This giveaway is now closed. The winners are Kathy Scott, Kayce C., Charlotte Winters, Janelle, and Tracey Byram. Congratulations!
The holidays are just around the corner so I thought you’d like a pre-season giveaway. On October 28, 2008, Genius Products and The Weinstein Company will release a new CGI animated film on DVD, called The Flight Before Christmas. Here is a little blurb about the film:
“When Niko, a young reindeer with ambitions of becoming an expert flyer, sneaks out beyond the safety of Home Valley to practice his flying, he unwittingly endangers the herd as the notoriously mean Black Wolf follows him home. Before it’s too late, Niko must join forces with his forest animal friends to save Santa and the reindeer from the Black Wolf and become a Christmas hero…just like his father!”
The Flight Before Christmas features the voices of Emma Roberts (Nancy Drew, Aquamarine) and Norm MacDonald (The Norm Show, Saturday Night Live).
You can purchase The Flight Before Christmas for $19.97.
Be sure to stop by for a review!
Win It! 5 readers will win a copy of The Flight Before Christmas. Leave me a comment with your favorite holiday tradition and you’re entered. Comments will close on October 30, 2008 at 10 pm PST and I will announce the winner here the following day. One comment per person, please. US residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
Want an extra entry? Do any or all of the following and receive an extra entry for each one. That means you can gain up to a total of three entries!
Be sure to leave me a separate comment for each additional entry.
Blog about this giveaway. It doesn’t have to be a separate post. Just include a blurb about it when you blog about other giveaways.
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drinking hot cocoa while decorating the tree
My favorite tradition is putting together the same Santa jigsaw puzzle with my girls every year.
Making a huge dinner
I would love to win this!
My favorite tradition is to read 1 Christmas-y story each day in the month of December. We wrap them all up and place them in a basket and let our son unwrap one each evening for bedtime. So fun!
Taking a flight to South Florida and spending Christmas day soaking up the sun! We love it.
Holidays, I love the FEASTING.
Our holiday tradition is to open one gift each on Christmas Eve. The gift is always new pajamas. Getting to open a gift always made the kids happy and calmed some of their excitement even when they KNEW it was going to be pajamas. The pajamas gift also served another purpose. Everyone was wearing new pajamas the next morning when taking pictures.
My favorite tradition is to go out to a Christmas tree farm to cut down our tree!
Opening stockings first! Then presents! Then bacon & cinnamon rolls for breakfast!
I love making Christmas cookies with the kids.
My favorite holiday tradition is on the weekend following Thanksgiving. All the family comes over to help decorate and put up Christmas lights.
🙂 Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! 🙂
Phone calls with family who live in other states.
I love getting a live tree and we decorate it as a family. I have some of the ornaments I had as a child, and we’ve gotten new ones to fill out the tree.
decorating the tree and eating cookies.
Ever since I was a kid we ALWAYS open one present on Christmas Eve…and it’s ALWAYS pajamas. LOL!
Our favorite tradition is caroling on Christmas Eve!
making dinner for my family
My favorite is going out with my family to cut down our Christmas tree. We always buy one that is too big (never looks that big out in the woods). The kids have so much fun running around. Then we go home and set it up. It takes up half the room.
We make up a whole table of munchies for Christmas morning.
I like to go with the family to look at all the beautiful Christmas lights and decorations.
making homemade cinnamon ornaments each year for the tree
Driving around to look at all the light displays.
We have traditions to open one present on Christmas Eve. We also have a big Christmas dinner at my mom’s house with the entire family there. I also love listening to Christams music for the entire month of December – gets me in the holiday mood!!
On Christmas eve we always do fondue and then we all climb in the back of a truck and go christmas light looking!
My favorite tradition is decorating the Christmas tree.
like to win this.
Decorating Christmas cookies
opening presents
Opening the stockings. I am not sure why it is, but most of my family and friends feel the same way. Maybe it is true what they say: Good things DO come in small packages.
Alicia Webster
Decorating the tree.
Putting up the tree is fun
church on Chritmas Eve
We don’t really do anything special. Just get together and reminisce over old times, and talk about plans for the future. And eat and enjoy good music/movies and gifts!
opening family presents xmas eve.
Thanks for this contest. We love decorating our tree’s. We put two tree’s up. One the kids decorate all by themselves and the other the whole family decorates together. Thanks again.
My favorite tradition is sticky buns on christmas morning!
I love opening presents w/ the family on Christmas morning.
When my husband & I open our presents alone on Christmas Eve w/a fire in the fireplace.
Spending Christmas Eve here at our house with all our kids, grands, and great-grands and a few of their friends. Its crowded but everyone has such a great time eathing, playing games and watching the kids open their gifts…this a tradition we vow to never break.
nice! I love making cookies and decorating them!
My family and I make homemade dog bones for our no-kill animal shelter’s annual Christmas Bazaar. Some people come each year just to buy the bones. Our family has such a blast that day rolling, baking and packaging them up. We could play this in the background. Thank you.
We’d love to have this for family holidays. Our favorite part is entertaining with a house full of people we love.
We start decorating on Thanksgiving night. Starting the first day of December we watch a Christmas special every night with our popcorn and drinks. We make special cookies we only make this time of year and send some down to relatives out of state.The weekend before Christmas we have a big family get together and open family presents then. Christmas eve we read “The night before Christmas” leave cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.
Sure would like to add a new Christmas DVD to our collection!!
baking, phone calls to distant friends/relatives–nice!
reading christmas stories with the family!
thanks, my little ones would enjoy this movie!
we are followers!
Our family always opened presents at night on Christmas Eve. It was so exciting with the lights dim and the tree shining. Christmas Day was a big dinner.
Gathering with the ENTIRE family and going around the room opening presents one at a time. That’s great!
christmas, putting up christmas tree and decorating . then of course opening our presents on christmas
My favorite holiday tradition is eating a variety of fish dinners on Christamas Eve.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you on Twitter.
My user name is janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Everyone gets to hang their “special” ornament and say something to the family.
I make pashka bread (my grandmother Nancy’s recipe, and I am the *only* grandchild who makes it) and polish sausage and we have it with our Christmas dinner each year, If I do not make it (one year I was too sick, my family is very disappointed).
nancy.straka @ gmail .com
My favorite is opening just one gift on Christmas Eve and it was so hard to pick that “One!”
Now~I do that with my kids and grandkids!
Going to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve
As many of the 6 kids and 14 grandkids who can come and enjoy our home on the holiday.
We leave out cookies for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer, then go snuggle upstairs in our beds, counting sugarplums in our heads
making cookies with the kids :0)
Every year my mom makes tons of cookies, popcorn balls, and fudge-then delivers the goods. Receiving this huge tray of goodies and eating them is my favorite tradition!
a nice christmas dinner
Putting up the Christmas tree is my favorite thing to do.
My favorite tradition is baking Christmas cookies! Thank you!
I love getting the family together to trim the tree
I love when the family gets together on Christmas Eve!
My favorite tradition is for the Santa stuff to be placed under the tree unwrapped an im standing there waiting looking at their faces,still do that to this day,an they are grown,im doing it with the grandbabies
Our family members makes a handmade ornament for the tree. I started this when my first daughter was born. She is now 27! With my husband, myself andd her, we have created 81 ornaments since her birth. My son is 16 and with his, we WOULD have had a grand total of 97 ornaments. Our area had a bad flood 9 years ago and with it, took all those ornaments and all our holiday decorating boxes BUT we kept on going. With a new Granddaughter now, we will build our ornaments up again in no time.
I just need a bigger tree!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Watching Christmas Vacation while cooking dinner
I love to watch my grand children open their gifts. What a joy!
Working a jigsaw puzzle.
Our favorite tradition is going out to see the Christmas lights.
getting together with all of my extended family
Having Santa arrive at the door for the grandkids
Sleeping in late.
I blogged about this giveaway here
Our favorite is making cookies.
Every Christmas Eve, we wrap presents and watch “Christmas Vacation.” It is something that we really look forward to doing. We also leave cookies and milk for Santa. I just love Christmas. Thank you!
I just love the traditional Christian celebration of Christmas from the first day of Advent to the last day of the Twelve Days of Christmas. We focus on this and don’t partake with too much gift giving.
I made a paper candle to measure the kids heights each Christmas.
Watching “It’s A Wonderful Life” on Christmas Eve
We leave out cookies and milk for Santa and reindeer food for the reindeers. Thank you for this great contest and prize!
Watching “It’s A Wonderful Life” and decorating the Christmas tree.
Christmas breakfast complete with dessert….
Going to Christmas eve service with my family every year there is just something so magical about it!
Setting up the tree and making fudge
Sushi on Christmas Eve!
I have a lot of traditions that revolve around christmas cookies. I have a tradition with some friends to have cookie baking day, then I have all of December to try to not eat them (only a few!), then the best tradition is getting to eat Santa’s cookies after the kids go to bed. I love cookies…can you tell? Thanks for the great contest!
being with my family
Baking cookies with the kids and just watching the Christmas tree lights shine on the tree! We also have some glasses that you can see the lights as snowman and the kids love it!
I love the Christmas day dinner where all of my family gets together
vegin’ out with old movies and christmas goodies
We always go to see the xmas lights before Santa comes
Chinese food as an entire family on Christmas Eve
We love to make cookies for Santa!
My favorite tradition is making gingerbread cookies and decorating a gingerbread house. I love gingerbread 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
christmas eve dinner
eggnog at midnight
We make gingerbread men every year, but we decorate them in weird ways, making them resemble various celebrities or have extra arms or legs. 🙂 Just a little fun! Thanks for the contest1
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
Hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows, and grilled cheese sandwiches while decorating the tree.
Going through the ornaments and recalling so many precious memories from years past.
we sit around on christmas eve eating teacakes and homemade donuts and playing the “what if” game
being with the family
I love the mistle-toe tradition. Gals don’t seen to though. Not when I’m around.
Midnight Mass as a family
A house full of family and friends on Christmas Eve for dinner!
My favorite holiday tradition is driving around seeing the Christmas lights with the kids.
We put a large Christmas puzzle together as a family.
My favorite thing is putting up the tree with my children.
Decorating the tree with my family. Also putting cookies out for Santa and then showing my son in the morning that the cookies have been eaten! thanks for the chance!
favorite tradition is saying what we are thankful for before each gift we open
the Christmas Eve party at my mom’s
Christmas Eve is our big night, a party at my grandmothers then my mothers!
I love our “Christmas Feast” on Christmas Eve at my mom’s house.
Waking up to fresh pumpkin pies out of the oven
My favorite holiday tradition is baking cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.
Singing Christmas Carols is my favorite Holiday Tradition!
i would Love to Win this
Hanging up my son’s stockings
we like to start the day after thanksgiving and watch christmas movies right up until new years eve
Stringing popcorn is our favorite tradition
Singing Christmas Carols Christmas Eve!!
Love decorating the Christmas Tree.
making cookies for santa claus
I would love to win this one of my favorit things to do is make baked goods for not only my family but for Foster children as well. We always make Crafts and drop them off at the local Shelter before Christmas day.
Mine is being secretive and sneaky about buying presents, hiding them and then wrapping them.
Every year my mom, grandma, myself, and my siblings decorate the christmas tree a week or so before christmas and listen to Christmas music and snack on special expensive treats we don’t get very often.
Decorating the tree while playing Christmas carols and then eating chili with all the fixin’s afterward!
Taking the grandkids to the mountains and letting them pick out our Christmas tree.
Coming up with a theme and taking the photo for our family Christmas card.
Being with the whole family on Christmas Eve! I absolutely love everything about Christmas! It’s my favorite time of year. It’s a magical time.
Making cookies!
The whole family being together is my favorite tradition!
Preparing and eating Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite tradition.
Besides opening presents on Xmas morning I love when we decorate the Xmas tree.
When we were kids my Mom would always put an orange in our stocking, so I have always done that for my kids too.
Though I am almost 40 years old I have never spent a Christmas away from my parents home. Each year we pack up all the presents from under our tree, we spend Christmas Eve with the in-laws then we drive to my parents where we spend the night so we can all wake up with my dad ringing his bells yelling that we just missed Santa. Everyone with sleepy eyes stumble to the living room where you can barely find anywhere to sit because of the decorations and presents, lol, then we all rip in!
Over the years we have thought about not going through the hassle of hauling all the presents out of our house to just haul them back at the end of the day but in our hearts we know we just couldn’t change tradition. I know my parents will not always be here, for that I am thankful each year and remind myself that when I am getting frustrated and finding places to put the presents in the trunk of the car.
Thank you and Happy Holidays
my favorite holiday tradition is opening presents before the 25th! muahahha!
Stocking presents opened first on Christmas morning!
We always have a special breakfast on Christmas morning.
Opening gifts Christmas morning
I always love breaking the turkey neckbone and hopefully get my wish.
We grow our own pine trees. I love gathering the family, walking down our hill and cutting down our Christmas tree.
we love this movie
My sisters and I all frost cookies together at Christmas time.
My favorite tradition is reading the story of Jesus’s birth in the bible on Christmas Eve.
opening up one present before we go to sleep!
we let the kids open their new pj’s&we watch christmas movies
The holiday dinners – be it Thanksgiving, Christmas or Independance Day – where our family puts aside their everyday stress and gathers together in appreciation or what I truly call “quality time”
WE love decorating the house together its sooooooooo fun .last year i went to big lots and bought a truckload of decorations,even those big lawn thingys because everything was 90 percent off after christmas..i got $1000 dollars worth of decorations for $100..i was in heaven..WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BLAST THIS YEAR..hell we probably wont finish decorating till after christmas..lol 🙂
Looking for new Christmas music to listen to. We like to mix and match old and new and music from different cultures.
We have Santa visit our family gathering after dinner and before we open gifts. The younger ones go crazy when they hear the jingle of bells on his shoes.
my kids and I love making homemade food to give as gifts
This is our first christmas in our first home so we dont really have traditions but I love the book idea for each day in december I am gonna do that.
we do put cookies and milk out for santa, leave hoofprints around the yard (yes i know but my five year old is too smart)
We love to decorate the tree together and ride around to look at all the beautiful lights! Thanks for the giveaway!
Our favorite tradition is a kids brunch with fancy finger foods, game stations with scoring like golf and a white elephant exchange.
Watching It’s A Wonderful Life.
Our favorite tradition is that the grown kids, their spouses and all of the grandchildren spend the night at our house on Christmas Eve even though they only live three streets away from us. The adults stay up late into the night playing games or watching movies and we are always laughing. It is such a special moment for me.
Thanks so much!
We like to watch Christmas classics while snuggling under Christmas blankies.
We always turn on the tree lights and watch a christmas movie on Christmas Eve.
We always watch these three movies: A Christmas Story, White Christmas and It’s A Wonderful Life.
Having hot chocolate and opening one present on Christmas Eve.
My Favorite Holiday Tradition Is Opening Christmas Presents
Preparing the turkey.
Shopping for my daughters.
My kids and grandkids come over on Christmas eve and they are allowed to pick out one present to open.
Seeing what is hidden in our Christmas stockings is always fun, but the best part of the holidays is spending time with my family.
Watching “A Christmas Story” with Ralphie.
Watching Sunday mass on TV at midnight.
We go to church on Christmas Eve.
Please forgive buts its all the insane things we do during this season that we would never ever consider during other times of the year
dinner with the family
We have a weird tradition in our family and I can’t remember how it started. I save all the carboard rolls that the wrapping paper comes on. After dinner on Christmas day, everyone who wants to play chooses a roll and we have a free for all sword fight. My “kids” are now in their twenties. Wives and friends now join in.
Getting red envelopes for Chinese New Year. ;0P
I would love to win this I love to cook a big dinner all my favorites
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