In our house, going green started with small, simple choices. We asked the city for a recycling bin, stopped buying bottled water, and started reading labels. It wasn’t until I got pregnant with my son that I really committed to conservation. I had read the articles about BPA and children..I had seen the news reports about lead in toys…I had dialogued with colleagues about parabens and phthalates. I never even thought about NOT buying him something that was natural…organic…eco-friendly.
As a parent, I recognize the importance of play…the learning opportunities play presents. I also recognize the amount of “waste” toys can potentially create. Plastic, batteries, and packaging are just a FEW of the by-products of toys. One company is raising awareness of environmental issues by providing parents with toys that are safe for our children and the environment they’re growing up in. Green Toys Inc., the leader in safe, environmentally responsible, USA-made toys, uses 100% recycled plastic milk containers to make their toys. Green Toys utilizes recycled plastic to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. You could spend a lot of time expounding on the subject of recycling with your children…all while planting a garden or cooking a meal. I like the company’s toys because they’re made in the “greenest” way possible and they encourage imaginative, open-ended play. Stay tuned for my review, in the next few days!
This week, stop by for more tips on “doing something green” in honor of Earth Day!
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