This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by. The winner is Beth Shepherd. Congratulations!
The Halloween candy hasn’t even disappeared yet and already our neighbors have put wreaths on their front doors. Retailers have started stocking the shelves with stockings and gift wrap. It’s Christmas! My absolute favorite time of year.
This year my husband and I have decided to focus most of our gift giving on my son (as opposed to ourselves). I always feel like a kid myself when I shop for toys. Some of my most favorite toys are those from my own childhood. Toys from a time when batteries were the exception rather than the norm. I hold to the fact that toys don’t have to be high-tech with flashy lights and sing-song music for children to benefit from the learning that comes through play. Back to Basics Toys was grown out of the desire parents have for toys that will stand the test of time…quality toys that stimulate creativity and foster the imagination. One of the things I like about the company is their recognition of the importance of open-ended toys…those toys that children can play with in multiple ways. Those are the toys that turn play into a learning experience.
When we received the Pull Along Alphabet Blocks from Back to Basics Toys, I immediately became nostalgic for those wooden toys I used to play with. My mother still has some of my old toys packed away and they’ve withstood years of play. When I opened the package, I was greeted with that familiar wooden smell. I have to admit that it was a nice change. It’s hard to believe that these were first introduced as spelling blocks in 1858! The set includes 28 wooden blocks with 4 sets of the alphabet, 3 sets of numbers (1-9), basic math symbols, and 28 different animal pictures arranged in a classic-looking wagon. I can envision my son playing with this for years as he learns the names of animals, how to count, his ABC’s and more. I’ve spent some time showing him the different animals (right now he knows dog and duck) and he loves arranging them in the wagon.
Many of the toys offered at Back to Basics Toys have received awards from various organizations as the best play products for children. While the site may appear to be a bit overwhelming because of the sheer number of toys available, it is arranged in such a way that you’ll find it easy to navigate and pick out that perfect age-appropriate toy. You can also search by category, price, best-sellers, award-winners and more. If you’re looking for creative, durable toys this season, check out Back to Basics Toys!
Win It! Now through December 25, 2008, Back to Basics Toys is hosting a “Toys of Our Lives” sweepstakes. Every week one person will win a $100 shopping spree just for uploading a photo of his/her favorite toy from childhood. Take a look a the entries!
Win It! One very lucky reader will have their choice of either the Lincoln Logs Commemorative Edition or a Raggedy Ann & Andy Box Set courtesy of Back to Basics Toys. Both of these toys are among the 20 bestselling classic toys. Head on over to the site and take a look around. You might want to allow time for this since there are SO MANY TOYS! : ) Come back here and leave me a comment indicating which toy you’re nostalgic for. You’ll have the entire month to enter so get those entries in before November 30, 2008 at 10 pm PST. The winner will be chosen on December 1, 2008. One comment per person, please. US residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
Want an extra entry? Do any or all of the following and receive an extra entry for each one.
Be sure to leave me a separate comment for each additional entry.
Enter the “Toys of Our Lives” sweepstakes AND post a link to your entry.
Blog about this giveaway. It doesn’t have to be a separate post. Just include a blurb about it when you blog about other giveaways.
Place my button on your site. If you have difficulty, please let me know.
<a href=”https://rockinmama.net/”><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-2120″ title=”button” src=”http://mamarocks.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/button.jpg” alt=”button” width=”125″ height=”125″ /></a>
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Wow, those Lincoln Logs bring back many memories. I’d love to win those. Another toy I can’t forget is the Slinky. Thanks for the giveaway!
love to win the lincoln logs – though i may need to purchase that evel knievel stunt set, i didnt know they still made those
The Rock n Bounce Pony is what I am nostalgic for! I want to be a little person again after seeing that pony!
Rock’em Sock’em Robots brings back lots of memories!
I use to so love my raggedy ann and andy these are 2 dolls that are timeless
Tinker Toys…though the Raggedy Ann and Andy are still my favorites.
I agree the lincoln logs bring back alot of memories- way before battery operated toys- and the slinky could be a blast- and cheap enough if you killed it you could afford another
I never liked raggedy ann & andy – but I remember having fun with my brothers and sisters playing with our lincoln logs!!
I miss my cabbage patch doll
Both toys bring back some really great memories, but I have to go with the lincoln logs. I really played with them so much as a child and had a lot of fun building with them. Thanks so much for this giveaway.
I’m nostalgic for the Radio Flyer wagons. We used to have so much fun with ours! If I win, I’d love to have the Lincoln Logs for my boys. Thanks!
Duncan Evolution Yo-Yo Set, I loved learning yo-yo tricks!
I’d love to win the Lincoln Logs. They were so much fun when I was a kid, and I know that my kids would love them, too.
Lincoln Logs are so much fun. We have a set, but my kids have been asking for more logs. I really like the Snoopy Sno-Cone Maker. I had one when I was little and it brings back a lot of memories.
As a small boy I spent hours and hours building forts with my Lincoln Logs and having battles within my forts between my toy soldiers and Indians. By the way in my world the Indians always won and were able to spot the genocidal maniacs in America.
I love Lincoln Logs. also love etch-a-sketch, slinky and view master
My youngest son loves anything with wheels. I try to find different truck/car toys for him and I loved the Tonka Garabage Truck I found. Thanks and hope to give this on xmas.
My brother and I played with Lincoln Logs for hours when we were little. Thanks for a great giveaway.
I would love Raggedy Ann and Andy-when I was little the first thing that I ever bought on my own was a Raggady Ann doll-I had it until I was married and my new puppy ate her! I was so upset and always wanted another one.
has to be lincoln logs – brings back some fond memories
old toys and big boxs are great
The Fisher Price Teaching Clock brings back fun memories! I would love to get my hands on those Raggedy Ann dolls!
smchester at gmail dot com
love lincoln logs…my grandkids have a small set and I build things with them…thanks for the great giveaway
lincoln logs
I’d love the lincoln logs!
Tinker toys
The original Licoln Logs-hands down! I was just playing with my twin boys last night, building forts for 2 hours with those lincoln logs…we ran out, need some more to make a cabin on the lake!! Thanks for the entry!
I loved the lite brite.
I would love Raggedy Ann and Andy. I always wanted a Raggedy Ann doll when I was a child but never had one.
We still have my Tinker Toys. My husband is an architect and he helps the boys make some pretty cool things.
my brothers and I played with lincoln logs
Great classic toys – we love them!
Tinker Toys
Love classic toys. thank you for this great contest and prize!
I really loved my Easy Bake Oven. I’m hoping for the Lincoln Logs for my nephew. Thanks for the giveaway.
The toy I am most nostalgia for is the Rockem Sockem Robots. My little brother and I loved playing with this toy when we were young, we played with it for hours and all our friends owned the same toy, it was so popular back in the 70’s !
I’d love to win the blocks every kid loves blocks.
Oh how I miss Tinker Toys!!! One of my favorite toys ever. THANKS for great entry!
For me it is Legos!
I use to have the “Brio Labyrinth” – I spent hours playing with it, trying to beat it!
the lincoln logs i loved them when i was kid
I miss the old school Lite Brite with the construction paper, but I guess the Lite Brite Cube will have to do. Thanks!
had a raggedy andy as a kid. where the heck did it go?
oh my – that sit and spin brought back some dizzy memories! lol crossing fingers for lincoln logs for my little boy!
I always get nostalgic over the Two Tune TV. I used to have one when I was a baby, like most people.
The Plush Spring Horse brought tears to my eyes!!! The one ‘I remember’ toy of mine was a spring rocking horse I had when I was 3 years old, and I spent hours on that cherished horsie!! lol! I would bounce up and down, back and forth, pretending I was on my own live pony! Thank you for this great memory and contest!
Love lincoln logs!
I would like to get a top for my grandson or a jack in the box but will be happy winning anything
I lost my Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls in a hurricane (FL-1964) so this win would be a great replacement and pass-down to my grandson and grandaughter. I had forgotten about them until a read about this contest.
I remember that electric football game and how we laughed at how the piece just were all over the place.
I love the Radio Flyer Wagon had so much fun with that and now my children are enjoying riding in one. Thanks
I’m nostalgic for the Active Play toys of the Garden Tools. I remember having a set like that when I was little. It got me and my sister out of the house and active. We actually used the shovel to turn over dirt and plant cucumber seeds, tomato and bell pepper seeds. We enjoyed eating the fruits and vegetables. We even helped our older brother with fall raking of the leaves. If I should win I’d like Raggedy Ann and Andy. I remember a woman everyone called Grandma Browder homemaking me and my younger sister these dolls after we were in a car accident when we were very little. We needed these dolls because we weren’t able to see our Mom for several weeks and our Dad for several months while they were still in the hospital in a town a few hours away. We didn’t see our older brother and sister for weeks either while they stayed with another family while our family was scattered.
I would love Raggedy Ann and Andy, my grandmother gave them to me as a little girl and they got lost in the first family move.
Remeber…..Spirograph…how cool was that
Holly Hobbie
Dont break the Camels back
How Fun!
i want to win
Love the radio flyer wagon 🙂
Radio Flyer wagons
Raggedy Ann and Andy have always been my favorite!!! Thanks for the contest!!!!
44″ Spring Horse reminds me of my brother
my Chatty Cathy doll
The Krazy Kar looks like fun. Thank you for the giveaway.
Great content! Keep up the good work!
The Lincoln logs bring back memories of watching my brother build things, he never shared more than a few logs with me.
The wagon full of alphabet blocks is so cute. Every little one loves pulling a wagon of assorted toys.
The Lincoln Logs are great. I also miss all my star wars action fiqures I used to have.
let me play
Bouncers Jump for Joy
Lincoln Logs
We spent lots of hours on the clsasic Lite Brite…would kids today have the patience for it?
My DS would love some new Lincoln Logs – he’s got my old beat up ones!
Sweet, classic toys, just like when I was a kid! Thanks for the giveaway!
I like Slinkys
I so had a Plush Spring Horse when I was little. I would love for my little one to have one too.
I have wanted that slinky dog ever since I saw Toy Story!
Oh, the Fisher Price – Teaching Clock!!
Oh the fun we had we Lincoln logs!
The John Deere Wheelbarrow.
lincoln logs… classic fun toys!
Oh, I completely forgot about the Brio Labyrinth game, I loved that, although I always sucked at it.
The original ViewMaster — one of my favorites as a child, and one of my children’s favorites now!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
Definitely Lincoln Logs! 🙂
I will always remember the two tune tv and the ETCH-A-SKETCH. I would play with them for hours on end. Thank you for the chance….
Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls bring back great memories of when I was a little girl. Great giveaway!
I had some as a kid LL
I love the chatter telephone!
Lincoln Logs
I have to say that the Lincoln Logs sure bring back memories. I would love to win them for my kids. But since they are one of the prizes, I did find another toy from my childhood. The game, Operation. That brings back memories as well.
Wouldn’t the Red Unicycle be so much fun! Last year we got my son Lincoln Logs from Santa. This year I asked him what he wanted from Santa, he said, “I want MORE Lincoln Logs so I can build a HUGE cabin!”. Totally serious, he can’t wait till he gets to tell Santa what he wants! My daughter would love Raggedy Ann and Andy.
I love the Etch a Sketch.
I would love the Lincoln Logs. When I was a kid I always wanted some. My old faves from the website are the Viewmaster and reels and the Tinkertoys. I could play with those for hours.
Easy bake ovens..I just got one for my daughter too!
The Lite Brite Cube brings back fond memories. Thanks for the contest!
I remember the Learn and play teddy that teaches dress up skills. – I never had one, but my friends did.
The bagpipes made me laugh though. I’d always wondered where you could but them
The Fisher Price – Two Tune Television makes me nostalgic.
My neighbor had the Rock’em Sock’em Robots and those just take me back!! I never won back then… maybe I am better now?
Wow what a great web site. Memories….I think the only thing missing is those funny egg shaped guys Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down”. Any ways I would love to win the Lincoln logs.
I just bought my granddaughter the chatter phone…I love these classic toys.
Ahh, Lincoln Logs! We still have a few stragglers left!
Love Lincoln Logs, but I rememer Ann & Andy teaching me manners! 🙂
How fun was mousetrap!!? Great giveaway!
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
What memories! I just bought a charming Raggedy Ann dress for my friend’s little girl. Just can’t resist that nostalgic cuteness! Thanks for hosting!
Happy to share your button & fabulose site with my readers. Thanks!
I’ve been trying, but I can’t get your button to show up in my sidebar. 🙁
Lincoln Logs
I love Back to Basics toys, I wish I could fill my house with them. I remember playing with the labyrinth as a kid. No batteries, lights, or noises, and yet I still had lots of fun. Imagine that!
I would love to win the Raggedy Ann and Andy set.
I can’t believe that they have Rock ’em Sock ’em Robots!
The Shrinky Dinks are AWESOME! The wild west kit (shrinky dinks) looks like tons of fun! I used to love stuff like that when I was a kid! Although, I noticed the way cool visible v8 engine and THAT ROCKS!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
LOVE the lincoln logs and my DD is just about the right age to start enjoying them!
I remember the Chatter Phone and My Dog Has Fleas! I would love to win the Lincoln Logs set
Seeing the Lite Brite Cube makes me nostalgic – I always wanted a Lite Brite and never got one! And my son would love the Lincoln Logs in the giveaway! Thanks!
cgogis at yahoo dot com
For sure the Lincoln logs here…loved those!!!
I am following you on twitter
I never had an Easy Bake Oven. And I used to love my ‘bride’ doll.
I loved Lincoln Logs and the Lite Brite as a kid! I’d still love to play with them with my son!
I had totally forgotten about the existence of the viewmaster! What a great toy. I remember playing with this at friends’ houses.
My sister and I were all about Mrs. Beasley.
Grandma and Grandpa already got the girls Raggedy Ann & Andy along with their story books.
But as a child I loved playing with Lincoln Logs and spent many hours building all sorts of things with my brothers. What a wonderful memory that is.
I use to have a Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls. Pick me please:)
I’m nostalgic for the board game Sorry. Love that game! If I won, I would pick the Lincoln Logs. I never had a set and am having toy envy. LOL
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
Oh, definitely Rock’em Sock’em Robots. Those were so much fun!! I would love the Lincoln logs…my son loves them! Thanks
I still love Raggedy Ann and Andy! so much!
I love lincoln logs!! But I also remember those wooden play garages…kept us entertained for hours!!
I still have my original strawberry shortcake from the 80s. And she still smells!!!
My mom still has our family’s original Lincoln Logs, chew marks and all…love them. I got a little teary when I saw the Butterfly Tea Set, I’m not sure what happened to mine from childhood.
Oh the Tinker Toys sets! I loved playing with these when I was a little girl – I got to build all kinds of things. I might just have to buy a set from this site so my kids can experience the old school fun.
It’s all about the Tinkertoys for me! I played with those at my grandma’s house when I was a kid and I thought they were old school back then! Thanks for bringing up the great memories!
Guess I’ll always miss the Bozo Bop Bag that my little sister bit a hole in on Christmas morning!
wow i love to say this is a realy nice giveaway and well my little one has a raggyann and andy al ready that where home made and came from the brith state as to where raggy ann and andy are from that’s the state of in and well i love to get some linckinlogs for her i think she like them. and me well i played with all kinds of them.
I loved the spinning tops with dapper dan
i miss my lego’s
I remember playing the Labryinth game as a kid.
OMG, Gnip Gnop! I have forgotten all about this game. I loved it.
So many great things on that site. I especially love the Fashion Designer set. I had one of those and spent hours drawing and designing as a young girl.
My son would be so happy to get those Lincoln Logs! I want the Custom Wood Kitchen — they didn’t have ones that nice when I was a kid!
View Master FTW!
I’m nostalgic for the Operation game. I remember playing it all the time as a kid hoping I wouldn’t make the buzzer go off.
Scrabble has been around in my family for many years. I remember my grandmother playing with my parents.
They definitely have some great stuff!! I always loved to play house when I was little- so I like the food in crates- it reminds me of when I would pretend to cook dinner.
I also remember loving Lincoln Logs and Ragedy Ann and Andy. What a fun giveaway!
I blogged about this for an extra entry:
The chatter follow-along telephone was part of my childhood and, courtesy of yard sales, that of my children.
Oh, the Sno-Cone Snoopy for sure. 🙂
The funny thing is I’m a girl and had no brother or sisters but I remember having Lincoln logs but I dont know who gave them to me but I had such fun with them thanks.
Ahhh, the chatter phone brought me right back to being a kid. I used to love that thing and have got to get one for my little one now-Thanks!!
I’d love the chatter telephone! But the lincoln logs would be really really cool.
Oh what fun ,.. the sit and spin wow that was a lifetime ago.
I love Raggedy Ann and Andy. As far as other toys on the site, I still remember the day my mom gave me the Creepy Crawler Maker. I thought it was The Coolest Toy EVER!!
Rock’em Sock’em Robots, I can still remember the commercial, “you knocked my block off” LOL! Thanks for the review and giveaway! 🙂
I would love the Ragedy Ann and Andy for my daughter.
I want this ~ Savannah Dollhouse! Love doll houses 🙂 I used to love Lincoln logs, my kids have never played them!
I had a holly hobbie easy bake oven that I LOVED.
I remember my Chatter Telephone and Snoopy SnoCone Machine, though I think the latter was deemed too messy since I don’t recall using it too often.
I loved the Light Bright toy. Lincoln Logs were my second fav. Would love to win those for my son!
Gotta love tinker toys, light bright and lincoln logs
I love light bright!! I played with mine ALLLLL the time as a little girl.
I have to say, the Raggedy Ann and Andy were my other favorite toys… so sweet!
Lincoln Logs was the toy that I played the most.
i did not know that they still made them.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you on Twitter as janetfaye.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My son (31) has been asking me where I put his Lincoln Logs from when he was little. (I have no clue where I stashed them, but would love to surprise him with a fresh set!!
My girls have been so into music lately that I would just love to have the 8 key saxaphone player…that is so cool looking too!!!!
Please count me in, I would absolutely fall head over heals if I’m chosen the winner….oh, and I would definitely chose the Raggedy Ann and Andy set…I remember having these when I was a child and would love to have this to hand to my girls!
-Barb 🙂
How cool would lincoln logs be! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would love to win the Lincoln Logs! Radio Flyer wagon was my favorite as a kid!
I’m nostalgic for that view master – I thought those were coolest when I was little! Email addy in profile.
I remember really enjoying the Viewmaster. I had reels of some the Disney movies. I played with that a lot!
The stilts are great. We had a set when I was little and loved them.
Wetsy Betsy doll
I loved my lite brite!! Great toys, I love the classics 🙂
my kids just love Lincoln Logs
i loved playing the croc dentist game as a kid….and now i actually married a dentist.
Thanks for the memories! I love the retro kitchen set and the Fisher Price-Two tune television.
Oh! It’s so hard to decide. I loved Raggedy Ann, but I also loved LiteBrite. And the Bozo Bop Bag, we used to watch Bozo on TV!!! We want to get DS Lincon Logs for Christmas, my husband is dead set on it!
I loved my view master. I just recently got to use one at a restaurant in Disney World. Thanks for the chance.
I remember the Classic Pedal Fire Engine that my brother had. It lasted for years even with dents.
I loved my TinkerToys!
I thought Operation was the most hilarious game ever when I was a kid. If I won, I’d probably pick the Lincoln Logs – loved those too.
The Fashion Designer sure brings back memories. Oh, how I enjoyed that toy. I’m thinking of getting that for my girls!
My boys would def love to have the lincoln logs
I love raggedy ann and andy!
My heart belonged to Chatty Cathy but I loved to play with my brothers’ Lincoln Logs. There was nothing better than building your own log cabin.
Chatty Cathy doll
so many memories – I like the hop along horse
My sisters and I had so much fun with Lite Brite!
Oh My, I remember my sister and myself playing with Lincoln Logs when i was little. We would spend hours playing with those!
Moon shoes all the way! I would love to win the dolls. Thanks!
We get their catalog and I love it. I had a Krazy Kar as a kid and wish I had an adult-sized one.
The retro trikes and pedal cars are pretty fab, too.
The plush spring horse. I loved mine. His name was “Clip-Clop”.
I like the Lincoln Logs sets! I wanna play!!!
I loved Tinker toys!
The workbench and tool box. I had a friend who had that and I loved playing with it.
I really love the Lincoln Logs. My favorite toy was CandyLand game. My brothers and I had fun with that. I also love the wooden blocks.
Thank you for offering.
Lincoln logs. I remember building all kind of crazy houses to wreck with cars
Raggedy Ann and Andy are my all time FAVORITE!!
i think tinker toys topped my list of favorites
I loved, loved, loved Colorforms.
I have added this giveaway to my giveaway site.
I loved Tinker Toys and my son loves them too! I love to watch him create spaceships, cars etc. He’s always so proud of his accomplishment!
Had both Raggedy Ann dolls and Lincoln Logs as a kid so either would be nice. I guess I would choose the Lincoln Logs.
As strange as it sounds I used to have a The Creepy Crawlers Workshop when i was a kid. I would love to have one for my grandaughters.
my grand kid would love them
The Rock Em Sock Em Robots reminds me of my best friend Jacob when I was little and we would always play with these with his little sister!
foxsquirrelrabbit AT gmail DOT com
I am following you on twitter!
tuesdayef (at) aol dot com
I LOVED colorforms, I must get them for my kids.
tuesdayef (at) aol dot com
I love the Plush Spring Horse! We had a similar one as kid and it was SO MUCH FUN!!
I love the Plush Spring Horse. I had one of those (plastic, not plush) and i could ride/bounce for hours!
I remember the hammer bench!
Tinker Toys!!!!
Oh Candyland! I could never get anyone to play with me when I was a kid. Thanks for the great contest!
Tinkertoys is one of my favorites. I would love to win the Lincoln Logs for my son. I always wanted a set when I was growing up. Thanks for a chance.
wow, so many great toys. I’m nostalgic for Sorry! (the board game)
When I was growing up I loved Ragedy Ann and actually was her for many years for Halloween!
Etch a sketch. I spent hours on it. It was great for road trips.
12-in-1 Game Table is awesome! I’d love to win the logs though
lincoln logs
I can’t believe they have a Mrs. Beasley doll!!! My friend had one of those over 30 years ago! I haven’t even heard tell of the TV show being aired in years and years. Thanks for the walk down memory lane…and for the giveaway, of course!
Wow, brings back memories. I remember the lincoln logs, but according to my brother, they were his, not mine. The lite brite, but I do not remember it being a cube. Oh, and the tinkertoy set. Candyland and Chutes&Ladders also bring back memories. I think I still have those board games in a box somewhere. Thanks for the memories.
The Foam Maverick Pogo Stick reminds me of the pogo stick that I received for my 10th birthday. Even though it was raining, I spent the whole day outdoors playing with it. I still have it…I’m just a sentimental fool!
I used to have a ton of Raggedy Ann and Andy stuff!
I like the Deluxe Workbench and John Deere wheelbarrow for Jasper.
My girls had Rock’em Sock’em Robots and they just loved them!
I had a Creepy Crawlers Workshop as a kid . Brings back memories!
When I was little I loved Raggedy Ann and Andy. I had my room decorated with them and I remember a throw rug that was in my room with them on it. I even had the garbage can. What great memories. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway.
I am nostalgic for the Mrs. Beasley Doll. I had one as a child and this brought back memories for sure. If I were to win, my son would love the Lincoln Logs though.
I loved teetertotters and my girls would have a blast teetering back and forth on the Fun Rocker N’ Bench. Thanks!
the Plush Spring Horse was awesome, though i love The Ultimate Fire Station
I always wanted Raggedy Ann & Andy when I was a little girl
Seeing the Rock’em Sock’em Robots brings back memories when my brother and I usde to play for hours with them pretending to be hitting each other 🙂
Rock’em Sock’em Robots
I love lincoln logs!
Oh boy…Rock’em Sock’em Robots….memories!!!!
The ultimate firestation is so cool! I entered they’re drawing with a picture of my cabbage patch kids. I still adore them!
Thanks for the entry
tonyamcrain [at] aol [dot] com
I really like the old century baseball game. It reminds me of the games at the arcade.
I would love the Old Century Baseball Game for my son and my uncle…can you imagine, my uncle has the playing card version of this game, frrom the early 1900’s, where you just pick cards to play the game…how excitng…my uncle would love this updated game to play! He has seen nearly a century of life, and what a joy he is!
Thanks for the memories!!
im nostalgic for the Mrs. Beasley Doll
Item #: 5915 it was y favorite birthday present as a kid 🙂
I would love the Old Century Baseball Game for my boys. I love receiving this catalog in the mail during the holidays. It’s my favorite.
I love the corn popper push along. I remember it as a kid and wish I had gotten this for my son. What a great website.
I remember my pogo stick well, what fun! I see they have Rock Em Sock Em Robots too. My DH can still tell you that is the one thing he wanted as a kid that he never got. I would love to win the Lincoln Logs for my little boys.
Definitely the Skittles game! We used to fight over that every time we visited my grandmother’s house.
Plush Spring Horse is my favorite! I remember playing on mine for hours. I had a set of six shooters and a red cowboy hat and cowboy boots. I wore the springs completely out on my Horse. I’d like to see my granddaughter have a chance to experience that! She is only 8 months old right now. but she could get on the horse in a couple of months. I prefer the Raggedy Dolls.
I can remember playing with Lincoln Logs when I was a kid. That was a long time ago too. They are still a wonderful toy for any kid of any age. Raggedy Ann and Ann never get old either. I still love them tons!!!!
I remember playing Clue when I was a kid. What a great game!
sit and spin
my favorite toy at my grandparents was the lincoln logs…wet didn’t have any at home, which made them more special. I remember spending hours playing with them and the tinker toys she kept for us.
Tinker Toys are the best
God bless our troops
chatty cathy.
lincoln logs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved Lincoln Logs, those were my favorite toy
They have great things. I am nostalgic for a slinky and I know my son would love lincoln logs! thanks for the chance, justicecw@hotmail.com
My brother had Lincoln Logs and I always coveted them!
Thank you!
I loved these as a kid and I know my girls would love them too.
Lite Brite Cube, I use to play with this for hours.
Definitely the Lite Brite Cube!
mikaroni at gmail dot com
That Classic Row Cart is bringing back memories. My friend got one of these for Christmas one year and I was SO JEALOUS. I never got one but simply ADORED riding hers……
I have alwalys loved anything Raggedy Ann and Andy.
the rock’em sock’em robots my brother and I used to play for hours!!
I had Shoot the Moon and Brio Labyrinth and we were just talking about what ever happened to them. I miss the old toys
my brothers and I played with Lincoln Logs
Rock’em Sock’em Robots brings back memories-the boys had them
Hoola Hoop.
I loved Lincoln logs as a child. They were so much fun. Thank you!
Fashion Designer – I had one of those as a kid and loved it!
I always wanted a Lite Bright.
I’m following you on Twitter.
I have your button on my blog.
I entered the contest, but it hasn’t shown up yet. It is a picture of my little girl (about 3 1/2 at the time) with MY old Cabbage Patch doll.
I liked baton twirling and hoola hoops & Lincoln Logs when I was young! Great giveaway! Thanks!
The Lite Brite Cube was one I loved as a kid. Never see them anymore.
The Lincoln Logs are super classic that all kids love.
ardy22 at earthlink.net
I love the lincoln logs !
my boys would love the lincoln logs
I would love to win the Lincoln Logs.They bring back a lot of good memories.
OMG…They have a Fisher Price – Two Tune Television!!! I remember playing with mine as a kid!!! Yes, I am that old!!!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
I’m nostalgic for Lincoln Logs because I used to play with them growing up.
Lincoln Logs!
The Ultimate Fire Station
I would love the Raggedy Ann & Andy set.
Wow! So many memories…Rock’em Sock’em Robots that belonged to my brother and he wouldn’t let girls play with them, the Snoopy Sno-Cone maker, the Tinker Toys, Spirograph….so much fun!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I had the Evel Knievel Super Stunt Set as a kid. I can’t believe they have it for sell!
Raggedy Ann was always one of my favorites.
The Raggedy Ann and Andy Boxed Set. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to play with Barrell of Monkeys again!
enter me
I am nostalgic for the Raggedy Ann and Andy!
The Lincoln Logs and TinkerToys are what I am nostalgic for.
light bright was cool!
I am nostalgic for the Lite Brite.
I miss playing with the Mousetrap game.
lite bright and Hammer Bench are ones I remember from my childhood and I’m pretty nostalgic for. So many memories in that shop! definite bookmark!
Wow, talk about nostalgia – I didn’t know they still had Lincoln Logs available. Growing up, we used them as a blueprint (so to speak) where we actually built two small log cabins. And I know just the toddler to pass them on to 🙂
The Creepy Crawlers sure bring back memories. I use to love those and glad to see them again. Thank you so much!
I gotta go with Ann and Andy. Mom and I use to make these together for the little ones ( my 8 younger siblings). It was not until I was 30 that Mom finally made me one.
My son would love build log cabins with lincoln logs
I love CLUE and, of course, the Lincoln Logs.
I miss Light Bright!
I always wanted an Easy Bake Oven growing up, but never got one. These last few years I’ve seen them back on the market and am sometimes tempted to get one now!
love my raggedy ann and andy These toys bring back memories
I would love to win the Lincoln Logs. They’re so versatile and encourage kids to use their imagination. My boy would get as much out of them as I did.
I liked block city and a train set
would love to win the dolls
That was fun shopping there, I remember so many toys, the Fisher Price clock, the squeeze out game (it used to be called boobie trap), Shoot The Moon…I want the Lincoln Logs. My son recently asked for them.
I’m nostalgic for the game Clue. I loved that!
I Would Love To Have The Arcade Crane Game
I love these old games and toys!! Classic Bingo is my favorite 🙂
I loved playing with Shrinky Dinks!
My brother and I loved the Rock’em Sock’em Robots when we were kids. It is a great toy!
Lincoln Logs have always been a favorite. grreat construction toy.
My husband just turned 65. I cannot tell you how many times he has waxed poetic over his boyhood Lincoln Log set. Maybe that’s why he grew up to be such a builder. This summer he built a two bay garage, plus shop. Now that the dreary, drippy winter months have set in, it would be a treat to surprise him with the Bicentennial Edition set of Lincoln Logs. : )
I like Lincoln logs.
I have two that I am nostalgic for- the Magic 8 Ball and Slinky. I had lots of fun with those!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
I forgot to add that I would like the Lincoln Logs. sorry!
I’m nostalgic for the Rock’em Sock’em Robots.
I love, love, love The Ultimate Fire Station!!! : ))) Perfect for my ds!!! : ))) He would so enjoy this magical toy!!!
Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
YAHOOOO!!! I am now following you on TWITTER….username: leahita!!! : )))
Thanks again for the give~away! : )))
Raggedy Ann and Andy
I love the shrinky dinks enchanted forest i loved shrinky dinks as a kid plus i love the mrs beasley doll
Fun Rocker N’ Bench looks like a blast!
Tinker Toys!
I love the Lincoln Logs.. Please enter me 🙂
I love the “Ultimate Firestation”.
Lincoln logs are an all time favorite.
As a child of the seventies I can think of a dozen or more favorites, but my all time favorite I miss the most is the Spirograph. The original one with the tiny little pins we wouldn’t let children play with today.
I have such fun memories of the game of Mousetrap…classic toys are truly the best.
I loved my Big Wheel more than anything.
My son would love the Lincoln Logs. 🙂