About a month ago, my husband and I went to get your typical physical. It was a routine exam and it ended with my doctor kindly suggesting that I lose 10 pounds before we try to have a second baby. 10 pounds…no big deal right? WRONG! I’ve been trying to lose these last 10 pounds for over a year now. I’ve lost weight in the past with Weight Watchers and exercise. The problem is that now I have a 20 month old who rightly demands all of my attention. I pay for a gym membership every month that I never use. I keep hoping I’ll get time to use it so I don’t cancel it. My husband works alot (50-80 hours a week) and I work 25 hours a week. Trying to fit in daily gym workouts simply isn’t feasible for us. I’ve tried workout videos…I’ve reviewed and even suggested workout videos. Unfortunately I need accountability and motivation and while it’s by no means any fault of the videos, they just don’t work for me in the long run (I do have to say that they can be very effective for people so I definitely think they have value). So that brings me to the same old question I’ve been struggling with for months…how do I find an effective way to workout at home that will motivate, challenge, and generally keep me accountable? I found the answer in the Wii Fit. Over the next several months I’m going to be blogging my progress with the Wii Fit. If you have a Wii Fit, or you have another way you’re planning on losing the weight and getting fit in the new year, let me know and we’ll keep each other accountable. Amanda from Mommy Mandy and Tanya from Mommy Goggles have already started their Fitness Journey with the Wii Fit. Follow them! They’re awesome!
So, I’ve had the Wii Fit for a week now (the one week where all 3 of us caught a nasty virus and kept us in bed for days). Prior to getting sick, I completed my first body test. And wow, it was a shocker. It said that I was overweight (at 135.6 with a BMI of 27.33). After that I completed the balance test which gave me a Wii Fit age of 50. Apparently I’m not only fat, I’m old! With that being said, I made a 2 month goal to lose enough weight to get me to a healthy BMI (24.9) which means I have about 12 pounds to lose. Because I need accountability, I’ll be blogging my fitness journey with the Wii Fit. I’ll be sharing numbers that most women wouldn’t dream of talking about…like weight and size and inches. There is no better way to curb a chocolate craving over the weekend then to have to blog about my weigh loss progress come Monday!
The Wii Fit is unlike any fitness program I’ve ever endeavored. From creating your very own mini Mii (mine has glasses and dark hair just like me) to selecting a personal trainer, it’s very much a personalized way to achieve your fitness goals. The primary piece of equipment is the Wii Balance board which reminds me a lot of a step board except with a scale and a mechanism for sensing balance. You have the option of choosing activities in four different categories: Aerobics, strength training, balance (which I totally stink at), and yoga. I am aiming at spending at least 20 minutes a day working on my fitness goals (did you know that the recommended amount of exercise in one week is 15o minutes?). The more you work out with Wii Fit, the more fitness credits you’ll accumulate to unlock new games (cool huh?). The program keeps track of your progress and remembers which activities you like to do regularly. You can also store up to 8 family members profiles (my husband and I are going to work on our fitness goals together).
There is a ton of stuff I haven’t even told you yet about Wii Fit (like how I got hit in the head with a shoe or fell off of a tighrope)…you’ll just have to wait until next week (or you can purchase one yourself if you can get your hands on one). Since I was told today by Wii Fit that I’m a “couch potato,” I must log off and get on with my journey! See ya next week!
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You are so not fat! And I cannot believe it said your fitness age was 50. That is kind of shocking to me. I would really love to have one of these, it sounds like a fun way to lose weight and get fit. I can’t wait to hear more about it. Good Luck!
Come join the Wii Fit Mommies in the Cool Mom Guide to Fitness Forum! We’d love your kind of inspiration and enthusiasm and have no problem with blog promotion in there. We’re there to love 🙂
Scratch that, You’re already in there! WOOO!!!!
Great post. I should take the journey with you. I’ve got about that much to lose and my Wii Fit age was also 50. Oy! LOL about getting hit in the head with shoes…hits my ego too when the kids are cracking up behind me.
I find the accountability of posting about it every week really helps keep me motivated…that and my whole famn damily is doing it now, Mom and both sisters. Will keep looking for your fitness fridays.
Several of my friends use Wii Fit regularly and love it. I would be such a klutz on it. I’ll have to check it out.
PPFFTT on the age! My hubby is a coach and very well in shape. He is 32 and it said he age was 50 something and obese. Yeah.. uh. There isnt a fat portion in his body. You look adorable and FAB mama! XOXO
good for you caryn!
oh and I don’t agree with the gae thing at all