus! For the ocean version, I like that the game is actually inspired by the mellow and soothing aspects of the ocean… it sounds so relaxing!
I like that they are easy to pick up. You dont need a complicated instruction book to play. I love the colors, looks very relaxing and sound effects too.
My favorite featue of the Zenses game is the soothing sounds…thanks for the chance to win!
I like that you can play them for a short or a long period of time. I also like that they are brain games. Thanks!
I like the relaxation qualities of the games- and the features on the Ocean game looks like something I could really get lost in!
My favorite features are the ambient music and the puzzles. Thanks for the chance to win.
I like the spa like atmosphere. I love how unexciting this game is, that means my kids won’t like it and it can have this game to myself!!!
I like the relaxing soothing sounds and music!
These games have gorgeous graphics and sound effects. Just what I need to de-stress.
enter me thanks
I love that fact that you have the option to play very short games.
The soooooothing music.
I love the relaxing colors and sounds
I love the soothing ambient music to help me relax and stay focused.
Subscribed to feed.
I love the soothing music.
Definitely the soothing sounds. I listen to nature CDs while I work and it is so relaxing.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love that Zenses uses the sights and sounds of the ocean/rain forest to help you relax while playing the game.
I’d like the relaxing music that are with the games. I’ve never seen these before.
I like that it has lots of soothing mini games
i just like that they can teach my gameheads about the beauty of the environment and the importance of saving it.
The games are geared for women.
We heart any type of puzzle!
I like the puzzle games and soothing soundscapes. Thanks!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
i like the puzzles, music, and setting. the zenses games sound really relaxing and good to play!
I love the visuals.
I love soothing music and vanilla scented candles.
I love puzzles and the soothing sounds would help me unwind after a long day.
I love the soothing ambient sounds and the visuals of the ocean and rainforest.
I like the soothing sounds!
I enjoy the ambient music. It is nice to see a game that can actually be relaxing.
I like that is has soothing sounds, that would be great after hearing two kids scream all day, Thanks 🙂
I love how the sound just makes my blood calm down to a nice gentle flow.
I like that they help you relax. Other games make me tense because I’m trying to win. Maybe this Zenses game is what I need to get my ever-present tension headache to go away.
I love that these games are directed at adult women. The idea that they are relaxing and stimulating to the brain is awesome!
To be able to escape the stress of daily life while challenging your mind is a super concept. Usually challenging your mind adds to daily stress.
I’m following you on Twitter and I Tweeted!
I like the soothing music.
i like that the puzzles relate to the environment of the video game. and i also love pretty things, which includes rainforests and oceans.
username: sexxigeek
subscribed to feed.
I love that the Ocean version is all about puzzles!
I love the fact that these are peaceful and relaxing games. My husband and my boys always play such intense video games that it would be fabulous to have my own relaxing ones!
The features I like with the Zenses games are, of course, the wonderful water sounds, and being able to use only the stylus and not the buttons. Thanks! 🙂
I love the soothing sounds and the ocean visuals. Very relaxing!
my favorite feature is the puzzle games i love games like this and i love the thought of the relaxing atmosphere 🙂
i subscribed 🙂
I like the mini games.
I can’t wait to try these. I love puzzle games and relaxing spa ambience!
I like the fact, that the games are fun and challenging but not stressful. Also the music and just the general vibe of the game looks relaxing.
I love the fact that while it is working my poor worn out brain it’s also relaxing my whole person with the active relaxation feature of it…. Now it would be perfect if it would only give massages….
I like the thought of the ambient sounds
they both will remind me of past vacations,
I like the idea that it will help me relax!
I like the calming themes, with matching music and games.
Ocean sounds sound so relaxing!
My favorite feature is the music and the puzzles. Love games like that.
I tweeted username Lilly2412
I would love the sounds of nature!
I like that it plays soothing sounds to help the experience of the calming atmosphere
The Zenses music is heavenly. Thank you
pictures ARE VERY detailed ,and the soothing sounds..oh my…I want these sooooooooo badly…
Simply Southern~ Ramblings & Giveaways
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would it help to suck up????;)
please mama,please,please,please mama!
Simply Southern~ Ramblings & Giveaways
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i can whine toooooooo.. ;0
pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;(
twittered u
i am southernways at twitter
http://tinyurl.com/ay88vm Giveaway: Zenses for Nintendo DS-rockinmama
i am a subscriber..
thanks mama!
I love the diferent soothing sounds and the fact that they are puzzle games!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
My favorite feature would have to be the relaxing sounds. Thanks for the chance to enter!
I love the soothing ambient sounds! That’d be very relaxing!
looks like really fun games – i love puzzle games and looks as if the music may be relaxing
I like the faeature of puzzle games that have relaxing music.
I think the thing I’d love most would be Oceans’ soothing wave sounds. I like too far away from the sound I love!
I twitter and tweet.
I stumbled. I guess I was first to do so. 🙂
I use puzzle books to wind down after a stressful day, so these would be perfect for me! The added soothing, relaxing soundscapes to accompany them is even better! Hooray for a company that is making games geared toward us women!!! SOMEONE will be extremely happy with this giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I like that it has soothing ambient sounds and authentic rainforest and oceanic visuals!
“Ambient sounds” seems like that would be a wonderful relaxing sound!
I like the relaxing music.
I tweeted.
I subscribed.
I put your button on my blog.
I heart the soothing peaceful musical background 🙂
I love the soothing, relaxing, ambient sound features! Perfect for this L.A. MAMA! : )))
Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
Relaxing music is my style.
I love following you on TWITTER….username leahita.
And, I TWITTERED about this fabulous give~away.
Thanks again! : )))
I am a subscriber!!!
I stumbled this give~away! : )))
I DUGG this give~away…..username leahita! : )))
I faved you on technorati….user name: leahita.
Thanks again for this fabulous give~away.
These games are supposed to help you relax. The electricity was off for three hours at work. I wish I had these games now.
My favorite feature of both games is the high quality soundtrack.
I subscribed to your feed.