This contest is now over. Thank you for stopping by and entering. The winners are Becky Grayson and Kelley Hilborn. I have to say your stories were hilarious! Here are Becky and Kelley’s stories:
Becky: I was so embarrassed when my oldest son had a BLOW OUT of monsterous proportions at, of all places, a resturant. It was HORRIBLE. It was running down his legs and into the seat of the booth where we were sitting. And the SMELL. Ugh just thinking about it. But luckily we hadn’t ordered our food yet so after cleaning it up and running most of their customers off we left a very large tip on the table and hightailed it out of there.
PS We have never eaten there again.
Kelley: The funniest/more interesting/most disturbing diaper changing incident happened with my daughter about a year and a half ago. I was changing her obviously dirty diaper, and it was a mess. In order to get it all cleaned, I had to lift her up a little off of the changing table and use the whipes to clean up everything. As her little bootie was up and my head was down, she had another little incident. Luckily, I moved my head out of the way in time, but the closet door(four feet away) and everything in between got covered in some colorful stuff. I couldn’t do anything other than stare, and call for my wife.
Now that my son is about two months old, I have some more interesting stories, but that one will never leave my memory I think.
It’s not too often you see a nicely dressed businessman, tie and all, getting down and dirty with diapers. I’d rank it right up there with all of the other things we only dream our husbands would do. Huggies‘ Geyser commercial is a hilarious depiction of its diapers’outstanding leakage protection properties.
But how did they do it? How did all of that pee come from one tiny baby? Huggies takes you behind the scenes with a rare look “Inside the Diaper.” How did this whiz kid delivery such a golden performance? Take a look:
It isn’t easy being all cute and smiley and having to wee like a racehorse. But he did it…He hit the mark. The result is a brand, tested and proven, to keep your baby comfy and dry. We’ve all been there…incoherently changing those sheets for the third time at 2 am after your baby has just evacuated everything you think possible from it’s tiny little body.
Win It! Here is your chance to try Huggies diapers and wipes. Thanks to M80 and Kimberly Clark, two readers will win five coupons each (three Huggies diaper coupons and two Huggies wipes coupons). The diaper coupons are good for 1 Jumbo Pack of Huggies Diapers and the wipes coupons are good for 1 Huggies wipes 64 count or larger, Bath & Body Product, Cleanteam Product or Changing Pad. In order to enter, you must tell me your funniest, most outrageous diaper changing story. Maybe your child had a blowout at the most inopportune time or your diaper didn’t deliver. It doesn’t have to be long…one or two sentences will suffice (be sure to leave it in the comments section with your contact info). Just make me laugh! I’ll choose two winners at random and announce them here on September 24, 2008 (so get your comment in before then). One comment per person, please. US residents only. Duplicates and comments not including the above information will be disqualified. Comments are moderated. If you don’t see your comment in a reasonable amount of time, send me an email. Bloggers and non-bloggers may enter. If you don’t want to leave your email address, please be sure to check back for my announcement on the winner. Please note that winners must respond within 48 hours of being announced/contacted or another winner will be drawn.
RULES: This contest is only open to contestants in the 50 United States of America (coupons are only valid in U.S.A.) Click here read the rest of the contest rules before entering.
Legal Disclaimer: By entering this contest and/or accepting any Huggies® Brand coupons, you agree to release and hold harmless Huggies, Kimberly-Clark, M80, and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates, from any and all liability that may arise as a result of the coupons or for any claims. These coupons are not for resale.
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what a great savings in money; would love to win
I’m lovin it!!!!!
Like to win we have two kids in Huggies
would love to win, thanks
We only use Huggies so this would be fantastic!
I am a mom of four! I would say the worst diaper story would be when I ran out of diapers, and it happened with each baby at one point or another. I had to improvise. That’s what we moms do best. Thanks for the giveaway!!
So practical, I love it.
I’d love to win but to be honest I don’t have a diaper story. My kids are long grown up and so far my 1 year old grandson hasn’t had any blowouts that I know of. He’s peed on me a couple of times but that’s about it. Hope you will let me be entered anyway!
could use this.
when my husband finally got the courage to change him it was so funny
Thank you so much for this very useful giveaway.
I guess my funniest story would be when just a few weeks ago, my husband, who works long hours and is often not home, helped me by changing my sons diaper. Little did I know, that after he changed my sons diaper, instead of throwing the diaper into the diaper pail, my husband put it into the laundry hamper. You see where this is going….the next day, I did the laundry. What a mess! The diaper had torn apart and became attached in little pieces to all the clothes. When my husband came home from work, I explained to him that one is a diaper pail and the other a clothes hamper. lol
Thanks so much for offering this giveaway.
My DIL is pregnant again and will have 2 babies in diapers and can use all she can get. She’s a total Huggies fan!
not remembering to grab a diaper when leaving the house…we were out in the middle of nowhere with my DS.
he had a BM and it was turning messy. so we pulled over to clean him up. we had to use a maxi pad and an old tshirt, just to get him home. the maxis work alot better then we had thought it would! thanx!!
I’d love to win this for the new baby! When my daughter was little, we decided to let her “air out” after going in the pool at a hotel, she decided to go doodoo right on the floor in front of the sliding glass doors right as my parents walked up!!
My mom was changing my then new born son’s diaper before he was done filling it. He projectiled poop accross the room. She never changed his diaper too soon again!
I was half asleep and in the middle of changing my son, he sneezed and pooped all over me and the bed. I refuse to sleep in poop so I had to do alot of cleaning in the middle of the night.
My funniest diaper changing story is about my little brother. Our Mom had become ill and was hospitalized when he was only 10 days old. We had to stay with cousins and they were a family of 4 girls. The youngest, Rachel, was only about 4 and she was being very curious and wanting to hang around while their babysitter changed Robert’s diaper. The babysitter, Judy, kept trying to get Rachel to go and play, and finally she said “Rachel, if you don’t go, I’m going to make Robert pee on you.” She then removed his diaper, and low and behold, Robert did exactly what she had threatened! It was so funny, because Rachel believed Judy really had made him do it!
I went out with my friend Ashley and her 3 mo. old (at the time) baby, Ryan. We were going to stop by the grocery store and decided he needed a diaper change before we went in…boy did he ever! He had had a complete blow out! We went through 5 diapers before we had him good to go. We ran out 1/2 way through all the changings so I ran in the store to get more diapers. It was funny and disgusting. He’s a little poop monster!
When you have already had three kids the diaper accident stories get too many to tell. I can say I was shocked the first time the poo shot up the back of my baby’s outfit after we introduced solid food. And what a smell. Of course since I have had all boys that pee leaks are common, usually when I just put a new shirt on or a fabulous outfit to go out. My youngest seems to be a pro at finding the slightest gap in the diaper to aim his pee at in the hopes of getting me wet. At least he has a cute smile, makes it easy to forgive and forget. Thanks for the great contest!
changing diapers kicks in my ‘gag’ reflex, keeping me well away from the action
I went to check on the baby and diaper fell off during her nap. Mess was EVERYWHERE. Little sister calmly stated “Looks like a diaper explosion”
My diaper story would be when I was babysitting and I was trying desperately to get the big safety pin to get through all the layers of cloth. Finally, someone had to come and help me! Thank goodness for disposable diapers with sticky tabs!
This would be almost as good as a second honeymoon for me! Thanks for a most generous contest!
My funniest diaper changing story isn’t when I changed the diaper…but WHY it needed to be changed!
When I was seventeen I was playing with my 1 yr old nephew in the back yard…..It was sunny, the birds were singing, the grass was green and it seemed a page out of a Disney Book. I thrust him upon my shoulders and pranced around the yard…..I was such a good aunt, I let him grab the leaves off a tree and pull an apple off (not quite ripe as I remember it) and then “the giggle”….followed by a smell of unbearable and unimaginible proportion. I had to get him off right quick….Well as I entered the house my sister & father were awry with laughter. I had poo all in my hair and down my neck. It was disgusting!!! At 17 this was a life altering moment.
I now have 3 boys of my own and don’t buy store brand diapers as a result!
When I first brought my son home I was new to diapering. It took me a couple of wet outfits to figure out that you had to be careful which way his peepee was pointing when you fastened the diaper. I made him into a human fountain.
diaper that
One of the better ones was not one that directly happened to me, but my husband. I also did not hear about this until MONTHS after the fact…
While I was at work, my hubby and then infant daughter were home alone. Our sweet little girl had one of her huge blow outs, and daddy dutifully changed and cleaned her up. He then reached down to grab a new diaper, but couldn’t find one…ANYWHERE. He began to panic as he realized there is no real way to contain the flow of baby pee and poo with out a diaper, so as he is rummaging through our cabinets, a light bulb comes on. He grabs some of my hospital sanitary napkins (you know, the ones the size of a car floor mat) and ties them around the baby’s waist and bottom. Crisis was averted as he made a quick diaper run and daddy learned a lesson: Make sure all supplies are in stock before staying home alone with the baby!
We are going to have a new baby in December
The worse was when our son, who is so fast, got his hands in the poo and was all over the place with that hand by the time I got a hold of it.
When son in law changed baby and later we found a big poo on the floor which must have fallen out of the diaper!
we really need this
When My last baby was born, he came out peeing all over everyone, Like he was saying take that all you people.
I was changing my newphew and had the old diaper off when I realized my sister hadn’t refilled the changing table drawer with diapers. So, I had to pick him up and go to the closet to get more and while doing so he started to go again! Nice little mess I had to clean up.
We were changing my grandson in the back room at the cathedral right after his baptism. Of course he started to pee and I happened to be holding the little stuffed duck with a prayer embroidered on it that the priest had given the baby. I instinctively covered his little weiner with the duck which also got thoroughly ‘baptized’ that day.
changing diapers kicks in my ‘gag’ reflex.
I would really like to win. the first time i brought my son home from the hospital hubby decided to try to be a nice guy and change baby’s diaper. Hubby was immediately “christened” and never changed another diaper for the rest of his life.
I have boys so naturally I have been peed on several times during diaper duty.
My funniest diaper changing story was when my mom had come after my son was born. We were in there changing him together. First when I took his diaper off, he decides to poop with such explosive force that it got on the armoire next to the changing table. Then while we were cracked up about that , he decides to pee all over my mom. We were laughing so hard that it made my mom pee too 🙂 poor mom
Huggies are great
All we use
My daughter in law went to change my granddaughter. She thought she had just urinated. So she placed her on my leather couch. Pulled the diaper away from her but it was filled with poop. Needless to say, there was poop everywhere except for the diaper now. My couch needed some good cleaning and so did the mom and baby.
One time my son unfortunately got the same stomach bug as my husband and I got, and well – It was one big huge poop mess (or a few rather) for a few days, poor little guy 🙁 Anyway, I wish I could say that the diapers had excelled…but No. At least not until we “double-diapered” him, then all was fine and dandy! Its a great tip BTW, for any baby who just cant keep it in the diaper…try two! 😉
Cant wait to change diapers! My fiancee and I just found out we are expecting after we thought we had to seek fertility treatments
When our daughter was born in 1971,disposable diapers were NEW! The new Dad took his first diaper changing turn.When he brought Whitney back in she had masking tape around her body holding the diaper on!
With my first baby being a boy, I was not prepared for the “geyser”. He hit me right in the face!
The funniest/more interesting/most disturbing diaper changing incident happened with my daughter about a year and a half ago. I was changing her obviously dirty diaper, and it was a mess. In order to get it all cleaned, I had to lift her up a little off of the changing table and use the whipes to clean up everything. As her little bootie was up and my head was down, she had another little incident. Luckily, I moved my head out of the way in time, but the closet door(four feet away) and everything in between got covered in some colorful stuff. I couldn’t do anything other than stare, and call for my wife. 🙂
Now that my son is about two months old, I have some more interesting stories, but that one will never leave my memory I think.
My funniest story has to be with my youngest. You’d think this being the fith child (and boy), my dh would remember you can’t leave him exposed for too long. It took me several minutes to stop laughing, after Joshua pee’d all over my dh. 🙂 lol
I am fortunate enough to not have too many horror stories! Last time hubby watched our son, he put the diaper on backwards and then even told me later on, I think I put it on backwards (so…fix it? no- mommy had to) thanks!
The day my oldest daughter was born is our funniest diaper story. Her father was all spiffed out in his AF dress blues after running home to change and he gave her her first actual diaper change.
Not sure how many of you know this but that first diaper is a doozy and the nurses usually handle it, but her dad got this one and he apparently lifted her bottom a little higher than he needed to.
The black goo poo from hell got everywhere on him, and I do mean everywhere and the nurses and I were laughing hysterically as he was covered- shirt, tie, jacket, pants shoes. The shoes he got clean, but it was so gross the nurses got him some dr scrubs to change into and he tossed that outfit as the cleaners wouldn’t touch it.
All of the girls have gotten him in one way or another, but that was the most hysterical – probably not to him though.
My funniest story just happened recently. We were in the process of moving from Oregon to Arizona and in my truck was my dad, me, and my 3 kids. We had stopped at a gas station to fill up and I decided to go change my son. Of course, my 2 girls had to come with as well. We walked into the restroom and there was no changing table and the floor was too filthy to lay him down on a changing mat. So, I decided to change him on the diaper mat in his car seat. Bad decision. Everything was going okay until he decided to pee. But, by this time I had already started cleaning him up. So, as soon as I pushed his diaper back to cover him, my oldest daughter freaked out – grabbed her little sister and crammed themselves into the farthest corner of the bathroom-away from their brother. I had to get my oldest daughter (after lots of coaxing) to carefully pull out the diaper mat as I lifted him (my son is not light…he’s almost 25 lbs.) so I could get him clean and she could wash off the mat. Of course, as soon as I pulled him out of the car seat…he started grunting. I had to react quick and I had no other option but to put him on the toilet. So, here I am holding my almost 7 month old son on the toilet, my oldest daughter is washing/rinsing off the diaper mat, and my other daughter wanting to know what’s going on. I was finally able to get my son cleaned up and ready to go back into his car seat (which never got anything on it…thank goodness). We finally walked out of the bathroom to find my dad waiting right outside the door. Turns out this was the only bathroom at the gas station. After we got back into the truck, I realized there was another gas station right next door. I asked my dad why he pulled into this one then. His answer was that it was 2 cents cheaper per gallon and by doing that we saved 38 cents on our fill-up. After that answer, I proceeded to tell him what I had to deal with in the bathroom and next time I think we could afford to spend the 38 cents for a better restroom.
I was so embarrassed when my oldest son had a BLOW OUT of monsterous proportions at, of all places, a resturant. It was HORRIBLE. It was running down his legs and into the seat of the booth where we were sitting. And the SMELL. Ugh just thinking about it. But luckily we hadn’t ordered our food yet so after cleaning it up and running most of their customers off we left a very large tip on the table and hightailed it out of there.
PS We have never eaten there again.
I was trying my best to look like a sophisticated, together mom at a jewelry store. I carried my baby in and was looking at the fine jewelry. The salesclerk said, “Uh, there’s a little something.” I had no idea what she meant by that, so she pointed at my baby’s back. Bubbling over the top of her diaper was her most fragrant loose BM. I was mortified, so much for looking like I had my **** together.
With 1 y.o. Triplets, you know I could use the Huggies.
I was sitting in a waiting room waiting to talk to someone about a house I was going to rent. It was the interview. Well my daughter was 6 months old and i dressed her in a very cute ducky dress.. My best friend was with me because she drove me. Well I went in to the interview and Bre was sitting on my lap and all of a sudden she let out a huge fart…. 2 minutes later she had poop everywhere… It was the worst mess and smell ever… the interviewer told me that I could go change her.. I gave her to my friend and went back in!
I remember my son’s first diaper change at the hospital. We opened up his diaper only to see pee shoot a few feet away into the hospital wall. We were very careful at every diaper change after that!
When one of our newborn twin sons came home from the hospital, we immediately had a problem. He was constipated.
Upon the advice from the ped, we picked up some suppositories at the store and made our trek back home. We put our poor innocent child on the changing table on his stomach and took off his clothes in preparation.
I insert half of a suppository into my poor poor child. We held his little butt cheeks together to keep it in for a few seconds. Our plan was to flip him over, put the diaper on and then pray he pooped.
Didn’t work out that way.
Instead, I held his little cheeks together for all of two seconds before we heard a rumble. I looked up at my husband just as I felt something hit my hand and I heard it hit the wall.
Oh my goodness.
We looked down to find our son peacefully asleep finally.. yet poop was all over my hand and arm, the wall, the floor, the changing table.. everywhere. Normally grossed out by such things, I for some reason could only stand there and laugh with my husband for a good ten seconds.
But hey, at least our poor little boy was finally happy and no longer in pain! 🙂