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Fang Sandwiches
  • 1 Blueberry Pop-Tart
  • Vanilla frosting
  • Mini marshmallows
  • Corn syrup
  • Blue food gel
  1. Cut Pop-Tart in half down the short side. Using a ring mold or knife, cut each half into semicircles.

  2. Place the semicircles frosting side down. Pipe frosting onto the exposed pastry sides, leaving about ¼ inch at the border

  3. Line the edges of one semicircle with mini marshmallows.

  4. TRICK: In that same semicircle, make a tiny well in the center of the frosting. Add a drop of corn syrup and 3 drops of blue food gel to a few sandwiches, guests will only know which is which upon first bite

  5. Cover with the other semicircle, lining up the curved sides and creating a sandwich.